I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Karl Denlinger’s site has an anonymous guest post that seems very well written and informative. Good background info with references and brings up good questions as to the origin of SARS-C0V2. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=241470

Frosty said -
In the end…you can then … get the same crappy sickness …all over again.
Often …with the second infection…way worse then the first.
Frosty - Maybe you are finally getting it. When experimental vaccines were being developed for SARS-COV1 in 20112, they found that when the test animals were exposed to live virus after being vaccine-innoculated, they showed a severe ADE response and died.
This is the kind of outcome that thinking people on this site are afraid of. It’s not just an irrational fear of vaccines for no valid reason.

COVID-19 Antibodies Only Last About 3 Months, Studies Find (verywellhealth.com)
Do not shoot the source as some political chicanery…
enough already, please…
There are some new studies claiming that immunity last a bit longer …but I believe the truth is… that each individual… is a separate case…with covid.
It all depends on the state of your immune system…at time of infection…and YES…your age.(.unfortunate for me).
Also,your genetics,and YES…what you put into your body …on a regular basis,supplements. good food…too much booze… junk food…ect.,all factors…
The main fact is…that this disease is FLUID…it is not something that has common rules,…its different to different people…but all in the same subset…with varying extremes in protections with immunity… as well as how sick it can get you…if infected.
blood thinners are helpful.
I guess a lot of you feel lucky…??..YES??
not so much…
I am a realist…but an optimist.(.believe it or not.).but I do not fool myself into thinking our country…is as messed up… as so many of you declare…
life is short…all the massive paranoia,lately…is misplaced…imho…and really…its ruining EVERYTHING…these days it seems…
calling me a troll for instance??
Because my views differ from yours??
And NO…nothing in life is perfect!..or 100%…Get used to it…life is always throwing us a curve…
THAT…is what I have come to learn is truth.
but yes…its getting harder to navigate with the loss of morals…in not only business and health care…but in people who are quick to judge…
I believe that …Yes…some studies could be flawed…but the news on this disease is NOT GOOD…and getting worse…unfortunately…with lack of unified protocols.
Ivermectin and supplements are GOOD…but a short term fix…until the disease makes thjem MOOT!
THATS …what I DO…fear…
I believe the disease deniers …that are now slowly turning into disease…(“ITS NOT SO BAD”)ers…

COVID: Second infection can be worse than first for some, shows study- The New Indian Express

As my (sometimes)out of date medical memory serves, your immune response to respiratory (corona and rhino) viruses is layered, there are a non-specific floating antibodies (which may include recent stimuli), not universally targeted, but often effective; there is an induced response of a remember antigen which kicks in in 3-5 days (where the vaccines are supposed to work), and then if the antigen is different enough, (and there is no cellular memory of exposure) within 3 week a new set of antibodies is mobilized and produced and gradually declines in concentration over a few months. The large proportion of the population that seems to be resistant to severe illness suggests to me that prior exposure to other corona viruses and keeping your terrain healthy, is a big part of surviving any infection well. So it is normal for the antibody levels to drop over a few months; keeping healthy allows for a better outcome with additional exposure.

Steve Hilton, Fox News, The Next Revolution has been looking into the origin of SARS 2, the Wuhan lab and the continued funding of Gain of Function studies by Fauci and others. He is posting information he has uncovered including the NIH attempting to mislead by sending info on a completely different strain than what was requested and dates and amts of cintinued funding despite the Obama administrations’ moratorium.

Apparently the CDC reevaluated the number of US Americans in the first week of January and decided that an extra 270K people shuffled off the mortal coil since December 26.
Very interesting article by Celia Farber:
She came to my attention earlier today when I read this:
Certainly Chris had educated us all early last year to know that the cycle threshold in play was ludicrous, but I had no idea the inventor of the PCR test had long ago called out the medical community for abusing his invention for generating DNA and perverting it into a diagnostic tool.
My favorite part of this article is this nugget:
“I think if a country said, “You know, we need to end this epidemic,” They could quietly send around a memo saying: “We shouldn’t be having the cutoff at 37. If we put it at 32, the number of positive tests drops dramatically. If it’s still not enough, well, you know, 30 or 28 or something like that. So, you can control the sensitivity.”
Does that sound at all familiar? I haven’t verified the timing, but I do recall hearing the WHO called for lowering the CT number. Supposedly this coincided with the latest lucky inaugural winner.

