It's Time to Discuss The Real Reasons Driving The Violence, Informed Consent Replay, Pt. 1

Three years ago, I would have dismissed a post like yours out of hand.
But after all that I have seen in the recent past, suggestions like yours have to be taken seriously.
That shows the extent to which the credibility of Western institutions has been shredded.


Cold Turkey

I’m really worried about when the SHTF and there are millions of people who are suddenly not able to get ahold of their psych meds. Even if most of them don’t act out violently, they are going to be pretty darn sick from withdrawal…sorry, I mean “discontinuation syndrome”.


Here’s A Different Perspective From Someone Who Spoke To Officers Who Were There

More On Rat Behavior…

This share is triggered by Chris’ observations re: “shocks in a cage” and youthful demoralization.
Connecting the dots between the above and addiction…
"Get a rat and put it in a cage and give it two water bottles. One is just water, and one is water laced with either heroin or cocaine. If you do that, the rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself very quickly, right, within a couple of weeks. So, there you go. It’s our theory of addiction.
Bruce Alexander comes along in the ’70s and says, “Well, hang on a minute. We’re putting the rat in an empty cage. It’s got nothing to do. Let’s try this a little bit differently.”
So Bruce built Rat Park, and Rat Park is like heaven for rats. Everything your rat about town could want, it’s got in Rat Park. It’s got lovely food. It’s got sex. It’s got loads of other rats to be friends with. It’s got loads of colored balls. Everything your rat could want. And they’ve got both the water bottles. They’ve got the drugged water and the normal water.
But here’s the fascinating thing. In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water. They hardly use any of it. None of them ever overdose. None of them ever use in a way that looks like compulsion or addiction.
There’s a really interesting human example I’ll tell you about in a minute, but what Bruce says shows that both the right-wing and left-wing theories of addiction are wrong.

  • So the right-wing theory is it’s a moral failing, you’re a hedonist, you party too hard.
  • The left-wing theory is it takes you over, your brain is hijacked.
Bruce says it’s not your morality, it’s not your brain; it’s your cage.
  • Addiction is largely an adaptation to your environment.
We’ve created a society where significant numbers of our fellow citizens cannot bear to be present in their lives without being drugged, right? We’ve created a hyper-consumerist, hyper-individualist, isolated world that is, for a lot of people, much more like that first cage than it is like the bonded, connected cages that we need. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. And our whole society, the engine of our society, is geared towards making us connect with things not people. You are not a good consumer capitalist citizen, if you’re spending your time bonding with the people around you and not buying stuff—in fact, we are trained from a very young age to focus our hopes and our dreams and our ambitions on things we can buy and consume. And drug addiction is really a subset of that." ~ Johann Hari Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | TED Talk
  • Experiment starts at 3:38

Out Of Control American Teens During Wwii & The Government Tried To Stop It
With so many men in the service and overseas involved in the effort to win the war, women/housewives went to work in the factories. Apparently teenagers, left to their own devices, went as the government saw it “out of control” behaving in ways that were against the “common decency” accepted at that time. the film points out that this was partially caused by what we knew as “latchkey” kids who came home from school with no parent present in the home and nothing much else to do but “get into trouble.”
This is a March Of Time film which ran largely in movie theaters (there was no television at that time). It was produced by Time Magazine and paid for by the government. The incredible voice is Westbrook Van Voorhis and it is still recognizably unique after all these years.
Some of the scenes show teenagers doing things that surprised me as I thought that it was the baby boomers in the 1950s and 60s who did what is shown here. Sexual escapades with soldiers because “it was patriotic.” Marijuana (which I thought in the middle-class white families shown in this film did not become a problem until the 1950s). in fact some of the rebellions this film claims need to be stopped by parents, by school officials, church leaders and others, looked just like what is claimed to be the troubles that began in the late 1950s and exploded in the 1960s.
Time Magazine and many reviewers called these March Of Time films documentaries but it would be hard to call them documentaries as they presented very strong political and moral views. The producers claimed that some of the people performing in this and other similar films were real people not actors. This was released in 1943 during the middle of the war and was titled “Youth In Crisis.” It was nominated for an Academy Award.

