I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

I say if we just end all the social distancing and let the virus run through everyone, then 90 something % of people will be fine, a small percentage will need hospitalization or further treatment so they get IVM and get better. As a result, everyone gets exposed to the virus which I would think would provide some kind of natural immunity to future versions that arise. Then it just becomes like the yearly flu, it’s around, you get new versions every year, but for the vast majority of people it’s just something you live with and life moves on.

The serum is still experimental and untested by any of our prior standards, and the initial studies for this serum are not due to be completed until next year.”

My understanding is the placebo group is being shut down so those people can be given the vaccine.  That means there will be no control to compare the vaccinated group to.  If so, the initial studies can’t be completed.

Any thoughts on potential virulence after a “phase shift”? Generally less, generally more?

Although, my vaccine injury didn’t cause death, it changed my life and the life of my family forever. I was a mother of young children ages 6 and 2 when I found myself injured from vaccination and struggling to move and be a full functioning mom. My children’s childhoods are full of memories much different from that of their peers. They would wake up wondering if today was going to be a “good” day for mom. Like me, they would always know where my cane was and when it looked like I was getting wobbly they made sure I had it close. Also, on those days when my left side just wasn’t listening to the impulses from my brain, they would help me get around via a wheelchair. Sometimes, they would have to tie my shoes and zip me up when I was getting dressed. They were human stair rails when the stairs I needed to go up had none. I am very proud that they have continued being kind and caring individuals with servants hearts. My daughter is working towards a grad degree in psychology in hopes of having a private practice and my son’s dream is to have sports medicine practice.
The day I left the neurologist after receiving my diagnosis, I told my husband that I would never be parking in a handicap spot. I vowed to find a way to keep this disease at bay. Although, I had been a pharmaceutical rep for ten years, I decided to look elsewhere for my answers. It has been 14 years since that day.
My healing has been a fascinating journey. I have done deep dives into many alternative therapies. I have set up a “healing” room in my home. It is my sanctuary! I have furnished it with many healing modalities including: PEMF, EWOT-exercise with oxygen, a Mijun table, Infra red sauna, scenar, cosmotic , and Healy devices. I have a functional dr, get IV vitamins, injectable peptides, and other supplements. Prayer, meditation, and thankfulness round out my health routine. I take no MS pharmaceutical drugs. When I visit my son at his school, we stroll around campus arm and arm. He towers over me now. Those looking on have no idea how tickled we both are that I am walking, that my wheelchair is buried in a deep, dark, dusty place in the garage and that my cane is parked in the back corner of the coat closet. I took ownership of my health. I believe that we all deserve the freedom to make our own informed decisions. As well as, our own health plans.
So Frosty, I hope you understand that vaccine injury is real. During my first trip to the Mayo Clinic, I met other vaccine injured humans. The vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over 4B since 2018. Sadly, it is extremely difficult to get compensation.
Frosty, also know that I have no problem with your decision to be vaccinated. I do hope you can understand that other’s like myself may not choose the same route as you. We may indeed have a plan to get through this pandemic, it is just not the same as yours. I have really valued the discussions that the tribe here at PP has had. I have been coming here since last January. I don’t think the search for truth has sides, it just has truth seekers. Thankfully, there are many truth seekers in this community!
Also, Frosty my heart goes out to you right now because I sense that you are living in tremendous, all consuming fearfulness. I’d like to respectfully suggest that you take some time off of your fear merry go round. You might want to call up a friend and have a good laugh, look through photo albums with happy memories, sit in the sun, smile, enjoy this moment in time! Your immune system will benefit.

The “phase shifting” virus weapon does not alter its functional characteristics when it “shifts” and changes its genetic signature enough to fool the immune system into recognizing it as a new viral invader and reacting to it. The way such a weapon works is to cause the immune system to be goosed into collapse, by causing it to consume its resources.
The body “thinks” is it being invaded by many different pathogens, instead of just ONE…which is constantly changing is identity.
Basically, such a virus just targets the immune system, causing it to fail, and…like AIDS…you die from other causes, which your depressed immune system cannot address.
The current pandemic virus incorporates the specific HIV splices required for rapid, clocked, alteration of its genetic signature. But, it also incorporates other genetic splices from other recent pathogens, so it can enjoy some of their attributes too.
The presence of these genetic splices is why we know this pandemic virus was deliberately manipulated and not naturally originated.
It is WHY a normal vaccine is impossible for this virus, and only a nucleotide serum can possibly be developed, which alters some of the engineered characteristics of the virus in our favor.

