India Bans Many Pharmaceutical Exports

So 10 to 20 micrograms of vitamin D daily is more than sufficient. That is less than 1000 IU’s. The big doses did not give any added benefit but rather a regular maintenance dose was what worked. Thanks Roger, that was a videa worth watching. This site is sure educational.

They may have it under enough control if people are returning to their jobs (or are they posts in China) and shipping is opening back up.

China is the largest container cargo handler – processing around 30% of global traffic or around 715,000 containers a day in 2019 – and the virus clampdown impacted supply chains of everything from sneakers and machine parts to technology components and food items.
The average wait time for container vessels at Zhoushan in southern China – the third-largest container port in the world by annual handling capacity – spiked to more than 60 hours in the week of Feb. 11-17, when travel curbs on workers returning from the prolonged Lunar New Year holiday forced ports to operate with skeleton staffing. That was around 15 hours longer than the week before the holiday, and nearly 20 hours more than the average in early January before the travel restrictions, according to Shanghai InternationalShipping Institute (SISI) data. But turnaround times at Zhoushan and other ports are starting to improve as more container crane operators, customs officers, tugboat pilots and other key logistics links slot back into place.

My body doesn’t respond to low doses. I take 10k a day and bloodwork Tuesday confirms I’m at the low end of normal. When I was taking 5k bloodwork showed I never made it into the desired range. My wife on the other hand is at the top end with a low dose.

I do not agree. My husband and I both take 10,000 IU’s a day. Vitamin D with K. My Dr. prescribed this much when I went through surgery, we live in Alaska and we both have felt like we were fighting something off. So don’t take anyones word here, do your own research.
Or, get tested and find out if your levels are low.

A couple thoughts on the resumption of shipping:
It is usually 2- 4 weeks for a shipping container to go from usa to china depending on port to port distance, ship speed, etc.
So in 2- 4 weeks we would have the potential, depending on virus survival, to be receiving COVID-19 bombs in side the shipping containers.
Regardless of the shipping containers being virally compromised or not, we could have longshoreman not reporting to work or being sick with the virus now stops the trade on this side of things. Here are the top 10 ports in the US in 2019 according to Logistics Management.
The west coast ports mentioned are some of our ripening COVID-19 locations. We could end up with a scenario of materials coming close to our shores but being unable to be offloaded.

But if shipping containers are on the high seas for 2 to 4 weeks, then they will be long past the 9 days during which the virus should die. Especially if the containers are not immediately offloaded.

Crew on boats are probably a greater risk than the cargo. Just my opinion.
Having watched several documentaries of previous pandemics the crew and passengers of boats are generally what spreads the virus.

25 hydroxy vitamin D is one blood test for vitamin D levels in the blood. It measures an inactive precursor. Mid range is 50 ng/ml. If you have functioning genetics, the body then converts this to the active form, 1,25- hydroxy vitamin D. A sufficient dietary intake of vitamin D2 and sun exposure or supplements of vitamin D3 is necessary. So there are several steps in the chain where it can be broken. Everybody is different. Skin tone, climate, latitude, supplements, genetics.
My guess is that most people away from the equator never get close to the optimal amount, so a “maintenance dose” is irrelevant. I wonder if vitamin D deficiency is a factor in Seattle. After living there, it took me three years of heavy Vitamin D3 dosing to go from a dangerous less than 20 ng/ml to 52 ng/ml of 25 hydroxy vitamin D. However, I believe there are genetic issues in my family. Just my experience. Think for yourself.

Sorry a bit of a typo and omission. What I was try to convey was that if the shipping carriers were Chinese in origin and staffed by Chinese personnel that could still be viral carriers or shedders when the ships docked and unloaded there could be an additional transmission source on the off load of shipping containers. Remote but possible. Hopefully, the ports will institute some sort of system where the boat based personnel and shore based personnel remain socially distant just incase the Chinese are still viral shedders and the US longshoremen are asymptomatic. There usually isn’t too much contact between the two groups, but you never know.
Just saying: Boats, Rats, Plague.

How is Coronavirus different from the Flu?

I have been on D3 for 15 years due to Prostate Cancer. My oncologists aim for 80 to 90 mg/nl. I take the hydroxy -25 blood test every 3 months.

Yes, both my husband and I hear that all the time. “It’s no worse than the seasonal flu”. I don’t argue cause somebody has to keep the economic wheels turning.

Several times reading the board, I have said to myself, “Self, I am glad I am not the only dyslexic person here, and it confirms my conviction that dyslexics are smarter than the average bear.”

Long bond to .73 at least. This ain’t over yet!

I have a friend with prostate cancer so I’m hoping I can learn something for him from you. What are their thoughts about Vitamin D3 for that particular form of cancer and how much are you taking? Do they recommend a certain amount of regular sunshine exposure for endogenous production of Vitamin D? Any additional information would be appreciated. Thanks!
FWIW, I disagree with Nairobi and agree with Tycer and AKGranny. There are guidelines for certain dietary levels of nutrients but there is also considerable biochemical individuality. We are not all alike nor do we have the same requirements.

I was having a conversation with a coworker yesterday and told her that COVID-19 was already here at work and spread wide in this country. She said I was nuts. And then I just received this notification at work:

an employee with a presumptive but unconfirmed case of coronavirus – COVID-19 is being tested
Literally within 2 minutes several coworkers lined up outside my office and wanted to talk. Everyone knows I have a huge garden, freezer full of beef, and am relatively isolated. Time to put your big boy pants on. For most of my life I have been watching history unfold from the sidelines. Now I will be a participant.

I am in Houston, Tx and we have one confirmed in “fort bend county” which encompasses several cities… see what they did there? My RN friend told me he is in ICU in my little city just outside of Houston. She also confirmed we have 2 others that they are not releasing. They have to inform staff but not disclose names etc. SO, I do believe every city is likely harboring the virus at this point.
Matties- sorry to hear you think you are sick!! Please keep us informed!! Sending many good energy and healing vibes your way!
Desogames- glad you are on the mend, keep it up! Can you share where you learned this about the repo markets? This is some very interesting info to know but it is very undercover!

When you report local information, could you include the part of the country/world, the state and hopefully, the city you are reporting about? David asked this a while ago, but me, being the paranoid type, did not comply at first. However, since Big Brother is forever dropping the ball, in the interest of personal safety, could you help out your fellow board members? Thanks.