India Bans Many Pharmaceutical Exports

At least they are measuring. I think that’s a good thing. Found out from 2 different people that they aren’t checking anyone coming from China at least at the Vancouver airport. This was no more than 4 days ago. Nurse came back from China thru Vancouver to Regina. Nothing. Back at work yesterday. Another younger girl came back from China a few days earlier thru Vancouver to Regina. Same. As said before we are on our own. Just feel real bad for the medical workers.
Also in Regina some of the wards already don’t have N95 masks unless they are hiding.

But CNN, quoting an aide to Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, reported that while the Obama administration had proposed stricter test oversight, no changes were ever actually approved.
Highlighting the FDA's fast track policy on tests is good, blaming something on the opposite political party that is easily disproved is not good.

I didn’t question whether it would be ok, in the end, simply that there is a requirement of some sort that it has to be ok, in the end. The saying is ludicrous, in my opinion.
Look at it this way. That saying will still not be ok, in the end.

People need to filter out the political B.S. and look at actions. If there had not been a policy in place to prevent something from happening, then a new policy would not have been needed.
This is a new policy to allow labs to start using new tests while seeking approval (from my reading of it.)

The new policy is for certain laboratories that develop and begin to use validated COVID-19 diagnostics before the FDA has completed review of their Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) requests. The FDA can issue an EUA to permit the use, based on scientific data, of certain medical products that may be effective in diagnosing, treating or preventing a disease or condition when there is a determination, by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), that there is a public health emergency or a significant potential for a public health emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of U.S. citizens, and a declaration that circumstances exist justifying the medical products’ emergency use.

GUYS! something BIG will happen soon! First off; the repo market is still broke:
But here’s something you won’t see anywhere else. I’ve also been tracking the repo crisis since that started and trying to figure out stuff. I came across a pattern (that nobody else picked up) and i did tweet it at a few people, but who ever listens to me.
Well something just went wrong in the repo market. the DTCC GCF repo market. I’ll post my twitter thread first (i didn’t wanna link my twitter before cause yknow, i dont wanna advertise on chris’s site :slight_smile:
I’ve been keeping it up to date. But it seems the pre-2012 pattern has activated. Because i just looked at the repo website again:
Set the index to monthly, then look at the 4th of March. The rate has taken a dive on the 4th! It’s having a total meltdown!
This is the same thing that happened around the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis in 2011. Out of nowhere the interest rate just craters, and last time, they threw mountains of QE at it to make it go up again.
I’m not sure what the underlying cause is. But i do know something big will happen sooner rather then later.

Normal trading range is ~25-50 bps at these levels. It just dropped from 1.7 to 1.3. This is HUGE!
EDIT: i should also mention that the same flat-line-at-the-end-of-the-month pattern has been active for both January and February.

Don’t recall seeing this, but the links go fast and furious on here.
Some people are still going to get it, but extreme measures can reduce the number of cases by 37%

Findings: The Wuhan city travel ban slowed the dispersal of infection to other cities by an estimated 2.91 days (95% CI: 2.54-3.29) on average. Among the other urban centres across mainland China, cities that implemented control measures pre-emptively, before the first case was reported, had 37% fewer cases in the week following the first reported case (13.0, 95%CI 7.1-18.8) compared with cities starting control after the first case (20.6, 95%CI: 14.5-26.8).

Personally, the only regular contact I have with people is work, fast food, gas stations, and grocery shopping. I’ve been wiping my debit cards after handing them to other people (fast food drive thru windows mostly.) Hand sanitizer on my hands after handling debit card and cash.

