It doesn't have to be this way

I found this interesting but a bit more than I wanted. [embed][/embed]
It looks like the short answer is 3,000 - 5,000 IU a day is probably about right.

It is very likely that “50 kg” is a typo. The tweet that Chris references, uses a 70 kg adult as an example (
The same tweet includes some graphics which suggests supplementing 72 IU of vitamin D3 per kg of body weight (33 IU per lb) to reach serum levels of 50 ng/mL. IF a person chooses to go by this estimate and that individual weighs say 200 lbs, the suggested supplement dose would be:
200 lb * 33 IU/lb = 6600 IU of vitamin D3.
I’m not sure who came up with this estimate nor how the example of 70 kg adult came about, so I’ll play it safe and simply include a few charts that originate from the study that the “tweet graphics” references to this reply (
Since you asked how to reach serum levels of 50 ng/mL, the second half of the table below might be of interest. In regards to vitamin D, 125 nmol/L is equivalent to 50 ng/mL (specifically for vitamin D, simply multiply the ng/mL value by 2.5 to get the levels in nmol/L.)
According to the aforementioned study, it is estimated that a person would need on average 3959 IU, 4964 IU, 6733 IU, or 11272 IU of oral vitamin D daily depending on the body mass index category this person belongs to, i.e. underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obesity – respectively.
[caption id=“” align=“alignnone” width=“5596”][/caption]
Here’s a line chart version from the same study depicting the relationship.
[caption id=“” align=“alignnone” width=“2210”][/caption]
What I find surprising with this chart is how all curves seem to flatten before even getting close to 175 nmol/L (60 ng/mL) – that’s while pushing 15000 to 20000 IU daily, mind you. These doses sound huge to me. But hey, maybe the regression model is right, or perhaps the model is more accurate at certain ranges than others.
As you hinted, there are various factors at play such as weight, age, sun exposure, diet, intestinal absorption etc. If having your vitamin D levels measured is an option, perhaps consider that. If not, I believe the Peak Prosperity tribe, among others, are in favor of vitamin D3 supplements – especially during seasons with limited sun exposure. Unfortunately, I would also assume that the majority here will only be able to suggest a broad range such as Kathy did.
Disclaimer: I can tell that my mind is currently stuck at 4000 IU (100 mcg) per day for an average-sized adult as an upper limit. I should probably reexamine where this threshold stems from.

This is my third try. Maybe your site doesn’t permit to put a film in progress.
Please look from the 8:14 minute onwards where it is mentionned that in France PCR test are done to 50 cycles versus 25 in Germany.
from minute 8:14 in France PCR tests for 50 cycles of amplification

