Let's Stop Fooling Ourselves: Americans Can't Afford the Future

Make a list, put on it all the things you NEED to do.Prioritize it.
Learn how to forage - a lot of those weeds you are growing are Edible Food.
Realize that it's important to go ahead with all that gardening: time is going to pass, and in a few years you will be glad you planted those fruit trees. I know it seems like it is taking Forever for them to produce fruit - I am doing the same myself. But those years are going to pass, I PROMISE, and soon they will give you the fruit you are looking for.
Also, Don't Worry. Things are going to happen, regardless. Enjoy the present moment.

As the three generations above increasingly compete for share of income, expect those on the losing end (the millennials right now) to agitate for changes like these:

It's High Time America Did Away With Senior Discounts You’ve seen them on the bus, in museums, and at movie theaters: senior discounts.

As a reward for being old, senior citizens pay a quarter less for bus fare, a small fortune less for movie tickets, and receive discounts generally all over the place. 

If you’re a twentysomething, or part of what some journalists have colorfully called “the screwed generation,” you may be wondering: why not me?..

…It's Millennials, not seniors, that are vulnerable today. Yet it's still the seniors that receive discounts on public services and benefit from price discrimination by private companies.

So if you’re a twentysomething, the next time you see an adorable old lady paying less bus fare with her senior discount, demand that you receive the discount instead of her. Tell the driver it’s the screwed Millennial discount.

Expect this "us vs them" friction to become more vitriolic & aggressive as the income/wealth divide among the age chohorts increases, which it seems certain to, in the near term at least.