I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Hey Frosty, no chance that POZ is agenda driven. POZ (magazine) - Wikipedia
Not that I’m a fan of Wikedpedia which is in itself agenda driven. Most here aren’t anti-vaxxers they just want to be certain of safety and efficacy. Cancer Drug Shows Potent Activity in the Lab Against SARS-CoV-2, Including New Variants - POZ

I don’t find Covid all that scary. Perhaps because I take vitamin D and have a stash of ivermectin.
I also don’t have an issue with using an mRNA treatment for cancer and I will even add I am not an antivaxer, just got an MMR booster in November.
I think there is a lot we don’t know about mRNA vaccines. I kind of think of the mRNA technology as a silver bullet and I am not going to waste a silver bullet on Covid. I have yet to see any data on how many mRNA vaccines you can get before you start getting rejections to that lipid capsule. I am old enough to remember the whole silicon breast implant thing. The Wuhan and UK variants don’t seem to be that bad. The SA one is a bit worse, what will the next one be like? I’m saving my silver bullet.
By summer we are going to have couple more options, Novavax and J&J. We will likely have an updated Moderna to cover the SA variant, hopefully ivermectin will be approved and by fall the data on the MMR booster should be out. In six months there will be many more options. I’ve waited this long, I can wait another six months.
If you are still in child bearing years getting one of the two available vaccines now is very short sighted. Rolling the dice with the actual disease is a safer bet and will also get us to herd immunity just about as fast since the vaccine doesn’t actually stop transmission. If you are 70+ a vaccine makes sense.
Look at this like shopping for a new car. Just like different cars have different features all these vaccines and treatments have different pros and cons. I love my minivan and the things that are pros, size and utility, for me may be cons for you. We all need to do what is best for ourselves! I am happy to admire your fancy corvette even though I would never get one. I just ask for the same in return.

This is slightly off topic but related to a potential societal breakdown. While driving across North Carolina recently we have noticed a huge amount of littering along the roads. It’s almost like people just don’t give a F$%# anymore. Has anybody noticed this elsewhere? Just seems we are going downhill fast.

Philadelphia has been called “Filthadelphia” for decades because of the overwhelming litter and filth. I agree it’s a sign of social decay. So we can conclude some areas are in more advanced stages of decay than others. I got out 2 years ago and here in NH everything’s neat and clean.

Hey dude.
Yes, Finland’s better. But so are Denmark and Norway. They followed common sense and science where Sweden’s ‘Doktor Tengele’ followed… well no one’s sure, but he had this madman Johan Giesecke on his shoulder like a Jiminy Cricket. You remember, they were still wondering into April last year what that blasted ‘R0’ was all about and how to calculate it, promising they’d have herd immunity by June… The girl running the show in Finland is excellent. Cheers.

Where’d you get the IVM? We have lots of stuff but not that. We’d love to get it. The channels we’ve looked into don’t seem so promising anymore, so any advice would be great, thanks!

How is Jordan’s health?

Good post, Jim. Cheers.

After listening to Dr. Pierre Kory about Ivermectin, I’m hopeful.
But came across Contact Report 763 that says:

The truth is that the Corona epidemic corresponds to a real contagious and life-threatening infectious disease, which causes mass infections and mass deaths, which, moreover, cannot be countered with any medicines and thus can neither be fought nor cured. From the medical point of view, the only solution is a proper and valuable vaccination, which at present is unfortunately still uncertain for a comprehensive effect and guarantee of prevention, because the lack of tests and experience is still insufficient, thus causing more harm than good and even causing deaths as well as long-term damage and late effects, as is unfortunately already proving to be the case and confirming the already early predictions.

Well, kind of.
5 days ago she lost the sense of taste & smell, along with massive fatigue, and some other standard COVID symptoms. We started her on I-MASK+ (120 pound horse, plus supplements). Four days later, her taste & smell are back, her massive fatigue is mostly gone, and she’s back close to where she was. Her boyfriend had similar symptoms, and so he received the same treatment. Similar results. Her 87 year old father got a cracker on days 1 & 3, per the I-MASK+ close contact protocol. Dad has no symptoms as of this writing. It was handy to have the pastey crackers there in advance, so no time was wasted.
So my guess is, she just got vaccinated - the natural way. My hope is that her T-cell response will provide her life-long protection, in the same way it did for the people who came down with SARS-COV-1 way back when.
And if not, if she just has the B-cell immunity that’s not quite as long-lasting, well, there’s more crackers where those came from.
That’s how we end the pandemic: treatments that work. Which we have one now, thanks to the doctors at the FLCCC.
And we also have a free market. If Frosty wants an experimental injectable, bless him, he can have it. Even though he’s already (most likely) immune given his exposure. Even though 288 people have been reported to VAERS as having died from the vaccine. With 64% of the deaths in the > 65 age bracket. (As a basis of comparison, reported flu vaccine deaths, from 2020-present, were just 24, with 170 million vaccinations).
So risk of death is about 85x higher for the COVID vax vs FLU3 + FLU4. And this is only the first shot. Second shot (according to trial data) is even more impactful.
Here’s the current narrative:
“If someone dies after testing positive for COVID, that’s clearly a COVID death. But if someone dies after getting vaccinated, well, the death almost certainly has nothing to do with the vaccine, since people die all the time.”

Good grief - it’s not enough we have to fight this pandemic! ? Thanks for the post!

