I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Many similarities including fringe theories of escape from a Long Island biowarfare laboatory.
It links to https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/07/01/the-lyme-wars
No mention of ivermectin but both authors must have been aware of the success stories for its use in chronic Lyme.

I am not sure I understand how the religious intensity of belief has become so pervasive; wether it is political figures, vaccines (or not), climate change etc… Even though there are evidence based points of view, rarely is a response connected to the evidence cited/refuted/supported. Word bending is the rule, with this mRNA treatment called a vaccine even if it does not meet the definitions previous accepted. I have been banging on for 6 months about Hcq and Ivermectin, with references, and almost everybody is deaf to content. Now the ‘vaccine’ is connected to an unsettling frequency of ill effects, content is ignored or censored, and any query is discounted as fringe anti-vaxers. It is hard to see the storm front coming, and no one is taking it in. But on a bright note, Pfizer is projecting a 15 billion dollar profit this year.

and the near certainty almost none of those hospitalized patients in or out of ICU or long haulers have received any, your words are not worth reading. Ivermectin changes everything. You can start with these:
Now if you can find data on how well ivermectin is doing against the new variants, that would be helpful. Real data only please, not fearful musings.

If half the population of our country was not convinced that mask protocall and social distancing was being unpatriotic…or unconstitutional…and that the disease was…FAKE NEWS…sigh…
I thought it was suppose to go away ??..right after the election…right??wrong…its REAL…and its ENTRENCHED NOW…and its here to stay…Vaccines are …unfortunately …NOW…our only hope for eventually getting a handle on this thing.
And THAT pisses me off…Do you think ANYONE …WANTS to take the damn vaccine???
Just look around the world…the People calling the disease…Fake NEWS…such as…Brazil…United States…Russia…ect…have GARGANTUAN…DEATH!..compared to other countries that followed the science…
Give me a frickin break…
I have had enough conversations with virus deniers for a full year …that its pretty obvious how this thing spreads…
It spreads…Through carelessness,bawdy flippen righteousness…big partys…with maskless people drunk…spittin in each others faces…and Most importantly…a TOTAL lack of concern or care about anybody but themselves…
I will give it to you …family households that are packed…(no fault of their own)…and service jobs as well have helped the spread…but once we knew the rules…we had that under control…
It was the BLOWING OFF OF BASIC RULES…that lead this country into the high number of cases …that there is NO return from…period.
YES…we could have kept the death rate below 100,000…and been done with this thing…by now…but NO…
we had to bring religion,black rights … proud boys ,politics,fake NEWS,…MY RIGHTS,ect. into this quagmire!
Instead of just simply knowing we were in deep shit …and acted as one people of ONE country …with a problem to fix…following the science…
DAMN it…!
New york proved …this early…to all of us…(.Despite their population density…)
They had their hat handed to them in DEATH…
they did the about face and followed the simple frickin rules…
and low and BEHOLD…infections went down …brutally…and people stopped having to be piled in semi trucks …dead…on top of each other!
and NO…it wasnt JUST the ventilators…!It was people following some simple rules.
In fact…today… if someone in NewYork, sees you blowing off the rules…you get the shit kicked out of you…
Chicago learned quickly from new york…and avoided a lot of the carnage…L.A…was good at first …but then blew it off…because I guess they had to see it first hand …and NOW… the disease is screaming out there…Its ENTRENCHED NOW…TOO LATE…in a population density that size…
Oh right…Their herd immunity worked well over there CORRECT??
until they tossed the idiot that proposed it…
numbers of death is influenced by lots of factors…but mainly …its determined by the populous simply following some basic rules…
We will see where the death numbers go this spring with everything opening…
You would think that they would plummet…with people out doors more…and vitamin d being made on skin…
Guess what??
The virus is going to have a field day…because its ENTRENCHED in the population now.
Much harder to control…now…
and we STILL…have a bunch of freshly hatched…virus deniers…
oh excuse me …I mean.former virus deniers…turned into…(“ITS NOT THAT BAD”)ers
Yes…ivermectin will help…but soon even the horsepaste will be pulled…
You cant rely on a population the size of ours to be militant enough with themselves to take supplements and ivermectin…
its in the population now…were screwed…variants thwarting our every gain in this fight…against this hideous …PREVENTABLE…catastrophe.

Just look around the world..the People calling the disease...Fake NEWS....such as.......Brazil..United States..Russia...ect..have GARGANTUAN..DEATH!..compared to other countries that followed the science.
India followed the science and they have 150 Covid deaths a day because they hand out IVM to everyone.

