India Bans Many Pharmaceutical Exports

It also takes care of the anti vaxxers. Only the vaccinated population will survive. So you end up with young obedient work bees…everybody else…gone.

You are making a very strong point.
Patients with breathing problems should get extra oxygen, not less. All the health care workers surrounding the patient should wear the N95 or N99 masks, not the patient. If there are not enough N95 masks in a hospital, is a sure sign that the government under estimated the spreading of this virus.

Hey when Hollywood makes ‘Contagion 2’ do you think they will get Jude Law to play the character of Chris Martenson? Oh, how about the Laurence Fishburne character takes on the Chris role, it’s a good segue from where his character was.
Can we get Jeff Goldblum to play me? Thinking Independence Day. I'll even start smoking a cigar.

So far 43 cases and new cases rapidly declining. Only one new case in March.
One death.
When you don’t test on Corona, nobody has Corona and nobody dies of Corona. You can die of the flu of course. 300.000 to 650.000 people die of influenza every year… So you can ‘play’ with these figures and declare somebody dead due to pneumonia, without testing for Corona. Dead is dead. Otherwise you kill the economy of Thailand and people die of hunger because there is no food left.

This is so funny but I warn anyone who doesn’t handle heavy swearing not to watch it. Has us Kiwis and Aussies in absolute hysterics but then swearing is pretty normalised here. Has really helped us laugh at this whole virus situation.
“It’s in me eyes! It’s in me f*ckin eyes!” has now become our catchphrase to cut the tension.

Very clever Ratsney. I like how you inserted yourself into the advert at the end of the show. LOL!!!

Nairobi, I get what you’re saying. I believe that this Washington school district situation is timely and unique in that (IMO, but admittedly I’m not clairvoyant) is a sentinel, bellwether case concerning authorities’ legal obligation to take definitive steps to mitigate risk of coronavirus spread to those under their respective stewardship. We’re in uncharted territories here.
So sign once, be a pioneer and catalyst for positive change, and be done with it knowing that you did your part to improve the lot of humanity. Sadly given this virus’ trajectory, school closures will be the norm in coming months and few will remember that this Washington state school district closure was the harbinger of the heartbreak and chaos to follow.

Call me a denier but I just do not believe this corona virus is going to have anywhere near the impact that many people believe it will have. We are healthier than most Chinese since we are nowhere near as exposed to the pollutant levels they live with every day. Wuhan is a chemical stew of contaminated air, water and food supplies. Is it any wonder they were hit so hard? And then there is the penchant of Chinese men to smoke. They rank up there with some of the heaviest rates in the world. A combination of poor health, low levels of education or enlightenment regarding personal health, poor eating habits, a bad environment and to top it off a system that rewards cooperation and stifles individualism mean that they had the worst of all variables working against them from the outset. Honestly, I think we will weather this virus with very little disruption. As long as people remain reasonable and don’t panic we will be fine. Sure, a few people will not make it. But there are always some who don’t cross to the other side.

Do people actually think a sick person wearing a mask is going to be deprived of oxygen?
Because of this threat…we cannot put a mask on the infected patient to prevent them from expectorating pathogens about and contaminating the surrounding area. What complete nonsense.
The effort required to breath thru a thin mask, whose purpose is to limit infected droplets and aerosols from an infected person, is quite low. Besides, such respiratory patients, who are so weak, are already on oxygen…via a delivery tube, which is UNDER the mask. Else, are being given oxygen via a form fitting, plastic, delivery mask, or else being ventilated with a tube.
Any person, or entity, which says otherwise should be ignored. But, if one is simply ignorant of when and how to properly use a mask, their penalty might be infection…or, the spread of infection, but this will NOT be the fault of the mask.
Evolution In Action.

Sorry, pet peeve, Chris. The Bei in Hubei is the same Bei in Beijing, meaning north. Hubei means north of the lake.
The Indian ban is serious. Paracetamol is their name for acetaminophen (Tylenol). Acyclovir is the generic name for Zovirax, used to treat herpes and singles and some other viruses. Various antibiotics are listed, probably to help fight opportunistic infections when people are ill from coronavirus. Progesterone can reduce inflammation in the lungs. India is thinking ahead. American manufacturers (and many others around the world) won’t be able to ramp up when crunch time comes.

Sorry Ision but you’re making alot of assumptions here.
1st the type of mask is important. Surgical masks are >designed< to not filter incoming air, only outgoing. Because there’s not much point in protecting a surgeon’s airways and if he has to breathe harder he’ll end up cutting a vein through lack of concentration.
That’s not what they gave me, they gave me a 3M mask which is very hard to breathe though if your lungs are on fire, your chest hurts and you have shortness of breath anyway.
Also when i collapsed screaming on the ground because i was having another massive attack all i got was security willing to throw me out cause i didn’t want to behave.
You are assuming the “professionals” have any clue what they’re doing. They don’t. You’re faced with nurses/receptionists who are used to following the rules strictly rather then helping people or diagnosing a problem. That’s what the doctors are for after all.
Should we try and put a mask on everybody, including the mild cases? Hell yes. As long as somebody doesn’t suffer from shortness of breath or muscle pains, the mask isn’t an issue. Even in between symptoms i have no problems wearing it.
I’m just saying people who are progressing towards severe cases will either take their mask off or fiddle with it constantly (defeating the point and just contaminating their hands more), or just collapse in the streets. And there’s always a time lag between the moment you go from mild to severe, and the moment anybody notices.
After i had put it on for a while, i complained it was “hard to breathe”. So the security suggested to me “Well you can take it off then” AND I DID because it hurt, i was not having a good time and i honestly didn’t care at that point i was more concerned with getting air.
We’re working with humans here. Not machines. Yes we should endeavor to mask everybody. But that alone isn’t going to work. Especially since you don’t mention eye gear and this thing is already proven to infect people via the eyes, as well :slight_smile:
(link to that last:

This pathogen, if you wish to blame someone outside China for its origin, is Canadian, not American.
Simply learn about the severed relationship between China and Canada, regarding access and control of the Canadian, Level 4, bio lab, which was spawned by Chinese operatives stealing and exporting its pathogens, housed within it, to China. These exported and stolen pathogens went directly to the Chinese Bio Labs in Wuhan, where they were used in vaccine and weapons research…and, from where SARS-CoV-2 escaped.

