I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

licenses required for ham radio operation. Also, any recommended shortwave frequencies for news info?

Chris: perhaps consider Patrick Wood to speak on technocracy.

Anecdotal Experiences: C.V.V by Susanne Edwards on Prezi Design
Thread put together by this person;

Great point! I went searching for local data. It appears the first batch we got for phase one- hospital workers and staff was actually Moderna. This was at the end of December.
Now our vaccine mega vaccine center is using Pfizer…1,000 a day since 2 weeks ago. This comment was in response to the feedback I got from my earlier comment regarding difference in vaccines.
I wish I had there to ask him some questions , :slight_smile:


I hope that I’m not putting you too badly on the spot. But you have a story to tell. And here would be the place. :slight_smile:

Most Software-defined Radio USB dongles can be modified for shortwave reception but the $35 RTL-SDR BLOG V3 has a switcheable direct sample built in. Follow links for the simple installation guide https://www.rtl-sdr.com/buy-rtl-sdr-dvb-t-dongles/
A random wire antenna works OK but may need a bandpass filter to prevent overload from AM/FM/TV/WiFi/Cellphone. If running the antenna through a window, consider a stealth stainless steel fishing line tied to a distant tree. Well above the ground!. Because of lightning danger, disconnect when not in use or install an arrestor (e.g. spark plug) to outdoor ground.
With that you can pick up the ARRL ARES traffic. For example the nightly sessions of https://www.ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/index.html
WSPRNET is also interesting, a way to message around the world using less than 5 watts https://wsprnet.org/drupal/

I followed the covid story here and on my own. I have the expertise to help summarize, but not until this summer.

Chris and Adam:
Reading this thread spurred several lines of thinking. These are just germs of ideas, I offer them in that spirit. Take what is useful, build on what is not fully developed, discard the rest. I will break my comments in to more thsan one post.
It has been remarked that the tribe is skewed toward boomers. Fair enough. But in Fourth Turning language, boomers are the Prophet generation, millennials and Gen Z, the Hero generations. The people you have interviewed over the years form a braintrust that is broad in scope and deep in specialty expertise. Interview transcripts, if collated by topic and summarized, are a veritable encyclopedia of what has transpired and led us to where we are. This is a goldmine for the Hero generation and treasure for the Prophet generation to bequeath in condensed form.
You might consider a behind the scenes project to organize this archive trove by topic, and bring on some writers to summarize it. Don’t leave it in the digital ether. Consider creating hard copy compendia and then self-publish. This is a big project, I know, but it can be broken down and priorities identified. There may be members of the tribe with particular interests who might be willing to form small groups to take this on. Start with just one area, see how it goes. You’ll need some folks with editorial expertise to eventually prepare an executive summary by topic for the compendium.

Another thought with regard to the brain trust.
This year’s remote learning Peak Prosperity seminar was successful. How about reapplying this format to a series of roundtable discussions in different topic areas? These discussions would be convened to respond to a set of “charges”, with the aim of (1) educating about a given situation (dilemma )and (2) proposing specific action steps people can take at various levels- from personal initiative to local community involvement and perhaps beyond.
I see this process as proceeding in two phases:
The first step would be a broad look at a topic from the perspective of different people with complementary expertise. Let’s say a series of individual interviews with 4 or 5 people to get related perspectives on a topic. Perhaps on your live channel. Each interview would be transcribed and summarized to lead into the next step. (Perhaps people in the tribe with editorial expertise can summarize the key points and take-aways)
The second step would be to convene a "roundtable advisory group” charged with addressing the topic covered by the series of interviews. This would culminate in a series of action steps that individuals can take in response to the issue (personal action steps, action at the neighborhood level, community involvement, etc.)
You could employ the remote learning format used successfully in this year’s Peak Prosperity seminar for the roundtable discussion. The four or five people previously interviewed individually would convene as a panel. They will have viewed each other’s interviews and have executive summaries of each available to them. They would then be charged with responding to a series of questions and creating a consensus statement on action steps individuals can take for themselves.

So here is what the charges might look like and what the outcome would be.
A series of questions or charges are posed to the group ahead of time. When convened, Chris or Adam moderate the discussion and the panel discusses a series of question in an assigned time-frame.

