"I Have A Bad Feeling" on Informed Consent


That old “uneasy feeling” – FWIW my guess is that by September Lake Mead will go “dead pool” causing millions of refugees without water to head EAST (California etc is pretty dry too.). Maybe Chris should scope out water.
SEE: https://youtu.be/NCBG_aVkv4s 0.

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Heal Yourself & Avoid Pharma Shortages

Yes, stock up on supplements and meds you need. Then work to get yourself off of those meds.
Virtually every disease and disorder can be reversed, even completely healed, if you’re willing to change your diet and habits and put in the spiritual/energetic/mindset work. Check out Dr Sina McCullough https://www.drsinamccullough.com. She has co-authored a book with Joel Salatin (Beyond Labels) and co-hosts a podcast with Salatin. She personally recovered from nearly fatal autoimmune disease and has helped others heal, too. She got her mom from three pages of medications down to 1 single med. She is very evidenced-based and a huge nerd for studies and science.


In 2007 I tried to make the case before various transportation, urban planning, city council and county commissions where I live, that scooters, mopeds and e-bikes could replace a significant portion of car travel.
It would reduce emissions. congestion, reliance on oil, the need for parking where real estate is scarce and most valuable (downtowns, college campuses, the beach), and save people money. Not to mention be a lot more fun than being trapped in a 4 wheel cage.
I sensed eye rolls and internal laughing, and the complete lack of follow-up questions made it clear this was considered a ridiculous idea.
If the US transitioned to 2 wheels a decade ago, the way most of the world has operated for many years, wonder how much better off we’d be?

I hope you do come and talk about your greenhouse and what you’ve learned. You’ve done allot I know Is appreciate hearing more about. And… How are you preserving all that food and/or what are you doing with the extra bounty?

My Bad Feeling

I have visions and sometimes I see things before they happen. I know that’s weird. But about 30 years ago, my sister went to Ukraine as a missionary, I had a vision that indicated that we ( Americans) shouldn’t worry about Russia. China is the one we should fear. I saw a 30 foot tall Chinese temple dog and it’s eyes turned toward me and I felt a feeling of pure hate and a desire to destroy me/us. If someone is going to nuke us, it’s going to be the Chinese. What do I mean by “vision”? My sight is block and in my mind’s eye I see something sort of like a dream. I’ve also had a bad feeling about 2023 for 10 + years. Sorry, I am so weird and primitive. I am just sharing my warning for those who can hear it. I’m not trolling. This is sincere. Sorry it’s not scientific.


Then, Brigitte, it’s most gratifying to me that you found the same Tribe that I did. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
– Chuck

Yo! No-one: are your visions and premonitions what they call “actionable intelligence?” What, if anything, have you DONE because of these visions? What can or should WE do?

Monetary Policy, The $ And Executive Order 14067…

Signed in March and under development, executive order 14067 intends to change and control or to truly protect us? Read for yourself.
If I missed a thread on this forgive me.

Many of the FLCCC doctors also support the use of Hydrogen Peroxide either by nebulization (my favorite as it does the nose, throat, and lungs at the same time) or as a gargle/nasal wash. It cost pennies per day… We had a good discussion on page 4 of this thread a while back about it:


Don’t! Never ever apologize for heightened awareness! This is achieved by living many lives, enduring many hardships!
The fact that the majority of people can only use their really crude senses doesn’t mean that their perception of reality is the right one. The majority vote is only relevant in our physical world. It’s utter nonsense in the context of wisdom, compassion, and in the world at large. The latter I mean literally. Reality is tremendously larger than what most of us are able to perceive with our crude senses.
I too “see” things. I can “see” former incarnations of people, and I “feel” “energies”, both of individual persons, but also of masses…
I learned not to share this with others. It will only scare them, or worse, they will fall back on the primitive dogmas that ruled our society for centuries, and will rule our societies for centuries to come.
An aspect of spiritual growth is existential “loneliness”. But as you might be aware: we are never alone. Literally that is. We are always accompanied by two guardian “spirits”: one on our left side, and one on our right side. Most of the times, they are deceased loved ones, trying to ensure that you will full fill this lives “assignment”. These assignments have nothing to do with worldly achievements; fame, striking it big. It sounds counterintuitive, by these are actually burdens that only a handful are able to carry. For the majority these are huge distractions, and chains to only the simple, physical existence.
I know that this sounds crazy and unscientific: I couldn’t care less. I love science, I’ve published some scientific papers, but to me that’s just “spiel”. A way to distract myself from more serious and deeper matters.
Last but not least: you can even “communicate” with your guardians. The simplest way is to ask one sincere question before you go to bed. Maybe in the form of a prayer, a small meditation, or just a that, a question. The result might be overwhelming for some…
So, I really need to stress this: do not belittle yourself; plus, the dogmatic interpretation used in some forma of Christianity is harmful imo. You were presented a gift as a tolen of love and respect from “our almighty”. It’s up to you to just accept it…


