I'm Scared...but I'm Hopeful

Frosty, there are maybe billions of viruses in the world.  The number is quite remarkable even if I’m off by a few decimal points (in either direction).  Would you like a vaccine for each one of them?  Did you know that exposure to vaccines is part of how we have naturally evolved?  These vaccines have not been demonstrated to be either safe or effective.  Ivermectin has.  So I am going with the science for now.

Hyperventilating probably isn’t very healthy for you.  Deep breaths, bro!

You seem to think that taking the vaccine will vanquish SARS-COV2 from society, which is NOT THE CASE! Wrong!! This virus (and all of it’s variants) has become part of our infectious disease ecosytem. It’s not going away - Ever! And these “vaccines” will not magically eliminate COVID19 from planet earth. Maybe you are confusing smallpox eradication with COVID19 eradication because you think these “vaccines” really are vaccines, as defined by the CDC.
The “vaccine” being pushed on us are not true vaccines, as defined by the CDC at all, because 1) it does not prevent you from getting the disease, nor 2) prevent you from transmitting the disease. The manufacturers take great care not to call their products a vaccine, but rather “gene therapy.”
The primary endpoint of the clinical “vaccine” trials that were approved under EUA - “The prevention of symptomatic COVID19 disease.” The outcome is to lessen symptoms associated with the S1 protein, not even the virus itself. Immunity is when you can be exposed to a pathogen and not become infected; i.e. you have protection from an infectious disease (CDC definition). In the clinical trials they (Moderna and Pfizer) specifically state that they were not going to test that, and neither one claims that their “vaccines” confer that protection.
In fact, the data Chris has shared shows that taking Vit D/zinc and using ivermectin confers a greater degree of protection from contracting COVID19 and passing it onto others than the alleged 90% efficacy that the manufacturers claim. So anyone who uses that approach does more to safeguard the health of others than the “vaccine”

Just found this today on BBC…wondering what others feel about this complete protection against death and being in the hospital…Pretty stong beliefs there. But I have never heard of this one.

A new single-dose vaccine has shown to be 66% effective against Covid-19, and offered complete protection against hospitalisation and death in trials.
However, there are signs the jab, made by Belgian pharmaceutical firm Janssen, is less effective against the new variant spreading in South Africa.
The Johnson & Johnson-owned company is looking at whether two doses will give stronger or longer-lasting protection.

You nail it in clear understandable language. There are so many people that don’t look beyond the label “vaccine” and are in for a horrible reality. My 92 year old parents just got their second jab, and both have mild side effects. I could not in good conscience try to dissuade them from their decision to go along with everyone else in their independent living home to get the jab. They are scared about life and clinging to what little freedom and comfort they can find. They worked hard all their lives…for this? To be on constant lockdown and have no life. The “vaccine” gives them a small amount of freedom.
I’ll save the gene therapy speech for younger people who have a lot more to loose. It is a very, very, hard conversation to have with friends who don’t understand…but Thankyou again for helping me formulate my thoughts to present the argument as best I can.


Anal swabs?

Okay, they’ve officially jumped the shark.  We’re in pure farce territory now.

I cannot think of anything more personally invasive than that and neither could they.

Unless spleen biopsies are next or something.  

“I cannot think of anything more personally invasive than that and neither could they.”
LOL. I needed that.

What’s a power-mad local health manager to do when their favorite tool of lockdowns is removed?

Become even more of a petty tyrant and enforce other completely non-sensical rules!

