It doesn't have to be this way

Let’s just say you happen to have some apple flavored horse pasty treats at home when you might need it. I’m wondering, what does 200 mcg/kg look like? Say you are 180 lbs, would it be like putting a health squeeze on your toothbrush? The applicator comes in a .21 oz. volume, which from my rough estimation is equivalent to approximately 6 healthy squeezes onto a tooth brush…so then each squeeze would be about .0375 oz., but then I get lost in the mcg/kg to lb x180 or maybe per 100 lbs. would be a even helpful conversion! So how many healthy toothbrush full squeezes per 100 lb person, each day? Thank you in advance to anyone able to make this computation! By the way, I’ve been telling everyone who will listen to stock up on these tasty apple flavored treats! Why should only horses have all the fun!

The Durvet DuraMectin is 1.87% concentration and it’s a 6.08g tube. That means there’s 0.1137 g/tube. Inverting this gives 8.8 tubes/g. Viewing this way is convenient later on.

The EVMS recommendation is 150-200ug/kg. Taking the 150 number that’s 68ug/lb.

Multiplying these together gives 6x10^-4 tubes/lb. For a 167 lb adult that’s 1/10 of a tube.

However, it’s even easier that that. The Durvet product comes in a syringe which is calibrated in pounds (of horse). A full tube is for a 1250 lb horse. If you run the numbers backwards on that it means the syringe is calibrated for a 200 ug/kg (91 ug/lb) dose. That’s the high end of the EVMS recommendation.

Therefore you can use the calibration on the syringe and be fine. Just dial it to your body weight and squeeze it onto a graham cracker.

Dear Wotthe
You make a very good point about communications and, at some point needing a pirate station to broadcast into North America.
We have advanced, low cost technology that allows us to have public two way dialogues peer to peer world wide in a manner where others can listen in after submitting their own questions.
Anyone else interested in this? please message me with reliable contact information.
I expect that free discourse, including this blogsite will be blocked within a couple years and it is not too early to start preparing an alternative.

Apple flavored goodies in a syringe.

Close up of the syringe shows that it is marked in pounds of the animals weight. 250# increments are numbered and smaller notches are 50# each.

Here the stop is set at 250#. When the plunger is depressed to the stop, the correct dose for a 250# animal is dispensed. As Richcabot concludes in the last paragraph, no math is actually needed.

I suspect that as this gains attention, veterinary ivermectin may be removed from the shelves “to protect the public.” Might want to stock up keeping in mind that this thing could go on for years, require multiple doses, and others may need help too.

I now know 2 people who have opted to use IVM from a store to treat symptom positive, PCR positive c19. Both with multiple comorbidities including age, both c19 negative in follow up PCR and symptoms.
?? from us all.

I didn’t test positive, but I had a close contact (office staff member). Took the two doses and tested the next day. Negative. Not that it necessarily speaks to the efficacy, but I took it with no adverse effects and I know that some are apprehensive about that.

Apple flavored? Heh, pure marketing. :slight_smile:

Once twice each week


Nordickjack man

You asked about ionophores.
The chemical issue is that membranes form important barriers to keep things out. A membrane is typically about 75-90% lipid (fatty) bilayer. Any ion (charged particle) cannot enter and pass this oily environment.
Ionophores are basically two types:

  1. general non specific, a small oily molecule with a pocket that can accept an ion) typically the pocket contains a counter ion (of opposite charge) so that after a positive charged ion enters, the counter ion balances out the charge to 0, allowing movement across the membrane. These are “lipid soluble” and facilitate transport across the oily barrier. Hydroxyquinone is a zinc ionophore. It apparently binds zinc better than other things and specifically helps that little guy get entry into the cell.
  2. specific transporters exist that bind the charged material. for example the discussion about niacin nucleotide: the nucleotide cannot pass because it is charged and big, a specific transmembrane protein apparently was discovered that binds this and allows it to move across the membrane. This membrane protein is made in response to niacin deficiency, according to the alleged researchers. These large transmembrane proteins are usually not considered “ionophores” because they have been evolved for specific targets and are complex, often naturally occurring and large proteins that take energy to make.

your phosphate is not an ionophore (a molecule that makes a membrane porous to a charged ion), it is merely another ion

hope this helps

Marvin Mots Ph.D.

I don’t know why people are making the Ivermectin thing so complicated with this paste stuff.Just order it from SA Enterprises in India, along with the Doxycycline. You get it quickly (in a couple of weeks). It is 12 mg. and you don’t have to fart around with body weight, squeezing stuff out of a tube etc.

Let’s not over think this

Are you Mots or Mirv, or both?

