It’s Either Capitalism or Failure 

“starting Of Industrial Era, The Slavery Stopped”

“starting of industrial era, the slavery stopped”
No it didn’t. it just transformed into a more sophisticated state.
Chris stop dragging these fools into your shows plz

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before Communism, workers in Europe were essentially slaves for the aristocracy. Communism didn’t just come out of nowhere. Boomers just got everything handed on silver platter, which is unprecedented in history of western world

to wrap this up capitalism is just a continuation of British colonialism and to further dates, all to way back to Egyptians. Its the science of ruling masses (the people) that’s why they’re freaked about individuals having a choice, be it medical or a choice to not participate in the system

James Howard Kunstler, “The Long Emergency”, “World Made by Hand”;
Fernando Aguirre (Ferfal), “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving Societal Collapse”;
Phil M. Williams, “2050: Collapse” (Book 5);
Dmitri Orlov, “The Five Stages of Collapse”;
Alex Newman, “Deep State”, “Crimes of the Educators”, CEO Liberty Sentinel Media, Epoch Times contributor.

Interview List

Bill Holter
Hal Turner
Jeff Berwick
Catherine Austin Fitts

Thanks for mentioning Arpad, @affordablejoe . I wasn’t familiar with him before. I just checked out one of his videos, and his perspective and insight on what we might expect in hyperinflation was interesting.

No thanks

Interview Suggestion

John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
“Consider this: every two minutes, a child is bought and sold for sex.”

A One-sided Story

A number of thoughts cropped up during this interview, of which I will share one here:
Capitalism / Communism is bi-modal thinking. This is a trap. Bi-modal thinking is used to create divisions between people. No different than other pernicious categories like democrat/republican, conservative/liberal and so forth. While these terms have utility, it is best to keep in mind there is always a spectrum in which these categories exist—a fuzzy set.
With respect to this, I identify as a pragmatist—not as a capitalist or communist. Capitalism and communism are tools. They are in essence a form of technology. Like all tools there are situations where each is most effective. Free-markets work quite well in certain circumstances and this is where the tool of capitalism should be applied. I think things like entrepreneurship fit here, the opportunity to pursue an idea and/or love and make a living doing so definitely has positive benefit to society. There are other situations where top-down command structure and the massive funds from the public coffers appear to be necessary, and this is where the tool of communism should be applied. The US military is an excellent example: A huge organisation with extreme top-down command structure that is also a massive burden on taxpayers as it is funded through the public coffers. (Quite interestingly this is an organizational structure that is the very fear of those who identify as being republicans and freedom-loving who often are active participants–I have a lot of thoughts about this but do not want to digress.) However, a strong military has proven utility, at least historically.
While it can be comforting to think in simple absolutes—e.g. agitate for just one direction like pursuing pure capitalism—it turns out the real world is genuinely complex and a single tool is just not enough. That is human nature. Humans are messy. Imperfect. Indeed, if we are going to discuss “freedom” we must also bring in the idea of the freedom of being imperfect. There is also the very real problem that when people get power, they tend to abuse it: This is again human nature and needs to be kept in mind when trying to piece together a civilization that benefits the most. Communism has often been linked to rigorous control by a government and the temptation to abuse that power appears to be too great, so there must be a balancing force, something like capitalism in the mix. However, the way capitalism and free markets are typically run can also lead to similar aberrations–wealth concentrated among a small number of individuals, for example. Since wealth is power, as with communism abusing said power is almost certain. It does not matter how that power is attained–when it is attained it is often abused in varied and sundry ways. This operates at all scales from interpersonal relationships (e.g. when one spouse has too much power over another), workplace settings and on up to the largest companies (e.g. censorship) and most powerful governments. Again, it is human nature–something that needs to be recognized and part of the discussion on how to do things going forward.
Another way to frame this is with the idea of policy. What I have seen is that there is often nothing wrong with a given policy (there are exceptions, of course!). A policy typically only becomes a problem when used with a heavy hand. For example, clear-cutting. This is a useful tool in forestry. It often is the most economically efficient means of harvesting. And many forest types can endure the disturbance–the forest will grow back, especially with the right attention. However, this is within limits. Too much clearcutting can lead to issues with ecosystem function and forest recovery, especially over the long-term and in specific forest types. When this policy (tool) is applied too often, it becomes a problem. It is best to use this tool among a mix of other options, such as patch cutting, uneven-aged approaches and so forth.  Same with either capitalism or communism. Too much of either leads to problems, a key one being human suffering. These tools each require a balancing force to keep them in check. This idea should not be so alien, as we often find in nature a balance of forces that keep things in check. If this were not so, likely there would be no life. 



Ok. Freedom is among my top priorities, so I am mostly capitalist. BUT, if we go into a level playing field and I am penniless while you are a jillionaire, and an opportunity arises, you can exploit it better than I. Nobody mentions this, so it may be a bigger problem than even I see. Also, the jilllionaire can directly or indirectly influence politicians to benefit himself over me. No longer a level playing field. There’s a third, but my antique brain can’t find it.



Whitney Webb

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Yes!!! She’s the SHARPEST journalist of our time … light years ahead of the pack.
It’s difficult for average people to digest the world through her lens, but she is ferociously well researched and the facts are indisputable.

Winklevoss Twins In Hot Water!

Well said.

What’s missing is this, since the words are not included then it is legal by omission and that would be VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE. That’s totally legal and lawful and the 14th Amendment defines Citizenship, what that means and how the concept the words and phrases, in singular or plural will be used to enslave us all.
The words and phrases matter and they don’t mean what most persons think they mean colloquially. This is where a really old edition of Blacks legal dictionary comes in handy…

Hello Hladini,
Reminds me of that movie with Arnold in it, “Predator”. He’s the leader of an elite paramilitary rescue team on a mission to save hostages in guerrilla-held territory in a Central American rainforest, who encounter the deadly Predator, a skilled, technologically advanced alien who stalks and hunts them down.
After the Predator is mortally wounded in the booby trap he asks the alien creature, “WhatTF are you?” and the Predator asks him right back, “WhatTF are you?” and then self destructs. It was the best dialogue of the whole movie. Ha ha.
I trust our dialogue will go better than that. And please do not self destruct. Ha ha. Thank you.

Hi Scott,
Actually the best questions are simple yes or no questions. A good line of questioning using yes and no questions is often the quickest way to get to the truth of a matter. Especially a yes or no answer to any particular question could automatically end the line of questioning because enough questions have been answered to arrive at a conclusion as to what someone else may or may not know because if they did know they wouldn’t have answered the question like they did.
And sometimes all it takes one question. Done.

Hello thc0655,
What is a “sovereign citizen”? Thank you.

yeah but he gets him on the annual seminar anyway…

Oh look it’s the co-founder of Peak Prosperity! I want Chris to interview Adam Taggart, get the gang back together.