"Informed Consent" LiveCast: Divided We Fall; Is Cultural Destruction Planned?

Best Food Plants Per Eviie Question

From annciennt mesopotamia best crops to suvive drought and famines was considered Pulses. These are basically many varieties beans and peas
Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family. Pulses grow in pods and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes 11 types of pulses: dry beans, dry broad beans, dry peas, chickpeas, cow peas, pigeon peas, lentils, Bambara beans, vetches, lupins and pulses nes (not elsewhere specified – minor pulses that don’t fall into one of the other categories).

Pulses have a long, rich history. The first evidence of pulses comes from 11,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, a region in the Middle East which was home to some of the earliest human civilizations.
Pulses are annual crops that yield between one and 12 grains or seeds. The term “pulses” is limited to crops harvested solely as dry grains, which differentiates them from other vegetable crops that are harvested while still green.
Between 2010 and 2013, 173 different countries grew and exported pulses.
Pulses are healthy, nutritious and easy to cook with. Growing pulses also promotes sustainable agriculture, as pulse crops help decrease greenhouse gases, increase soil health, and use less water than other crops.


Good on you! truly valuable information. Thanks for sharing.

Not sure if the Kennebec are a hybrid or not. Been growing for ten years and saving my own seed. They come up great and produce large yields. Maybe someone else knows. I’ve also done the same with hybrid melons and tomatoes. They come up and produce well.?

Our Spring has been crazy. 80 degrees one day followed by three days of below freezing temps. Yet I see plenty of carpenter and mason bees out. With two beekeepers within a mile radius the honeybee also shows up pretty frequent when it is warm. If you can, plant crimson clover. It will draw every pollinator around.


I respect your opinions. I have mine about the subjet too. However, it is hard for me to make a case that it is acceptable to force someone to bring a pregnancy to term so someone else can have a baby to adopt, or that it is ok because someone can adopt that baby and therefore we will have a happy ending. I wish we could live in a world where abortion wouldn’t exist. I’m glad I never found myself in a situation where I felt I needed one but countless women do find themselves in situations where they feel that this is their best choice, and who am I to say that my opinion should trumple their right to body autonomy? As Christ pointed out, those who have the money will end up exercising that choice weather it is legal in their state or not. We always seem to come to situations where those who have power and resources can buy themselves more freedom and access a better quality of life. How can we create a world where the same freedoms are enjoyed by everyone and where the religious beliefs of one large group don’t get imposed on others? You pointed out to some compromises we can make but given our current climate of divisinesses … I don’t see how we can compromise when we cannot even agree to the rules of the game.


I live smack dab in the middle of the usa, farmland all around. We have also noticed the lack of box elder bugs. Twenty years ago they were present in huge numbers, now none are seen. I actually rejoiced last year when I observed two bumble bees on my squash blossoms. I have also noted less mosquitos and flies in my area, much less than twenty years ago when we first moved here.

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Giving Up Alcohol?

You and Evie mentioned very briefly that you decided to completely forgo alcohol. I’d be interesting to hear more about that decision, if you are willing to talk about it.

I have heard leftest politicians claim that abortion is Constitutionally protected. That must be from this statement: Finally, the Court summarily announced that the “ Fourteenth Amendment’s concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action” includes “a right of personal privacy, or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy” 4 and that “[t]his right of privacy . . . is broad enough to encompass a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy.” 5
Yet the court has not addressed or found that vaccinations or injections also fall in a “zone of privacy”.

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Will We See “geert Vanden Bossche Was Right” Messages Everywhere Soon?

Apologies in advance, regardless of the the actual mechanism, and GVDB’s close connections with all the insiders including Bill Gates …In fact maybe even because of it. I have a spidey sense ( and very very unusually one just climbed my leg). GVDB was right. I was remembering the previous animal trials and how disastrous they were in other species and was hoping for a “this time is different” scenario I can believe.