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Disturbing Nexus

That’s great chapter-and-verse about SSRIs. I recall reading about it a while back, but I wasn’t good at reading papers back then. Here’s a copy I found, poking around.
There’s also a more recent version study along those same lines, but only the intro is available.
Combining schools-as-prisons, training young people to be good little soldiers (straight out of Prussia, to hear John Taylor Gatto talk about it), what I’d call chronic niacin deficiency, the export of good jobs overseas (good luck getting a mate if you can’t provide), non-nutritious food (no nutrients left in the soil), pesticides - the poisoning of America, the dopamine manipulation from “social media” along with literally everyone else presenting pictures of their fake “perfect lives” on that same media, and now over-medication.
I sure would have loved having Gatto as a teacher:
Right. So things aren’t going well. So the fix: “ban guns”.
I survived my “education” by mostly ignoring it and doing my own thing (reading, etc) instead. And that’s back when things were much more benign. University was better but not perfect, and actually working was the best.
My fix for my own anxiety/depression: exercise, purpose, and niacin. No one thing was enough. For the chemical deficiency part: niacin fixed that for me. Some people fix this by smoking cigarettes. (Little known fact: niacin actually comes from tobacco). But I didn’t have to deal with today’s insane system. And I was very lucky to find the niacin and then have the guts to test it on myself. Especially with all the fuss about “the flush” which for many can be off-putting. Its almost like “someone” would prefer that I not know about the little 5 cent pill. But that’s a story for another time. Not medical advice, etc.


Robb Elementary School

My husband and I are retired federal law enforcement. We usually understand why the police do something. This was a mess. Why a hostage situation? The hostages were shot, time to break down the door shooting. I know what happened at Attica, 10 hostages were killed by friendly fire. I understand why, the hesitancy to come in shooting with hostages present. But this was a mess.
At FLETC, we trained to be hostages which is a possibility as a correctional worker. One of my coworkers was taken hostage: female worker, male inmate. Happen often. Actually correctional worker life expectancy is 59 years old. I can’t count the number of co worker suicides.
Yes these cops made the wrong call. I’d say it was a stupid call. Children paid the price. But remember, Ramos killed them. The cops just made it worse.
We also looked on Google Earth to see the school. On street view, from Old Carrizo Rd, Uvalde, TX, the school door is OPEN. On the lawn in front of the school is a sign with the time & temp. It says “12:54” “71” degrees. The Google Earth time stamp said 12/2021. Looks like the doors were routinely propped open. Ramos was killed at 12:51. Bizarre coincidence.
We worked with criminals and the criminally insane. Some people LIKE hurting people. Really. They get off on it. I know that is hard for normal people to process. Some shooters, like Loughner, Gabby Giffords’ shooter was schizophrenic. He was better medicated. We had him at our institution. I have asked multiple gang members, “Why don’t you just get a regular job?” I was told multiple times, “I have a job, a good job, making good money.” They also told me I was an idiot to do the work I do for such little money. I was a RN. Working in a medical center. I’d say, “I can go home when I get off work.”
Yes our society is crumbling. It’s hard to say how to fix it. I think people need a spiritual life, just knowing there is more. I don’t belong to any group. I just recognize that dimension. That works for me. I get this mental image in my mind when I think of human solutions to a problem. We had these flexible safety pen to keep mentally ill inmates from hurting themselves. I saw a photo of an inmate killed by another inmate, he had 2 safety pen sticking out of his eyes. So much for safety.
We put a lot of garbage into people: drugs, medication, media. We could do better. We can try.


Thanks for the comment. Policy will be blamed for this.

Their Ought To Be An Enforceable Law…

My brother has been on Prozac for at least 35 years. In his youth he had dreams, goals and great hope about his future. All of that quickly vanished after this drug changed his brain chemistry. I agree., doctors push these drugs and hard. There HAS to be a serious conflict of interest to habitually do this as a medical professional. I have tried to convince my brother who is also a dear friend, to get help weaning himself off Prozac and never take any drug like it. The doctor filled him with such fear of refusing Prozac - and that is astonishingly criminal. I realize at his current age, along with all the data I have shared with him, that he makes the choice to be addicted from fear of a hard crash of depression doctors (not just one) have assured him will happen. It’s gut-wrenching to watch.


Acceptance of reality is important. I’m not giving up or in easily but there will eventually come a time when, if it’s not stopped, that I won’t care to see more of tyrannical reality.