Has to NOW…and for the PAST YEAR!.. risk their frickin lives EVERY FRICKIN DAY…because of people that could give a shit about them!
But then when they get sick…they come running…save me…save me…DO SOMETHING…
Did they go home for christmas??
Take that Vacation?
GO protest??
Hang out at the bar watching the game for 6 hours?
go out to eat every night?
Get together with freinds…saying ('WE trust our freinds")…they wouldn’t be around us sick…
give me a break …this population is so …NOT ON THE SAME PAGE…
This disease is NOT that hard to whip out of our population…at least that was true at first…NOW?..not so much…

My....ENTIRE ... family...and myself...

Has to NOW..and for the PAST YEAR!... risk their frickin lives EVERY FRICKIN DAY..because of people that could give a shit about them!
I advise they take $4 horse paste then they won't have to worry

India has billions of people living in hopeless poverty…
They do not have enough money to put a few grains of rice in themselves daily!
You think they have money for ivermectin??
Do you think these masses of poorest of the poor are counted???really???
The systems that would record the daily deaths DO NOT EVEN EXISTS!..for most provinces,
nor are the deaths even counted…largely…
especially in a pandemic…
You see how the official medical mouthpiece of India dissed the Ivermectin studies right??
can you count on ANY legit facts coming out of India???

They were counting 1000 Covid deaths a day back in Aug / Sept which is the same as what the US had. Around that time they started mass IVM distribution and their deaths started plummeting while the US’s shot up. Look on world-o-meters yourself.

Frosty said: “can you count on ANY legit facts coming out of India???”
All the trolling you can eat, with a side of racism too! Suhweeet! Go on home, y’all. Your act is so done.

Mr. Frosty
I suggest you stop making assertions and stop disparaging the statements that are factually correct.
I lived in India. Your first statement regarding India is so wildly inaccurate I wonder what you are smoking. There are not “billions” of people living in hopeless poverty. There are 1.3 billion people in India total. Yes many are very poor. That said the middle class in India is larger than the entire population of the US.
Your other statements about India are w/o any documentation. I work with the poorest of the poor there. I have many friends there. I have a doctor who runs our program East of Bombay. He has not seen a case anywhere near his village in weeks. Ditto for Himachal Pradesh in the north where we work with Tibetan refugees and in Tamil Nadu at the Southern tip of India. The state of Uttar Pradesh is giving Ivermectin out for free. Many of the poor of India live in rural areas where SC2 has a hard time spreading because the population density is very low. The cities are densely populated but have a higher number of doctors and hospitals. The health care is very good in the cities. The cost of pharmaceuticals is far less than in the US so the poor actually have better access than in the US.
Westcoastjan posted , lamenting the lack of gogent debate. You are a prime example. One of the tenets of PP was present data and facts to back up your assertions. You are not providing that.
This is not Facebook.

As you have proven time and time again Frosty, you have been emotionally damaged by the mainstream media Covid narrative to the point where you have completely lost your way. Go back through your post history and count the thumbs up… you will find very few signs that anyone here feels you are adding anything positive to the conversation with your emotional invective.
The fact is, I am angry with YOU. Angry because it’s people like you who blindly rant on about everyone needing to be vaccinated that have helped to create a groundswell for mandatory vaccinations in at least some areas like healthcare. I will not try to talk you out of taking it yourself, but you better not think it’s Okay to force it on myself or my family.
My daughter, just a few years out of college, works in healthcare admin. management. With Vitamin D, other supplements, and IVM at the ready, her chances of dying from Covid-19, or even getting a symptomatic case, are vanishingly small. Meanwhile she feels that she will eventually be forced into vaccination… something I think she should avoid even it it means losing the job… because the risks are greater than the reward. We don’t even know that the vaccine will insure that a vaccinated person cannot in the future contract and communicate the virus… it may just insure a milder (or completely deadly in the case of ADE) case.
There are other concerns we should consider, as espoused recently by Dr. Judy Mikovits here;

