LIVE: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump!

I just listened to a pod with Eric Weinstein. He mentioned that Trump would not be “allowed” to be President. Interesting…


Dude, Dr. Chris Martensen, All of this is Psychological Operation.
So Sad to say, YOU are Part of It.


So then, all inquiry is impossible? Getting to the bottom of things – or finding even a rough approximation of the truth – can’t be done?

No, I simply don’t buy that. Facts may be hidden by various agencies, convenient narratives may be seeded on social media for the gullible, but honest, open inquiry is still a valid way forward. That is what we’re doing here.

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Well, this new event is going to cloud every information search you do from now on and is by far the easiest way for them to make finding information (which was already very hard to find) completely impossible…

The search engines will always give you the most recent information they want you to see, making investigating the Butler assassination attempt nearly impossible…

With this new event, they have introduced the most efficient way to prevent any progress in investigating the first attack…


You will learn, how ‘thankful’ they are.



I am both angry by the attempt and the new push by the congress critters to enact new gun control.

New details have come out that the rifle used is a modified SKS. The SKS is chambered to use the 7.62x39 cartridge which is the same as an AK pattern rifle.

I don’t understand why anyone would try to push the 7.62x39 to 500 yards. I did this many years ago with my CMMG Mutant rifle which also eats 7.62x39. This cartridge has about 10 feet of drop at 500 yards! I added 24 mils of elevation to my rear sight and had mix results at best. I sure as heck could not reliably hit the paper.

The last item that I don’t understand is the use of a scope. The only after-market sight/scope that is worthwhile is a set of Tech Sights on the rifle. This will give you an aperture sight on the receiver where the rear dust cover take-down pin is located. This will give you about a 20" sight radius setup that holds the zero between cleanings.


Sen. Hawley must not have seen the unredacted Butler County Detail Plan, which does name the Lead Agent at least.

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No First or Second World mercenary goes to a combat zone for $14,000! Back in about 2004 I saw American companies recruiting firearms and police trainers for Afghanistan for $10,000/MONTH. I can’t imagine Routh even got one nibble of interest for mercenaries to go to Ukraine. It’s absurd, but not so absurd that the NYT and others would treat him as legitimate for their narrative-building articles. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I don’t know why the “500 yards” thing is being pushed so hard. The guy was said to be “a few holes ahead of Trump”, and didn’t shoot, so why couldn’t he just be waiting for Trump to get closer?
Did whoever shoot at him because they “saw the gun” see it pushed through the fence and taking aim? Or did they just notice it where it had been for some time?
Also, why did they shoot? What was the backdrop? Did they even actually shoot at him, or just take a shot to get the narrative going?


The past two “failed” assassination attempts in very short order have been carried out by two relatively inexperienced snipers with relatively sub-optimal equipment and planning. THe purpose of these two “failed” assassination attempts could very well be probing attacks designed to expose weak points in the USSS resources, equipments and SOP. Both attempts have shown glaring holes for anyone to see, not least by a number of foreign and domestic evil actors with significantly better training and resources than Crooks and Routh. That may be the whole point of these two “failed” assassination attempts but, very successful probing attacks. The Biden-Haris Admin’s promotion of incompetent and failed leaders within the USSS is a testament to the fact that nothing will be done to improve security. Biden-Harris’ Open Border Policy has invited a plethora of terrorist cells into the US, that are neither inexperienced, poorly equipped, nor badly informed. By now, the layered incompetence of the USSS that the Biden-Haris Admin has twice signalled to the world, allowing two amateur snipers within shooting distance of President Trump, has given professional hit teams a pretty good idea of how a deadly attack could be caried out.


Sorry, my post wasn’t as clear as it might have been. The quoted text from Robert Massey’s previous post was dropped by the forum software. Here it is in its entirety.

I agree, howdoiknowthisinfo, that this internet scrubbing and disinformation back-fire sowing makes things difficult for us. We’re up against organizations that have been doing this for a very long time. If they can pull off for-them-favorable color revolutions abroad, why not do one back home?

Luckily, some information always leaks, especially in the first few hours after an incident. Sure, it’s only crumbs, but we’ll do the best we can. It’s certainly not a futile effort, nor is (as Robert Massey put it earlier) playing into a psyop.


Oh well, since YOU say so!


If you have something to share, then share it. Don’t be coy. But…I have to say it, opinions without context are useless around these parts.


“An NPR gift bag…” hee hee hee


Gosh, Dr M sure is upset about that pond.


'IF YOU LET ME FINISH!': DeSantis spats with reporter over Florida seeking to file attempted murder charges against Trump assassination suspect versus the federal government

“We have the ability to pursue potentially life in prison under state law.”

“They cannot pursue charges to the extent we can.”

“State of Florida - for us - all we’re interested is in the truth.”

DeSantis is taking the case and custody of the shooter in Florida. I think. The federal case was thrown out according to DeSantis.


I wish DeSantis all the luck in the world. He’s gonna need it. I trust DeSantis more than the USSS at this point.

My biggest question is how Routh knew to plant himself 12 hrs prior to Trump’s golf excursion that was not something publicly known.
Raises questions on whether there is a mole inside the USSS or in Trump’s inner circle.


He may have done it many times.

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