It’s Either Capitalism or Failure 

Yes, the original wording was from John Locke. Jefferson changed it. Happiness, inAristotelian philosophy is called eudaimomia, which is more akin to human flourishing

Mark Moss

Mark Moss is very good researcher, too. Just like Chris, everything he sais and chows is backed by data.

So How Does Capitalism Prevent This Pillage

The Fed and Biden have taken cash from main street and transferred it to the wall street oligarchy class. They have taken those ill-gotten gains and used them to buy up resources, including land and commodities. An now it’s water.
Here’s a chilling trend: fallow your farm (Not responsibly farm it for soil improvement and water retention) and the city slicker/wall street robbers will buy the water rights and ship your water resources to cities for watering their grass. Makes me wonder if mismanagement of climate mitigation is a deliberate thing. You can make more money if things get worse.

I have been working with Braver Angel, who have been trying to defuse hate and divisiveness in politics. They have built on the tact that your neighbor is NOT a monster and could have reasons for their political stance - would it hurt you to listen. (Little to close to woke for me, but they have had some success with individuals and small groups because you neighbor is probably deluded, not evil.)
What I have been taking them to the wall on is their duopoly stance. They require local groups to have a Red and a Blue as a leadership team. I immediately asked what about the majority in the population - Independents. Oh, they replied you can be Purple, just pick which side you lean toward.
My response was NO, you don’t get us. We are anti-duopoly Independents and we think Red and Blue extremists ARE the problem - both of you. The issues are not a linear polarity. The real issues are all orthogonal to the childish, tribal polarity fight. I’ve been making some progress in our local groups by pushing Red to criticize Red extremists and Blue to criticize their nutcases.
The same is true of Capitalism and Communism. This is an irrelevant polarity. It keeps your attention off better solutions for a complex world. So-called Capitalists use their money to corrupt governments and as ParadoxAlley points out, once a Robber Baron has stolen all the fiat money, with help of corrupt governments and used it to buy up all the capital assets, no mater how smart, innovative and hard working we might be, it’s like the peons starting Monopoly with $10 and trying to play against the Robber Barons who start with $1,000 to $10,000. We’ve mentioned sociopaths being attracted to and actively assisting the Oligarchy. The get their cut like Mafia enforcers and don’t even need physical violence. Just a corrupt politician or bankster.
I think we should Never use the word Capitalism. It has been so corrupted we really can’t defend the current system and we look ridiculous doing so. Ayn Rand pointed out that monopolies were NOT a result of free markets, but of corrupt Governments giving preference to their contributors - rail road land grants, corrupt contracts, turning a blind eye to things like hiring Pinkerton thugs to shoot strikers.
So here’s our problem. Corrupt crony Capitalism has totally coopted western governments. Davos controls them and WEF pretends to be Capitalist (and did, indeed siphon off all their ill-gotten gains through the cesspool people we called Capitalism). So we’ve now transferred all power and most assets to the WEF gang. I have not heard a practical answer as to how we reverse the THEFT. The 40-50-group, whose baby boomer parents were middle class and satisfied with their economic status, no longer have the income or assets to mount an assault on their billionaire masters. I don’t think baby boomers, who still have middle-class assets available, are going to be able to die with enough assets to rescue their grandchildren, and even that rescue leaves the intervening generation as debt serfs.
So in a world of those supported by government handouts and wage serfs, none of whom have assets and lack enough income to comfortably support their families, who is going to mount a resistance?
Chris has been able to show us what the few remaining honest affluent (qualified investors only need apply) are able to do to protect themselves. But unlike the robber barons, they are not going to build businesses that will hire the “huddled masses” and offer them a way to start building assets. In our debt-based economy the majority of American workers are forced to buy at the company store at inflated prices that will keep them forever in debt. If you haven’t heard the song Sixteen tons, listen to the lyrics. Not just debt poverty, but the violence it sprouts.
Chris is right, those working around the system successfully are not bad people, but they are in the mode of protect themselves and their class, with neither the resources nor the will to take on the system. And the right to petition the government for redress of grievances (protest marches) has become a joke.
It’s easy for me to say, as a retired person with assets, that what must happen is that we shut down the economy. The market MUST crash with no bail outs of the perpetrators. I, and most qualified investors, will survive. I’m not so sure about the rest of you. If we do the right thing and give unemployment insurance to those whose crooked employers failed, then we start the cycle again. The taxpayers’ money you use to keep your families alive all flows to the billionaire class and we start the cycle over again. The thieves will use unfair tax laws to make sure that only the remaining middle class are taxed to save those the kleptocracy has made poor.
Sorry fellows, either government mandates of any type are OK, OR using tax policy to bribe the rich to do things the government and oligarchs, NOT the people, want is WRONG. Absentee landlords dumping their fiat money gains into real-estate, far from solving the housing problem, have made housing unaffordable for young, working families. Tax credits for fake green energy projects are destroying farmland. Think about that when you see empty store shelves. The US tax code is a major tool of oppression AND a big factor in the wealth transfer game. They work for the “qualified investor class”, not for main street.

