It's Time to Discuss The Real Reasons Driving The Violence, Informed Consent Replay, Pt. 1

Spot On!

this was the best video for me for a long time! I was forced with Zoloft at the age 24 (because of some adventures with hash) took them for a while and eventually throw them in the garbage. these drugs diminish all of your feelings, and you struggle to make some meaning of your existence, It’s poison. If you get caught into the mental health system youre essentially given 2 choices, either take the drugs and live free ('ish) or don’t and be forever in captivity.Well without they’re drugs and institutions I’m doing well, with beautiful wife, six kids and a self-made house with a garden of course ?
ps. how to demoralize a nation:
38 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America
“What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”


Funny And Disconcerting - Don’t Rely On The Police

Affirmative Action?

The police, in my area at least, have made a point of putting diversity over effectiveness. If there’s is a real crime taking place, there are a million reasons why they can’t help you, but they’re Johnny-on-the-spot if someone commits a minor traffic violation. Whenever we hear a siren in the distance, we even joke that there must be a misgendering in process.


I have to join the chorus of something is very wrong with our schools!
I‘m focusing on NCLB/Common Core because that has really been the framework that has forced schools and teachers into some horrible “guidelines.”


You sound familiar with policy. How about my questions?

The Emergent Truth

How do we reconnect? Is this not the purpose of Myths? Michael Meade talks about his new online workshop “Myth and Emergent Truth” that takes place on Saturday, June 11 and explores how when all layers of nature and culture are at risk, essential levels of life must be engaged and learned from directly. Mythic imagination is ancient and immediate at the same time and can open us to the wonders of spirit as well as the healing waters of the soul.
We live in a period of worldwide upheaval that can also be a time of revelation and emergence. Sometimes everything must fall apart before we turn to the living waters of mythic imagination. The human soul has always been connected to water and to a natural sense of resiliency and creativity rising from the depths below. In the recesses of the soul, where the facts of life mingle with the mysteries of eternity, myth means “emergent truth.
Here Michael Meade offers us some help:

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Hans, I appreciate you sharing your experience with us. A circumspect view is very difficult to assemble and impossible without multiple inputs. I feel much the same as yourself and expect to be in a similar circumstance as you but half a world away. I am with you all the way.

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Zero hedge is reporting today that someone in law enforcement misled Gov. Abbott about what happened and what explained the delay in attacking the shooter.
Allegedly the story now is the on scene commander (who remains unnamed for now) declared a “barricaded gunman”. That is now admittedly a huge error because the shooter was still actively shooting victims. Since he was still shooting victims the crystal clear proper response was to send in a “contact team” of 2-6 officers to kill the shooter. The likelihood that members of the contact team might themselves be shot in the process was irrelevant. They are required to aggressively attack the shooter without regard for their own safety. That on scene commander should be fired for such a heinous decision. In my experience in the Philadelphia Police Department I know of two active shooter incidents in which a very high ranking commander got on the radio and ordered officers on the scene NOT to enter the building until he arrived. That violated policy in several ways and should have been disobeyed by the officers on location who where EAGER to go in and take care of business. After each incident I reviewed with the officers I supervised the policies and training we received and why that commander was wrong and should’ve been disciplined or fired. (He has since been fired for something else, much to most officers’ immense pleasure.) I told my officers that if I was the on scene commander (which I would’ve been as their Sgt. until someone of a higher rank arrived) we would not be obeying any orders to stand down no matter who they came from over the radio. I informed them I would order them to follow MY order which would be to follow me into the building to go get the shooter. Nearly all of them were jazzed as that is what they signed up for when they joined the Department.
The presence of Federal agents on this scene is odd but not unprecedented. They usually monitor local police radio while they’re working and can respond to critical incidents if they want to. US Marshalls tend to be fearless so I’m surprised they didn’t disregard the on scene commander’s order to stand down, especially since s/he was probably not in their chain of command (because s/he was local or state law enforcement).
The on scene commander by declaring a barricaded gunman shifted the responsibility from officers on scene to tactical officers (eg. SWAT) to risk their lives going in to get the shooter. The as yet unnamed Border Patrol tactical officer immediately did what the other officers should’ve done, but he wasn’t disobeying a direct order by doing so. I assume there were officers on scene who would’ve gladly gone in immediately but deferred to the on scene commander who was dead wrong). It takes a knowledgeable and headstrong officer or soldier to disobey a direct order like that. I wish one had been there who did so.


My rule for commenting on unfolding current events, especially where emotions run high, is to wait 24-48 hours for the facts to come out.
In the initial burst of news and rumors there are bound to be many errors and contradictions.


Fearless and apparently on site early. I’m sure your experience illuminates that fact.

Thanks R.E. for your level headed admonition. You may be intereated in the following; Sitting in my living room in the area, the evening of JFK’s assassination, I viewed on my black and white TV screen a hand-drawn illustration of the presidents head wound and the news commentator stated that it was drawn by the examining physician at Parkland Hospital ER as was his regular habit for each patient he attended. I have been unable to view that drawing since. I am not prone to over-value early reports nor or I am willing to swallow fiction later fed to the unwitting public when my personal experience supports another explanation. I and others know that is the case regarding the events of that day.

