I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Does Moderna vaccine encode for spike protein and bacteria flagellin?
Strangely, we had a gentleman over for dinner tonight who told me his father in law had Moderna vaccine on Thursday, ended hospitalized on Sunday with double Staph pneumonia. He said his doctors were stunned. Healthy guy without any symptoms prior to vaccination.

It was strange to me because I had just read about the “secret” adjuvant and then this guy tells me about his father in law.

thank you Phred
If you start a discussion group on this topic, I would like to join. Already a few of us are starting to talk about this at my book user`s group. I am behind the curve since I have yet to get my permission to use amateur radio in Japan, but am looking forward to surfing the grey line from Japan to the East coast…
I would like to hear your experiences and recommendations.

>>> Any time someone gives you a sticker for something you just did
So true AO. I’m laughing and crying at the same time.

Just had to look the sticker thing up online. Didn’t realize it was such the deal. Never let a good crisis go to waste, I guess. My favourite was “Successfully Microchipped”. (And buttons too for your favorite $600 snowboarding parka!)
get 'em while they’re hot


Westxmom- You inspired me to do a dive into the MRNA patent. That thread here: https://peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/us-patent-10702600-clues-to-vaccine-composition/ I'm not an expert, but I can read patents. Which is a skill of sorts.  

Awesome work dissecting the patent Dave - and thanks Westmom for the tip. I have seen several “”“anecdotal”“” reports of seemingly healthy folks dying from (bacterial) sepsis in the days after vaccination, which could be related. The mRNA, with it’s various sequences from the corona virus spike protein, along with others, is an extraordinary hammer into our immune systems. One of the difficulties in analyzing where we are is the high level of variability between people in terms of immunity and immune system function… it’s like an individual fingerprint. We are going to see myriad different (autoimmune) reactions to the gene therapy, and because there is no ONE singular reaction, it will be easier for the authorities to tell us that its NOT the vaccine.

As with the Covid-19 therapeutics subject, there are going to be certain people speaking out through twitter regarding Vax effects that will be valuable sources in this age of demented, propagandized mass media. Alex Berenson is one of those folks - he gets it;

I read the article. It links to the Moderna patent and I scanned that.
I am not an immunologist. But I can interpret the more straightforward aspects described:

  1. The proof of concept experiments in the patent were not performed on SARS Cov-2. They were performed on other viral mRNAs such as
  • HMPV (rat studies)
  • MERS-CoV (the coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory syndrome). This is a relative of SARS Cov-2, but distinct.
2) In answer to your adjuvant question, yes, the patent states that mRNAs encoding flagellin are used to induce your cells to produce flagellin polypetides as adjuvants along with the antigenic protein (e.g. spike protein). Direct quote below:
"...efficacy of mRNA vaccines can be significantly enhanced when combined with a flagellin adjuvant, in particular, when one or more antigen-encoding mRNAs is combined with an mRNA encoding flagellin.... In some embodiments, at least one flagellin polypeptide and at least one antigenic polypeptide are encoded by a single RNA (e.g., mRNA) polynucleotide. In other embodiments, at least one flagellin polypeptide and at least on one antigenic polypeptide are each encoded by a different RNA polynucleotides
(FYI - regarding Staph pneumonia anecdote. Staphylococci do not have flagella.) Also, the patent references that the vaccine is formulated in a cationic lipid nanoparticle. Elsewhere, I have read that the polyethylene glycol (PEG) can be used as the lipid. (I'm not sure whether this is universally true for all manufacturers.) Some people have type one allergy to PEG, though this is uncommon. I have not seen the informed consents, so I don't know how all of this is described to patients. Thanks for the article. I had a horrible reaction to shingles vaccine and my doctor admitted it was likely due to the adjuvant. This article identifies the adjuvant in that vaccine as Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) and QS-21, a natural compound extracted from the Chilean soapbark tree, combined in a liposomal formulation. So now I know what to research so I can better understand why the shingles vaccine turned my body into an oven for a whole day and night. Once bitten, twice shy.