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Hi again TheJMan
My journey to Freedom began a long time ago. Freedom in Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions and Wealth. My first political memories are of JFK and his assassination. He was on TV a lot and then NOT. No need to recap history from then to now but what transpired, which was general decline, was by design, pure and simple.
Many years later in 2006, I obtained a DVD copy of Producer/Writer/Director Aaron Russo’s “AMERICA - From Freedom to Fascism”. In this movie Russo looks into the constitutionality of Federal Income Tax levied on personal income. If he was either right or wrong what would be the point? If it was true then why were persons using this defense in court subsequently going to jail?? And if it was true then what is the legal remedy? That last question to myself went unanswered until 15 years later in 2021 in brief but in full in very early 2022.
Let me back up here…what was it that actually triggered me to call this out? Everything was going swell. At the 10:38 mark, Mr. Kiyosaki held up a copy of the greatest history book of all time, “The Creature from Jeckel Island”. I thought all right this guy is on the same page with me. And he was, big time, I didn’t disagree with him at all. At the 21:21 minute mark Kiyosaki was talking about fighting back with education. And I have always totally agreed with that concept. Raising Awareness and Expanding Consciousness is all I’m about. Because there is an Actual Truth out there. And going along with fighting back with education I felt compelled to do so. Please allow me to elucidate you. 
 It was at the 21:56 minute mark when Mr. Kiyosaki stated, “America is not a systemically racist country”. And at 22:05 he stated, “Slavery ended with the Industrial Age”. Both statements are totally ludicrous, and I reacted in same. Meaning, I laughed my ass off. Ha ha.
Either he is not aware of the fraud of the 13th and 14th amendments or he is just not ready to acknowledge that publicly, is totally all right with me. But I felt triggered enough to point out the inherent racism which became systemic and which has resulted in the slavery of EVERYBODY.
Because you see the 14th Amendment is designed to do just that. The words used, the phrases used and if the subjects being either singular or plural really matters. Most persons when reading it, i.e. the 14th Amendment would think it pretty innocent but it is one of the most evil Amendments ever written. It is truly anti-human and anti-freedom and extremely deceptive.
I already exposed the fraud of the 13th Amendment in the above comment but there’s more to that one too. For instance do you know that there is an original 13th Amendment out there that has never been taken off the books…Well here it is…
13th Amendment - missing original 
Shall I go on?  Anyone care about the ultimate fraud, which is first only above the germ theory and the allopathic medical model created by Rockefeller and the brainwashing of doctors???
For Real,

Interview Suggestion

Denis Rancourt has done some wonderful study on the data around excess deaths in the Covid time. It’s very interesting listening to him about what he has found. My view about everything seems so much wider since listening to him.
Here is an interview with him on Jermwarfare. Would love to see you do one Chris. He also has a stunning view about the geopolitical situation in the world.

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Wow! I second that. Those videos/papers are very interesting.