Institutions Continue to Fail Us

The Dynamics of Oligarchy Wealth. What a telling ad.


Coming in late September - Covid 19 and the global predators: we are the prey
“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” - Marshall McLuhan


The chance this was all by accident or ignorance? I’d say, it depends on what is this thing we’re talking about.
I mean, are we talking about covid, the disease caused by SARS-COV-2? Or are we talking about something else? Are we talking about one pandemic? Or, is there more than one pandemic? Because, I’m really wondering about that. What does the WHO really mean when they talk about an “infodemic”?

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This is an interesting video regarding “banking restrictions” by Paypal of an on-line business for selling inventory “that he should not be selling.” Apparently, Paypal can shut down an account and with-hold payments for six months if they don’t like the content of that account.
I had not realized the social media blitz had moved into payment schemes. It smells of restricting ones ability to acquire “unauthorized” products. What need will there be for cash with less and less brick and mortar stores?
Worth a listen…


As someone who has proudly paid for “Horse Supplies” with my paypal account, I’ve had good chuckles as recently as last week.
Never occurred to me the vendor could get hurt due to my method of payment. Of course I could use Visa directly but isn’t it a matter of time until the same happens with them?
Crypto is an option here, but if the vendor gets put on a list, their options to put that crypto into a major exchange could become limited as well.
I’m gonna end up mailing Silver Coins overseas before this is over aren’t I?


In the 14-day window after getting the shot, would someone test positive for Covid? I ask because of the nature of the spike protein and how it impacts the body. And, if it does, it could greatly be skewing the stats about cases, hospitalizations, deaths and vax adverse reactions.
For example, someone gets the shot. They get sick from it immediately and have to go to the hospital. If they test positive for Covid at this time due to the vax, they are counted as unvaccinated in the 14 day window. But in reality they are a vax adverse effect.
is there any plausibility to this?
thanks -


You ask a great question and the answer to the question is part of what someone needs to give informed consent.
I’d guess and it is just a guess, that it would be counted as an unvaxxed Covid case.


Sunstein Won: Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media, by James Corbett

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An age old experiment which can explain mandatory vaccinations and exclusion of early treatments. The conclusions at very end are most enlightening.

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I heard this on the news a couple days ago. Here’s a link about it.

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@ Rob11 -
I would say yes - "
“Is it possible that there is a competition (10 Bn in prizes) for the most ridiculous explanation you can get the public to accept ?)”
And Jerry Springer will MC the awards ceremony.


Hi Steve.
I live in Canada and recently I placed an order with Swanson Health Products in the US. I used my MC to make the transaction. The next day I received an email from SHP stating I needed to obtain a 6 Digit ID Transaction Code. After spending 90 minutes on the phone on 2 occasions with MC they finally instructed me to get SHP to call them directly to obtain this code. Several days went by and my order was still not shipped. I found this highly unusual because this had never occurred in my past dealings with SHP nor ever with any of my other MC purchases. Finally after talking directly with the management at SHP about my order they proceeded with shipping.
Here is the kicker. I immediately suspected that this was due to my order containing the supplement NAC although I have no proof outside of the anecdotal evidence I have given. I was in a time crunch during this period and was unable to dig further. I have previously followed conversations here on PP where Amazon removed this supplement from their product list and that there was lobbying as well to make this a controlled substance where a prescription was needed to obtain.
I would say Hmmm…This may be in the cards (no pun intended)…Scary!


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I’ve seen NAC at plenty of stores near me, in one of the larger cities in Canada. From half a dozen different brands, too. Maybe check your local supplement/natural food store.


Syed Qutb (pronounced SY-ed KOO-tub) was right. Writing, alone, behind prison walls, all those years ago he saw deeply and clearly that the West is done for. We are living in a society that has engineered its own destruction.
In The Shade of The Qur’an (I suspect this is the book Chris referred to) is recommended reading. There is an excellent English translation available, if you can find it. And, by the way, the time is long past due that we discard thinking of Muslims as “the other side”. We are Team Human.


I agree that the West is done.
But I don’t understand what is happening.
In the past I could understand the “moves” of the ruling class. For instance, when Iraq was invaded it was obvious to me that it was not about “weapons of mass destruction.” I knew it was about dominating and controlling resources and it was about geopolitical positioning. It was obvious. For decades, the moves of the ruling class have been obvious to me.
But not any longer.
For instance, it now looks to me that the United States is deliberately destroying reserve currency status and deliberately destroying its own economy. It is simply no longer possible to attribute this to just cronyism or incompetence.
But for the life of me I don’t understand why they are doing this.
It is like that with a lot of things now.
I am glad that they got out of Afghanistan. But that move is a death blow to American influence in Central Asia.
Why would they do that?
And I just read that a serious rift is developing between the US and Saudi Arabia. The Saudis are furious over something. And it is not about removal of Patriot missile batteries which had been announced a while ago. It is about something else. But what it is, is not clear. In response, the Saudis just angrily cancelled an American foreign policy visit.
Without Saudi Arabia, dollar recycling will probably erode or even end. That could seriously damage or destroy reserve currency status. Without reserve currency status, the United States is no longer theoretically bankrupt, it is effectively bankrupt.
It seems like the United States is scuttling the ship of state.
I just can’t understand why they are doing it.
Ditto: vaccine mandates, wokesterism and so on.
I don’t understand the “why” of what is going on.


Video is not available. Can we find it somewhere else?

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You said “It seems like they are scuttling the ship of State”
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it is most likely a duck. If you want to know why, just follow the money. Start with Hunter. Then read Brushog’s post above, #15, to see what else “they” have been up to.
Who is now running Bagram airbase? These things don’t just happen by accident.


If you believe there is a group of people pushing for one world order, then it becomes easier to understand. The only perceived thing standing in their way, United States and it’s freedom loving peoples. But, watch out for China, they play a long game, and I would expect to see them in the not to distant future do something that will give them even more global hegemony


Yes, that seems to be the only explanation of what is happening.
However, can the Davos crowd really be that delusional?
Maybe so.
But I am still amazed by what is going on all around me.


How can we understand when everything is secret? The sheer effort and resources being employed to keep us in the dark must be beyond measure.
Look at how whistleblowers are treated: no defendant at the Nuremberg Tribunals, some of whom admittedly had the blood of millions on their hands, was ever treated with the concentrated contempt, cruelty and lack of due process inflicted upon Julian Assange and others who have risked their safety, their careers, and their lives out of a conviction that we have a right to know just what is really going on, and what is being done to us.
This is war, and we are all in the crosshairs.