If ignorance and stupidity is to be considered, I can safely assume everything.
I do not consider ignorance and stupidity, and speak only to Reason, and to those capable of it.
If one wishes to choose an improper mask, wear a mask improperly, remove it improperly, believe their mask is a magic shield, and will always be 100% effective, so be it. I am not addressing them.
Proper masks, worn properly, for the proper reasons, with the proper expectations, is what I assume, without the need to inform the idiots.

I am late catching up on the news today but I just read that the IMF has created an emergency fund worth a whopping 50 billion dollars to assist poor and middle income nations deal with impacts of the CoronaVirus. The announcement came this afternoon via CNBC from the International Monetary Funds Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva.
And it could not have been better timing as this COVID emergency is expanding rapidly.
I will link the video from CNBC for anyone interested in hearing what she said. But these funds are to be made available on an emergency basis beginning immediately and I was really impressed to hear the level of commitment is high. This money will be on top of billions pledged by the World Bank and an unknown level of funding coming from the World Health Organization.
Bravo everyone!
The IMF Announces 50 Billion Dollar Fund for Corona Virus Relief

Hi Chris, long time subscriber, great work!!
Just yesterday I was fighting with my hospital administration about my right to wear P95 masks while treating patients in a hospital in Sydney. I'm an anaesthetist, so I explained we are exposed to high risk procedures like intubation, endoscopies, and patients coughing etc. The hospital has a demographic full of overseas travelers from China, Korea, Iran and their families in Australia ( what could possibly go wrong?)
I've been following your work, and doing my own research and as a result have been asking to be given a P95 mask at work. The result of the administrators was to lock up the masks. As a result I bought a full face P95 mask at the local hardware store when there was still one left a few weeks ago, and I used this.They were concerned it would "scare patients"and were about to stand me down. Just a day later I get a call that I needed to self quarantine as I was identified as close contact with a nurse in my unit who tested positive for the virus. Very dismayed with the attitudes of the health services, the complacency and lack of transparency!
Welcome to the forth Turning.

Hi all,
I thought it might be useful to share a scientific paper in which the “Guideline of the German Association for the Control of Viral Diseasess (DVV) eV and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for testing chemical disinfectants for effectiveness against viruses in human medicine. Version of 1 December, 2014” is covered. I don’t know if this specific information has been covered but maybe this could be useful. Unfortunately I’m not a native German speaker, so maybe there are Germans among us on that can summarize the conclusions for us?
The link is:
or alternatively:

Hi Chris,
I have been following your Youtube channel for some time now, keep up the good work providing essential info to the public. I’m from #thenetherlands and I’m so annoyed by our @CDCgov the @rivm. They are a naive bunch of bureaucrats! Today we have another three hospitals in trouble, making it a total of 6 (source:
Furthermore I would like to share a really interesting lecture by Dr. Seheult as he discusses compelling evidence about the possible role of Vitamin D (in proper dosage) in fighting acute respiratory infections like COVID-19. This could prevent people getting seriously ill after contracting the COVID-19 virus:

County I live in…

"The absence rate has surpassed the 20 percent threshold for reporting yesterday (Monday) and today (Tuesday). I cannot recall having an illness-based sick rate that high in my 41 years," said Pfaff. ​ ​ The illnesses range from bronchitis and strep throat to Influenza A and Influenza B. ​ ​ "We had a lot of people out lately and a lot of teachers, too," said Emma Weiss, a junior at Eastern Hancock High School. ​ Weiss, along with nearly 1,200 other students in the district, will be learning from home thanks to a new eLearning program the school system adopted this year. ​ ​ Some parents say because it's flu season, closing schools wasn't a surprise. ​

The Tippecanoe County Health Department Wednesday issued a public health alert to heighten awareness to the growing threat from COVID-19. Health officials said some residents have already been tested for the virus and got answers to questions that people have been asking. The Tippecanoe County Health Department tested a small number of people suspected of being sickened by COVID-19. The results are in and all tests came back negative, according to County Health Officer Dr. Jeremy Adler. “They are individuals who have traveled from areas of the world where coronavirus is more prevalent," Alder said. He put the number at less than 10 and said all exhibited flu-like symptoms.
As the coronavirus spreads into the United States, southern Indiana officials said they want to stay in front of it. There are no confirmed cases in Floyd County, or even in Indiana, but officials said there are at least 30 people being tested in the Hoosier state for the virus right now. Floyd County leaders said they are already having conversations to find any potential community shortfalls. "We plan on continuing to have those, as well as even reaching out to our department heads so that way we can develop a proactive plan," John Schellenberger, Floyd County commissioner, said.

The Trump administration has rolled back a Food And Drug Administration rule instituted by President Barack Obama that has stalled coronavirus testing at the state level. The rule in question previously required state-run laboratories to only run medical tests pre-approved by the F.D.A. Commissioner Stephen Hahn first addressed the testing problem on Saturday by issuing new guidance that would allow the state labs to conduct not-yet-approved coronavirus testing on patients in response to the public health emergency. In return for skirting the Obama-era regulation, laboratories must apply for an F.D.A. review of the new test, document the test’s accuracy and notify the F.D.A. of the test’s validity prior to F.D.A. completing the approval process.