India Bans Many Pharmaceutical Exports

Vitamin C has been systematically suppressed for decades. There is considerable evidence it can save lives but it is a threat to Pharma profits so they are censoring the information.
Coronavirus, VitaminC, Fake News and Censorship
Dr Suzanne Humphries Vitamin C Lecture:

What does DNA mean? National dyslexics association.

Posted several days ago, long article on benefits of mega doses of vitamin C and titrating to bowel tolerance. I bought some buffered vitamin C powder. I’ve not tried this before, but want to see what the experience is before I use it post infection. I have taken several grams of ascorbic acid per day after my father passed Linus Pauling’s book to me decades ago.

How is Coronavirus different from the Flu?
I hear they are the same thing but with this one, you have to drink you Niquil with a Lime on top.

The video was saying optimum levels were achieved by modest daily maintenance doses but I will admit this is all foreign to me. I don’t ever take vitamin supplements so this is educational for me. I am not taking a stand on it one way or another especially after reading about the dosing other people use. How do we get vitamin D in food?

I was reading about foods that dissolve mucous in the respiratory tract. All types of radishes are recommended. So I bought some horseradish/wasabi sauce at Amazon. I have had some things with wasabi before, but not a large amount. After disinfecting (!) the bottle and lid, I put a dab in a spoon and ate it. HOLY. $$@@@###?+?#!!! I had a slight morning sniffle and slight congestion that is now completely gone. I also think I destroyed, burned up, killed any living microorganism in my nasal passages. Very intense experience. A little dab 'ill do ya.

This seems prudent

The U.S. Military is canceling military exercises around the world due to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. The cancelled exercises so far include U.S. forces in South Korea and Italy, though the Pentagon says more cancelations could be forthcoming.    

We have 2 cases of Covid-19 in Grafton County NH now. They were both told to self quarantine. Apparently one of them decided to break the quarantine and attend an invitation only event at the Tuck school at Dartmouth College. They are supposed to be very smart people. Hmmmmmm.
The other is a doctor at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center who is abiding by the self quarantine.
And my boss laughed at me when I said I would be working from home if the virus came here (this was a couple of weeks ago) and said the virus would never come to my little rural corner of the world. I’m not laughing. has some good articles on Vitamin D. If you don’t want to go through a doctor you can send a saliva sample to a lab to test your level for $65 or so.

By Dr. Mercola Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic in the United States, but many Americans, including physicians, are not aware that they may be lacking this important nutrient. Despite its name, vitamin D is not a regular vitamin. It's actually a steroid hormone that you get primarily from either sun exposure or supplementation, and its ability to influence genetic expression that produces many of its wide-ranging health benefits. Researchers have pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3 among the general population could prevent chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year. Incidence of several types of cancer could also be slashed in half. Vitamin D also fights infections, including colds and the flu, as it regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses.

Are You Vitamin D Deficient?

Before the year 2000, very few doctors ever considered the possibility that you might be vitamin D deficient. But as the technology to measure vitamin D became inexpensive and widely available, more and more studies were done, and it became increasingly clear that vitamin D deficiency was absolutely rampant. For example:
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 32 percent of children and adults throughout the US were vitamin D deficient
  • The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 50 percent of children aged one to five years old, and 70 percent of children between the ages of six to 11, are deficient or insufficient in vitamin D
  • Researchers such as Dr. Holick estimate that 50 percent of the general population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency
I've often said that when it comes to vitamin D, you don't want to be in the "average" or "normal" range, you want to be in the "optimal" range. The reason for this is that as the years have gone by, researchers have progressively moved that range upward.

I advise not getting information from WHO, maybe not CDC as it under a federal task force for what they can say, ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN, and other commercial enterprises. And of course some alt-media sites are poor. Many links to maps, etc.

I’d be glad to talk in depth with you or your friend about Prostate cancer. My PSA at diagnosis was off the charts at 3905. Metastatic…Gleason 8 …14 years ago. I had a holistic oncologist who saved my life and vitamin D3 was one of the supplements. Also did an immunotherapy procedure. Glad to share more info privately. I attribute much of my success to my faith in God.
B.C. health officials have confirmed a new case of coronavirus infection in the province that has no known link to travel to a country where a virus outbreak has been taking place, or connection to a known patient, at this time.