Yep, variability in individual responses will allow the more infrequent reactions to be disregarded as “anecdotal”. Such responses only show up when you get to large numbers of people. Ongoing vigilance is required.
Generally, clinical trial group sizes are based on numbers of patients needed to see an effect of a certain magnitude, the efficacious response. It takes much larger numbers to statistically examine the absence of an effect of a certain magnitude. When you hear there is “no evidence”, it may simply mean they failed to detect a response (study not powerful enough) or worse, they did not even look.
Post-market surveillance is usually where infrequent effects show up. Enough said.

Frosty I feel sorry for you.
I read all of these comments that Frosty is clueless and uninformed and I am truly stunned. Frosty is the person telling everyone that the world is round while others scream at him that the world is flat.
The Covid vaccines are dangerous? Really?
I had the two shots of the Pfizer vaccine and I am doing fine. My girlfriend and her mom had two shots and they are doing fine, my friends had shots and they are doing fine, etc.
Or maybe the coronavirus is not that dangerous and just take vitamin D and you will be fine. Wow, talk about uninformed. Good luck with that approach. Is it even worth trying to explain common sense to someone who just doesn’t get it? I am not sure. Ok, I will state the obvious, or what should be “the obvious” for everyone. Even if you do not die from this horrible virus you have a good chance of having your lifespan shortened. The virus messes with many of your vital organs so even if you are lucky not to get ARDS whether mild or not you (which is very dangerous) may have damaged your heart, or brain or other parts of your body. Good luck with even a mild dose of ARDS. Do some research on ARDS and quality of life or how it may shorten your lifespan.
Bottom line is a good percentage of the people who survive the coronavirus will be living with significant long term health issues (Trump comes to mind). You don’t want the vaccine, well that is your choice. Good luck with that. You don’t want to wear a mask or social distance? I hope you don’t get sick and infect someone. If you do get sick and infect someone then you have to live with the consequences of your actions. Yes, the vaccine may not fully work against the South Africa mutated virus. So what? What is your point? You hope they create a booster or another vaccine that does work. If the virus mutates again you take the next booster. This should be obvious.
The virus is deadly. It may not kill you but it will maim a lot of people. A fairly significant percent of those who get the virus will be screwed with long term health problems. Look at how Europe treats the virus and then compare this to the United States. It makes us look like idiots in comparison. Wake up, the coronavirus world is not flat.

I am NOT getting the jab. I refuse to be part of a giant medical experiment with a non FDA approved vaccine. I will take my vitamins and IVM and be happy with it. What do you define as “fairly significant”? .1%, 1%, 10%? I would bet that your opinion of fairly significant depends on if the number supported your view of the situation or opposed it.
Make sure when you want to research a subject like this you check both sides of the issue. This isn’t facebook. We don’t care about opinions. We care about facts.

I was reading the raw VAERS data and looked for consecutive numbers. Ran into an Ohio nurse who reported 8 deaths in a row. #960426…up through 960431. That’s only 6 …2 records were missing …what else was missing is all the data on these deaths. There were no dates given …other than vaccination date of 12/22 and that’s it. The nurse appears to have tried to report but the data was not displayed. 8 deaths from what appears to be the same vial…batch. Nothing to see here. If you go to openvaers.com you can click on the “jump to browse reports” tab …then hit “search Covid reports” …and then click on deceased. It will access the VAERS ID # reports on deaths in consecutive order. The lack of professional detail and obvious obfuscation of fact is alarming.
There were numerous consecutive adverse events indicating bad batches or vials.

Apparently it’s difficult.  Highwire dot com is collecting adverse event information with the offer to post it to VAERS.

