"I Have A Bad Feeling" on Informed Consent

i suggest you read the pp mission statement.

Because we are still quite far from this tipping point of understanding, we must first focus on educating. Many people have already reached a place of understanding and assumed responsibility for their futures, but most have not. Once we have achieved a critical mass of people who understand the issues and have taken responsible actions as a result, solutions will find more fertile ground in which to take root.
if only we had time...

Dr. Marvin Minsky — Facing The Future

I was looking up an old friend and band master. Since leaving the music biz he switched to a career in cognitive and computing science. He was always a master of the synthesizers back in the day. He went on to get his PhD at Rutgers under Dr. Marvin Minsky. (See Facing the Future https://youtu.be/w9sujY8Xjro)
I was startled to learn that my old “boss” (ref Bruce Springsteen) then worked at ATT Bell Lab’s Area 11 and IBM’s Watson Research, but then after 2011, he went on to be a knowledge architect at Dow Jones and the NY FED. Then joining the US mil.

Food Freedom And Sovereignty

Join us for a livestreaming event from Mandala Springs that is not to be missed!
Good Forest Abindance
Beginning 3pm July 4
Feathering Joel Salatin and many others
Featuring some of the most prominent leaders in the world; focusing on creating food sovereignty and a collective strategy for supporting true freedom for all!

I do not know what you are referring to but this might be helpful, from Catherine Austin Fitts Solari.com