I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

There does exist now/still somewhat of an international short wave broadcasting network. BBC, Cuba, China, USA and lots of little countries/companies still exist as a shadow of the previous ('30’s to the '80’s approx). In the USA 90% of it is Christian broadcasting. BUT, you can buy time from the stations that broadcast and broadcast your own program.
Por ejemplo (there are lots of Spanish stations), I’m pretty sure Chris could call up Alan Weiner at WBCQ in Maine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBCQ_(SW) and get the audio of his podcasts broadcast around the world starting next week at a cost of only a couple hundred dollars.
I bet they would even love to broadcast an Ivermectin summary to the world!
And so on with other stations.
Who will be listening? Well that is the question, there are millions of short wave receivers around the world and if there is an interesting/controversial program/content, it may catch on. Or not.

I’ve been thinking about this too, essentially developing our own telecommunication networks, most likely piggy backing off existing infrastructure (or scaled down equipment) where possible. Although, I must admit, such ambitions currently exceed my skill set… (DaveF probably knows more about this than I do).
For starters I have finally purchased a VPN and have switched web browser to Brave (baby steps, I know), but it is an area of developing interest for me.

I see Frosty enrolled 6 weeks ago, posted 27 useless comments and invectives.

I fully agree with Mots - enough of this nonsense!

Adam and Chris: kick the troll out so we can return to intelligent discourse on the PP blog. Thank you! Merci!

Frosty is now blocked. His/her usefulness has run its course.

However, let me explain my reasoning for letting it run on as long as I did.

First, there is always value in letting 'the other side' speak. That way you learn about how they think (or don't).

Second, it allows us all to sharpen our logic and test if we have any confirmation biases that need to be examined.

Third, it gives me a renewed appreciation for the freedom that is granted by thinking independently. By not allowing myself to be pulled hither and yon (emotionally) by the mainstream narrative I get my own life back. I am no longer subject to the various ploys and tricks of the MSM to keep me disoriented, angry, fearful, and confused.


I mean, if we review the past 2 or 3 years, the list of hobgoblins is intense. Remember North Korea? About to bomb us any minute!!! Doing sick things to prisoners!! No wait, we meant Iran!! Forget Iran, now it's Russia! Did you see how they 'annexed' Crimea by getting the population to vote 95% in favor of rejoining Russia? How undemocratic, or something!! Wait, Iran again!! Australian fires!! No, California fires! Now it's a pandemic. We have to flatten the curve. No we have to eliminate it. Don't wear masks they don't actually work. No we all have to wear masks and socially distance, now we have to shut everything down too, well, not everything, just the small businesses. Hang on now we have to wear three masks!!

It's exhausting.

That manufactured world of MSM narratives? No thanks. Looks life-wasty to me. Nothing but a constant over stimulation of the amygdala and practically no call-functions to the cortex.

Instead we could simply read the science papers and decide for ourselves that adhering to a simple schedule of supplements alone drags the mortality of Covid back to roughly flu proportions, that various treatments exist in case our prepared terrain gets overwhelmed, that lowering the inoculum is a sensible and logical thing to do (so we wear N95 masks or equivalent when in crowded public situations), that Covid transmits extremely poorly outdoors and/or in well ventilated spaces, and that life is always risky and that by every available statistic Covid is a completely bearable risk, and maybe even decide for ourselves that life is to be lived joyously not in a perpetual state of fear.

Tried to set up her own network!

Myanmar's army seized power on Monday, detaining Nobel laureate Suu Kyi and cutting short a transition to democracy in a takeover that has drawn condemnation from the United States and other Western countries. A police request to a court detailing the accusations against 75-year-old Nobel laureate Suu Kyi said walkie-talkie radios had been found in a search of her home in the capital, Naypyidaw. It said the radios were imported illegally and used without permission. The document requested Suu Kyi's detention "in order to question witnesses, request evidence and seek legal counsel after questioning the defendant". A separate document showed police filed charges against ousted President Win Myint for offences under the Disaster Management Law.