The community case is a woman in the Vancouver Coastal Health region. She was found to have COVID-19 due to additional testing of people being tested for flu.

I seem unable to link directly to the resource center; see subject line above

Coronavirus: A Crisis Within a Crisis (3/5/20)

I’ll PM you. Faith in God is something that I think many may be relying upon more and more, in light of global events. I’m with you 100% about its power. I’ve seen it first hand … again and again.

These can be viewed at where the 48 S type isolates of 171 sequenced (28%) fall into the B1, B2 and both B4 clades in red, orange, yellow.
Nothing jumps out of the data at me to suggest a difference in severity. The fact that the ancestral S type is of lower frequency might simply be an early random event as the virus moved though a genetic bottleneck, rather than of any great significance.

Because they wouldn’t have you fully suited with mask and face shield, the Sydney hospital just lost an anesthesiologist for two critical weeks! All because they didn’t want to “scare” patients. (Uh, no. I would feel far more secure if staff were fully protected around me!)
Just like that California hospital had to self-quarantine 124 people for just one patient they didn’t bother testing…
Next time you feel it is too dangerous or feel overworked, just claim you got exposed and self-quarantine yourself another two weeks.

Prepping responsibly is not panicking. Having only a 14-day supply of food and medicines (no mention of water??) is better than nothing–but just barely. These aren’t “experts”, they’re propagandists. People will be harmed or dead if they follow their advice. Shameful and infuriating.
Panic Buying Isn’t Helping Anything Except Packaged Food Brands
"Experts recommend keeping a 14-day supply of food and medications for any number of non-coronavirus related situations (like weather-related emergencies or natural disasters), but anything beyond that is overkill. And, just a reminder, U.S. surgeon general Jerome M. Adams has asked people to “STOP BUYING MASKS”—yes, in all caps. “[Masks] are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if health care providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk,” he added. "

One figure I’ve read in the past is that 30 minutes of full body sun exposure will produce 20,000 IU of vitamin D whereupon the endogenous production mechanism automatically shuts off. I’ve posted several times in the past (years ago) of how the RDA of 400 IU was woefully inadequate. It’s hard to find in foods but I’ve always used the old time remedy of cod liver oil (also an excellent source of the omega-3 fattys acids of EPA and DHA) for myself and family members, in addition to the standard vitamin D3 supplementation. So fatty fishes are a good source, things like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc. Farmed salmon, on the other hand, is distinctly unhealthy, for a variety of reasons.
Vitamin D is not a vitamin but a pro-hormone involved in 36 different bodily functions so it’s pretty darn important. It’s supposed to be added to milk (and therefore will be in cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. as well) but dairies have been know to cut corners to save money. I also have used desiccated liver for years (which is made from Argentinian defatted beef liver), but more for the B vitamins (especially B12) than for the D. Most people have stopped eating liver due to the understandable concerns about contamination but organ meats are one of the best sources of nutrients, if the animal is organic. I also eat egg yolks. When people make an omelet and throw away the yolks, they are depriving themselves of potentially good nutrition (given that the chickens are eating healthily). Plus, the egg white (i.e. albumin) and yolk complement one another nutritionally.

Several years ago I learned how the majority of vitamins are being produced in China. It was during this time, the news was revealing how some manufacturers were purposely manufacturing products unfit for animal and human use and consumption. Since then I have tried to find vitamin and mineral products coming from a better source. In my research I stumbled on a source for Vitamin C and discovered to my amazement there was a mega source of Vitamin C in my own backyard: Pine Trees!
Pine needles make a tea which is packed with antioxidants, Vitamin A and Vitamin C (five times more than an orange). Pick the younger needles for they have a milder flavor though less Vitamin C. Steep the needles in hot water (not boiling) for about 20 minutes until the needles drop to the bottom. You can add honey and lemon juice for a tea that is not unpleasant. But here is a warning…be sure it is a pine tree for some trees look like pine but are not and may be toxic. Ask Mr. Google.