The advantage of the equine Ivermectin is you can get it in a day from Amazon. Shipping is free. Neither is true getting pills from India.

It’s now 11/20 and this video still isn’t on the Peak Prosperity home page. I only found out about it by accident through the Daily Digest.

Also, the name is likely to turn off many viewers. Any email I receive with Weird Trick in the subject gets deleted without reading.

I know Chris thinks its funny to joke about this stuff but if you are trying to reach first time viewers this is a big turn off. Pictures of pools and Oreos don’t inspire confidence in the technical content.

My last complaint is that the discussion highlights Australia as successfully managing the virus. They’ve achieved this by locking down the country to obscene levels. They don’t use medical treatments like HCQ or Ivermectin. They are often cited as justifications for lockdowns.

I posted a link to the video on my Facebook page. I told people to jump to 12 minutes in so they bypass the joking. Unfortunately the weird trick meme is still visible in the title.

I suggest making a very serious video that cuts directly to the relevant material about Greece, India and other countries achieving low rates medically. Follow that with the scientific papers about vitamin D, Zinc, HCQ and Ivermectin. Lastly, include relevant US MDs like EVMS and the Great Barrington Declaration.

We need an unimpeachable and concise piece whose link can be shared by email. Otherwise the MSM censors will win and innocent people will die.

MM: both
I accidentally logged on under my 12 year old user name.
I had changed names back then because I was being harassed then by some weird guy who kept pushing his cold fusion theories

Rich Cabot
You make perfect sense BUT we no longer live in a rational world where logic has meaning and plays a central role.
The dark ages have returned.
The court jester is the only one allowed to speak the truth. All serious truth tellers are put in jail or disappear. Julian Assange, Snowden, Manning, Seth Rich, Jamal Khashoggi . All journalists have been pushed out of the NY times, CNN such as Chris Hedges, Ed Shultz, Phil Donahu etc. Even the “alternative news” has been destroyed (Glenn Greewald is a recent example). The only truth tellers we are allowed are comedians such as Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp, who are the court jesters of our new dark age.
If you even raise the question of who killed Seth Rich your days as a journalist are over. Ditto with hydroxychloroquine, or many other subjects.
The court jester during the last dark ages was allowed to speak truth about the King because we could pretend that he was lying. But he was necessary to disperse the tension.
One “workaround” to censorship is to speak in double meanings and code to those who are in on the joke. We will need more oreos and pools under the best case and will eventually use a different medium of communication under worse case.
Things are not the same anymore.

The mulitvitamin I take has the Vitamin C, D, selenium, and zinc in it. Is this an acceptable substitute for the 4 bottles you show? Any differences in the bioavailability? Still need to supplement the quercetin and NAC.

As far as I can find, Chris didn’t post the complete reference to the Gautret preprint that the analysis of the collected papers on hydroxychloroquine is drawn from (minute 17ff in the video).
I haven’t been able to find the full text. I’d like to pass it on to a family member who will be skeptical, and will want to see the actual paper.
Can anyone direct me to the reference?

The Gautret paper link is here

Int J Antimicrob Agents
. 2020 Jul;56(1):105949.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105949. Epub 2020 Mar 20.

Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial

  • The reported sample size does not reach the target (48) for its own power calculations
  • It exceeds the predicted drop out rate of 10%
  • All of those lost to follow up were in the treatment group with 3 being lost because of admission to Intensive Care and 1 because of death.
  • There is no randomisation (risk of selection bias)
  • Those excluded from the intervention were used as controls
  • There is no use of placebo
  • The study is unblinded (risk of performance bias)
The study looks good initially but after reading these qualifiers, not so much.








Some in the control group were managed in different centres to the intervention group

  • The authors didn’t use appropriate statistical methods to account for repeated measurements in the same patient.
  • The definition of a “negative” patient was based on one negative PCR result.
  • It is evident that some control patients and one hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin patient became positive again after having a prior negative result.
  • This paper reports only short term (up to 14 days) data, though there is still f
  • urther findings to be published, medium and long term outcomes remain unknow

Sand puppy, thanks for the references.

But I’ve looked at both papers, and apparently neither is the paper Chris is drawing from in minutes 17-19. They refer to an open-label non-randomized clinical trial.

Chris is discussing a preprint of an analysis, apparently, of all the HCQ trials so far. The chart he’s referring to doesn’t appear in either paper.

A caption on the chart in the video says “Gautret, Exp Rev Clin Immunol, 2020 accepted”. But I haven’t been able to find the preprint on the internet.

Chris–where did you find this?

I post occasionally here and can vouch for one website where I have purchased both 12 mg ivermectin and 200 mg HCQ. Here :
It does take 2-3 weeks as it comes from India. No prescription needed