Maybe I am someone else? I guess the world is flat to some people.
Google “pulmonary fibrosis coronavirus” and you will get, on page 1:
“Pulmonary fibrosis is a known sequela to ARDS. It has been found that 40% of patients with COVID-19 develop ARDS, and 20% of ARDS cases are severe. Nov 5, 2020” with the following link"
The prevalence of post-COVID-19 fibrosis will become apparent with time, but early analysis from patients with COVID-19 on hospital discharge suggests that more than a third of recovered patients develop fibrotic abnormalities.

Frosty “Truth” -
You know very well that early treatment with ivermectin, and very early treatment with HCQ + zinc, will clear the virus from most people within 5-7 days, with no need for hospitalization. If you add calcifediol to that (and/or vitamin D), I’m sure it just gets even better.
I’ve seen the ivermectin + supplements outpatient treatment work first hand. No “ARDS”. Everything is fine. Why? Because early treatment AVOIDS HOSPITALIZATION. That’s the point.
Its only the “medical nihilism” of our current Pharma-death-cult medical establishment that tells people to go home, and return to the hospital when they can’t breathe anymore. Then - hospitalized - ARDS - 20%, etc.
This death-cult - who appear to be maximizing hospitalized patients - are the people I’m supposed to trust when they say “the vaccine works just great?”
Sorry, I’m not that stupid. If Fauci won’t tell everyone to take vitamin-D, and if he won’t approve treatments that so clearly work, then I sure as hell don’t trust anything he says about vaccines.
Perhaps you can “earn” your Pharma-marketing dollars elsewhere? Perhaps where people don’t have access to actual data?
I’ve downloaded all this data into my own personal database. I’ve run lots of queries. It says: 9316 VAERS records, with 459 deaths.
Its perfectly safe. Especially if you don’t get it.
But you are welcome to get your shot twice a year. Three times a year. Once a month. Enjoy. Just don’t force it on me, or mine - who have already recovered from their COVID experience none the worse for the wear.
Because, early OUTPATIENT treatment that works.

My shot record is 2 pages 10 pt font. I have had vaccines that most of the population will never receive. I am NOT anti vaccine I am anti experimental mrna vaccines. I am anti taking non FDA approved vaccines and signing away my rights to sue the manufacturer when I do so. “ Truth” sure seems “Frosty” to me. I will stick to my IVM and vitamins. How about the vast majority of people who contract covid that Never go to the hospital or even their doctor? These people do not have ARDS. Saying we are all flat earthers is total BS. Some of us just prefer to think for ourselves instead of believing everything the news media tells us. I’ll stick with what the FLCCC says because they have a better survival rate.

Dave …am I wrong to assume that consecutive numbered deaths indicate bad vaccine? What are the chances of 8 random people with different health profiles all dropping dead in one facility? And why is the info covered up? We need the facts and transparency.
I certainly understand my 92 year old parents opting for the vaccine cause Covid would probably kill them, but I hope that anyone younger than 60 gives this careful consideration. The chances of dying or even having bad Covid are slim at <60 years old, especially if a person is doing the FLCCC protocol.

I have no idea. It sounds unfortunate. Hmm. I could do a query on batch numbers. Let me go look.
Maybe. I sorted all the events by lot number. It doesn’t look like a big smoking gun or anything.
[EDIT: I forgot to select only COVID19 shots. All fixed now.]
| count(*) | lot |
| 2736 | |
| 1273 | EK5730 |
| 1270 | EH9899 |
| 870 | EJ1685 |
| 411 | EL0140 |
| 322 | 011J20A |
| 186 | EK9231 |
| 186 | EL1284 |
| 154 | 025J20-2A |
| 150 | 037K20A |
| 132 | 039k20a |
| 116 | 026L20A |
| 95 | 025J20A |
| 63 | EL0142 |
| 60 | 025L20A |
| 58 | EJ1686 |
| 42 | 011L20A |
| 39 | EL1283 |
| 36 | EK 5730 |
| 35 | EL3246 |