Make student loans harder to get. Make only certain useful major elidgible for loans. People taking these loans out are legal adults. Note: 18 year olds are the ones who join the military and fight our wars. If people think that these “kids” should not be held financially responsible for decisions made at 18 then all the “kids” still in the military should be able to quit at a moments notice too. You don’t see them allowing that though do you. They will say “you signed the contract” which is exactly what I say to these fools that spent $100k on a degree in underwater basket weaving type degrees and end up working as a star bucks barista.

I find it painfully sad that the most vulnerable and innocent humans among us are not valued by many as much as a woman’s “freedom” to dispose of said humans. Modern women have been duped into thinking that bearing children is nothing more than a burden and a curse, rather than embracing the privilege and wonder of bringing new life into the world. Yes pregnancy can be difficult and the birth process messy (been there, done that). Nothing worth doing in life is without risks and challenges. When the “solution” to inconvenience is choosing death over life, how far we have fallen as a society! We will not be held guiltless, whether it’s at the personal, state or national level. Roe v Wade was a mistake from the beginning IMHO and has changed the landscape in a very dark way.

Bumble bees and carpenter bees are present here near Albany, NY. If their numbers are diminished, it’s not by much. The honeybee hive that was active off and on in the hollow pine behind the chicken coop was not active last year. We’ll see this year. I will look more closely tomorrow.

“Bud the Spud”

It's bud the spud from the bright red mud
Goin down the Hiway smiling-
The Spuds are big on the back of Bud's rig
And they're from Prince Edward Island they're from PEI...

Bud The Spud - Stompin Tom
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Jessica Rose posted this article on a cargo diverted crate of 5+ million bees dying on a Georgia tarmac – coincidence?

Stolen Garden?

Evie mentioned the (normally) great idea of adopting a public space to build a garden, but I would worry that all my hard work would be for naught if a hungry someone had access to it and could take it out from under me.
Prime example: We have a large enough yard to start a garden in suburbia–normal house lot with an extra lot next to it, but no fence and very exposed on 3 sides. However, we also live within a mile of a major East Coast city known for its racial tension and violence, and off of a couple main roads (uptick in ambulances, especially in the direction of the retirement communities just down the street) with a transitory apartment dwelling around the corner. My worry is that even if we start a garden, when things get bad, people will just help themselves to my food. Normally, I’m the person who wants to help everyone, and if I have leftovers, I wouldn’t think twice. But as Evie mentioned, it’s a lot of work and I would be VERY upset if someone would steal my hard work that was meant to feed my family.
I don’t think well on the spot, so I wouldn’t have come up with anything insightful in Evie’s shoes, but could a non-balconied person with no land build a hydroponic garden or join a CSA (as Chris suggested) or community garden (in the hopes it won’t go the same way as a public one)?

We are beekeepers. Yes, the Varroa mite is a huge problem. Here in the NE climate change is also a challenge. When there are huge swings in temperature: from cold/hot/cold the bees break their cluster and are then unable to get back into cluster before they freeze. Last summer we had so much rain flowers did not bloom…lots of leaves but no pollen. Bees starved. Awareness of the need to leave dandelions alone so the bees have their first spring food is important.

Members Only Part 2?

Was there a members only part two to this livecast? I couldn’t find it

Abso&%$#inglutely! And if you follow the major money so much of it goes back to interests in China it’s deeply disturbing. South Korea and other nations around the CCP know what they’re up to and they’re screaming at us that this is the CCP’s playbook: they invade your culture in every way they possibly can, never stop, and break your country down slowly. That’s what Squid Game was really about according to this review, which is really the only review that noticed the show is all about an advance form of colonization the West is being subject to. South Korean artists are warning us about the WEF as loudly as they can. How interesting that no other reviews I read even mentioned the communism in it.

You have defended your thesis correctly.

I gave your opinion a ?for one thing you said: “if you think your God doesn’t want you to have an abortion, then don’t have it”. I believe the soul resides in the heart chakra. That voice inside, coming from your heart, is to be your guide.