So for argument sake, let me turn this around. We have a vaccine, that as far as we know doesn’t stop the spread, nor does it prevent Covid from mutating. It might actually push the disease into mutating.
It seems like the CDC/NIH is banking on the vaccine doing exactly what you are saying it might not do (stopping spread and stopping mutations). If, in reality training the body to efficiently eliminate the virus doesnt slow its spread and decrease prevalence in the population, than absolutely, I would think that the vaccine was pointless and even harmful. Have we seen prior vaccines increase the spread of a disease in the past? If not, why would we put much credence in speculation that this one might?
let’s say I believe that, just like you believe masks and lockdowns have power to stop this even though we don’t really have solid science on that. With Florida’s numbers it kind of looks like the no mask, no lockdown thing might have some merit.
I can look towards several Asian countries who take masking seriously, and their numbers look nothing like the US, and their businesses have not closed. That should be enough evidence to try pretty hard to make masks work here. And, should it work, we wouldnt need lockdowns and the damage caused to business/employment, etc. A mask is such a simple nothing-burger vs someones life or loss of livelihood. For a person to argue that a mask during a pandemic is a significant infringement of freedom while being outraged that people are losing businesses due to lockdowns is mind bending. Im speaking generally, not implying that this is your position.
By getting a vaccine and protecting yourself against severe disease you could well be endangering me and my family. Should I be able to prevent you from getting the vaccine because my beliefs are different than yours? What if I have more money or more political power?
If, as the vaccine is rolled out, infection rates and mutations start to increase instead of go down, then absolutely the vaccine should be questioned and challenged. If a bunch of people insist on getting a vaccine that the weight of evidence/studies show is harming society and ramping the spread, then yes, I would outlaw the vaccine. Now this isnt a perfect analogy, as I dont support mandatory vaccination for C19. I do suggest that responsible people would wear a mask, isolate as much as they can and use IVM while continuing to monitor and adjust behavior. As IVM continues to prove, then continue to loosen ones own restrictions, but conversely, if IVM doesnt continue to ramp, then begin to tighten ones own behavior back down.
Data, advice for the CDC and WHO are all good but we all need to start erring on the side of choosing freedom even if it involves increased health risk. Once lost, it is very hard to regain your freedoms without war.
Choosing freedom despite increased health disk is fine at an individual level. However, in reality you are also choosing increased health risk for others who wouldn't make that same choice. As a libertarian minded person, that would be dubious for my behavior, as personal responsibility is high on my list of moral behavior. From what I can tell, this country sides so strongly on the side of personal freedom, there will be no permanent loss of freedom once the virus subsides. No one here would dream of wearing a mask or staying isolated after the fact. Even in the face of self harm or harming others during a pandemic, we cant collectively decide to do the minimum in many cases.

It seems possible that a yearly covid outbreak is what we will be dealing with, and with a yearly IVM antiviral and a yearly vaccine tweak. Unless IVM(or other) end up being so effective that it essentially wipes out Covid.
Hopefully IVM is not like penicillin, which loses its effect one used too much.

What about herd immunity?
When enough people get Covid, herd immunity will likely be achieved.
The problem is that it can take 3-6 years for that. Most people could give up and accept the (yearly) vac zines in despair.

We will see how it play out over time, and im not an expert to even be talking with any sort of authority.
As we see genetic mutations develop in Sars-cov2 it may become routine for people to lose their immunity and be able to catch the next strain.
As I understand there are at least three new strains that are overtaking the original strain already. And there may be reduced vaccine effectiveness with these new strains. Its a shifting situation.

A new drug used for cancer treatment has been proven to kill the Covid 19 virus. No comment on cost though. But with recent daily 1000+ deaths in the UK something is needed. Dexamethasone has not done the job

It very much resembles what is in the Billy Meier “prophecies” that have been written for decades from alien contact.  And before someone says they are phony (which is what I had thought for some time), there has been concerted alphabet agency action over the years to discredit them.  And yet, they have proven accurate again and again.  Sound familiar?  A friend who has studied them in great detail and has contacts in Switzerland related to them gives me updates from time to time on what he has learned.  It is not good.

