I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Whether our new poster is the second coming of Frosty, or just another mind-controlled NPC like him… it doesn’t really matter. These factless defenders of the status quo narrative “”“Truth”“” tend to incite me to do better at presenting the actual science. Mr. Truth sets up these factless arguments is ways that actually make no sense. Nobody at PP.com every said ARDs wasn’t bad, or real, or that it does not lead to permanent damage and fibrosis. Indeed, we were talking about these things before most, and these realities drove our collective inquiry into the role that supplements and pharma drugs, mostly repurposed, could play in protecting us from the most damaging phase II and III effects of Covid-19 infection.
New poster Truth(ish) said;

Or maybe the coronavirus is not that dangerous and just take vitamin D and you will be fine. Wow, talk about uninformed. Good luck with that approach. Is it even worth trying to explain common sense to someone who just doesn't get it?
Uninformed? Me? Us collectively? Let's talk Vitamin D, shall we? The more I learn, the more I tend to believe that, for most people who are not too old or otherwise suffering from co-morbidities, indeed if you take enough Vitamin D you will likely come out OK in the face of a Covid-19 infection. The big question is this; How much is enough? This is where it gets interesting. If you have not read the whole thing, I highly recommend anyone who is waivering on taking, or confused about dosing, to read the open letter regarding Vitamin D, now signed by over 200 MD's, PhD's, and MD/PhD's - I want to call attention to one particular passage;
#VitaminDforAll: Over 200 Scientists and Doctors Call For Vitamin D To Combat COVID19 It has been shown that 3875 IU (97mcg) daily is required for 97.5% of people to reach 20ng/ml, and 6200 IU (155mcg) for 30ng/ml,4 intakes far above all national guidelines. Unfortunately, the report that set the US RDA included an admitted statistical error in which required intake was calculated to be ~10x too low.4 Numerous calls in the academic literature to raise official recommended intakes had not yet resulted in increases by the time SARS-CoV-2 arrived. Now, many papers indicate that vitamin D affects COVID-19 more strongly than most other health conditions, with increased risk at levels < 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) and severely greater risk < 20ng/ml (50nmol/L).1
Got it? Not only do we see worse outcomes for those who are deficient in Vitamin D, the concepts of dosing on which the RDA is based are wrong by 10X! An order of magnitude! The document in the link is also educational in that most signatories list their personal dosing recommendation AND what they take themselves daily.. I didn't do the math, but you will see 5000 IU come up as being close to the mean recommendation. The letter argues the general case for linking Vitamin D deficiency to bad Covid-19 outcomes. More and more data comes out to help us see the relationship between Vitamin D and Covid-19 outcomes.. here is one of the latest, graphically; There is a final piece of this puzzle that I want to highlight - Vitamin D dosing vs sufficiency does not act in a linear fashion in the case of obesity. That is to say, whereas most pharmacokinetic dosing is roughly linear with body weight, Vitamin D is decidedly NOT. This then may be one of the main reasons that Obesity has proven to be a co-morbidity in relation to Covid-19 infection. Here's some data from a popular press (not scientific research) article from 2015;
https://www.vitalchoice.com/article/vitamin-d-rda-deemed-much-too-low Vitamin RDA also depends on weight The authors of a second paper call for a re-evaluation of the vitamin D RDA to account for body weight. Because body fat sequesters this fat-soluble vitamin, it takes more supplemental vitamin D to raise blood levels in overweight and obese people. The paper was authored by vitamin D experts from the University of Calgary, the Boston University School of Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health (Ekwaru JP et al. 2014). As they wrote, "Although differences in vitamin D by body mass index (BMI) and by absolute body weight have been reported [in eight other papers], the RDA does not consider either [factor].” Analysis of vitamin D intakes and levels in more than 20,000 people indicated that the current RDA of 600 IU is too low to achieve optimal vitamin D status. Indeed, the dose needed for overweight or obese individuals to reach optimal vitamin D levels is 12,000-20,000 IU. That's two to three times higher than the amount needed by a normal weight individual, and four to five times higher than the maximum intake currently recommended (4,000 IU per day). With a significant portion of the US population being overweight or obese, the findings have potentially serious implications. The new analysis also showed that vitamin D supplementation was safe up to 20,000 IU per day, even for normal weight people. "We recommend clinical guidelines for vitamin D supplementation be specific for normal weight, overweight and obese individuals,” they concluded.
If we look we can see that there is a whole canon of research discussing the relation to, and implications of, Vitamin D deficiency in the obese. Why the heck haven't we seen more on this subject by our governmental health authorities? Why have they missed this obvious, smoking gun when it comes to susceptibility to Covid-19 and Vitamin D, especially in the case of obesity, where Vitamin D needs are higher than would be expected given a linear dose vs weight extrapolation model? I think we know. I'll end with this link from mid-2019;
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6780345/ Vitamin D Deficiency: Consequence or Cause of Obesity? Obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat and represents a significant health problem worldwide. High prevalence of vitamin D (VD) deficiency in obese subjects is a well-documented finding, most probably due to volumetric dilution into the greater volumes of fat, serum, liver, and muscle,