Hi, Chris,
Thank you so much for ALL you do!
In the picture of your Personal Immune Booster Supplements, you include Zinc Picolinate. I just came across the following.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) says on page 17 of their A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment
:black_small_square: Zinc sulfate, gluconate or citrate. These forms are available in pharmacies, health food stores, and sold online. Zinc sulfate 220 mg provides 50 mg elemental zinc, the recommended anti-viral dose. Zinc in the form of zinc picolinate form is not recommended following reports of liver damage and tumors from studies about 20 years ago. Following these reports, the German Commission E that regulates supplements used in medical practice in Germany banned this form of zinc.
Best regards,

I have some from the farm store and I am going to try to get some through a telemedicine appointment. I will let you know how that works.

Slovakia is the first EU nation to officially sanction IVM.

I agree…
Waiting is a nice luxury for some,always good to see how things play out…but what do you do when 4 of your family members work in the hospitals?
Two,directly with ICU and covid patients ?
Dr. Kory was jabbed with the Moderna model…
thats good enough for me.
I wish I did not have to wait…
I am a sitting duck for covid19
and NO…my immunity likely expired in may of 2020.
All studies point to loss of major immunity after 2-3 months…although some immune systems can go 6 months…thats in the minority of cases…In the end…you can then … get the same crappy sickness …all over again.
Often …with the second infection…way worse then the first.
It does not even have to be a mutated version…

That was the BMJ editor’s opinion after taking a very close look at what data was publicly available and what FDA was saying about Moderna and Pfizer.  Yet some people like Frosty take the sensational claims about those vaccines as gospel.  He probably even thinks they are vaccines, they aren’t.  Just unproven treatments.

I want something proven to work.  IVM has been proven to work, and with no side effects.  If I had close family members in an ICU setting I wouldn’t put myself at risk by reliance on the vaccines!

Anyone paying attention to the VAERS data on those vaccines, bear in mind that only about 1% of side effects tend to be reported to VAERS. 

I just switched PCP’s. The previous PCP was an idiot and I am writing a complaint to the state Health Dept. Shopping for a doctor is a time consuming , frustrating ordeal. One reads reviews, asks for referrals, goes to get an appt. , filling out paperwork for 1/2 an hour. Then one meets the staff and doctor and goes into all the gory details of medical history.
The following is what led me to my new PCP

Good morning,
Still having about 30 positive cases a day at the offices and Arkansas hospitalizations are at an all time high at 1100 with almost 200 patients on ventilators.
My one patient that was in the hospital finally got discharged to a rehab hospital and is still on oxygen but getting better. They never had to be intubated thank God. We sent another patient back to the hospital that had just got out. That patient was not treated by us for covid.
If you're sick with covid and have risk factors, then you need to find a clinic that treats covid and doesn't just tell you to go to the ER when your lips turn blue! Currently we are treating early covid with ivermectin, doxycycline, aspirin, and Singulair plus the high dose vitamins and we give our patients a pulse ox to monitor their heart rate and oxygen levels. I would recommend you advocate the same or very similar treatment from your providers.
Be disciplined and take your vitamins, get outdoors (it's beautiful out this morning), wash your hands, gargle with salt water, get plenty of sleep and get checked out if you have covid symptoms.
Merry Christmas,
Dr. Rob"
I had my first appt. this week. I did not see the main man. He is working in the back where the SC2 patients come in. I requested to see a doc and a PA came in. "No sorry doctor please" . "Oh okay I will send him in" Doc comes in and we get to know each other. I tell him I am responsible for my health and always have been, and all I need is a support team that is on the same page. He is on the same page. I then proceed to tell him I had a doc (now retired) that recommended IVM back in March, and that I have read the studies and am aware of the I Mask protocol. He is sitting at his desk and swings the computer around and there is the I Mask protocol on the screen. LOL I think I found my PCP. BTW he spent a full 1/2 hour with me.
Moral of the story? Be a shopper with a goal, do your research and don't settle. They are your employee not some god on high.

So many people seem to think that their doctors are infallible and don’t dare question them or ask probing questions. Doctors are like any other human; they have biases and ignorances too. It’s been very enlightening to me this last year engaging with medical friends of mine; some of which have been the most close minded individuals I’ve interacted with re: IVM, despite sharing all the data with them.
Your approach is exactly what unsatisfied “customers” of the Medical Industrial Complex need to follow, and I am in the middle of the same process myself. Thankfully, the tide seems to be turning on IVM.

I respect your decision to take the jab. I personally will have to have a gun at my head before I submit. I grow my own organic food, exercise daily, and take vitamins.
Every week when I visit the grocery, I am appalled at the unhealthy food I see in other peoples grocery carts.
If you insist on my getting the jab, shouldn’t people be forced to eat healthy food also?
Where does the intrusion into personal choice end for you?

Mr Frosty-

All studies point to loss of major immunity after 2-3 months..although some immune systems can go 6 months...thats in the minority of cases...In the end..you can then ... get the same crappy sickness ..all over again. Often ..with the second infection..way worse then the first.
Three questions: 1) can you cite even one study that says "loss of major immunity after 2-3 months"? This study should be able to point to some large number of people getting reinfected after 2-3 months. 2) Can you quote even one study that says "second infection way worse than the first?" Not an individual case. A study with thousands of people. 3) What are your primary sources for news about this pandemic? Given that 100,000,000 people have been infected worldwide, and given you claim immunity only lasts 2-3 months, then reinfections should be as common as dirt. Simple math tells me this. Example: if there's a 10% chance of a US citizen catching COVID in any given calendar year, then 1% of the population should have been "reinfected." That's 3.2 million reinfections in America. And if the second case is worse than the first - we should have literally millions of dead people, dying from those reinfections. Because - simple math. I hope you understand my simple math, Mr Frosty. I'll be waiting for that million-person reinfection case report.