Olive oil guy
The -internet of things- refers to a whole spectrum of communication modes that connect devices together in such a manner that info gets shunted around to receiving nodes. The hardware is cheap and can be used privately. My favorite is LoRa {long range low power devices that can forward data to destinations via networking and which can form their own ad hoc networks on their own}. An example of LoRa used in a non-internet connected mesh is “meshtastic” See the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY6m6fS8bxU
I am exploring hardware for meshtastic with a friend in Japan for local communications. In the application described in the link above, you take a smart phone that is not connected to a cellular network such as in airplane mode, and use it as a text pad and map to communicate with a local mesh net of others, by monitoring their positions on a map and sending text messages. It is possible but illegal to use LoRa for audio communications because of bandwidth issues. Similar ideas of private ad hoc nets have been developed by contractors to the DOD for use in distribution to cities in the middle East to provide clandestine communication for groups opposed to entrenched politicians there.
For long distances, I am exploring best sites and best antenna configurations to hit N America with radio waves from Asia at sundown, local time in the U.S. This is a long term project and I am very busy on higher priorities, but like to discuss with others having hardware interests. I wont have anything to show for this until much later in the year. Sustainable energy, water, and a farm are higher priorities.
Random Mike points out some very interesting possibilities and I would love to hear more. I suspect that more people will get interested in short wave stations if material from truth tellers can be found there, since these are peer-to-peer and are not subject to third parties between the broadcaster and the receiver. Many revolutions start with battles over control of media. In our case, I expect that those of us who walk away, and which are a minority to begin with, will walk away from the so-called MSM and build out our own systems, which will have limited availability outside of the group.
My personal interest is in communications between communities. I think that we all are eager to find out what is really going on in distant locations. We need to rebuild the fourth estate.

I was surprised to hear Laura say that we have meds that work such as HCQ, Ivermectin, Vit D, and Zinc. About half way through the video, but the whole show wasn’t too bad.

The purpose of this pandemic bio-weapon is to do exactly as it is now doing…generating the proper fear required to motivate people to inject themselves with mRNA engineered serums…not produce death. While Covid19 symptomatic infections in the Male population has a desired effect, the serum injections are specifically targeted at the Female population’s fertility.
One of the known outcomes of genetic manipulation, or gene therapy, which permanently modifies an organism’s genetic code, is sterility in the organism’s immediate descendants.
So, if population control is the goal, where political force is not the instigator and compliance to population control laws is not required, the politically safe, and empowering, method would be exactly as we have seen in this “pandemic.”
Perhaps the entire purpose of this pandemic is to achieve the necessary motivation for people to accept being injected with an engineered nucleotide serum…which is touted as a “vaccine” against the fearful pandemic’s pathogen.
This mRNA serum is presented as a newly developed “vaccine,” which can be produced in sufficient quantities, quickly, and must be allowed to avoid the horrible delays of testing and field studies, in order to avoid the immediate dangers of this terrible pandemic. But, all this is just the fog surrounding the truth.
We have known exactly the origin of this pathogen from the beginning and how it was developed and who developed it and exactly how the Chinese lab obtained it.
From the beginning, we have known with certainty this pathogen was a Frankenstein virus much modified by Man.
But, this virus, and its spread, is only the excuse for the massive inoculation of the world’s population with a fertility inhibitor, meant to reduce, or stop, population growth.
Before this current Covid19 pandemic, other pathogens were used to achieve much of the same goals. You might remember one, HIV.

Ision, if the vaccine affects the placenta, what about a mother to be who gets the vaccine 6 months into pregnancy? Birth defects?

At WBCQ.com. It is the most free thinking SW station, in fact for several decades they have had media goals that jive with PP. I’ve been listening off and on since they started. One interesting program is “Marion’s Attic” on Sundays at 5pm EST, on 7490 or perhaps other of their frequencies listed here. For at least 20 years Marion has been broadcasting original 78’s and tubular/other recordings from pre 1900 to the mid-1930’s. It was before WBCQ’s time I think, but as an example of other odd/forbidden things broadcast on SW there is the infamous Bill Cooper. Look him up if you dare.
WBCQ’s owner, Alan Weiner, was a famous pirate radio broadcaster; he had a ship at sea off of the east coast broadcasting whatever pirates broadcast, and was later boarded and shut down at gunpoint by the Coast Guard. Maybe he wasn’t far enough out. Alan’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Access-Airwaves-Fight-Free-Radio/dp/1559501634
WBCQ has in recent years put millions of dollars into its station in Maine. I have no idea why and how they could pay for it. When I saw their giant new installation in pictures on their website I thougt to my prepper self “Wow, they must be planning for the downfall of the Internet…”
Here is their intro:

WBCQ The Planet

Free speech, it’s more than just words

WBCQ 7.490 webcast Area 51 webcast Program Guide Propagation and signal coverage (new) Facebook Twitter Merchandise Archives WBCQ is an international shortwave broadcast station located in Monticello, Maine, USA. We broadcast on 7.490 MHz, 9.330 MHz, 5.130 MHz, 3.265 MHz, and 6.160 MHz. We’ve been bringing access to the airwaves for people like you since 1998. Our shortwave service is open for your programming. We have the best rates in the industry. Contact us for more information.

Directed at Frosty (if you’re still reading this thread):
I can understand your anger that your family members who work in health care are forced to treat the onslaught of patients at great risk to themselves (at least if ivermectin prophylaxis is out of the picture). But I think your anger is misdirected.
Sure maskless party goers are partly to blame, but I would argue only a small part.
Ivermectin was widely adopted in many developing countries from late spring through late summer. Data collected since then suggests that it prevents about 80% of hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths initially. That number creeps up towards or even beyond 90% since early ivermectin treatment significantly decreases viral loads and duration of illness. This leads to a large reduction in disease transmission.
Now let’s add in vitamin D and a few other supplements (and yes, responsible mask wearing in crowds). We would probably halve those hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths yet again, yielding 90% benefit initially and 95%+ in time.
Add in pre-exposure prophylaxis (95%+ effectiveness) for health care workers (and probably many of those maskless party goers) and we’ve probably halved or quartered those numbers yet again.
For your relatives, ivermectin prophylaxis would have reduced their chances of getting sick by at least 95%. With widespread treatment and greatly reduced hospital loads, the benefit would have increased maybe to 99% along with a huge reduction in job stress.
Yet ivermectin was actively suppressed by our government in spite of fairly compelling evidence of effectiveness and stellar evidence of safety, so that even if it didn’t work, no harm done.
Vitamin D was mentioned exactly once casually in passing by Dr. Fauci.
We’re talking about perhaps 200,000K lives lost due to this and who knows how many additional suffrering long-haulers, or how much additional economic damage and it’s ensuing mental health issues.
Just think about the reduction in harm if IVM and supplements were heavily promoted instead along with effective programs to get them to people who would most benefit.
Why is your anger not directed at those responsible for that epic failure of a government to protect it’s people?

Steve, Ision, and others, It is regarding this issue that I quoted Dr. Judy Mikovits in post #291… here is a reprise;

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/31/covid-19-vaccine-gene-therapy.aspx Judy Mikovits: So when you express a synthetic or another animal gamma retrovirus like the mouse, like the monkey, like the cow, all the way to lizards, have syncytin. It's encoded in the genome. It's in the human genome. So if you activate syncytin, the protein, in biology, in virology, syncytia are the fusions. So what these envelope proteins do is fuse your cells together, and it is syncytin that allows us to have a placenta in the uterus fused together. So that's the expression of this in a good way allows us Dr. Mercola: I was going to ask you about that. I thought it was more highly expressed in the placenta. So does that also contribute to the projected or observed effects on fertility? Judy Mikovits: It will. Yeah, because that allows implantation. So if you can't implant because what you're going to do when you're injected with a synthetic one and we know this from being injected with the animal ones, this was the monkeys, the mouse retroviruses, the families, Moloney murine leukemia viruses. Those were all those things we found in people with ME/CFS, with cancers, with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), with multiple myeloma. So when you express these aberrantly in the body and in the wrong place, you literally destroy autoimmune reaction against – of course, that's not cell. That's non-cell. So you attack your own syncytin, and the microglias I mentioned, the macrophages, you'll get inflammation-induced disruption of those cytokine storms of reactive oxygen species.
Based on her theory, some women will experience a degree of autoimmune inflammation of the placenta that will inhibit fusion, and hence any pregnancy at all. I watched some clip from Good Morning America or some such last night where a woman MD was consulting with the group about this topic. While she didn't lie.. in fact she said we just don't know the long term effects of the vaccine, she did refer to the fertility question as being based on an "internet rumor" that had no basis in fact. Well, it has a basis in the speculation of this scientist, Dr. Milkovits.