I agree, this method of testing seems a bit medieval.
Then again…a few years back,and even today ,some feel that a colonoscopy was a pure personal violation…(a medieval test that saved my LIFE!)
Its a give to get sacrifice that we are seeing…here, by the Asians.
The Asians have no problem with this method…because they think collectively ,for the good of everybody. Especially their elderly…they are a VERY family oriented culture…
Most having several generations living and being cared for by the younger family members in the same home…
all of the above…
All of this…
Really…Unlike ,many parts of the U. S.population,unfortunately… that want to ignore the gravity of what we face…and are ignorantly underestimating what lies directly in front of us.imho…
sorry to burst so many of this boards… bubble…
but ,imho… I am certain… that I am NOT… mistaken about this,BUT,…
LIFE as we knew it,???
Will (NOT) return ,(Not even close),to ANY WAY the way it was,unless we purge this disease from our population.
The Asians understand this…why not us?
WE,(lots of us…) think, that we can sweep this monster under the rug and continue life as we knew it…except that the weaker…the fatter…the more vulnerable of us will die??And thats O. K…right?..
I will tell you all why.
Based on my research…This disease was something being created for warfare,biological war.
The U.S.,Canada ,Russia,Iran,and Yes, China,were all aware that we were in hot water and that this monster,(that consists of Sars,Hiv,corona,and other nastys)…was imminent.
Finding the makeup and the cure for it was high on the list of musts,for all countries involved.
Dr.Faucci,was appointed,to the task force, because of his work with mrna and (hiv) .
Dr. Faucci…Is really the guy that had our backs,trying to prevent a global power shake-up…that I am sure Americans would not approve of.
His exact depth into this…??well …I will leave that to you to contemplate.
But I believe his motives were sincere,as an American protecting his homeland.
Working with Canadian labs in joint excircise,The work was exported to China…aka…(most likely not by approved channels)
In Wuhan ,pressured epidemiologist were being pushed for results,by state government…most likely,.and it was released accidently…
The disease was a weapon in the bag for future potential use, in a shit hit the fan situation.
It was NOT created by us… but was most likely being( reverse engineered) to find a cure.(something we all would have benefited from ,had it been released in war time.)
It was a race,of time,and technology,in a cold war dance.
The way it hit humanity was somehow horrible…yet fortunate, as now…no country has the advantage…
Unfortunetely,Now…the new cold war rages …as each country dashes for the cure…
Will China share their knowledge?
This remains to be discovered…
I believe they are possibly a long way ahead of us in their epidemiology work…
They have already learned how to control the disease,where the U.S.??is still fighting Childerens …temper tantrums …and fears…
Who will reach the finish line first?and will they share the discoverys??
Thats what worrys me.
without draconian measures…
The crisper signatures are all over it.
imho…the conspiracy people have it all wrong…they think its a political inside power grab,when in reality …its just OUR country, trying to meet 21st century realitys…in the most prudent way to protect its citizens…(.in a world of one -upsmanship)
Sure…The disease will always be here in some small way.
The elephant in the room is HOW…we as a country …are helping our government/military protect us??
If the disease is allowed to continue on its path.in a short time…we will be severely weakened in our military .our economy,citizenry,as well as in what is right and wrong…
What do you think all that leads to??
People are worried about a civil war…I am worried about not knowing the Mandarin language.
I could care less what the cdc wants to call a vaccine…
If it weakens the hold of the disease on the American people…its gold…
.and THAT…of course… will lead …DEFINITELY… to the elimination…of of new cases…
Get the damn vaccine…(if you are able)
You can not WISH this thing away…and It is NOT going to peter -out if ignored…
You may think that your (ALL-GOOD),with the ivermectin and supplements…but in reality…those are short term solutions that require DISCIPLINE…
Something that is lacking in Americans…
You can not have…your old life back …while the disease has its way…
But think about it,if if the anal swab proves definitively, you are infectious or not in a more accurate way…is that not a good thing?
Remember this has (hiv) …qualities in its makeup…would it not be useful,to find a superior test… to know who is someone that can possibly become infectious?

Should the elderly get a vaccine with active virus lingering in their bodies it could cause “thromboembolic” issues.
…”.Thromboembolic complications, 10–20 days following activation of a vaccine induced antigen specific immune response, in elderly frail vasculopaths, will not register as classical “vaccine related complications”….But SARS-CoV-2 is a virus with tropism for the vascular endothelium….So, our Pfizer and Moderna vaccines could easily direct an antigen specific immune attack to that very target organ.”

Do we allow the few cases this has happened…
(mainly from lack of proper screening )
To influence the masses to believe that this will definitely happen to each of them???
In the mean time…the fearful, that would have had no problem with the vaccine,go unvaccinated.?
Eventually succumbing to this killer…as it mutates into something that is even more deadly??

How large of a dent in NEW infection rates, will this amount of vaccinated folks amount to???
I know…one thing…we are now all watching Israels new infections…not looking good…but to soon to tell?

I’m thinking the most efficient way to augment testing (with the new swab technique), and at the same time include the largest number of people, is to train TSA employees on this technique. It would certainly cover a large number of potentially infected travelers and the TSA folks are fairly close to the area of interest with currently deployed screening techniques. Depending on a pilot study and subsequent results, this process could be considered and rolled out for use at other public transporation hubs monitored by DHS and TSA.

