Institutions Continue to Fail Us

In my opinion the Corporations and politicians have become lazy and they look at China and think life would be so much easier without a democracy. Didn’t Trudeau say words to that effect…I’m sure he would claim he was joking but many a true word spoke in jest methinks.


Listen to McKayla Maroney’s 7:50 testimony about the FIB’s abject failure to act in the case of US Olympic gymnastics coach Larry Nassar’s serial sexual abuse of scores of girls. In a normal world, heads would roll at the FIB and the Just Us Department. But in today’s world all we get is a lame apology from Christopher Wray.
Now imagine you’re a local police officer who has knowledge of corruption in your department. Do you report it to your own Internal Affairs Department, the FIB, or the media? ?? Hahaha! (You have to laugh to keep from crying.)
”Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”


Veritas were recently subjected to a Business Email Compromise (BEC) attack, causing them to lose $165,000 USD, a huge blow to a non-profit.
I feel uncomfortable with the reporting style as I strongly dislike confrontation - can’t even watch most of their videos!! The truth still matters, so encouraging those who can to chuck some change their way.


Interesting: almost half of hospitalizations have been asymptomatic or mild? Data from PHE could help explain this. If we look at the unvaxxed under 50s we find a 1.8% hospitalization rate versus a o.8% in the fully vaxxed.

However the hospitalization fatality rate in the vaxxed is 7.1% against 2.6% in the unvaxxed. This would suggest to me that the unvaxxed who turn up to a hospital with mild symptoms or being asymptomatic are being automatically admitted to boost the unvaxxed hospitalization rates to falsely show that vaccines are working or to falsely illustrate the dangers of not being vaccinated.
More curious still is the stats for those who have had just one jab plus 21 days. Their hospitalization rate is 0.6% against 0.8% in the fully vaxxed group, but curiously their HFR is far lower at 1.7% against 7.1% in the fully vaccinated and their CFR overall is 0.01% against o.o6% in the fully vaxxed group.
I conclude from this that although that those who are unvaccinated and those with just one vaccine are more likely to be admitted to hospital, that both those who are unvaccinated and those with one vax dose who actually are being admitted are clearly a lot less ill than the fully vaccinated and even that full vaccination is excluding deserving patients from being admitted on the grounds that it is falsely assumed that they have superior immunity.
I believe that one cannot presume that vaccination protection accumulates in a linear progression and these results clearly seem to show that in case of Covid vaccines, that the more vaccinations one has leads to worse outcomes and that the best vaccine strategy would have been just one jab but preferably none at all.

I agree that the West is done. But I don't understand what is happening. In the past I could understand the "moves" of the ruling class. For instance, when Iraq was invaded it was obvious to me that it was not about "weapons of mass destruction." I knew it was about dominating and controlling resources and it was about geopolitical positioning. It was obvious. For decades, the moves of the ruling class have been obvious to me. But not any longer. For instance, it now looks to me that the United States is deliberately destroying reserve currency status and deliberately destroying its own economy. It is simply no longer possible to attribute this to just cronyism or incompetence. But for the life of me I don't understand why they are doing this. It is like that with a lot of things now. I am glad that they got out of Afghanistan. But that move is a death blow to American influence in Central Asia. Why would they do that?
I guess the question would be who "they" are. Its been my opinion that China has surpassed us and their influence is more keenly felt than before. They are embedded in our government, just see the most recent scandal with General Milley having a direct line to China and denigrating President Trump while he was in office. They're everywhere. If you look into Mao's communist revolution one of the key components was the tearing down of statues and temples. Whats been happening here? Who did we find out was calling the shots at the WHO? Is it coincidental that we are being pushed toward a social credit system, just like China's? Their money and influence is the dominant force in the world right now. We're all going to become more like China. Its not only their direct action but you are seeing companies and leaders who are vying for influence with the Chinese. All the big tech companies arent just suddenly censoring everybody on a whim. They are vying for a piece of China's market share which would DWARF the USA. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google, Amazon, etc.. The internet in China is strictly controlled by the CCP. There is no Facebook in China, they have their own low-rent version. If Twitter gets into China they would SWALLOW Facebook and Vice-versa. So these tech companies are in a death struggle to get into China. China doesnt want their people on a free internet with free floating ideas so they are showing China that they can control the narrative. I know Trump was a guy that not everybody liked. He said stupid things sometimes but he really represented our last gasp of resistance to the Chinese juggernaut, and our last expression of national sovereignty. They removed him. From here on out things are going to become much more like the CCP in the west. If you're not aware of what's happening things are going to seem increasingly incomprehensible and very "alien".