Question for me is will the modulated ribonueclaic acid therapy enhance my immune system or hijack it in the service of “Science!” and of course MONEY. Feudalism isn’t so bad once you get used to it.
No clickie, No Eat.

The Epoch Times has had a couple of good articles on the undeniable benefits of proper Vitamin D levels on cardiovascular disease and cancer. two of the biggest killers.



You may find these interesting as well: https://prn.fm/?s=Vitamin+D
Problem with some comorbidities is that you may not know you have them. One might feel fine. If you’ve ever had a full torso CT scan and studied it, most people discover things they sometimes wish they hadn’t. (personal experience)
Besides comorbidity is the fact that this experimental gene therapy (aka vaccine) may not harmonize well with your RNA’s

Yeah I remember reading about that RDA for vitamin-D was 10x too low.
Nice find on the obesity bit. Makes complete sense.
Digression - possible fix for obesity - skip a meal per day. Or more. Much easier than ‘cutting back your food intake.’ Theory here: https://thefastingmethod.com/fasting-a-history-part-i/
For some reason, our national medical establishment seems determined to set things up so we don’t get enough vitamins that are critical to avoiding respiratory illnesses. Among other things.
Rumor has it that we peons tend to spend some ridiculous amount of money in the last year of life. I wonder if that’s an artifact of all this seemingly-planned deficiency? What do you think?
Here’s a report about a small study in Denmark that showed a massive increase in cancer patient survival from melatonin supplementation.
The usual reasons were given why more studies aren’t being done on the seemingly very effective substance. Not patentable, nobody makes money. The usual planned-pharma-sickcare-nihilism.

https://sciencenordic.com/denmark-videnskabdk/melatonin-could-be-an-overlooked-treatment-for-cancer/1418518 Over the course of one year, the chance of survival almost doubled from 28 per cent to 52 per cent, according to the study recently published in the Journal of the Danish Medical Association. According to the researchers behind the study there is good reason to study the effects of melatonin as part of regular cancer treatments further. "Very few research groups in the world have looked at this area. It’s rather unfortunate, because it seems that melatonin may be an inexpensive and very effective cancer treatment," says study co-author Mogens Claësson, professor emeritus at the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Melatonin is a natural substance that cannot be patented. This might be one explanation to the low number studies on the substance, suggests Claësson. "Melatonin is cheap to buy and the earning potential for the pharmaceutical industry is small, if anything at all. Therefore, it’s difficult to find the money to do research even though it might save lives, "said Claësson.

Check the join dates - Feb 2020 for truth and Dec 2020 for frosty. Of course you could argue that whoever this is planned this a year ago, but I would say that is unlikely.
With that said, they have quite similar opinions and attitudes.