What were these control measures? The suspension of public transport, closing of entertainment venues, and banning of public gatherings. Such measures are unlikely to be introduced in democratic societies. Writing in 2015, Gates noted that future epidemics would be harder to stop in liberal societies: “Because democratic countries try to avoid abridging individuals’ rights to travel and free assembly, they might be too slow to restrict activities that help spread disease.” Yet past pandemics that have affected democratic nations can teach us lessons. In early October 1918, when the Spanish flu hit the east coast of the United States, the health commissioner of St Louis, Max Starkloff, ordered the closure of schools, movie theaters, saloons, sporting events and other public gathering spots. While the measures were protested by some citizens, the quarantine went ahead. A month later, as the pandemic raged on, he ordered the closure of all business, with a few exceptions, such as banks. While drastic quarantine measures were being implemented in St Louis, the health commissioner of Philadelphia, Wilmer Krusen, gave permission for a parade for the war effort to go ahead in his city. It is reported that within 72 hours of the parade, every bed in Philadelphia’s 31 hospitals was filled, and in the week ending October 5th, 1918, 2,600 people in Philadelphia had died, with the figure almost doubling a week later. At the end of the outbreak, St Louis had the lowest recorded death rate in the US, while in Philadelphia mortuaries overflowed and “bodies [were] piled up on sidewalks.”
People need to filter out the political B.S. and look at actions. If there had not been a policy in place to prevent something from happening, then a new policy would not have been needed.
What part of "there was no policy in place to be repealed" in my reply did you miss? The first step in filtering out the BS is to not dump another bucket load of it on the sorting table. I will be happy to blame past administrations for their failures, just as I'm happy to point out this ones. But the no partisan political attacks rule is in place just because the type of arguments you and are are having here now, tend to get emotional and counter productive. All I ask is the next time you want to post something blaming the political party you don't like for something, you take as much time to fact check the original article.

These enzymes help with many things, I take them daily for inflammation control. Fibrosis is one of the primary targets these enzymes. If I get infected I will up my dose considerably, 5-10 capsules a day. Its important to take on a empty stomach, morning is best.

You and I have both been around in life long enough to know that the media, and politicians distort, I take every report with a grain or two of salt no matter who it is. We’ve also been around long enough to know that the roots of any problem have many hands in it.
The Democrats and Republicans are both responsible for the state of our countries preparedness, or lack there of.
I’m not trying to make any political statement with posts here. I will do my best to cull out the signal from the noise, but when I see something that I think will interest people regarding this topic, I will post. I see political spin and ignore most of it my own mind, even if it is part of an article I post.
The important part to me, was that a new policy was put in place by the FDA to allow labs to use tests while seeking approval for those tests. I know the government isn’t always logical, but to me if a new policy is put in place to allow something, then some policy must have been in place to prevent it. For all I know, this is just butt covering by the FDA. From my reading, the part in bold is the entirety of the policy change. Labs will be able to use new tests on real samples while seeking authorization.

FDA understands that some laboratories certified to perform high-complexity testing under CLIA are developing diagnostic tests to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pursue EUA authorization for those tests. For a reasonable period of time after validation and while they are preparing their EUA requests, FDA does not intend to object to the use of these tests for specimen testing, as described below. FDA believes 15 days is a reasonable period of time to prepare an EUA submission for test that has already been validated. This guidance is intended to help rapidly expand testing capacity by facilitating the development of molecular SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic assays. The accelerated approach discussed below should be considered for initial testing of patient specimens, with subsequent confirmatory testing performed as appropriate.
On the flip side of all this, no one person or party is going to "save us" (unless Jesus Christ is your personal savior.) It will take a lot of people working together to find solutions to and weather this crisis. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall.

But those proteolytic enzymes are WAY overpriced. Here are some much cheaper alternatives:
Hint: when any health professional puts their personal name on a product, most of the time it will be overpriced.

From that bastion of journalistic accuracy and integrity <sarcasm>, ABC news, we get the following report.
So, we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.
Where are the present day George Carlins who could have a field day with this stuff from a comic perspective?

What I like about this documentary is so much of what people didn’t know, what people assumed, and simply how unbelievable it all was. And all this led to certain behaviors…;

Think the new generation of george carlins are being born… or rather made right now. Seems ol George was born in 1937… so the after math of WWII must’ve really shaped him, as well as the rise of American imperialism… it’s not been really hard to follow that pattern to the modern day.
So young people of today are going to be told everything is fine, are going to watch one of their loved ones die from this, and the next time the government says it’ll be fine… well.
Think it hardly matters though. What use is a comedic genius if everybody just laughs at everything you say, regardless (looking at you Fallon).

