"I Have A Bad Feeling" on Informed Consent

My mom passed away several years ago after six months of a downward slide. Caring for you elderly parents is hard even when the world isn’t collapsing and it puts you in a strange mindset. At the time I wasn’t religious but I am a firm believer in speak into the universe (praying) what you would like. Just vocalizing what you want and hearing yourself say it has a lot of power and comfort.
My suggestion of what you can do now is to start watching prices. As the recession starts hitting we may get a big glut of product at Walmart/Target/Costco that they will want to unload. Make lists (underwear, sheets, shoes) of what you may want so you can snap them up when they go on sale and have them shipped to you home.

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Bad Feeling, For Awhile

having been around here for awhile i have to say that the bad feeling is a feature here. it has been present since the beginning.

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Hear, hear.
Here’s my contribution to the wake-up. An entertaining essay on the political message about totalitarian takeover, not-so-hidden in Squid Game. The whole show is a warning to the West:
The second half of the essay has a list of inconsistencies and officially disproven falsehoods regarding the covid narrative, the entire point of which was to garner and coerce our misinformed consent. It’s good to read off to your friends :slight_smile:

Guessing About The Next

I am living in Germany and my fear is that we in Nato will go to war with Russia in Ucraine. The propaganda is immense and extremely onesided. The terraine is prepared to do everything to fight this evil Putin. Without direct support from the outside the current war in Ucraine is lost for The West. So our leaders accept loosing or escalate. Hmm…
I just saw an Azov Brigade Banner in a car driving bye. That schocked me.


Something To Consider

I just saw this tonight, and it’s an undeniable truth that almost never gets spoken. “Despite all our accomplishments, we owe our existence to six inch layer of topsoil and the fact it rains.” Without good topsoil and rain, nothing else matters.


Self assembling doomers, get back in the garden. Try not to scare any one in the process.

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Shamans burden.

How Many In Your Irl Circle?

Hi all, a question I’ve long wanted to ask - How many people do you have in your real-life circle who are “aware”? Do you know more than one person that’s in the “tribe,” so to speak, as Chris calls it? I’m curious how many people have found like-minds, and if so was it old friends, or driven by recent events, something else?
I’m curious because I have zero. In real-life, anyway. There’s no one I know in real life that can understand Peak Oil, or the consequences of it. Not even to argue whether it’s correct or bullshit not, just to understand it. And that’s just one issue out of many interconnected issues driving our future. Most people I know in real life have too short an attention span to study a complex topic. Even the “smart” people I know get stuck in the Kubler-Ross stages (usually anger and or denial) and blow up or tune out. I doubt it’s my method of bringing it up, it’s jumping to the conclusions they’ve been pre-primed to think, a lack of critical thinking, a celebration of ignorance that is all too common in the US. I have one friend who is recoils at the word “prepper” though I explained that’s a broad spectrum that ranges from some canned food in the garage to owning a compound.
I don’t get it, because Peak Oil oughta be kind of a good kiddie-pool topic. For the unaware, it is easy to grasp, and it’s not overtly political. It’s simply physics and geology and economics.
I’ve been at this for almost 20 years, give or take. I’ve found a few kindred souls at conferences, but no one geographically close by. I have found some overlap in people who garden, permaculture folks, people who grew up in modest means. I’m not expecting to find people that 100% share my train of thought (wouldn’t wish that on anybody, LOL.) just people to make plans with and trade ideas with. People who will know what to do (or at least try) when the SHTF.
I have one friend in particular who “gets it.” He connects the dots - $20T debt, our military budget and debacles, the endless free stimmies and printing money, the inflated stock market with no real value. He attributes it to incompetence or stupidity. He refuses to see the intentionality of it all, the sociopathy and the mendacity of people in power who asset-strip our nation to cling to their own power. It is a horrifying thing to face. Most people never will. He might get there eventually, and FWIW he’s already “prepping”, perhaps without even realizing why.
It does not help that my circle got smaller because of the Covid debacle. Covid exposed the linear-thinking, anti-logic of the people I thought were “smart”. There are people I’ve shut out of my life. There are others (ones I can’t afford to lose) that we just have to avoid many broad topics, huge gaps in subject matter we have to avoid mentioning. Most of the “smart” people I know dismiss anything outside of the mainstream thought – basically anything outside of what PBS and NPR tells them is conspiracy theory nonsense. 
What are y’all’s’ experience IRL? Have you found it difficult to find like-minded people or do I just live in weird bubble?