could it not also be caused by a large population of aged people? We should try to find other reasons that make sense.

Jan 2, 2020, our family returned from Whistler, BC, Canada…our daughter went down with what now seems like COVID ,then me, then husband, then the boy. We all had different various levels of response. Our company was essential so we never missed a day of work, we were not fans of masks, and upped our supplement protocol.(as much as you can get teenagers too)?. All of us are unvaxxed. In January, 2022…we all came down with it (now able to test) in the exact order almost to the day as two years ago…kinda weird. Only this time husband had it pretty bad.
fast forward to today…we just got back from Florida vacation and visiting the parks (postponed COVID vacation) with 4 teenagers. All unvaxxed, all prior sars cov 2 cases. One went down w it Thursday, daughter tested positive yesterday, has a fever, aches, and sore throat. Husband, me and the boy all feel great! So….I don’t know. Do they have “COVID” or is this normal flu/cold virus getting its way w rundown kids who have been going non stop since graduation in June? I am the biggest skeptic of the whole thing in our family…. I feel like it’s really winding down in symptoms and deaths and we are just keeping all this stuff around so the have a “label”…
I will also add. In our company of around 45 employees… we had a wave of it around last Dec, early Jan (same time period as our Jan sickness)…. And we just went through another wave of about 10 cases… only 1 was an overlap from January….
just some boots on the streets stuff…

I run a maquila in TJ and we are stocking up also on spare parts.

Thanks, and no worries! We have a bit of a discussion going on this subject on the forum linked below. Come join the discussion there if you care to.

Hi Andrew,
I have to disagree with your statement about lead-acid batteries not being recyclable. Here in TJ there are lots of places that will buy your used/dead lead-acid battery and recycle them.
I do agree that current lithium batteries are totally not recyclable.

Bad Feeling

Does anyone know the Yeats poem (The Second Coming)? I think it encapsulates the “bad feeling” that you, Chris and Evie, and others here feel. Here’s the poem: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43290/the-second-coming

It’s a sign of the liquidity crisis. Best and most liquid assets get liquidated first, regardless of long-term prospects. People are selling gold because they HAVE to, not because they WANT to.


Supply Chain

US Court Ruling May Take 70,000 Truckers Off Road, Spur Jams
Ana Monteiro and Ngai Yeung - Yesterday 5:07 PM
(Bloomberg) – A US Supreme Court decision that could force California’s 70,000 truck owner-operators to stop driving is set to create another choke point in already-stressed West Coast logistics networks, a truckers’ organization said.
“In addition to the direct impact on California’s 70,000 owner-operators who have seven days to cease long-standing independent businesses, the impact of taking tens of thousands of truck drivers off the road will have devastating repercussions on an already fragile supply chain, increasing costs and worsening runaway inflation,” the CTA said.
The association asked the Supreme Court for a review of a case challenging California’s Assembly Bill 5, a law that sets out three tests to determine whether a worker is an employee entitled to job benefits or an independent contractor who isn’t. The trucking industry relies on contractors, and has fought to be exempt from state regulations for years because of federal law.


Law For The People

I found this a few days ago and am intrigued that we have not been educated about our full potential in applying the authority of we the people according to
status, standing and jurisdiction when we don’t allow the government to assume our status. https://youtu.be/FVvtfiTQ1pM

were you going to post a link? Where did you find this?