"I Have A Bad Feeling" on Informed Consent

Thanks for the question. When we created the Information Scout level, it was based on customer data that said they wanted access to Part 2 at an affordable rate. That’s what we created. Obviously, we offer more than Part 2 at the Info Scout level with the additional content from several writers. In terms of accessing forums and other features, like Chris’ Inside Take, we believe the Insider level is worth the cost. (And, new content is coming.) We are working to make sure you’ll enjoy it and learn a lot too. Check out the Membership page to see what features each subscription level gets.

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Evictions In Blue States

Regarding the CA rent laws. In our state we had to hire an attorney to convince the court to evict folks who hadn’t paid their rent in 6 months. When the tenant was asked if his signifiant other lived with him he said “not at the moment–she’s in jail for prostitution!” They left behind thousands of dollars worth of damage and now we have to hire an attorney again to attempt recompense on those damages.
We’ve decided that commercial rentals are preferable because the downside is less.


Mark_bc…I recently bought sarracenia purpurea (pitcher plant) so I could make a tincture. Sadly, the plant is not doing well. I’ve got to figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Yup, “something” Is In The Air

Wow, thanks for this live cast.
Currently on a small holiday in sunny Greece. I’m doing my utmost best to make sure my child, his girlfriend, and my wife enjoy themselves. I have “the feeling” that this could be their last “careful” episode in the coming years. I personally “feel” that our European idiotic leaders will dismantle our society. Either via their covid, green energy craze, or via a hot war with Russia. Either way, I’m 80% confident that this summer and/or winter will be “live changing”.
A couple of weeks ago this kind of depressed me. Now I’m over it. I find a lot of strength in a phrase that made a deep impression on me. To paraphrase it: “saving a single life, is like saving the world”. I narrowed it down to three (excluding myself as I’m not worried for myself). I discussed, warned, gave my opinion as much as possible. Luckily a handful of people “opened their minds and eyes”. The rest either declared me batshit crazy (behind my back), or they went full blown “follow the science” of fraudci, or his Dutch counterparts. I decided to “let them loose”.
As I consider my life in this netherworld as one of many, I keep on focusing on my contribution to a better world after this sh@t show. I consider this my “assignment”. That, and taking care as much as possible of my loved ones.
But my heart bleeds for all these people that are either incapable, or blind to what is happening, and to what will come.
Btw, the Netherlands is the 5th foodexporter in the world. So yes, this will add to the world wide food shortages.


For sure! No need to doubt it. It never was, and never will be about health. The best way to transit to another economic paradigm, is by controlling the herd. Fear, and the solution, the covid pass and the promised related “benefits” will play a hugh role in this. Will they succeed? Maybe not, but a hot war could help there…


I’ve seen claims that the shot has to be within the last three years ?‍♀️/?‍♀️

I’d pet sit to use a freeze dryer! My neighbor has one but runs it nonstop for herself.
I agree barter is great. We have wonderful neighbors and basically don’t even “keep tabs.” We exchange goods and services freely. We have eggs, they have canning jars. They have a bulldozer, we have a backhoe.


My family was sick in November/December 2019 with symptoms that, in retrospect, seem like Covid. (Husband worked at a large federal facility and was military so it could have been C).
We weren’t sick with anything at all, even the tiniest sniffle, until something that was relatively minor in May. Husband worked around lots of people the whole “pandemic.” In May, Husband was more sick than me. I had a sore throat for a few days and fatigue one day before lunch. Symptoms lined up with “Omicron,” but we never tested. Why when it wouldn’t have changed what we did to treat? I used gargles and nasal sprays religiously, husband kind of ignored and was more sick for longer. Daughter wasn’t very sick. She had some congestion and cough, never a fever or apparent fatigue. A total anecdote, but there it is in case anyone is interested.

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Hmm. I think that the whole idea of “one person- one car” will be coming to an end soonish. Hopefully some form of regional-local trucking will still continue. If you are the only one with an EV, you may be painting a target on your back, depending on the social/security situation. Personal mobility will become much more local. Trains and busses for longer distances sounds OK to me. Electric bikes! Aloha, Steve


Well said Chuck. Yep, it’s slow. Yep, it needs to be done. Yep, you are going to encounter push back.
Solution for the predicament: Keep on keepin on …Yep!
The local PP ‘tribe’ here in the Sierra Nevada Mts. was discussing the excess mortality issue redcently. Here is a comment I received today:
" A WWOOFer we have with us right now, Craig, today called the funeral home associated with the crematorium on Harvard Mine road. He asked them if the number of deaths they have seen in the past year has been higher. The guy said yes, that they’ve cremated about 500 bodies in the past year, compared to a normal of about 350. He didn’t know what to attribute the increase to and says they don’t receive info about the Covid vaccine status of a body before cremation.
500/350 = 1.43
There’s that “40%” number again.
Thought you might be interested."
This is how the data becomes common knowledge in our little community!


We have a small collection of Honda 70-110 cc scooters. They have been moving the third world for years.


on the surface maybe, but my wife grew up in soviet union… they had a few extra requirements you might not be ok with.