This virus is NEVER going away.

There is NO vaccine that will reliably stop it over the long term.

It was designed to attack whatever system in the body is the most vulnerable.

It was engineered to do all this.

What we experienced in 2020 is only a prelude for the progressive worsening of mankind’s situation.    

I feel like a bio-weapon is not defined by it’s technical nature, but by the circumstances of its use. If we knew it was an accidental release, we wouldn’t call it a bio-weapon, regardless of the unchanged consequences of said release. I believe it is a bio-weapon - a new Pearl Harbour.
What I don’t agree is calling it a “Chinese” bio-weapon. Take a look at who funded most of Shi Zhengli’s work during the best part of the last decade, on coronavirus. (Gates, NIH, Faucci,etc). From this alone it would be more just to call it an American bio-weapon. It would, however, still be incorrect.
This weapon has no nationality. It is the product of the effort of many nationalities in the form of institutions that represent certain individuals, while claiming to represent you.
I mean no disrespect, I just feel like seeing it from a nationalistic perspective leaves much uncovered and narrows the possibilities of discussion.
It’s a global problem, it needs to be evaluated from a global perspective.

Very strange and confusing argument that the NIH upgrade did not have a vote and is therefore not real. Don’t know how to interpret this…and what the motives of the author might be.

ao - Stop selling your fear. The virus attacks your immune system allowing whatever underlying health issue the body has to deteriorate rapidly free from immune system intervention. It is relatively easily treated especially if treated early.
If it is a bioweapon it is really a flop. It kills people who are old, infirm, and have underlying health issues. It mirrors all cause mortality deaths demographics exactly, only increasing them. It could be called the Darwinian disease.

I know there have been many problems in the history of vaccine developments…heck…I was completely against the Gaurdasil one…
Too much risk for sure…
I take my own risks by avoiding the shingles vaccine…currently…
but as I increase in age …the flu jab is a must. now…Absolutely…
last flu almost put me 6 feet under…
Like I said…unfortunately,even the most robust immune systems are going to need help…with this rapidly evolving, covid (HIV of the air)…disease…
Going it alone… without the vaccines…??
Not a wise choice ,in my book…
Who knows what this thing is going to develop into.Look how it has mutated to date…
Trial Finds South African Coronavirus Strain Poses Reinfection Risks - WSJ
Ivermectin …will help for a while…especially if given early in the infection cycle…Thats for sure…D3 levels up and monitored…?All good…
but down the road??
with as fluid and changeable as this disease is?
I am praying for all the anti-vaccers …counting on …JUST their immune systems.
All in All…with restaurants and bars and schools opening everywhere now…we are now about to learn just how much we need those vaccines …as well as the boosters…
you thought the holidays were bad?
Invest in ( drive through)creating… construction companys…
After this spring…they will be the most wanted Diner additions, imho.
I hope I am wrong…but common sense tells me at this point…underestimate this thing ,and pay the piper

My daughter working in the I C U,
can tell you about how the Maskless, covid19 deniers ,made out…
As she pulls them off the ventilators…EVERYDAY…
I will pray for you my freind.
Your wrong about who it takes out as well…
their all not old,all not fat,all not in bad shape at all…
in fact…a really large percentage of them… are really, in the prime of their lives…with a full third of life to go…
and NOW…younger and younger ones fill the ICU…
longterm damages?
dont even …get me started…
You are also discounting hugely …what this thing will turn into…as it runs its routes through the dense populations.
Fear selling??
How about…
A realistic assessment of where we are heading…
If ONLY…people would have taken this thing more seriously…in the beginning…it would NOT be as widespread ,and entrenched in our society, as it is now…
Heck …our lives and businesses would have been back to normal by now…
THOSE ARE THE FACTS…like it or not…imho.
I wish you well.