If one wants to avoid the I.C.U.,They educate themselves…
this… is what I thought we all come to Dr.Chris for…to cut through the muck…and give of perspective and risk tolerance based on facts.
imho…Problems come when folks underestimate the dangers of our current MAIN problem…(COVID19)…they under estimate the risks ,to themselves,and all of us ,really…in the process.
What I see going on with the American People,is confounding…
and yes,it can be confusing these days…because it seems we are all being directed down one path or another…with lots of us wearing badges of (my way or bust).
I am not a genius,as stated previously,but I have a good grip on common sense and risks.
I will tell you from personal expierience,as well as from family working directly with covid 19 patients…THIS THING IS REAL…ITS HORRIFIC,and ITS… NOT… A BIG NOTHING BURGER!
It stands directly in the path of ALL OF OUR collective prospierity…
COVID19…IS…the enemy.!
NOT big pharma,NOT,the medical system,Not the Government,NOT Dr.Faucci,NOT Bill Gates,Not the president,and ,…NOT…each …other…!
the personal fears of all the estranged topics as well as the political affiliations that we as individuals fall under…are secondary to this disease.
I myself see both sides…of each political view…and waver between them.
.but I also see so many of us… lost in the details,with so much anger and lack of clear direction on how to proceed.We ARE ALL AMERICANS!..
I came to this site because I admired Dr.Chris and his work…
I will let folks know how I see things,and what I learn…
Sometimes ,I may be wrong ,and would appreciate corrections with facts that are based on predominance of majority of cases,…not on minority of cases.
Four of my immediate family members,serving the public in the hospitals… …are now fully vaccinated…
I report…NO problems…so far…
I pray to God…that continues…and that the vaccine fears that I have read hear…are misplaced.
Are the vaccines going to wipe out covid completely??Most likely not…
but imho,they will advance us to a MUCH better place, then where we are right now.
Think about it…if the vaccines are so Nasty…we are all screwed…
The entire medical establishment will have taken the jab…eventually…and if the vaccines permanently harm any of us…where do you go for help with any medical emergency…?
so …YES…the stakes are high…but imho…the risks are worth it.and the odds are good…but there will be minor casualties,as with anything.
NO I AM NOT A TROLL…Just a concerned Husband and DAD.
I think that this board is unfortunately, evolving into something that I wish not to participate in.
I do not want to take up board space and be threatened with banishment as I was…for simply sharing my perspectives.
We shall see how this all plays out.
Perhaps lots of you folks are correct and the vaccines are as horrible as you say?..myself??
I think that they are our way back to the life we were living …before covid19…

You do you Boo.
This is the same age old argument. I choose freedom over safety. The loss of freedom scares me a lot more than Covid, second hand smoke, driving without a seatbelt and on and on. The trouble is I have watched the creep for decades. I have watched my freedom be taken from me inch by inch.
If you perceive Covid to be a horrific disease you should get the vaccine, wear two masks everywhere and close yourself in your house. No one is stopping you.
If you want to have discussions about the different types of vaccines and treatments I’m in but if all you want to do is berate me for wanting to keep my sovereignty over my life, well that is what abusers do and I’m not going to be abused.
If the vaccine makes you feel better, great! I’m happy for you, just like I’d be happy for you if you got Botox or a tetnus booster you thought was important. Please give me the same respect and freedom to do what I think is best for me and my family!

Be thankful you are free to make the choices that work for you and your family.
I’d take a bunch of vitamin D, open the windows, leave the bathroom fans on and do the prophylaxis ivermectin thing. If I had four family members that were in contact with large vial loads daily I’d probably get the vaccine. But I am not.
My guess is you don’t have a pair of tap shoes in your car. I do, I take tap class. We are all different, what we need is different. I am not going to spend ten long posts telling you why you should take tap class (although I could) and get your own set of tap shoes.
No one gets out alive! When your time is up, it is up. Get your affairs in order now and enjoy what life you have left, be it five years or fifty years.
Have a great day,

I’m Hopeful that Nyhetersverige will not continue to clog up all the bandwidth on the site. I log on to see posts about Covid and Silver and see the whole comments column filled by 8 consecutive posts by this guy effectively silencing everyone else.

As in the old days, pre covid, and further back. There are no more good debates and discussions going on at PP anymore. I still come for the articles, but have given up on the idea of meaningful, intelligent, long running discussion threads that one can actually follow and participate in. The site is now dominated by tons of of disorganized comments and over zealous posters. Pity…

Id say with IVM, perhaps we are to the point wrt the strength of the data, where one could decide to use it and feel justified in not damaging the freedom of others by being out and about potentially spreading C19.
For the millions that dont use IVM and have been out unnecessarily, flaunting masks and so on, in the name of personal liberty… I think they have a weak understanding of personal responsibility and their responsibility to ensure the liberty of others equal to ones own.

or at least getting some public exposure again. Liking her more and more, did not know she works with Kennedy in the vaccine courts.
It’s the first of three videos on this page.

So for argument sake, let me turn this around. We have a vaccine, that as far as we know doesn’t stop the spread, nor does it prevent Covid from mutating. It might actually push the disease into mutating. Again, for argument sake let’s say I believe that, just like you believe masks and lockdowns have power to stop this even though we don’t really have solid science on that. With Florida’s numbers it kind of looks like the no mask, no lockdown thing might have some merit.
By getting a vaccine and protecting yourself against severe disease you could well be endangering me and my family. Should I be able to prevent you from getting the vaccine because my beliefs are different than yours? What if I have more money or more political power?
Data, advice for the CDC and WHO are all good but we all need to start erring on the side of choosing freedom even if it involves increased health risk. Once lost, it is very hard to regain your freedoms without war.

