LIVE: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump!

Dan Bongino Issues Chilling Warning to America

“Donald Trump’s not going to make it to Inauguration Day with this current regime in charge of the Secret Service.”

As a 12-year Secret Service veteran,
knows what he’s talking about.

He warns, “Clearly, their [management’s] decisions are not working because Donald Trump’s almost been k*lled now twice in two months!”

Bongino makes it clear that the problem isn’t with the entire Secret Service but with the leadership at the top.

He says to them: “How must you feel being a Secret Service manager, knowing your poor decisions have likely contributed to an altered, like, branching off in time into a different reality than would have been if you hadn’t screwed up?”

Bongino continued. “They cannot seem to [protect] Donald Trump, who was elected president in 2016, therefore, has protection, is the most threatened man on earth, and they cannot seem to protect this guy. How much failure are you willing to accept from this entity?!”


If assailant had been at golf course early morning hours, and Trump had a late night and late sleep in with no golfing on public schedule I’m thinking another question may be if anyone helped convince or nudge Trump to go play golf anyway. Anyone influence that decision?


Then there is this from Rep. Eli Crane on X

My favorite Babylon Bee Headline:

FBI Tries To Distract From Old Trump Assassination Attempt With New Trump Assassination Attempt


I need the conservatives to start playing, what if. It is pretty clear they don’t want Trump to take office. Some contingency plans and frankly guidance would be beneficial.

Early voting starts on Friday for me. So what happens to my vote if he is killed between Friday and Election Day? I am assuming JD Vance will be moved into the slot assuming Trump wins and is killed between Election Day and Inauguration Day. But what about between now and November?

If they had succeeded with the Butler PA attempt I suspect they would have gotten their “riots.” Since peacefully walking, praying or singing is considered rioting if done by a non liberal. So what are the acceptable forms of morning?

I think a dead man switch is in order. Something like, if Trump or frankly Harris too is killed before Inauguration Day all funding for the Secret Service and the FBI will be turned off at the moment of death. Those people deemed essential will be required to work without pay and once the new Congress takes office they will vote on what percentage, not to exceed 75%, of back pay the can receive.


The one thing I haven’t seen anyone mention that frequently would be mentioned in the past is - what are they trying to defer anyone from noticing? Lately all of the things seem to be so close together. . . first the debate - did Kamala cheat?, then the fact that Putin has said what has been said here in this community so many times that no one in the Ukraine army would know how to target missiles into Russia so it’s NATO who would be picking a fight - aka the U.S. . . . at about the same time that there was all the fuss about the Haitians in Springfield, OH that just couldn’t be true, and now we have a pretty lame “attempt” (questioning since the dude didn’t get a shot off and got caught pretty fast) on Trump’s life to take your attention away from potentially beginning WWIII.

As the events speed up in happening more are pushed to distract us. What are we missing here? What are we not supposed to be looking at?

This second “attempt” at assassination reminds one that we thought that maybe, just maybe the first attempt was in hopes of starting a civil war. If something happens to Trump, does that start a civil war? If nothing happens and we get to the election and Trump wins, do the Harris followers start a war? If Harris wins will the Trump supporters start a civil war?

As Kathy pointed out, if either of the candidates dies does their party get to put in a substitute of their choice or is their VP automatically pushed up on the ballot (which in most states can’t be changed at this point)? Or. . . does that mean that party just doesn’t have anyone for you to vote for to be President?

LOTS of questions.


That is really smart thinking.

Not sure if anyone has posted this yet but it’s the 80 page court papers on Routh.

Page 25 has the info about the Weapon of Mass Destruction.
Also looks like on Page 36 that charge was dismissed.


Piers Morgan guest points out mass psychosis being created by Biden-Harris regime.


Obviously the Iranian spooks have improved their game for this try!
I’m surprised the MSM haven’t gone there yet.

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It feels like the Cloward-Piven strategy of overloading the system, to me.


Dismissed charges, suspended sentences, etc. Isn’t that what happens when one plea bargains and becomes an informant or similar?


This link is old news already but it would seem to support this.

As great as these guys are, there is no need to watch it all.

Just FF to 1 hour, 20 second mark to watch Rachel Maddow announce the assassination attempt and then spend a good five minutes on an absolutely unhinged rant against Trump.

The tone of this is full on psychotic.


Thanks for posting this. I often listen to videos with Bustamante, and while he still may be in or influenced by some intel agencies, he is at least entertaining and sometimes informative. Here, his categorization of the Democrat campaigns as emotion-driven influencing operations (along with a few other tidbits) made the 27 minute watch worthwhile.


Learning how to target the missile systems is MUCH easier than learning how to maintain them.


Police have found explosives near the New York Trump rally on Long Island.

This seems like another sabotage from a mole in Trump’s team.



It’s actually not about learning, but about how to steer a missile in an electronic warfare environment where there are no GPS signals, or even spoofed GPS signals. In this case you need something like TERCOM and precise digital ground profile maps produced by reconaissance satellites. And you need the actual positions of enemy radars too, again produced by SIGINT, and you need to send them in real time while the weapon is already on its way to the target. This is what the Russian government considers to be participation in war, and this was the conclusion reached by a handful of German “Luftwaffe” - officers as they confered in a WebEx-meeting to evaluate the possible use of the German cruise missile “Taurus” against the Kerch bridge linking Crimea with Russia accross the Asov-Sea.


According to Jesse Watters on X (here),

the American nurse who flagged would-be assassin Ryan Routh to DHS when they were in Ukraine tells Primetime he talked about assassinations ALL THE TIME. Chelsea Walsh says Routh had very volatile tendencies and often talked of harming world leaders, but her calls to the US federal government were left unanswered…


Blackrock are a pretty huge organisation and liberals seem to be pretty drawn to it. Seems unlikely that they’d both have been in videos produced by them but not beyond the realm of coincidence.

If you were trying to recruit assets, I doubt they’d feature them in a video.

I’m just giving my gut feel:

Assassination attempt #1 feels completely suspicious and is full of too many f-ups and unfortunate co-incidences to be explained away. It failed by literally less than an inch and was been conveniently memory holed almost from the moment it happened and we still know next to nothing about the patsy.

Assassination attempt #2 looks like a ‘normal’ case of some whack-a-doodle, loser, woke cretin fired up on Trump hate from media invective almost getting lucky because the secret service still isn’t giving Trump’s protection detail enough resources.


What does an SKS style rifle like this go for these days?

The vehicle being driven.

The stolen plates.

Food, water, gas.

What about bathroom breaks in the bushes or elsewhere?

Flight from wherever (Hawaii or Ukraine?).

All this costs money.

The federal authorities have likely already compiled a log of what this Routh character was up to if he did it with a cell phone and a credit card.

I personally suspect a pro-Ukranian war minder/helper/sponsor to get this gadfly out of Ukraine and to help him stop the single biggest threat to continued bloodshed in Ukraine: Trump as president.