I have concern over the ANTI-EVERYTHING movement …currently gripping this digital age.
But its concern…mainly …some fear… but I am an optimist.
I believe that eventually ,as the vaccines allow folks SOME …of their old lives back …we can overcome all this division…and get back to life.
Fear over the vaccine? No…
Fear over gmo foods ?NO…
Fear over 5g and towers ?NO…
Fear over chemtrails?NO…
Fear over demonstrations/riots?.. kinda of…
fear over the stock market…?..and twitter? we all should be…even those of us that have little risk there.
This is huge in maintaining our global advantage…we are trusted for our stability and our security …something all these movements are unraveling…at the moment.
fear over political divide?..YES…its out of control and feeding mayhem.
fear of the Chinese agenda? possibly…jurys out…
fear over antivaccers?
They hold the key to everything.
but( gripped ) with fear? No.
and YES…This disease has already proven without a thought…that it can rapidly evolve into something …MORE…brutal… if we do not put ("Shields up!')
so No…its NOT like other viruses…not by a longshot…imho.

Rather than calling for having you censored, I am going to expose your propaganda. I don’t know if you are just ignorant and propagandized yourself, or something worse.
Frosty said,

Dr. Faucci..Is really the guy that had our backs,trying to prevent a global power shake-up..that I am sure Americans would not approve of. His exact depth into this..??well ..I will leave that to you to contemplate. But I believe his motives were sincere,as an American protecting his homeland.
Fauci had our backs? He was the main talking head behind the efforts to suppress the knowledge or availability of anything that was not a patented, high profit pharma product. While discouraging HCQ, which can if given early in the right cocktail reduce hospitalization and mortality on the order of 80%, he called Remdesivir a, "game changer" after a trial showed that it could have a mild benefit in terms of days of hospitalization. As many of us here know, that trial had originally set out to prove a mortality benefit (duh) but the goalposts had to be changed mid-trial because it was becoming clear that there WAS NO statistically significant mortality benefit. So Fauci was the head cheerleader for an expensive drug that did not demonstrably save lives. I will never forget how, in a final dramatic flourish, the ethics board overseeing the Remdesivir study STOPPED IT EARLY because they didn't want the amazing benefits of the drug to be withheld from the general public for even another day... Why, bless their little hearts! Fauci is not a healer... he is a beast of the system. He has the back of the deep state. Dr's Kory, Zelenko, McCullough, Gold... these are healers who have stepped up and fought an uphill battle against an entrenched enemy deep state that was clearly trying to create the kind of scary scenario that you, Frosty, are trying so hard to resurrect here. I will end this rant with new data - we like data here Frosty.. not hearing about your, "beliefs". Have you even wondered why Finland has managed the virus so much better than it's nordic neighbors? I have.. and I am sure our Swedish friend NY has as well. As per worldometer, Sweden has 10X the death rate that Finland does, 1,144 vs 121. What is that? We know what it is, and I have stated it in earlier discussion with you Frosty. You talk like the mRNA "vaccines" are going to wipe Covid-19 off the face of the earth, and we have no science or data-based reason to believe this is true. You are expressing a fantasy. The following though is not fantasy... to anyone who looks at experimental data on a regular basis (I do) it's quite compelling on top of the many other data points we have - this is Europe; https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.28.21250673v1.full.pdf     Is vitamin D deficiency associated with the COVID-19 epidemic in Europe? (medrxiv.org)

I am now convinced that Frosty is a troll. Like you, I am not in favour of censorship. I’m just unsure of what he is attempting to accomplish here. He won’t convince anyone of what he is saying because it isn’t based on evidence, which is what drives the people on this site. He is wasting his time and the website’s comment space.

You asked what happens? Those who are NOT vaccinated are most likely to develop natural immunity to Covid and prosper. Those who opt for vaccination are playing with fire. We don’t have nearly enough data to say that these vaccines are safer than D3 and IVM prophylaxis. We DO know that similar vaccines have failed animal trials. The currently ongoing animal trials are on humans. When you get a vaccine you enter a trial.

Wow, that’s a fantastic study! I wish it would reach a larger audience. If someone used a video format perhaps it could go viral and that would be a great thing. As it is, people have to search for this kind of information so it remains somewhat hidden. Maybe Chris can give it a mention in his next COVID-related video.

Thanks for your impassioned data driven call for public sacrifice, but I’m going to pass on any future State mandated Anal Schwab’s as well as the experimental Gene therapy brought to us by our trusted friends in Big Pharma.

Yes, they are new…and a bit scary ,I get it,but so is covid.
I will take the odds.
Scientists Are Working on mRNA Vaccines for HIV, Flu, Cancer and More - POZ