And please don’t tell me what I can or can’t do.  I don’t appreciate that.  And I’m not selling anything.  Before jumping to conclusions, you might want to check the archives.  I was posting more than 10 years ago about how to treat viral infections simply, inexpensively, and effectively.  So I’m not party to the fear.  I am looking at reality, however.  The effects of the virus are not confined to the immune system nor are they fully known in the long term.  You’d know that if you did your homework.  Also, aren’t most diseases Darwinian in nature?  Most importantly, your concept of a bioweapon is very limited if you are just thinking in terms of lethality.  Have you ever considered that lethality may not be the desired result?  I could go on to explain more but I think from past exchanges, further discussion with you is probably not the best use of our time and I have more important things to do today.  Cheers. 

Frosty said,

If ONLY..people would have taken this thing more seriously..in the beginning..it would NOT be as widespread ,and entrenched in our society, as it is now.. Heck ..our lives and businesses would have been back to normal by now.. THOSE ARE THE FACTS..like it or not..imho.
What in the world are you talking about? Do you think more lockdowns and masks would have changed the arc of this thing? If so why is the US still ahead of (no lock downs) Sweden in terms of population death rate? You are a factless fomenter of fear, just like CNN and MSNBC. Take your drivel someplace else please because by bringing it here you will serve the opposite of your purpose; More people will learn the truth about supplements and effective medications as they learn that they have been lied to by the power's that be, and by their mindless water carriers (like you Frosty). Here is Dr. Kory's chart showing how the institutionalization of Ivermectin, at home, and early, literally turns off the death wave of Covid-19, proven over, and over again in different Peruvian states. This is data. These are facts. You present neither and hence have no credibility here. It's very hard to be factually informed about both the power of Ivermectin (as cocktail) and be aware of the potential downsides of this mRNA vaccine, and still want the (untested for long term side effects) gene therapy "vaccine".

When you are counting on a vaccine, you too are counting on … JUST your immune system.

Immune system health is important but it’s not the only thing. 

Consider the “terrain” of the soma, be that immunological, biochemical, biophysical, energetic, spiritual, what have you.  If you can improve the “terrain” of your soma, you greatly lessen your chances of contracting and/or being seriously impacted by almost any disease, including this one.

Now we know this is easier for some people more than others and easier in some environments more than others but at least some degree of it lies within the abilities of almost everyone.  And for those unfortunate few where it doesn’t, a vaccine is probably more likely to increase their risk of dying of the disease than decrease it.

In terms of medical professionals understanding all that “improving the terrain” entails, I can tell you from over 40 years’ experience that very, very few do, unfortunately.  I’ve seen abundant evidence of that personally, professionally, and in the scientific literature. 

The following books are a starting place for learning this perspective:

Unravel the Mystery by Ann Malkmus

Spontaneous Healing buy Andrew Weil

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

None of These Disease by S. I. McMillen

There are many many more but these should keep you busy for a while. 


Still waiting for that million-person reinfection study.
I’ve seen with my own eyes that COVID can be beaten with ivermectin + supplements in just five days. This just confirms the science for me. You can hide in your basement in terror if you like. I’m going to live my life. And if I get sick, well, I’ll trot out the ivermectin stash, and 5 days later, I’ll be fine.
Man. The more you write, the luckier I feel to have gone through COVID here at this site. I was totally worried back in February. I’m totally not worried now. Because, science.
I mean, sure, before we had a treatment that worked, if you are high risk, hide in your basement. I get it. But now? All that fear over 5 days of being ill? Good grief. I’ll deal with it. I’m a big boy.
I did not incarnate here on earth just to hide in the basement in fear because of a 5-day illness. I have stuff I want to get done. Besides, its nice outside. I like people. I like socializing. It makes me happy.
And as for influenza, why on earth would I take the flu shot when I can take NAC instead? It is far more protective than some flu jab. And NAC has other beneficial effects besides - a glutathione precursor is ever more important as we age. Ask that “ICU nurse” daughter of yours to read this trial [when she’s taking a break from extubating all those “maskless COVID deniers”] and she can tell you what it says.
NAC-influenza RCT: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9230243/
Boy. If only the NIH would approve ivermectin as an outpatient therapy, she’d probably have very little work to do.
We know what the treatment is. We just need to apply it nationwide and we’re all good. I really don’t get all the fear.