LIVE: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump!

$120/Mo?? That wont buy you morons. Lol

The NYPost is reporting this:

Ryan Wesley Routh, the alleged would-be Trump assassin, set up a sniper’s nest near the former president’s golf course and hid there for nearly 12 hours before the apparent ambush attempt, federal prosecutors said Monday.

Routh’s cellphone pinged to the spot on the edge of Trump International West Palm Beach starting from 1:59 a.m. Sunday, the federal criminal complaint said.

His gun barrel was spotted by a Secret Service agent about 1:30 p.m. — while Trump was on the links 300 to 500 yards away.

mighty curious. The outside of that golf course looks super exposed to people walking or driving by.

And, given that any ordinary rich person worried about their life would have already put sensors and cameras around that course, I have to wonder about just how poorly run Trump’s entire detail (SS and private) seems to be.


Curious if anyone has tested that Melania clip as AI generated? It looks so fake to me

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Here are some more dots connecting the dots that @cmartenson mentioned
 60 people who he followed on twitter

so powerful that his name got out before everything could be scrubbed


Is there a full length clip of the Routh advertisement to prove it is related to BlackRock? The one linked in that post was a tiny fragment.

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Your observation is interesting.

But when I went to Red State Nation website, all the articles seemed too pitch perfect. As if they were crafted to feed the paranoia
our paranoia. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am being paranoid about the paranoia.

I am not that familiar with the site. Anyone else notice that about


Wow so true but she’s so fakey in real time too

Dan Bongino’s show today: Is there a mole in the secret service?


So just basic logistics. Whose car was he driving and where did he sleep Friday night? When did he fly in from HI?

This would be so much more plausible if he still lived in NC. How does a guy from HI, end up at the Trump golf course in the middle of the night with a car, a gun and chest plates?


Saw this on X. The locations match to what Chris shows. If that’s the case, it’s only 304 yards.

Why should ANYONE care about that?

He thought he could get someone or some organization to pay.

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Can’t tell if thats a serious or sarcastic question

According to the “news,” RR has pled to the judge that he is insolvent, owns no property, owns 2 vehicles worth $1000 each, claims poverty, and was therefore appointed public defender.

So these facts don’t really add up. He lives aparenty in Hawaii, last address. Just doing some simple costs, a trip from Hawaii to FL is $1000, his equipment (rifle, camera, body armor, etc.) is another $500-1000. Folks in “poverty,” don’t spend money like this on these things. Small peanuts for someone bankrolling $144k per 10 recruits

So who is funding this guy, covertly?


Not to mention that Trump would likely have been much closer as he advanced from hole to hole.

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It’s a serious question. People would have reason to wonder if they think 1) she may be dead 2) the statement is NOTHING like anything she would ever say, so maybe she’s being held hostage, or 3) we’ve got reason to believe she’s got serious vaccine injuries or is otherwise incapacitated and things like this are done to try to prove she’s in good health.

Nothing like that applies.

Is the CIA recruiting woke MSNBC zombie assassins on their 10th booster or something?


First, I hate that I’d even think this way however; I have another concern with the normalization of assassination attempts. Two attempts and they are out of the new cycle in short order. Now suppose that you wanted to move Kamala into the White House before the election - would lax security and “a crazed gun nut Trump supporter” (that would be the narrative) taking a shot at a sitting president galvanize a voting block? What if Kamala isn’t polling as well as they need? Play out that same scenario?

That would reinforce the “these people and Trump are a threat to society story” it would allow for almost instant gun control and clamping down on “hateful rhetoric” or as some call it Free speech. It’s a Trojan horse for getting more unifying votes and voices and almost guaranteed win for team blue in November.

My point - we must increase protection not only for Trump but also Biden, Kamala, Walz, JD, Tulsi, Musk
 the list goes on. We need to be personally vigilant and aware and stop any violence between now and elections.

@cmartenson - please fact check my game theory idea and try to get the message to Brett and others so we can avoid something like this playing out.


Not only that but, military snipers are trained to “lay in wait”, for hours, if not days. I highly doubt some crazy layman could remain (undistubered), for over 12 hours. (Allegedly)


He waited 11-12 hours in those bushes( 1-2 am) he knew well ahead of time, inside information, that Trump would be playing Trump International on yesterday- Sunday September 15th. How many people knew Trumps schedule??