@gnltabor As always, Dr's tend to give recommendations they are comfortable with based on studies available and other sources of reliable recommendations. D3 and K2-MK7 can be acquired as a single gel cap at 5,000 iu's of D3 and 100 mcg of K2-MK7 so that seems to be a standard recommended ratio. Other doctors have reported that reducing calcium in the arteries requires dosing of 360mcg of K2-MK7 and will eliminate high calcium in artery walls over 18 months, so do you then take 400mcg and 20,000 iu's of D3? Depends on many factors Dr. Been explains in this video. Best recommendation is to consult your Dr, but my Cardiologist would only say that the use of K2 is not something in the protocols of cardiac care and she could not make any recommendations... Malpractice Insurance CYA? Most likely.
Agreed with those dosagings, however especially at such high levels you want to add magnesium to the mix. Most people are deficient in magnesium anyway, moreso than K2, and the calcification side-effects of superhigh vitamin D are more due to strong magnesium deficiency than K2, at least for younger folks whose bodies can still make significant amounts of K2 from K1. The older you are the more K2 supplementation is of benefit. Gut microbiome dysfuncion also plays a role as normally intestinal bacteria also produce K2.
@French connexion The PCR tests do a 50 cycle turnover.
In France? Cycle threshold is 50? Holy shit, that explains their numbers of "positives" (which I bet they also are calling "cases"), and their response to their engineered plandemic renders the French government-media power complex as absolutely criminal. The Spanish government must also be using a Ct of about 50 given similar numbers.
Please look from the 8:14 minute onwards where it is mentionned that in France PCR test are done to 50 cycles versus 25 in Germany.
Wow, what a perfect contrast. 25 is reasonable and even RESPONSIBLE. 33 seems to be the upper limit of reasonable. Anything above 35 is outright criminal. The Ct value being used is directly proportional to the criminality of each government. The US FDA has had it at Ct<=40 despite Fauci admitting on video that Ct>33 is useless/harmful. The UK is reportedly using Ct=45. We need International Corona Crime Tribunals.
@VeganJim For the first time in my life, I am considering a flu shot, due to a relatively high risk job (close to bus driver level exposure) and a couple of co-morbids. I am also thinking sbout the CV19 vaccine that comes out in the future. Will there be more than one? How long to wait to take it? Wait a couple of months to see how the early innoculates are doing? Lots of things to think about.....
Flu shots are very much like bullet shots, containing aluminum and mercury and a bunch of other toxins with no safety studies, no placebo-controlled trial requirements, no legal liability whatsoever... and top respected meta-reviewers admit the attenuated influenza pathogens are not even effective (but "key players in the field" like Fauci will tell you otherwise). This information is absolutely everywhere, including this site, for you to research, except on the sites owned by the various cartels that want to make you sick and even enslave you and therefore censor the information. If you want to cause massive harm to yourself, inject yourself with heavy metals (it's free!) and don't ask any questions.
@Kathy It looks like the short answer is 3,000 - 5,000 IU a day is probably about right.
@lastfirst Disclaimer: I can tell that my mind is currently stuck at 4000 IU (100 mcg) per day for an average-sized adult as an upper limit. I should probably reexamine where this threshold stems from.
That's a good daily dose, however we should note that the side-effects of higher doses do not occur in a vacuum, they are caused by magnesium deficiency and possibly K2 or vitamin A deficiencies. The officialists and pharma interests would like us to ignore this and just pretend that doses above 5000 (they used to say above 1000) are "dangerous"... when the only thing dangerous is these people pushing false vitamin D toxicity scares.

That was excellent and answered questions I didn’t even know I had. Thank you so much for that information! Especially for those of us with cancers like prostate or pancreatic cancer, there was tremendous relevance and value there.

My understanding of why on the K is that it may not have much to do with the Covid. K helps the body handle D and Ca. It doesn’t need to directly impact the virus. It’s intended to support the body’s processing of D.
I saw the K studies from my obgyn who told me never to take CA for osteoporosis without Magnesium and D. A few visits later she’d seen the early info on K helping regulate the CA/MG/D processing.


Thank you for this link, Seedsower12. CovidPatientTreatmentGuide.

It is well written and emphasizes early use of the off label antivirals, Zinc, HCQ (a much better ionophore than Quercitin in lung tissue) and Ivermectin.

I downloaded it for personal use in the future.

(Be aware, that the American Association of Physicians & Surgeons is an alternative group and its views are not mainstream. A primary doctor is likely to disagree with this protocol and cite his hospital’s protocols, or the protocols of the Mayo Clinic or Mass General which pooh-pooh Ivermectin and HCQ.)

We are mostly on our own with early outpatient treatment.

SP a PCP citing his hospitals “protocol” is pretty hilarious.

The protocol is " go home , if you feel worse come back and we have nothing to offer"

They need to come up with a better way to rid the planet of obesity :slight_smile:

Again, the latest PP video is on Youtube (posted on 11/17) and it isn’t here (11/19);

There was an prescient post on ClubOrlov on July 6

“According to the published statistics, the coronavirus tends to be far more infectious, and far more lethal, in Democrat-controlled states than in Republican-controlled ones — a clear sign that the statistics are bogus …”

On the contrary, there is a good reason to believe that this is true. In general, states with a larger proportion of black voters are more likely to be Democrat-controlled, and states with a smaller proportion of black voters are more likely to be Republican-controlled. Now, it is a fact that the coronavirus tends to be more lethal for blacks than for whites - the reason is related to differences in their Vitamin D levels. Because white skin is more efficient than black skin in producing Vitamin D, people with black skin need 2 to 3 times more sunlight to produce the same amount of it than people with white skin - indeed, this is the reason that the genetic mutation that created a white skin survived and prospered in northern climates. Now in the USA, Vitamin D deficiency is common, but in the black community it is nearly universal.