Glad to hear. Seems like being in a backwater is an advantage - being farther away from the centers of power money influence.
Glad to hear humor works. I use humor whenever I can, have never tried it on awakening people but mostly just to disarm conversations that are getting tense (so many ppl are easily triggered these days)

“Does a worker bee sense the hive mind?” What imponderable truths lie just beyond our consciousness?”
Smelling the blood and pheromones, hearing the bellows of their folk just ahead, our dinner spirals on towards the kill floor they will see only once, not knowing the means, yet sensing their calamity.
How many layers of time and earth will cover this humanity’s efforts? Their elation, celebration and despair lost to the vagaries of the universe.
Will there be seed?

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Mel Gibson

did anyone else catch Chris’ reference to Mel Gibson’s movie? great movie. no language spoken for the entire time. just action.

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Too Much Wilful Ignorance!

through most of the awake media and KOLs with regards to the scamdemic and food supply issues, there is wwaaayyyy too much wilful ignorance. almost all of them are assigning the catastrophes, pandemics, economic outcomes to bad choices made by unqualified politicians. these people either are unwilling to admit the truth to themselves or are hiding what they know in the hope that they won’t offend their fans. these include Chris, Dr Mercola, Steve Kirsch…
it’s time these people admitted the truth, to themselves and to their fans. none of this is accidental. it’s all part of the plan, and the elites are accelerating their schedule very quickly.
if you pretend that it’s accidental, then you’ll only try to deal with the consequences as they affect you. if you understand that it’s all intentional, you’ll switch to the offensive.
there are a few people working on the offensive, but to win this war, many many more people, especially KOLs and community leaders, need to step up to the plate and begin educating their fans about the truth of the situation.
baby deaths, sterility, ‘sudden death syndrome’, supply chain destruction (not disruption), food chain destruction, fuel supplies – IT’S ALL INTENTIONAL!!!
so… stop being on the defensive. start playing chess (although it’s very late in the game) and begin planning future moves to stave off the elimination of every human being on the earth except for the elites and their serfs.
if Chris understands what is going on but is treading lightly to not offend his fans, then perhaps record separate PP-only videos where we start to strategise. food supply is important (we’re working on that too but nowhere close to the stage of many of you) but the future is in peril if we don’t work on offensive strategies too.
things to strategise to neutralise: chemtrails, EMF from LED street lights, EMF from 5G towers, toxic water, toxic food, toxic fertilisers, toxic medicines. and just as important if not more important, how do we heal people damaged by the culling jabs?
also assume that almost all of the courts are controlled by the elite and will assist in their conspiracy. too many stupid idiots in high places!.. they think they’re special and will be spared from the final culling. how many judges do you need when 90% of the world’s population is dead?
even in the PP crowd, too many people are unwilling to accept the truth.
take care all.


Take Money Off The Table

the only way to avoid inflation and defeat the elite’s plan is to take fiat money off the table. if you barter, inflation won’t affect you. take fiat money out of the transaction chain. the other choice is to create local community-based currencies.
the elites know this. that’s why they’ve been pushing to have all products tagged, including agriculture/food. for “the sake of the earth” and to “prevent climate change”, all food has to be tagged and tracked.
in New South Wales/Victoria, Australia, they’re getting ready to put down laws that prevent people trading food among themselves. and at some stage, they’ll rule that even home gardens are bad for the climate; at least the ones that survive the geo-engineered floods that have been in effect for the last several months and will continue into the foreseeable future.
protect your rights to barter. take money out of the equation. asap.
I once heard of a web site that was set up specifically to make bartering easier by equating products/services directly. does anyone know where that web site is?

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millions of people are living their lives as if everything is normal. if you don’t intentionally look for the unusual, you might not see it. most people won’t wake up until their close circles are directly affected by the unusual. by then, it’ll be too late.

financial assets will all evaporate. they are, after all, imaginary, illusions. that is why the elites are using their financial assets to buy as many real assets as they can.

chaos only exists to those who don’t understand the whole picture. take a step back. look at things on a bigger scale. take a breath. you’ll soon see it.

the best leaders are those who are qualified but unwilling to lead.

I actually have quite a few friends who are “on board” with some if not all of the program. Probably 30% of the people on my contact list are prepping at least to some extent. These are friends both from the service and people I work or have worked with or volunteered with. Could it be that people with a military or emergency service back ground just have an easier time going down that rabbit hole? Also, being an engineer I’ve noticed that other engineers and technical types seem to go down that road easier too. Unfortunately besides my husband and son no other members of my family are in board. Same with his. For different reasons though.
For your friend who gets it but chalks it up to pure stupidity ask him how any government could be this epically stupid and wrong on EVERYTHING. Hell, even if they used a coin flip to make decisions they would have a better winning average.

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war… another mechanism to reduce the world’s population by multiple methods.

“you will own nothing”. the climate change scam is being used to take all petroleum vehicles (I don’t agree with the ‘fossil’ fuels label) off the road. TPTB get multiple benefits from this action; collapse economies, cull the population, monopolise the transport industry, save petroleum for themselves to keep their jets fueled, etc.