India Bans Many Pharmaceutical Exports

I don’t need to beat the dead horse here so I’ll be short… one word comes to mind: incompetence… from the top down. The level of ineptitude shown by these three letter organizations is criminal and will undoubtedly lead to our undoing. As an insider who knows how the response operations have been implemented, I’m comfortable in saying that we were doomed from the start. From the leadership, to the training, to the logistical strategizing, to the responders themselves. Poor, poor, poor, and piss poor. The biggest battle they’ve fought is against themselves… so much infighting and pissing matches that they LET this virus get as bad as it is now. And now they insult our intelligence by trying to cover it up with false narratives, excuses, and other distractions. But even the most dense individuals are starting to get a sniff of something fishy going on… and the worst part is that these orgs have deceived their own employees to the point that they believe they’ve done enough… people are coming back from these deployments like the job is done… when the worst is yet to come. I’ve heard “it’s just like the flu” so many times that I’ve had to walk out the office. I’ve tried conversations, I’ve tried showing people numbers, I’ve even introduced the case…case…cluster…cluster boom dynamic. Nothings getting through. And I apologize to Chris, Adam, and the people in this forum who work so hard to reveal the truth about our predicament… and it stings more knowing that we would’ve been so much better off if people pulled their heads out and left their egos at the door. Again I’m sorry and just know there are still good people in those orgs fighting on your side, the side of truth. Be safe out there

When you wear a “paper mask” you risk frequently putting your hands on the printing presses, and that could do more harm than good…

article suggests different strain spreading in Iran, like Chris suggested, highly lethal:

How much familial visiting occurs between China and Taiwan during the holiday?

Everything will be okay in the end.
If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

When you talk of low paid employees, think of nursing home CNA’s, home health care workers, waitresses, housekeepers, laundry workers. Few have any perks such as sick leave, many have children to care for, and none have job security. Think of all the poor, sick and elderly they interact with. What happens to elderly stuck in their homes or sick elderly in nursing homes if staff don’t come in?

Who would have thought?
Executive summary: 80% effective - among compliant users in households, which is where most infections are transmitted.

In an adjusted analysis of compliant subjects, masks as a group had protective efficacy in excess of 80% against clinical influenza-like illness. The efficacy against proven viral infection and between P2 masks (57%) and surgical masks (33%) was non-significant.

I’ve never heard that one before. Since my rational mind immediately questioned it’s veracity, I decided to do an internet search for it. Seems like it’s attributed to John Lennon. I’d argue and I’m sure some would agree with me, that John Lennon’s end wasn’t ok, in the end.
Nothing new here. I’ve been hearing oft repeated nonsensical sayings all my life.

I thought it was pretty funny Les. Its the first thing that got a laugh out of me on this site in weeks. It sure has gotten depressing here otherwise. Why is everyone so obsessed with body counts? Entire threads are full of calculations of the dead and enumerations of the future dead. I got another laugh reading a Zerohedge article though. In that one the author asks " …Why are the headlines NOT exclaiming COVID’s 98% survival rate?"
LOL. Cup half full or cup half empty. Are we maybe taking this thing too seriously lately?
From Zerohedge

Hi Time2Help and all, I couldn’t find the thread under the forums to get an update on Time2Help’s petition to close the Washington school district located within the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak–essentially “Ground Zero” for the US Covid-2019 pandemic. I signed the petition, but today I received a auto-message on my private email that indicated that the petition was short of meeting its goal for signatures. I’d place the link to the petition here, but I can’t find it on the PP
Forums thread. (The link/help from anyone is appreciated!)
** Time2Help, would you please provide us with an update on the status of your petition, the PP forum link to the petition, and information as to how we can help?
IMO, Why this matters:
In Washington to date (3/4/20), there are 10 deaths from Covid-2019 and countless symptomatic confirmed infected and asymptomatic not tested/unconfirmed infected. This deadly virus has circulated throughout Washington unabated for at least the past six weeks, so the numbers of infected are huge and likely growing exponentially by the day. Washington is the coronavirus bellwether state for what is coming soon to your local community.
Bottom line is that many, many more people will get sick, some seriously requiring hospitalization, and some will die. Meanwhile, these infected individuals regardless of where they along the disease continuum (i.e., asymptomatic, symptomatic, “recovered” (but still infectious??) or dead) may transmit the virus to others within/outside Washington state over the course of their illness.
Apparently a child has tested positive within the school district that Time2Help‘s petition pertains to. I’m assuming, but haven’t confirmed with Time2Help, that he has a connection with this school district, most likely that he has a child/children attending this school or maybe he works for the school district. (Please provide details Time2Help to the extent you feel comfortable in doing so.)
Decision making authority for state and local pandemic mitigation efforts rest primarily with state governors, state and local health authorities, and local school district superintendents for education-related concerns… As this pandemic spreads across the US, other states’ leaders will be looking to how Washington state and local officials handle coronavirus mitigation efforts and likely follow suit.
Time2Help's citizen petition represents a sentinel event in ensuring “authorities” and decision-makers are held accountable for their actions and/or their failures to act as stewards of the public trust and well-being. School districts have a responsibility to ensure the safety of children and staff under their stewardship and by extension, their families, to take appropriate steps to mitigate risks from the coronavirus pandemic to the extent possible.
These mitigation efforts may include (but are not limited to) school closures, alternative educational methods and strategies (e.g, on-line education, independent study, extended time-t0-completion accommodations), and alternative work schedules and opportunities (e.g., work from home; staggered, limited work schedule, telecommuting).
I don’t reside within Washington state, nor do I have any connection to the “ground zero” school district identified within the petition. But I live on the west coast (California), two of my three of my adult “children” are in college, and those educational administrators are [clueless!] similarly slow to act with regard to taking steps to protect their students, staff, their families and extended communities.
So, IMO, the Time2Help is now! This sh*tshow is coming–or has already arrived–to your community. Let’s work together to do what we can to protect our loved ones and those most vulnerable to this deadly pandemic.