Narrative Busted. The Off Duty Border Patrol Officer

The function of these mass shooting events seems to be to convince everyone that Only The State Can Protect the Children.
This story of the off duty border patrol agent who borrowed his barber’s shotgun and raced to save his wife and daughter in the school absolutely shatters this narrative shaping attempt.
Instead, we have a determined citizen with a powerful tool (a shotgun) who violates multiple policies and procedures of The State (carries a firearm onto school grounds, etc. etc, etc) acting to save his family.
The hero. An individual. In archetypal terms.
Do you guys remember the B-grade movie “Rollerball” with James Caan? It had a similar theme where the state needed to crush the hero archetype to teach citizens to be powerless before the state.
However, James Caan proved to be indomitable. This was a terrible danger to the state.


Another perspective. This from a retired Border Patrol tactical officer and active shooter trainer.

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“retired” Fbi Agent Was In Regular Communication With Buffalo Shooter

I am 100% not surprised by this information.

Authorities investigating if retired federal agent knew of Buffalo mass shooting plans in advance

Law enforcement officers are investigating whether a retired federal agent had about 30 minutes advance notice of a white supremacist's plans to murder Black people at a Buffalo supermarket, two law enforcement officials told The Buffalo News. 

Authorities believe the former agent – believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused gunman Payton Gendron in an online chat room where racist hatred was discussed, the two officials said.

The two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation stated these individuals were invited by Gendron to read about his mass shooting plans and the target location about 30 minutes before Gendron killed 10 people at Tops Markets on Jefferson Avenue on May 14. 

“These were like-minded people who used this chat group to talk about their shared interests in racial hatred, replacement theory and hatred of anyone who is Jewish, a person of color or not of European ancestry,” said one of the two law enforcement officials with close knowledge of the investigation. “What is especially upsetting is that these six people received advanced notice of the Buffalo shooting, about 30 minutes before it happened.

“The FBI has verified that none of these people called law enforcement to warn them about the shooting. The FBI database shows no advance tips from anyone that this shooting was about to happen.”

Agents from the FBI are in the process of tracking down and interviewing the six people, including the retired agent, and attempting to determine if any of them should be charged as accomplices, the two sources with close knowledge of the probe told The Buffalo News.

The only surprise is that the FBI seems ready to throw one of their own under this bus. Not sure what to make of that. After so many years of the FBI basically entrapping people, especially low IQ or already deeply troubled people into various FBI schemes of manufactured violence, I am always a bit suspicious about whether or not some government "asset" or other is nudging the people behind these tragic events. You know, to give the FBI something to do, I guess?

Awesome comment!
The problem isn’t you, it’s your cage.

Big Pharma’s Vicious Cycle

In my opinion, the drug companies don’t want you healthy or dead, they want you somewhere in between reliant on their poisons. The C19 shots are perfect for their business model: Give everyone a shot that destroys their immune system causing thousands of possible adverse events and side effects, which increases the demand for all their other poisons to treat them, which causes even more side effects…and on and on… It’s a vicious cycle and very profitable for these legalized national and global drug cartels.


I know everyone wants this to be something abnormal but what if it is an unhealthy expression of a normal desire for money and power?

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I can’t speak for anyone else but IMO that is a good explanation of the global break-down. Mostly power.

Boys And School

It’s always boys and almost always schools. How have schools failed our males in the past 30 years?

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One Of The Victims Had Two Different Daddies, Depending On Which Network You Watched.

Can you say crisis actor(s)?
Watch it quickly before Twitter takes it down.

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Late Stage Capitalism

I asked a friend of mine with a large amount of experience in anthropology - he’s had exposure to most of the world’s major cultures and lots of training that allows him to interpret them, he routinely has great insights as to why people do stuff - WTF was going on with all the depression, shootings, etc.
His immediate response: its late stage capitalism. I’d call them “the Oligarchy” (and/or the Technocrats) but to him it is the formless monopoly capital organism that optimizes literally everything in society in order to convert all us Plebes into worker bees and nothing more.
Family events? Interferes with work. Having our Elders around? Old folks homes. Holidays? Interferes with work. Marriage? Family? Children? Life’s rituals that provide meaning, togetherness, socialization, reinforces human connectedness? It all interferes with work.
Also, “age-5 LGBTQ-etc sex change” => no kids, “abortion” => no kids, “online education” => no social skills => no kids, “social media” => even less social skills => no kids.
It felt right to me.
Late stage capitalism. Just another viewpoint.

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