  1. Everybody had an internal passport you had to carry with you at all times, police could stop you whenever for nothing if you didn't have your passport you went to prison... you might go anyway if the cop didn't like what he saw and wanted a bribe and you couldn't pay him off
  2. you couldn't move to a new town.. you were assigned a flat and a job and a location NO moving on your own...IF they needed somebody somewhere else for something else.. they picked who that was and where they would go.. you were stuck ..locked down... think army and drafted if you like
  3. Most travel was discouraged...usually you had to get approval... if you worked a really good government job you got a week vacation where they said when they said... My father in law being a Coronel got train tickets and week at a hotel in the black sea... think of this as a prepaid all inclusive vacation voucher
  4. Trains/buses/subway broke A LOT... no incentive communism. meant stuff was no maintained until it broke and that took forever.
  5. Fair on the EV being a target....but electric bike, regular bike, heck even food next year may make you a target... hard to say you roll the dice...

work great if they don’t eliminate gas "suppose you could make alcohol " unless they make the combustion engine illegal and a climate crime…

I have not managed to catch covid again even after prolonged exposure to people with all of the different variants. (Unvaxed and planning on staying that way) so, my question is any other early 2020 covid cases on here manage to catch it again? Is it possible that repeat, continual exposure to the different variants has kept my natural immune response “up to date”?
That is a complicated question. One thing I am wondering lately is whether our use of Vitamin D and other daily supplements to aid innate immunity tend to limit the depth of trained immunity we get from an infection. I have been thinking about this since recently Chris announced his second infection in so many months... likely he did original Omicron, now the newer BA4/BA5 version. Stated in other terms, there are likely grades of natural trained immunity. If you got sick early on, before learning about the benefits of higher Vitamin D levels and early mucosal interventions, for instance, you likely had a pretty noteworthy infection. This is going to leave a person with a strongly trained immunity. With this strong immunity in hand from a very early infection, and later learning about (and taking) high dose Vitamin D.. this is probably the "best" form of natural immunity, i.e. well trained on the one hand, and ready for immediate support of killer T-cells on the innate side thanks to the Vitamin D and other factors. All bets are off if you have had shots since this creates non-neutralizing antibodies that muck up the works. On the other hand if you had never been infected prior to Omicron, like Chris and myself, but you were taking high dose Vitamin D religiously, along with co-factors like Mg and K2, then early treating, you likely had a very easy time of it. I didn't have a fever, nor did I have a sore throat.. just some upper resp. stuff and coughing and tiredness. It's unlikely in my mind that I would have received the depth of trained immunity that someone who had a more raging infection would receive. I am not going to stop Vitamin D nor hesitate to aggressively early treat any new exposures - so I am not going to test my hypothesis. My hypothesis does though stand as a means to explain why Chris got sick twice, and why Mysterymet may not ?

It’s That Creepy Feeling

I share your uneasiness Chris!
It is more than just a sense that all is not well. It’s been not well for a long time but I too am feeling like whatever is coming next is speeding up.
When we were ordering our seed potatoes this year I ordered 25% more. I had a feeling they would be needed.
I’m building an automated compost tumbler. I’ve had the design done and parts on hand for over a year. Last week I knew … gotta get that tumbler done NOW!
We are finishing up a commercial kitchen which is going to become a tribal ‘membership only’ facility. It’s been slow going to acquire funds/ components/ equipment/ labor/ etc. A friend came up to me last week and said "You know Coop, we have to get that project done and on line …NOW! Yep!!! Fortunately we are down to the floor coating and getting the chase for the hood installed.
We also have 14 - 4’x10 solar thermal collectors installed which will provide hot water for heating the space and our potable water. Next up is to complete the heat exchangers in the drainback tank and get it installed.
I will be bringing info to the PP gathering this Fall about our projects to share with the tribe. Looking forward to it!!


Winter Is Going To Be Bad, But The Future Is Bright For Us

this is one fine example what we do here in europe:
The Kemi bioproduct mill will produce some 1.5 million tonnes of softwood and hardwood pulp per year, as well as many other bioproducts. It will also produce 2.0 TWh of renewable electricity per year, which equals to roughly 2,5 percent of Finnish total electricity production and together with Äänekoski bioproduct mill roughly 5 per cent. The new mill will replace the current pulp mill in Kemi, which has reached the end of its lifespan.
250% energy self sufficient…
Should be ready next year

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I 100% agree… I think trying to find out how we can be more resilient is great… but ultimately if they win they are not going to allow that and come for the remnant the ONLY way I can see to turn this around is to wake up the majority and bring more and more in common knowledge so the majority pushes back and pushed back hard and removes “Them” form power… otherwise we are just trying to move into the back of line…eventually it will be our turn…


Concur. We have 3 generations here in this house. In the compound next door they have 4…


and Yara plants, which make fertilizers said they’ve replaced the Russian natgas with other type of gas and production continues and prices are coming down. MSM here in Finland is hammering news about sustainable organic farming so we don’t rely so heavily on NPK fertilizers

I suspect several factors.
One, we are early to the gold as sound money story and replacement for the dollar. Maybe a few decades early. The price isn’t all that different from 2010 when it was $1,400 an oz.
Two, the Federal Reserve detests gold and probably works with its member banks to push the price down.
Three, the dollar remains very strong when compared to currencies like the Euro and the Yen.
There are others, but I have to run.