All of the Seattle area school districts are now struggling to manage teaching in class while simultaneously supporting the estimated 20% or more of families who have shifted to temporary homeschooling.
Some are setting a good example:
Northshore School District closes all schools for coronavirus concerns: ‘We are no longer able to provide quality instruction’ (The Seattle Times)
“All Northshore public schools will be closed beginning Thursday for up to 14 days because of COVID-19 concerns, the district announced Wednesday evening as it transitions to an online-only model.
“I have spent the past few weeks researching and monitoring the rapidly changing COVID-19 coronavirus health issue in our region and across the world … Now, I believe that the time has come for our district community to make an important shift,” Northshore School District superintendent Michelle Reid said in a Wednesday letter to families.
In her lengthy announcement, she further explained her rationale. “We are taking this strategic approach not because we think by doing so, we will stop an epidemic; we are simply trying to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19,” she wrote. “We are no longer able to provide quality instruction and maintain an environment that is safe.”
On Tuesday, staff members and students were trained on how to transition from teaching in classrooms to online learning, a system that will begin Monday, the statement said. The district said it equipped all students with a device and a Wi-Fi connection in preparation of the move.”
Some, however, are choosing not to set a good example. A local youth posted a resonating petition to close local schools in the affected area and shift to online learning. Here is King 5 News take on that story. You can fast forward to 1:25 and see for yourself just how “brilliant” some of the local administrators can be.
For those interested in signing the kid’s petition above (currently well over 18,000 signatures) here is the link to it and several others that are worthy of consideration.
(Petition 1 Link) (Currently ~20k signers)
(Petition 2 Link) (Approach 1k signers)
(Petition 3 Link) (Currently 12k+ signers)
As Sparky1 mentioned in a previous post, when (not if) this bug comes to your locale you can cut/copy/paste one of these petitions and start a petition in your area. Make sure to name your local leaders, specifically, and notify them and the local press of the petition.

This is good, even if the economic impact is bad.

In Seattle, bracing for the coronavirus also means preparing for what could be a devastating economic impact. Business owners and residents have already seen a drop-off in tourists in areas of the city that heavily depend on foot traffic.

"It's like a ghost town," Francisco said about the famous Pike Place Market where she has her shop.

Here is the press release from yesterday 3/4. We are the test for the rest of the country. Listen carefully and see them say we have 39 cases.During question period. The blonde women will tell you that we have only tested 99 people so far since Friday. Also the man will say that if you been exposed, and are showing no signs go about your business until you get sick. The good news is maybe we will start to get better testing starting today. [embed][/embed]

We have 7 cases in LA county and 3 in Orange County. Both counties have declared states of emergency. Cases starting to pop up all over the state now. And yet, public concern is very low. My clients, who are mainly blue collar, are very dismissive of the whole thing. Only one older lady (in her 60s) is concerned. Everyone else is going on with their lives like normal.
Masks and hand sanitizer are hard to come by. But other than that it’s life as usual here. Kind of nice actually.

North Carolina authorities report that people known to have been in contact with the one “lone [coronavirus] patient” have also been asked to self-isolate. Authorities refused to inform the public where these known contacts live, citing CDC protocols. So they could be right up the street, for all I know.
Note that only 10-15 people have been tested so far, although 500 test kits are en route to the state. No symptoms, no test, no problem. Note also that the restaurant owner sanitizing his premises after “lone patient” dined there on February 29th is not worried: “We are doing our part to limit any exposure, although the Department of Health said the risk to anyone catching the disease is extremely low at this point due to the short incubation of the disease outside the human body” [emphasis mine]. I think he means a short survival time of the virus outside the body, but even then he’s been misled.
Meanwhile, colleges and universities in the area prepare to disperse tens of thousands of local students for spring break. UNC is among the many area schools that have discouraged students from traveling to international and domestic locations that have declared emergencies, including selected counties in Florida. It will be interesting to see if students do avoid Caribbean cootie cruises and beach week this year. Will any of them volunteer to quarantine for two weeks when they return, sunburned and hungover?
In economic news, China is expected to have absolutely no presence at the April international furniture market in High Point, a twice-yearly event that has always been a reliably juicy economic boon to the state. As with pharmaceuticals and smart phones, Chinese production is critical to the furniture industry, and shortfalls will hit North Carolinians in the wallet. Many wheels within wheels here.
Thanks, everyone, for all the great information in the comments today!