  • Intro: What is the issue and what are its immediate and long-term implications? (This is gleaned from the previous series of interviews). This provides context.
  • Question 1: How did we get here? What principles were violated? (Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome). The objective is to identify key levers that led to the issue/dilemma (not every detail).
  • Question 2. What could we have done differently? How would we regroup if all options were still available? (This envisions the desired ideal; not all options are available)
  • Question 3: Some things are predicaments and some are problems. This being the case (i.e., given present constraints), how specifically can we proceed? Acknowledge those areas where we still have options and propose specific action steps.
The output of the roundtable is summarized and published. Available free to premium members or for purchase for others. I see questions 1) and 2) as laying the history and context. Valuable to everyone but particularly to the Hero generation who may have to rebuild what has been screwed up. I see question 3) as giving all people personal agency in the present moment.

Here is a an example of a topic, possible participants, potential outcomes
(I have not considered barriers such as availability, honoraria, etc):
Topic: Digital feudalism (or technocracy, or whatever term you find evocative)
Step 1 - Possible Individual Interviewees:
Patrick Wood - big picture overview of technocracy, goals, and how we got here
Soshana Zuboff - Surveillance capitalism; incentives thereof (the mouse gets caught in the trap because it doesn’t realize why the cheese is free)
Robert Epstein - How tech manipulates you by curating what you see
Edwin Black – social credit scores; algorithm ghettos
Tristan Harris: ethics
John Matze (recently terminated Parler CEO); barriers to alternatives; what he’s learned from his experience
Step 2 - Advisory Panel members: choose from above list or include people suggested by them.
Charges: as described in previous post, but more specific to topic
Action steps that might ensue (some possibilities):
Circumventing Digital feudalism

  • Specific alternatives and action steps for maintaining personal privacy
  • Available alternatives for researching information
  • Platforms for non-curated news or other for sub-specialities of info
  • Independent sources for books
  • Educating your neighbors; neighborhood blogs to keep one another informed
  • Actions at the local level, e.g., city council, school boards, precincts
  • Voting with your dollars
  • Legislation, etc.

Lots of great ideas…You’re on a roll.
To me Peak Prosperity is kind of Like Costco. If I see something I like, I better buy it (On PP, archive it in my own computer). Because it probably won’t be in the same place next time I’m in the store (On PP ideas get rerouted from thread to thread)…Or it may no longer be there (On PP once it has run it’s course it is very hard for me to go back and find it. Yes it is there …but I can’t navigate that well).
My solutions to navigation. First …always read the bottom comment first cause it’s going to a scroll off the screen and effectively be gone. Second…Check PP often and archive things for later reading or listening…Third…look for specific people I follow (like Island Girl) who 9 times out of 10 have value to add to the discussion. Four …check the new topics. I’m in an out of the house…Work outside mostly…so my connection with PP has a randomness to it…I’m sure I miss a lot, but it’s worth every penny of my membership.

Have not seen you here much lately.Miss your spot on analysis.
There is one huge blind spot here and in your ideas. That blind spot is sound money.None of your ideas or anything discussed here for that matter will amount to any change to the status quo w/o a shift to sound money,
Of course the PP faithful will rise up and say "PM"s) The problem there is they will never be used for money.
This is not surprising because in practical terms there have been 5 generations that have existed w/o sound money. More people know about the Super Bowl commercials than know about how the type of money we use affects our decision making process. A hint at how important it is just takes one peek at our current situation. It is so important that the elites who run the world did one thing first.That one thing was get control of money.The US ended as a sovereign nation on Dec 23 , 1913. Every totalitarian imposition springs from that single act.
Individual sovereignty is not possible w/o monetary sovereignty.

You know … I really like where this is going.

Island Girl, you have some good ideas. And obviously, you’re an organizer. I’m not.

But one thing you said, strikes me very profoundly, and that’s the fact (we think) that PP is weighted towards the “Boomers.” I must confess, I am one. (1950)

The thing is – coupled with what others have said here, and something that Joel Salatin said not long ago – what you need is not Wisdom OR Youth. What you need is the collaboration of Wisdom AND Youth.

Many here, like myself, are long into the process of exchanging their Youth which they once had into the Wisdom which they now have.

