"I Have A Bad Feeling" on Informed Consent

so they can buy up cheap-crash is coming and PM’s only safe place. Zimbabwe going back to gold standard, they don’t want any other countries getting any ideas now.


Speech By General Sir Patrick Sanders Will Not Help That Bad Feeling



Covid Reinfection

I have a question for everyone. So, I had covid caught late January of 2020 on a business trip. Missed a week of work early Feb 2020 due to “some kind of bad flu with no sense of taste and smell”. It was not known that was a covid symptom at the time. However, since having that very early covid version (caught from a colleague from China who was at the conference, yes he was sick at the conference) I have not managed to catch covid again even after prolonged exposure to people with all of the different variants. (Unvaxed and planning on staying that way) so, my question is any other early 2020 covid cases on here manage to catch it again? Is it possible that repeat, continual exposure to the different variants has kept my natural immune response “up to date”?


Our Current Leadership

I haven’t stopped laughing at Evie’s comment about turning over our leaders and “composting” them. ? Laughter heals us in these worrisome times if only for a brief moment. Thanks for all the humor you inject in your talks.


Yes. The government here has said they will have a strong promotion this fall for booster shots, hinting at lock downs returning. The propaganda has already started. I presume they will need another dangerous variant to justify this. i dont think they wi get nearly as many boosted as the original campaign. 70% if they’re lucky.
Then there is the whole monkey / small pox pandemic that will be promoted over the next couple years…

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Click to expand, but here’s the link https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F445dc6a2-067c-47ac-9ca2-cba5ecffe480_1652x1077.jpeg


Evie’s Poem

I really appreciated the poem Evie read at the end of the video. I didn’t catch the name of the poem. If someone could let me know what it was I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Similar for me, although I was later in 2020. Geert van den Bossche has said as much - we have enough immunity to fight off the variants before we get too sick, so our immune system is constantly updating. Many who got the mRNA shots are suffering from Antigenic Priming where the immune system is stuck on the “oldies” and never gets hip with the new variants.



Hello Hodge Podge!

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Hi Boudica,
Tell yourself everything will be fine. Map out how it will be fine for you and your mom. Believe it will be fine. Let the world blow up around you, but you will be fine. Fear is very attractive to all of this crap.
It is a special gift that you can take of her. My just passed in late May, and it was hard to go. I took a 3 hr drive (one direction) every 2 weeks to my sister’s to help her and see my mom. It was worth it.
Are you in the US?

No sense of taste or smell is also a zinc deficiency. Sunflower seeds and sun butter are high in zinc, among other readily available simple foods.
Interestingly enough, the US grows a lot of sunflowers and my distributors used to sell US (NYS) sunflower seeds. This year they are selling sunflower seeds from The Ukraine and The Netherlands…hmmm…weird…

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Thank you and I am sorry for your loss. My home is in Arizona and I am in Washington with my mother. I am trying to focus on what I can do to make myself personally resilient and get my family prepared from afar until I can get back home.

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Thank you. My mom was 94, ready to go with a full life lived behind her. She and my sister have been my social life for the past 5 years. I find that when I feel all is lost, I bake bread to get grounded. And my mantra is Everything is fine. Follow the plan. You’ll be fine.
I’m new to this community and it seems fabulous so far. I’m psyched to be here.


Hi Wendy,
We’re about 1/2 hour southeast of you outside the Town of Maine (Newark Valley address). We don’t live there full time yet but are building a homestead.
Dianne (Permiegirl)

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Ev Scam

Good day everyone. I don’t comment too often, so first I’d like to say thank you for all the work you guys do to keep us all informed.
One sentence background. I’ve been in the power production industry for 25 years, and my mom has been in the power distribution industry for 35 years.
One of our biggest rants is about what happens to these batteries when they are used up. If you don’t know, spoiler alert. They get buried under a mountain. There is no way to recycle lead acid batteries. There is no way to recycle lithium ion batteries. You use them and then they are waste that is no better than spent nuclear fuel.
The idea that EVs are the solution is a result of half truths being pushed by mainstream media. No one talks about the amount of diesel the container ships use to get the EVs into the US. No one talks about end of life processes for these batteries. It’s just a feel good solution to keep another giant industry profitable. They destroy the environment so you don’t have to! How’s that for a tagline…
Hmph. Done ranting. Just wanted to put this info out into the ether.
Thanks again for all you do!


Click on the image to enlarge it.
It is indeed unsettling. It would seem this is a pair of whistleblowers who need to come forward with their evidence, if they have not already done so.


Lucky I’m old! As a little girl in the 1960s we’d visit my grandparents in Germany. Needed smallpox vaccine for travel then, so I should be good.

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If you look at what is going on with gas and diesel and DEF “Ie” they are trying to destroy it… and offer EV’s as a solution… What you propose starts to make sense… Everyone who can pays through the nose… buys and EV… those who can’t afford it can’t drive anymore and are forced to use public transport within the next year or 2… Those who landed an EV will be “OK” for a little longer… but then there will be no diesel or gas for the Lithium mining or if their is the mining will be a climate crime… and they will be no more new EV’s and no way to replace the aging batteries… worse yet even if Im rich and buy 10 spare battery packs and try to keep 9 new ones to use once my 1st one dies , it doesn’t do me any good because the battery ages just sitting Then those few 2% who got an EV ~ 2030… won’t be able to drive and have to take public transport. So in the end “THEY” control all movement… they just drain the upper middle class of their last 60k+ to buy a couple more years. I studied in Moscow Russia in 1998 shortly after the wall came down… NOBODY had a car… Except the military and government officials… everybody took buses, subways and trains… that was it… my later to be father in law was a Russian Coronel… and he still had to wait 10 years to get permission to buy a car…" You may be right on the bait and switch here… I’m still trying to find/pick up an “affordable” EV as I think they will find a way to kill gas and diesel for the public in a year or 2 “climate/war/shortage emergency " essential use only truckers police ambulance farmers etc…” a new EV still gets me ~8-10 years… or at least until they come up with a way to confiscate it “for the good of all” and I can set up a solar array in the backyard to charge it.


Pitcher Plant extract cures it