So… I came across Dr. Robert O Young from “thehighwire” and he’s arguing that mankind has never isolated any virus ex) Ebola, HIV, Sars.
That instead we were looking at “Cell Fragments”. Purposely developed to get people sick and or create an illusion that there is some virus circulating in the pubic
Below is the Link:
^^ I’m a double major in Bio and Chem and I have no idea what to make of this…
I’d like to hear from those who Agree and Disagree with his remarks. Thank You

so when I watch the local news they seem to repeat the fear monger talking points but that doesn’t seem to square with what the hhs site shows… hmmmm

Is the Internet an institution? kinda, sorta

“The historian in me is deeply concerned. The Homeland Security Professional within me is saddened. The Emergency Manager within me understands that the blunders were purposeful mistakes.”
And what does the Furian in you say?


Paypal has been shutting down accounts and stealing their money for at least 15 years. They did it to me.



Covid mis-steps and mis-communications really do make sense if the powers-that-be are hell bent in maintaining the World Economic Forum path to fundamentally transform global governance with any possible tool or conceivable strategy.

Has anyone looked into this in detail?
Apparently there were C19 cases in France before it was officially ‘discovered’ in China.
If so, and it was developed as a bioweapon, seems it may have been quietly released simultaneously from multiple locations.
Any thoughts / comments would be appreciated.

Question for Chris Martenson if possible: I was just wondering how we can account for the “excess mortality” rates since Covid started. I read that “excess mortality” is a count of the number of deaths beyond those that would have been expected based on previous years. This calculation uses the average number of deaths in previous years as the baseline for “expected” deaths. This baseline already includes all the deaths that would “normally” occur due to heart attacks, strokes, accidents, etc.
In the US, current estimates are around 800,000-870,000 excess deaths. This is 30% HIGHER than the official Covid death count, and 24% more deaths than would have been expected over this period of time. Do you have a theory as to why the calculation of excess deaths, based on death rates in previous years, would be so much higher than the deaths that have been counted as covid deaths?….I mean, if the COVID death count is inflated by so many cases of false coding of the cause of death then wouldn’t the COVID death count be higher than the excess mortality rate which is based on the usual number of deaths in previous years, as opposed to lower? Could it be that people are actually dying of the vaccines? Could it be that the CDC, which calculates the excess death rate, is corrupt in its calculation of excess mortality? That could be easily verified because mortality rates for previous years are on public record….unless they’ve been fudging them in the years preceding the pandemic because they knew the pandemic was coming/or actually had a hand it starting the pandemic and wanted to manipulate the numbers to support mass vaccination and a move towards authoritarianism. The thought is really terrifying.
I’d love to hear specifically how the number of excess deaths, in excess of deaths in previous years, could be so much higher than the deaths that have been counted as covid deaths? Thank you!
This is the CDC page where the excess deaths is explained and includes an online app the calculate it.
Graph generated by CDC website.


By coincidence, I was trying to answer that very question this morning. A Media Matters post tore into him. I distrust that site after seeing what they did to Nurse Erin. Quackwatch, a site which seems dedicated to protecting status quo thinking, worked even harder to take him down. The very fact that these oppositional sites exist suggests he may be on to something. (When you start receiving anti-aircraft, you know you’re over the target.)
In the end, I concluded I didn’t have enough information to decide whether he is truly a medical pioneer or a grifter. I filed away the references, should this question in the future deserve the time to dig further.


YZ found some great data. Well done! This is why I come to PP.
I also applaud brushhog #15 as a masterful application of logic to confusing data. Mike from Jersey’s #34 adds a critical point: “it now looks to me that the United States is deliberately destroying reserve currency status and deliberately destroying its own economy.” I don’t see any other way to interpret current events. Thank you, Mike, for pointing that out.
But I have trouble going the next step to brushhog’s #45, which concludes “From here on out things are going to become much more like the CCP in the west.” The implication I got was that the entire U.S. Government is working in concert to hand global hegemony over to China. I’m not ready to go there…
One origin theory I keep in the Active pile is Ron Unz's: the pandemic was a U.S. attack on China and Iran. I find a lot of plausibility there, including the way it challenges the U.S.'s stance as a passive victim.

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The reason given (vaping) was/is suspicious. I’d like to see the same thing as was done in France done with the scans of these cases.