Here are ratings by hams:
Some of these are old but available on ebay. Older ones might be easier to use.
SW reception is not predictable, but…it is also not preventable.

I don’t know how/why you guys do it, but engagement with the (higher quality) trolls on here can actually elevate the discussion, in the short term at least. This vitamin D thing in the comments just above being a prime example.
Whether they intend it or not, the guy who says, “How dare you morons claim that VitD cures covid?” is actually teeing up the more data driven among you to shine.
Anyway, I don’t know how some of you maintain the positive attitude while doing this just like I don’t know how Chris can pour over media all day long and not want to end his life, but I appreciate the work. I really appreciate it.

Very clear post about Vitamin D, Jim H. Thanks for the link to the doctors’ statement. I will share.
Yes, it is important to take BMI into account when looking at a substance that partitions into fat, like Vitamin D. This is related to a well-known pharmacokinetic concept called volume of distribution. Because vitamin D will partition preferentially into fat cells vs. blood plasma, the overall concentration in the blood will be lower at the same intake level in a person with high BMI. It is as though the volume of the body is much higher than expected. This video is a little technical, but explains the concept.
People who have high BMI, people of color, and elders have a much higher prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency. They were also the groups first identified as being at higher risk for poor COVID outcomes. PM me if you’d like some scientific papers on this topic.
I’d suggest that if you are a person who has a physical coming up (or even if you don’t but are concerned), ask for your blood levels of Vitamin D to be measured. This will help you to ascertain what your plasma concentration is and how much you must raise your intake if it is too low.
For example, I am of average height and weight for a woman and have average BMI. I have my blood levels measured every year at my physical. I take 5000 IU per day and my blood level for the past several years has been 50-60 ng/dL. In the summer months, I’m out in the sun and it goes up a bit, but not as much as you’d think compared to the overcast months. Mayo clinic says the RDA is 600 IU. Obviously, for me, this would be too low.
Hope this example is helpful.

Thank you RandomMike.
I have been reviewing this subject for some years and am convinced that the Tecsun line of receivers having SSB capability are the best value for the money, and I have a few of them. I have compared a low cost Tecsun directly head to head with my 1000$ Yaesu on the ham bands and could not hear a difference in receiving SSB ham band signals.
The Tecsun PL-330 is the lowest cost receiver with the best performance, in my opinion. But, the antenna is the most important part of the system. For pure receiving (not transmitting) the MLA-30 is often cited as very good quality for the money…

would you recommend the mla -30 for rural folk who have .5 miles in every direction without obstruction?
i am a genuine newbie.

I’ve twice tried to post info about the Wu flu vs. seasonal flu in Michigan and nothing shows up.

What’s going on?

The YT channel Ham Radio Crash Course just put out (today) a good video on different aspects of shortwave, receivers and some other stuff. I have found HRCC to be a good online learning resource…

On Drbeen: Dr. Steven Phillips Discusses Chronic Diseases (Lyme and COVID)
Munging up the link so google won’t know how you found it. Take out the lalala.
Maybe that will let the video stay up a bit longer on youtube.
He is critical of the slavish diagnosis+treatment method and how pharma is not interested in developing rapid cures. From 1 hour on is a fascinating discussion of ivermectin, based on his own experience with chronic Lyme.
https://www.youtube.com/ lalala watch?v=FqVlOfzZJH0

Agree with “Kiwi-as”, Chris you’re a fantastic communicator making a huge contribution towards motivating and inspiring many, many people to make meaningful changes in their life styles…including me. I’ve watched/listened and acted on your info for 8+ years & we’ve been living in NZ for the last 6+ years…and continue to feel blessed to be able to hea your importan messages. Huge thanks, Dan & Co

How do we watch the new COVID videos? I’m a bit lost on the website. I miss the daily then weekly COVID videos. Please help.