It’s Either Capitalism or Failure 

Greed is an equal opportunity vice. Socialists are just as greedy. The politburo gets rich at everyone else’s expense. And there is no check on their power. The real question is how to constrain greed.
I suggest that requires combination of shared institutions that inculcate character, relentless public exposure of wrongdoing, an independent judiciary, and equal justice under the law. That means that legislators, not lobbyists , write the laws, politicians and corporations live under the same laws as the common man, and all are prosecuted with the same vigilance. Clearly not the case.


I saw some recent interviews with Zeihan, not sure what to make of him. I did appreciate his analysis that Russia and China have serious problems and are not brilliant 3D chess wizards. On the other hand, the stuff he said about the Fed, working for the Defense Dept, CBDC, Bitcoin, makes me think he is part of the deep state…

Or Those Gaming The Climate Situation Could Cheat Their Way Out Of Their Problems

I wish this were surprising. Carbon credits are basically a scam.…/revealed-forest-carbon…
Good news though, Iowa State Agronomists are working on a way to get better uptake of Nitrogen which can also offset warming.
Shall we start our own Nitrogen exchange market? At least we wouldn’t cheat.

Hear hear (here here?). I think, much like in politics, the focus on a single dimension is a massive oversimplification. People seem stuck trying to pick some spot on the line of socialist-capitalist without spending time considering the space outside those.
In politics we have at least identified multiple dimensions: liberal-progressive, and libertarian-authoritarian. I’m fairly confident more dimensions exist. What are the economic dimensions outside of socialism-capitalism that haven’t been recognized? I really don’t read much about people thinking about stuff like this.

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On the gardening / environmental front:

  • David the Good (good sense of humor and he's lived in multiple climates)
  • Zach Bush

Win-win all around.

Addressing a Chambers of Commerce meeting in Boca Raton today, Zelensky thanks BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and others for their support of Ukraine. Adds that sending Ukraine heavier weapons, like Abrams tanks, represents a "big business" opportunity for US corporations
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I second this. He is great on how the average person and different strategies succeeded and failed. Low on predictions, high on examples and leaves it to you to decide.


-Robert Barnes
-Thomas Sowell
-Peter McCullough
-Brett and Eric Weinstein
-Robert Malone
-Randall Carlson
-Gerald Celente
-Judge Napolitano
-Jeff Snider
-Dr John Campbell
-Hugh Hendry

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Sorry I’m missing it. How does that relate to citizenship in the United States? …Asking for a friend.


In my opinion the real abomination of slavery is treating people (regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, ect. ) as if they are machines or tools. It is the act of seeing them as non-humans of equal standing. Slavery is evil.
It removes and turns it back on the very foundational emotion that we should always be embracing, that of empathy.
Our removing and stripping the benefits of the industrial and technological revolutions, will most definitely lead to some form of slavery if we do not embrace empathy for others at all times.
Embracing empathy for the lives of others and other life has been one of humanities biggest challenges through the ages.

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I’m for this one but only if we ask her why she was a Young Global Leader of the WEF and how she sees that decision now and why.
I like her but it feels like a trojan horse and I can’t shake the feeling she is not beholden to that group as a long con.


Someone Is Tracking The Fraudsters

Excellent summary of corporate fraud. Let’s make this go viral.
This is an especially good thing to send to ex-friends and family that don’t normally see the world as we do. We know this, here’s an independent researcher saying the same thing.
Your comments when you send this can be something like - even the woke love protection from corporations. They might listen to this.
“Please protect yourself from these predators”.

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Next Interview

Please interview Max & Stacey Keiser about what is going on in El Salvador regarding the Volcano Bonds an paying off their debts
Investor Chris McIntosh (friend of George gammon)
Michael Saylor regarding Bitcoin being property , digital energy, and demonetizing other assets

Love this, Island Girl

Pursuit Of Happiness?

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but wasn’t the original wording “The pursuit of Property” ? I’ve heard somewhere that it was changed in the late 19th century to the Pursuit of happiness.

Interview Wish List

  • Ed Dowd, to discuss the reception to his book
  • Neil Oliver
  • Someone from the Rwandan Unity experiment to talk about the post-genocide process of Justice and Reconciliation in that country
  • Patriot Nurse to talk about medical preparation and her take on the role of the citizen in America now vs the role envisioned in the Constitution
  • James O'Keefe
  • Ferfal

…and Michael Burry


It’d be a fascinating debate over some items of disagreement for sure.

Richard Werner
Robert Schoch
Marc Faber
Mike Yeadon
Greg Mannarino

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Nice to see discussion linking Aristotle to Jefferson. That’s not much understood these days.
My favorite philosophy class was on Aristotle’s Ethics. What a great mind.
I’d point out the emphasis on “pursuit of” happiness. We have a right to pursue it, to live life for our own ends rather than as servants to others and their ends. We don’t have the right to happiness directly though in the same way we have rights to life, liberty, property.

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