For years now, U.S. Administrations have been using the “Easy Button” of foreign policy, by using drones to “Take out the Trash”. This “Trash” could be anyone the Administration deems is an “Enemy Combatant” (keep this in mind for later in the post). Anyone who says they are unaware of this oft used technique, obviously has a serious oxygen deficiency, due to their head being so far up their “4th point of contact”, that their body shape resembles a number “9”.

Those who make the determination that a “Target” (they don’t look at them as human, or they would not be so cavalier and callous with their decisions) needs elimination, obviously wants to reap the benefits of eliminating a problem, without the reality and risk of that “Problem” being taken on by the “Boots on the Ground”, who not only sport a “MK 1 Eyeball”, but have the ability to decide against a violent course of action, for whatever reasons could be imagined.…

…As we see now, the drone strike that was carried out against “ISIS-K” (Sounds like a breakfast cereal for wanna-be tyrants), was not just a failure in targeting, but the murder of at least ten innocent civilians, seven of which were children. Knowing how reporting goes, you can probably double the number to give a more accurate figure.

Will those responsible be held accountable? Nope. Not unless there is someone the Admin is targeting for a “Scapegoat” trophy, because it was “Their turn”. Regardless of the military personnel involved, this decision was made from the White House, and a “Murder charge” is the only thing that will suffice, just like if it had been done in Chicago. Mark my words, if we don’t start holding those making these decisions accountable in foreign lands, they will start doing it here with the impunity they use “Over there”.…

….Now, “Premier Gaf-o-matic” wants to not only distract and divide Americans even more, by ostracizing those who choose not to be “Vaccinated”. I put that in quotes because it isn’t a Vaccine. It has none of the traits of a vaccine, and it has all of the traits of a “Means to an End”. That “End” is Control. If we weren’t so heavily armed in the U.S. right now, we’d be in the same boat as Australia.

As if we didn’t need anything more polarizing than what we endured from the Communist, race baiting, rioters during President Trump’s term and the election theft at the end, now, we have another stigma to be concerned with. Biden says the patience of the “Vaccinated” is wearing thin with the “Unvaccinated”, and he needs to protect the “Vaxxed” from the “Unvaxxed” by removing the “Unvaxxed” from their jobs.

Obviously, as NYC has shown, this is just an initial step. Eventually, he/they will want us removed from society in general. I think the only thing wearing thin with the “Vaxxed” is probably their immunity to common health threats… but I’m no a “Doctor” so…… I’m probably right LOL.

What’s next, “Camps” for the “Unvaxxed” to be monitored in? A special transport train with restraint devices maybe? Maybe, like what happened to the Aid Worker and those children, we will get “Droned” secretly moving from one safe house to another, because the “Actionable intelligence” was “Righteous”. It’s way too easy for them to do it, and they are trying to set us up as being the “Enemy”, not “Human”, by how they are referring to us now. Do you feel that? That’s their noose tightening around our throats. The decisions you make can echo into eternity, but only if the noise from that decision is loud enough to be heard by the intended recipient.

I will probably lose my job before the end of the year. If it happens, it’s because I have advised my employer that I will not be vaccinated, and, unfortunately, I fall under the group Biden said has to be vaccinated. Come what may, I have made peace with that decision, and understand this is a time for standing by my Beliefs, Convictions and my understanding of what this situation is all about. I will not quietly quit; they will have to fire me.

I know a number of people who have gotten vaccinated. Although at least 75% of those I know have had some moderate to severe symptoms from the “Vaccine” (A 19 yr old and a 52 yr old now have a permanent heart condition), it’s still reported as “Rare”. This is how I know it’s BS. I haven’t given any of them grief for making that choice, (they are adults, and it was their choice to make, after all) but I know the majority, symptoms or not, now wish they hadn’t gotten it, and I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet, compared to what is coming for them.

I will end this post with a quote from, of all places, the video game “Bioshock”, which my Wife likes to play. The quote is, “A man chooses, a Slave obeys.”. My question to you is this, “Are you a Man or a Slave? We will find out soon, who is who, and I believe their will be many surprises along the way. Till then, I am one of the Great Unvaxxed”, and will stand on my feet, not serve on my knees. I will patiently wait by the fire for their final decisions….then I will make mine.

I’ll say it again: Don’t quit. Make them fire you. Then sue.


Thc0655, the last paragraph of your post was so poetic and inspiring!!! I screen shot it and am sending to all my friends who are with us. I stand with you….it’s going to be hard but we can do it!!! I choose not to be a slave!!!