Why is everyone so obsessed with body counts? Entire threads are full of calculations of the dead and enumerations of the future dead. I got another laugh reading a Zerohedge article though. In that one the author asks ” …Why are the headlines are NOT exclaiming COVID’s 98% survival rate?”
If this was a magical space virus which just struck 2% of the population down in their tracks but left the rest of us alone then that would be bad. Livable but still bad. We'd have men with wagon's loudly proclaiming "Bring out your dead", but after a few weeks we all adapt. We'd probably have SNL skits about it. But its not the death rate, its the serious sickness rate. Not just that people who are going to be ill for weeks, but the dozen or so people who are in their chain of care. Those people don't go to work, they don't contribute to the economy. Instead of 2% out of the work force, think 25%. And health care is stretched thin now. What about a 200-300% increase in ER patients? Not a hospital in the world could handle that. They melt down from a Saturday bus accident or mass shooting. Imagine that for weeks on end. And then when it starts knee capping the staff it gets really ugly. That's is what is worrying me and others, including Chris I bet. I have absolutely NO desire to see civilization melt down. I prefer my internet porn and cold beer too much. BTW that Zerohedge piece is smoking crack crap...Tyler needs to stay off the pipe.  

If I sign that petition dtrammel then I will logically have to also sign the next one that comes along requesting that Churches, Mosques and Synagogues be closed for exactly the same reasons this petition is asking. And then it will be demands we close the local bus system down, close picnic grounds in the summer, end camps, shutter bars and clubs and make sure nobody attends any sporting events.
Where do you think that leads? I mean, I get it, this virus kills people but we cannot kill the economy and all places where people associate to make it go away. Like schools and Universities. Even if its for the children (who are not affected by it anyway).
Some people are still not reading the writing on the wall. This virus is already out there and can’t be put back in the bottle anymore. We need to adapt to its presence but I don’t agree with shutting everything down which is what petitions like this are actually advocating. If you start here then where do you stop?

I may not entirely agree with the author but at least he is a thinking man. Honestly that article is one of the most interesting things I have read on the subject s far because he makes some pretty good points. You know there are things taking place under the hood that 99.99% of the people have no idea about. The long bond topped today. Did you know that? And now that bubble is going to start bursting and interest rates will finally begin to rise on a trending basis. Not on your radar I am sure. But if that ZH writer had known it then it would have iced the cake on his article because it does seem kind of odd that the 30 year bond would double top right in the midst of the Coronavirus emergency. And whose fault is that? Well its the disease silly! That’s what is so great about it. Nobody will be accountable here or in China. Don’t you suspect the Politiburo will be just as relieved as the Fed that the virus is to blame when the Chinese debt bubble implodes?
You say the article is crap? Maybe you are the one who needs to wake up and start paying better attention.

All valid Nairobi. I signed it because a PP member has a child in the affected school system and is clearly worried.

There is a thin line between deep thinkers and those who are insane, lol.

Hey when Hollywood makes ‘Contagion 2’ do you think they will get Jude Law to play the character of Chris Martenson? Oh, how about the Laurence Fishburne character takes on the Chris role, it’s a good segue from where his character was.
Sorry, I’m just binge watching Pandemic, Contagion and Outbreak, it seemed like it needed to be done. I’m going to follow it up with The Stand and then Alien.
It’s poetic that this followed post #26

You see these forehead temperature measuring devices used everywhere especially on airports and train stations.
I have one. I know I don’t have a fever. Measuring in my arm pit, 36.5 OK
But now measuring on my forehead, 32 to 34 degrees…!
How accurate is all this scanning on airports with these ‘guns’…?
Nobody is asking this question, everybody just assumes the government knows what they are doing.