This Sunday my husband golfed with a gentleman who is on our hospital board. He causally mentioned to the group that anyone getting vaccinated should seriously consider not going with the Pfizer vaccine.
I wondered if the known data would back up his warning and went to Openvaers.com to take a look at how these two vaccines were lining up against each other in VAERS records. Sure enough, the data there does show more adverse events with the Pfizer vaccine as of January 22nd. According to the data 3.39 times more Pfizer vaccine recipients ended up in ER/Urgent Care than Moderna recipients and they also had over 1.5 times more hospitalizations. Here is more on how they compare:
Moderna-118 Pfizer-209
Moderna-286 Pfizer-433
ER/Urgent Care
Moderna-471 Pfizer-1597
Office Visits
Moderna-272. Pfizer-940
Moderna-26 Pfizer-100
Bells Palsy
Moderna-22 Pfizer-80

I think it should be noted that the Pfizer vaccine was administered first so I’m assuming there are more people who have received it. If moderna catches up on number of people vaccinated, I’m wondering if these numbers will become more evenly distributed.

Because only about 1% of adverse reactions are ever reported to VAERS.  This was the result of a million dollar study that Harvard University conducted for the NIH a few years ago.

I would think a current pregnancy, which would require the existence of a fully developed placenta, would not be greatly effected, as the formation of the placenta has already taken place.
An mRNA serum, forcing the immune system to recognize, and attack, the targeted spike proteins of the CV2, has the risk of also targeting Syncytin-1, which is a protein found in those same structures. Syncytin-1 is what allows for the formation of the placenta to take place.
If an mRNA serum causes reaction to syncytin-homologous proteins, which results in an immune reaction against syncytin-1, and the creation of antibodies against it, such a serum would result in infertility in “vaccinated” women for an indefinite period.
Of course, since there is no long term studies, it is unknown what any of the long term effects might be, including such things as birth defects or cancers.
So, many unknowns, so little confidence.
But, how convenient the very spike-proteins we are targeting on the CV, just happen to include the specific protein required for all women to be fertile.

Looks like ADE may well be a thing after all. This article suggests ADE may develop (directly) from viral infection.
Curious to see how the rumors play regarding the potential mRNA “vaccine” side effects:

  • Increased susceptibility/risk for developing ADE post “inoculation”
  • Potential infertility in females
If either of these (particularly the latter) pan out then perhaps the brown “births” curve could be appreciably reduced in the post 2020’s range. That black line may well be locked in however. COVID-19 Virus May Prompt Body to Attack Itself (WebMD) “An international team of researchers studying COVID-19 has made a startling and pivotal discovery: The virus appears to cause the body to make weapons to attack its own tissues. The finding could unlock a number of COVID's clinical mysteries. They include the puzzling collection of symptoms that can come with the infection; the persistence of symptoms in some people for months after they clear the virus, a phenomenon dubbed long COVID; and why some children and adults have a serious inflammatory syndrome, called MIS-C or MIS-A, after their infections. "It suggests that the virus might be directly causing autoimmunity, which would be fascinating," says lead study author Paul Utz, MD, who studies immunology and autoimmunity at Stanford University in Stanford, CA. The study also opens the question of whether other viruses might also break the body's tolerance to itself, setting people up for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus later in life. Utz says he and his team are next going to study flu patients to see if that virus might also cause this phenomenon. "My prediction is that it isn't going to be specific just to SARS-CoV-2. I'm willing to bet that we will find this with other respiratory viruses," he says. The study comes on the heels of a handful of smaller, detailed investigations that have come to similar conclusions. The study included data from more than 300 patients from four hospitals: two in California, one in Pennsylvania, and another in Germany. Researchers used blood tests to study their immune responses as their infections progressed. Researchers looked for autoantibodies -- weapons of the immune system that go rogue and launch an attack against the body's own tissues. They compared these autoantibodies to those found in people who were not infected with the virus that causes COVID. As previous studies have found, autoantibodies were more common after COVID -- 50% of people hospitalized for their infections had autoantibodies, compared to less than 15% of those who were healthy and uninfected. Some people with autoantibodies had little change in them as their infections progressed. That suggests the autoantibodies were there to begin with, allowing the infection to burn out of control in the body. "Their body is set up to get bad COVID, and it's probably caused by the autoantibodies," Utz says. But in others, about 20% of people who had them, the autoantibodies became more common as the infection progressed, suggesting they were directly related to the viral infection, instead of being a preexisting condition. Some of these were antibodies that attack key components of the immune system's weapons against the virus, like interferon. Interferons are proteins that interfere with a virus's ability to copy itself. Taking them out is a powerful evasive tactic, and previous studies have shown that people who are born with genes that cause them to have lower interferon function, or who make autoantibodies against these proteins, appear to be at higher risk for life-threatening COVID infections. "It seems to give the virus a powerful advantage," says study author, John Wherry, PhD, who directs the Institute for Immunology at the University of Pennsylvania. "Now your immune system, instead of having a tiny little hill to climb, is staring at Mount Everest. That really is devious." "I'm not aware of another viral infection where that happens," he says. In addition to those that counterpunch the immune system, some people in the study had autoantibodies against muscles and connective tissues that are seen in some rare disorders Utz says they started the study after seeing COVID patients with strange collections of symptoms that looked more like autoimmune diseases than viral infections -- skin rashes, joint pain, fatigue, aching muscles, brain swelling, dry eyes, blood that clots easily, and inflamed blood vessels. "One thing that's very important to note is that we don't know if these patients are going to go on to develop autoimmune disease," Utz says. "I think we'll be able to answer that question in the next 6 to 12 months as we follow the long haulers and study their samples." Utz says it will be important to study autoantibodies in long haulers to see if they can identify exactly which ones seem to be at work in the condition. If you can catch them early, it might be possible to treat those at risk for enduring symptoms with drugs that suppress the immune system. What this means, he says, is that COVID will be with us for a long, long time. "We have to realize that there's going to be long-term damage from this virus for the survivors. Not just the long haulers, but all the people who have lung damage and heart damage and everything else. We're going to be studying this virus and it's badness for decades," Utz says."