https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/31/covid-19-vaccine-gene-therapy.aspx Judy Mikovits: So when you express a synthetic or another animal gamma retrovirus like the mouse, like the monkey, like the cow, all the way to lizards, have syncytin. It's encoded in the genome. It's in the human genome. So if you activate syncytin, the protein, in biology, in virology, syncytia are the fusions. So what these envelope proteins do is fuse your cells together, and it is syncytin that allows us to have a placenta in the uterus fused together. So that's the expression of this in a good way allows us Dr. Mercola: I was going to ask you about that. I thought it was more highly expressed in the placenta. So does that also contribute to the projected or observed effects on fertility? Judy Mikovits: It will. Yeah, because that allows implantation. So if you can't implant because what you're going to do when you're injected with a synthetic one and we know this from being injected with the animal ones, this was the monkeys, the mouse retroviruses, the families, Moloney murine leukemia viruses. Those were all those things we found in people with ME/CFS, with cancers, with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia), with multiple myeloma. So when you express these aberrantly in the body and in the wrong place, you literally destroy autoimmune reaction against – of course, that's not cell. That's non-cell. So you attack your own syncytin, and the microglias I mentioned, the macrophages, you'll get inflammation-induced disruption of those cytokine storms of reactive oxygen species.
So thanks Frosty for your vacuous vaccine cheerleading.. know that I am there fighting against you every day. Not against masks, or against the idea that the virus is real, but against all the LIES like IVM and HCQ suppression that you willfully overlook in your singular scientific nihilistic karenhood (henceforth known at SSNK). Also, as I tried to explain to you earlier in comparing the US and Sweden... interventions were never going to stop this thing... they are incremental at best in slowing progress. We have to, as stated eloquently by AO, mind our immune systems.. which also means NOT hammering them with alien mRNA. Here is the science to back up my statement (try it sometime);
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/eci.13484 Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of COVID-19 Conclusions: While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less-restrictive interventions.

It is real hard for me to spend my precious time on this blog site anymore. Some person or thing who names itself frostypitbull and which lacks basic skills in the English language of discourse has hijacked this site. A deep state actor promoting conspiracy theories of the MSM could not do a better job.
Why isnt there a requirement for posters to use complete English sentences? The repetitious assertions of fact-free conspiracy theories by a language challenged troll are clogging up the main forums of this site. This used to be a good blogsite, too bad. Maybe one of you guys can start a new site for rationale discussion, limited to a selected member base? Black pigeon speaks has such a site that is available to paying members. Look up blackpigeonspeaks.

We wrote it off over too many uses of first person singular. Come on folk, when one uses “I” so frequently, self absorption is a given psychiatric dx.and on and on and on. Blame, too, rests on the second person, “you” .” You” are to blame for the failings of covid 19 control, it’s ”you”, who will continually spread and cause the eventual crucifiction of civil society.

I see Frosty enrolled 6 weeks ago, posted 27 useless comments and invectives.
I fully agree with Mots - enough of this nonsense!
Adam and Chris: kick the troll out so we can return to intelligent discourse on the PP blog. Thank you! Merci!
Here is how his profile still appears today - it looks like Frosty never initiated any discussions nor replied to any… go figure!!

We are in information warfare. I am not ready to withdraw to a safe space… I would rather take it to the trolls and the NPC’s, so as to educate those reading the threads by seeing the nuances of this discussion. I would be happy if Frosty is gone… he said he would go but didn’t. In the meantime, countering his lies with truth can hopefully bring the red pill to a few more… Be well, Jim H

Jim I agree basically. But the best way to win the game is not to play. The rules, the money, even ownership/control over the communications infrastructure are subject to modification/change/control at the whim of the other side. You cannot play the game of monopoly when the banker prints money for himself whenever he wants to take over an opponent and thereby become king of the world. The only thing to do here is walk away and contrive a new, better game that comports with reality. You cannot rely on an internet when all ISPs, all hardware, media companies, all who hold the keys, are private actors with only one motivation: to take money from those who print it up like the new game of unrestricted-no-rules monopoly.
Its over man.
We need new/additional channels of communication. We can build hardware and software for peer-to-peer communications.
Some are building private text local communication grids city wide on 24 hour basis. International text communications are possible on a 24/7 basis, but long distance and international voice broadcasts for only 10-15 reliable minutes per day.
We need to build, and not engage the fascists on their playing field, in my opinion.

This forum needs a “report” button.
I have seen spammers stick around for days.

Mr Frosty is a real puzzle. The nation actually has a treatment! You’d think that would make him happy and relieved. Someone in a normal state of mind would say, “Whew! Chris! Thanks so much for making everyone aware of this treatment! I’m going to spread the word!”
What’s more, Mr Frosty actually knows that ivermectin is the fix! And yet his off-the-charts fear persists.
Mr Frosty, I hope you recover your grounding, and soon. It has to be incredibly stressful to live in such a state of fear. It is especially sad because it just isn’t necessary.

Mots…Can you expound on that. What is the structure of a local grid?