China turbocharges bid to discredit Western vaccines, spread virus conspiracy theories (msn.com)
We have to be smarter… then to fall for this crap.
When we do…It spreads as gospel…
So really?? where does it start??,…and by who?
Yes…there can possibly be problems with (super frail) elderly people(85 and over) receiving the mrna vaccine…that much has always been clear…Not, enforced,and vettted properly enough to gaurd against…but…(unfortunately)… clear.
Ones immune system …must have minimal strengths in order to adequately handle the vaccine.
But do we allow these unfortunate casualties to color our entire view of the benefit to these vaccines in healthier folks??
or do we take ivermectin/supplements…forever…hoping that longterm ivermectin use does not lead to another bad outcome…and yes… I have read the safety studies on longterm ivermectin…
What happens when the ivermectin becomes ineffective…?as the disease mutates its way around it?
What then?

I have tried to put forth reason and my positions ,only to come to the conclusion that many here are steadfast in their convictions…
Lets just agree to disagree on the way out of this mess…I believe I am done here…
When you start seeing the precious metals gain in acceptance .and value…you will know that Our dollar is toast…We will have lost the worlds reserve currency status…The results of lack of trust in science, extreme paranoias,as well as the distrust of one another as americans…
The divisions on what the correct course forward is…are unfortunate…
It should be obvious at this point…to all…with all the death as well as what we have already seen in this diseases ability to hurdle common roadblocks…
Do not take the vaccines…see how that works out for you…
I had COVID…it is touch and go…the older you get…
God Bless ALL…and Good luck…

Vaccines are maybe 100 years old.
What did organisms do before vaccines existed?
The death toll from this while very sad isn’t all that bad. This isn’t Ebola or the plague type numbers. Biology, ecosystem pressure and evolution will deal with it.
This is a corona virus, chances are that common cold you got a couple years ago started out the same way a thousand years ago.
Or perhaps this is a Chinese bio weapon at which point all bets are off. With as many Chinese nationals imbedded in our educational institutions one must consider that the vaccine is a tool to takedown our entire healthcare system and military and the only people that are “safe” are those that don’t get the Western vaccine.

So, Mr Frosty. Your article on “reinfections” - did you actually read it? I mean - be honest. Did you read it?
I’ve highlighted the important sections.
Worst case - reinfection is “rare”. Best case - it was a contaminated swab in the initial “infection” - and it wasn’t a reinfection at all. As stated by an expert in the last paragraph.

He added that there were three key takeaways from the study- that immunity is not guaranteed despite infection, protection against the virus may be short-lived and bad disease the next time, though rare, is a possibility. In the paper, the authors have noted that while none of the HCWs developed lower respiratory tract manifestations or breathlessness, this may be explained by their young age. “Older HCWs may experience more severe respiratory involvement,” they said, adding that as for those who recover from mild Covid-19 have short term immunity, reinfections may become more common in the future. Incidentally, the paper has come out weeks after two cases of reinfection were reported in the country—both of which were found without any symptoms in the later episodes. Some independent scientists meanwhile raised concerns saying that since the only laboratory evidence of the first infection in such cases has been a single pharyngeal PCR swab, it could also be a case of contamination rather than an actual case of infection the first time. “As per my knowledge, reinfections are very few to be true possibilities,” said a senior immunologist who did not want to be named. “This can be clearly resolved if the researchers have DNA samples from the first swab which can then be used to ascertain the patient’s identity,” he said.
So you didn't find the million-case reinfection paper I asked you for (I'm guessing - it doesn't exist), and the one article you did find, proves my point that reinfection is rare - and may not even have happened at all. Are you sure you want to remain terrified of something that has no evidence behind it? This seems irrational to me. When Chris makes a video, he comes armed with papers. With science. Chris follows the science. We all do our best to follow the science here. You may find this a useful approach too. Give it a shot; you'll likely get a more positive reception. It might even make you a bit less fearful. I mean - who wants to live in fear? Not me, certainly. My sister got COVID too. She got past it in 5 days with ivermectin. Let's hope this is true for most people in 2021.

So, you wish to continue to take new mRNA serums every six months, and every time this virus mutates…forever? This virus is designed to mutate on a clocked basis and is not dependent upon natural mutation events. We have bio warfare pathogens from the 1970s, which do this…what we used to call…“phase shift”…in order to make any attempts a vaccines incapable of success.
The serum you champion is not a cure of Covid19, nor does it prevent the spread of Covid19, nor does it stop you from contracting Covid19. The ONLY claim this serum makes is that it is supposed to REDUCE the severity of Covid19…and this is said to be only effective in about 50% of the symptomatic infections.
The serum is still experimental and untested by any of our prior standards, and the initial studies for this serum are not due to be completed until next year.
Go ahead and get juiced up with an experimental and dangerous serum if you wish.
I simply do not trust the people behind it, nor those admonishing people to take it.