Alex Berenson has been all over the vaccine effects on pregnant women. Data on spontaneous abortions in Tweet #3 in the thread below.
Can you imagine getting vaccinated while pregnant? It just seems nuts.
Of course there weren’t any pregnant women in the trial. So we have no clue as to what to expect.

1/ So Europe has its own adverse events reporting system for drugs and vaccines, called EUDRA. It now has data for the Covid vaccines. Which turns out to be EVEN WORSE than the US data. It now contains 58,000 reports for the @pfizer vaccine alone, including about 730 deaths...
2/ Now some are multiple reports from one person, since the database has 27,000 individual reports (nearly all ages 18-64). But at least 295 individual deaths have been reported, bc each report is sorted by type of adverse event, and the "general disorders" category has 295...
3/ Maybe 13 million doses have been given in Europe (nearly all first doses), so both death and overall adverse event rates are running far higher than the US. Of note, there have been EIGHT reports of "spontaneous abortions," i.e. miscarriages. Six were in healthcare workers...
From the BBC: Two Australian MPs have clashed in a parliamentary corridor, with Labor's Tanya Plibersek accusing the government's Craig Kelly of spreading misinformation about Covid-19. Ms Plibersek said Mr Kelly had "crazy conspiracies" about treatments that were not backed up by science.
Of course Kelly is speaking about DWSNBN and Ivermectin, and since he has been vilified and portrayed as a crazy Trump loving conspiracy theorist, when he speaks, the viability of the substance of his words turn to ash and fodder for the media cannons to create huge discredit to the subject. The article goes on to say he was literally taken in the back room and scolded until he submitted to the opposing narrative. I’m not trying to say that Kelly is a broken foot, I don’t know a lot about Australian politics, but the media has definitely put his character in a cast.

According to Dr. Steven Quay the virus came from a lab.

this is a good suggestion. The first step is to take a Ham Radio course (they are available for free or minimal $) and sign up for a technician’s license exam. I understand there is a wait list for obvious reasons. You cant use Ham radio without a license, but that license is good for 10 years before renewal.
Suggest to all - google HamRadio or Amateur Radio in your neck of the woods, and look for a local club. THey are non political, full of helpful geeks, and very welcoming to anyone interested in the hobby. There is a learning curve so this is not something to pursue hap hazardly.