One key element in moving forward ought to be a collaboration between those of us who have “Been there and Done That” with the people who have the energy and vitality to make it happen.

Anything that you (Island Girl) or anybody else in PP has to say about this would be welcome, and also, I think, VERY productive.

If it’s really about moving forward, I suggest that this sort of mind-set ought to be part and parcel of that equation.


>> Of course the PP faithful will rise up and say "PM"s) The problem there is they will never be used for money.
You mean, never again used for money ?
I seem to have become a firearms dealer. Starting off trading metal (uppers, 24 inch 6.5 Creedmoor & 20 inch 308) for $$.
Then once you find out who needs what, the trading starts.
I need primers, and I know a guy who has primers but needs 30 caliber bullets … which I happen to have extra of.
I will try & ask the guys I sold the uppers to, how much Silver they might have given me.
I also sell machine tools. Sometimes when I need to come up with a price, I think about what conversion rate I would want if trading steel & carbide tools, for Silver.
The best sale I had in that regard, was about 3 ounces of steel, for $60. Some caliper type stuff. That was when Silver was $17 an ounce, so I sort of traded 3 ounces of steel for 3 1/2 ounces of Silver. (I put all the profit from selling tools into buying PM’s, from 2014 to 2017.)

OOG: Glad you find the ideas useful. I am hoping we can build in them.
MM: I completely concur that sound money should be a topic. Definitely one for how we got here, what principles were broken; what would a sound and functional alternative look like; what they have in store for us next; what do we ourselves do from here on out.
I almost used it for my illustration, but I don’t know enough; then I considered COVID-19, but I’m a bit burned out on it; so I opted for digital technocracy, which I see as timely. But it is just an example. Many topics in the three E’s and related issues might be amenable to the approach I suggest. And BTW, I know folks in the millennial generation who have done really deep dives into crypto, special drawing rights and so forth. Some have tried to hand-hold me, but it is still rather beyond me. You are spot on about the impact on personal sovereignty.
Chuck in Belize: You picked up on something underlying my thinking. Collaboration between boomers and the current generation (in Fourth Turning terms, prophets and heroes) is something I hope could be built into this. How to gain interest? Identify some generational thought leaders? Perhaps invite them to comment on charges to a round table? Invite them to view and respond to an inaugural effort? Or what about a roundtable on what they think of the current situation - in whatever sphere - and what they think would help? In other words, an advisory group to the prophet generation. Not sure.
Let me just say that I was inspired by two podcasts that first drew me to PP some years ago. One was with the author of “Why Nations Fail” and the other was with the author of “The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization”. It made me think of capturing learning to bequeath to my own children. I have been compiling a library. We’ve all seen how digital material can be manipulated and erased from history. So Chris and Adam, if you feel as I do, please consider cataloguing and distilling the learning from your treasure trove, and putting it into print.

I totally agree that finding stuff here at the site can be…challenging.
Sadly, I’m not a user interface designer, or I’d suggest a fix. But there’s gotta be a better way, right?
Is there a site out there that makes things easy to find? Maybe you can provide it as an example. “Just go copy what they did.”

Reading through that thread, the adverse events are appalling. 

And then to read through those tweets where people are crowing about getting their vaccine like it was some great accomplishment … unbelievable!  You’d think they just got their PhDs in biomedical engineering or opened a Mother Teresa type clinic in Delhi. 

Looking at those pictures, I’ve just added to my list of rules to live by.  Any time someone gives you a sticker for something you just did (e.g. I voted, I got my flu vaccine, I got my COVID vaccine, etc.), view whatever you just did with some suspicion as to its value.  

Getting a vaccine is a personal decision and I’m not going to either praise or deride someone for getting it or not getting but personally, the evidence is not there for me, personally, to run right out and get it.  In keeping with my “prime directive” of investing, minimize downside risk, an adage that can also be applied to almost anything in life, I will not be getting the vaccine in the near future.  I do, however, appreciate the actions of those willing to be guinea pigs for those of us who are more hesitant. 

I can’t help but think of this timely article by Bill Bonner touching on the decline in IQs.


What you describe as"money" is barter. When you go into Home Depot and buy a 2x4 with junk silver get back with me. BTW I pay my plumber with crypto.