One of the little-publicized facts about coronavirus deaths is that in just about every case, the blood serum of victims has been observed to be deficient in Vitamin D. Indeed, it has been reported that almost without exception, every coronavirus victim died with a blood level of Vitamin D less than 40 ng/mL - which is a level, by the way, that is easily achieved by taking 2000 IU of supplemental Vitamin D every day.

So, when the ethnic distribution of Vitamin D deficiency is properly considered, it is entirely logical that coronavirus is more lethal in Democrat-controlled states than in Republican-controlled ones. The real scandal here is this: why are millions of people thrown out of work, and why are pharmaceutical corporations spending fortunes on high-tech solutions that won’t work, when the solution to the pandemic is already available and costs only a few cents a day?


The article mentions that doctors “don’t treat with drugs like HCQ that harm”.


My local reddit group has announced that moderators will now take an active hand in suppressing “Covid misinformation” which I find odd because the group is already an absolute echo chamber for “pro mask”/“pro social distancing”/“pro lockdown”/“pro do as the authorities say” crowd.


I’ve seen like one guy a day on there making one comment trolls about lockdowns being stupid. The comment gets downvoted into oblivion and the guy never follows up on the comments bashing him. Bringing up HCQ or even vitamin D would be considered completely out of left field on that subreddit.

Maybe Reddit generally is going on lockdown? I’m noticing that “The science is settled” has really taken off as a means of quashing dissent lately.

My views about whats possible going forward from here have gotten pretty dark. I find myself starting to wish I bought HCQ because whackos on the internet poisoned my mind with conspiracy theories about magic covid pills and vitamins.


If this were true at least I could laugh at my stupidity and then rejoin reality. This is seriously getting dark…


I think humanity was constructed - somehow - to follow the herd. It seems to be built in to the genes - or the epigenetics - or something.

The gang in charge knows this. They take advantage. “Settled science” says: “the herd is going in this direction.” Not one in one hundred will go against the herd. And when they try, they get trampled.

So, if you don’t follow the herd, you must pay the price - you have a feeling of discomfort.

Perhaps being mindful can help. “Oh, that’s just my body saying I should follow the herd.” That’s what the body does. Fortunately we have consciousness too.

Maybe be thankful for your consciousness? And - maybe - wait for your moment. It will come. I wait for my moment on my facebook feed. I try to be strategic. Sometimes it even works.


And nice to hear from you. I really enjoy your gold posts even if I hate the content these days.
I’m definitely working on the part where I separate my feelings from my reasoning. I also find that it helps to really narrow down on what I’m trying to accomplish when Im getting worked up about something. Then to “zoom out” mentally and remember that I have this small life in this much larger drama and that I have choices about what to focus on.
I only want to focus on the ugly long enough to learn how to steer away from it. But I still need to focus on it at times to know its nature so that I can steer effectively.
Reading that article was a bit overwhelming because Ive realized (again) that our media and public discourse is actually already are at a near Soviet level. That sounds like hyperbole, but everything “public” is pretty tightly controlled now with “journalist shaped people” writing “journalism formatted” articles. My whole life I was told how lucky I was not to have to live that that.
Maybe we need a “Radio Free Sweden” to start broadcasting pirate signals onto the North American continent?

Drbrucedale, double check but I’m confident the Zelenko protocol uses 50mg of iconic zinc per day. That may be advertised as 200mg or so of zinc sulfate.

I think it’s a play on words… No (rabbit) holes barred
Because most of us are told we are going down rabbit holes, or have fallen deep into rabbit holes when we try to talk about Vitamin D and other cheap solutions to protect our immune system against Sars-CoV-2…
Definition of ‘Going down the rabbit hole’:
To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds.
(An allusion to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.)

@sandpuppy, Do you think there would be any play in sodium bicarb as an ionophore? It does has the capacity to move minerals intracellularly. I would imagine it could work for zinc.
Moving on the K2 and Vitamin D., Both are relevant in calcium related disease. Vitamin D has roll in calcium uptake. and in immunity directly. I have heard K2 affecting calcium directly. I am uncertain of the mechanism that K2 would have on Vitamin D directly. But, most people know of the roll of Zinc and Vitamin D, C in immunity. But Calcium plays a major factor in immunity , that seems to garnish way less attention but is equally important. K2 is vital to proper usage of calcium… In the absence or deficiency of K2 ( which is common ) calcium actually can have disastrous effects on the body.
For the record, K2 and Mg are in my protocol… of supplements.