It is best to taper off gabapentin (if on it for more than 1-2 weeks) as there can be serious withdrawal effects associated with stopping it “cold turkey.” It works like the neurotransmitter GABA (similar to benzodiazepines) and so physical dependence usually occurs after using it for even as little as 1-2 weeks.
The taper required is not as long as those used for benzodiazepine withdrawal, but it should be structured for individual needs (based on duration, dose, and symptoms during a scheduled taper trial).
I have linked an article (below) that deals with this issue in very general terms as it may be helpful.
Best regards,

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To be clear, gabapentin works similarly to benzodiazepines in that it tends to decrease the excitability of neurons in the central nervous system, but it does not act on GABA receptors as do benzodiazepines. Technically, it is currently thought that the main mechanism of action of gabapentin is that it binds to the α2δ calcium channel subunit of voltage dependent calcium channels and thereby disrupts its interactions with important proteins and glycoproteins and α2δ regulatory functions including interfering with the delivery of calcium channels to the cell membrane, reducing activation of the channels, and modulating neurotransmitter release. It also affects interactions between α2δ and the NMDA glutamate receptors. NMDA receptors are activated by glycine and glutamate and are important for synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and it is the precursor for GABA, which in turn is the central nervous system’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter.


Thank You For Exposing The Elephant In The Room!

Here’s my response to the local: “guns are a threat” threads on social media: Firearms have been in American homes for a long time. Will we ever step back and take an honest, unbiased look at what has changed over the past 30-40 years? What’s the percentage of children being pushed onto pharmaceutical drugs to manage behavior now? I’m 44 years old and don’t recall any classmates being on daily meds. Are there long term studies on the effects of pumping mind-altering chemicals through a developing child’s brain? How about the effects of watching our elected officials and other adults bicker back and forth at each other like a bunch of mean girls at the junior high school lunch table? AND being exposed to it constantly through the internet and social media with a phone tied to their hips 24/7? People seemed to have shown a little more respect for one another when I was growing up… at least publicly. We had video games, but I only recall playing them when the weather didn’t cooperate for us to be outside burning off our energy. And… we grew up playing with toy guns that looked real. Some of us knew there were real guns in the house, but if we so much as thought about touching them our parents would have beat our ass without the threat of being charged with abuse. I could go on and on… but most of us have already been brainwashed to accept what the media and politicians have told us to believe and we’ll continue arguing with each other amongst party lines. Until that changes, don’t expect any real solutions that actually work.


If We’re Going To Keep Having These Incident, We Need More Of This!
And great timing too.


I’ve seen it reported now that there were no armed police at the school during the time the shooter was outside firing (at people at a funeral home, allegedly).

Canada Has A Safety Net…?! Not Really - At Least Not Now.

I am Canadian. I live in BC. I do not agree with your statement that Canada has a safety net. This is simply not in accord with my experiences and the experiences of dear friends, family members, and news reports. I am in my 70’s. I qualify for the Old Age Pension of about $300 ( about $200 in US dollars). This is not a safety net - it is only enough money to purchase a high quality noose.
There has been recent news report of a senior woman who accepted to be euthanized because she could no longer afford to feed herself. This is not uncommon.
A dear friend from my community - a 50 yo female who had recently had to live rough - moved further north in search of affordable accommodation. She died en route from exposure.
Indigenous peoples have even been denied safe drinking water for decades.
Another myth is universal health care. Yes, I suppose you can call it “universal” - but realize that delivery times are incredibly long. Very often the wait times for critical surgeries are in the years. Often times the patient relapses or even dies before the service is available. Facilities are old, outdated, dark and depressing. See the hospital on Burrard Street in YVR. Basic facility maintenance and good housekeeping are absent. Even at Lions Gate Hospital on the North Shore of Vancouver - a very affluent neighbourhood - quite distressing and under funded in spite of a new addition/renovation.
Perhaps Windsor Ontario is the exception - but please do not generalize - Canada generally speaking has no safety net. You are on your own. The best advice I can give is to get a government job…and keep your head down.


The whole thing stinks. This could well be a staged event where the real shooter was someone other than the patsy. It would explain the police being kept out and the supposed shooter being taken down by an as yet unnamed Fed. There are countless examples of our government killing numerous innocents in order to generates support for some policy that would otherwise be impossible to pass. The powers that be want gun control to curtail revolts as the economy plunges. Don’t think they couldn’t be that evil to sacrifice innocent school children to get gun control passed. They are that evil. They’ve done it before.

Will we ever step back and take an honest, unbiased look at what has changed over the past 30-40 years?
I think that's what's now on the menu. Of course the Globalists have no interest in such an examination because they are up to their eyeballs in creating this hellish stew. We have a tapestry of ill-health that began roughly 40 years ago. The list of contributing factors is long:
  • Increasingly non-nutritious foods
  • Glyphosate use
  • Neonicotinoids
  • PFAS chemicals
  • Microplastics
  • Rampant obesity
  • Destroyed gut microbiomes
  • increased psychotropic drug use
  • Less time out in nature
  • Predatory screen-time attention grabbers overutilizing our neurochemical pathways
  • Increasingly nonsensical "responses" by political and corporate leaders to our existential predicaments
  • Soul-destroying schools that more closely resemble minimum security prisons & indoctrination camps than they do places conducive to development & learning.
  • The rise of Bullshit Jobs and other direct indicators that some people really don't matter
On and on and on. We should finally ask the question, "Are the things we do in support of increased levels of happiness and health, or are they so that some people can make a few bucks?"

Congrats on regaining your life!