LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt... What happened, What's Next?

A. “eye for an eye” is Elohim axis-of-control/herd-management thinking.
B. The bit in the NT that applies - kinda requires that the abuser “go and sin no more.” Same thing is true in Alocholics Anonymous. “Making amends” (step 9). Just saying oopsie isn’t good enough.
C. “Vengeance is mine” is Elohim herd-management thinking once again.

Now you see why they grafted the OT onto the NT. Its super useful - to wield as a club. Especially if you imagine that the Elohim (male-plural) wrote the thing so it cannot be challenged, not ever. See: “biblical inerrancy.” The takeaway: the Elohim are never wrong.

You say otherwise - there will be punishment. In the 1400s: Inquisition.

My hypothesis: “they” did it all to overwrite Jesus and his works. Pretty cleverly done, I must admit.

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A very fast shudder speed, set on auto.


Would you please point me to a news report or other citation indicating which cities BLM/Antifa have “burned down”?

That’s a bit hyperbolic, no?

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Just a few links I came across just now….

Secret service head….
“And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside."

A sniper even took a picture of the suspect with a rangefinder and radioed to the command post before the Trump assassination attempt, CBS reports.

CNN almost cuts feed when Rep Cory Mills suggests that the Failures on July 13 may have been INTENTIONAL!


What’s next is Biden, then the rest of that playbook.
Just the beginning.


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If I’m not mistaken, Trump knows what happened to JFK. He has read the file.


Yes, I knew that people around here would likely question the AI’s response. However, I will say that I remember some official from the Catholic church in the U.S. a while back stating a number that was similar. I don’t have a citation but I’ll try to find one. Anyways, I’ve taken us off-topic long enough.




Sorry. Can you spell it out for me. Was Craig Kelly responding to an AI bot? How do you know it was AI? The issue of the roof and security inside the building was also referred to on Redacted and Blaze if I remember correctly.

I’m watching Chris’s latest video, he is showing video from a helicopter flying over the roof of the building the shooter was on. I noticed some serous inconsistencies.
In the eye-witness video’s of the shooter before hand when they are warning law enforcement ( cough cough) the shooter is clearly visible above the cell phone camera’s view. You can see the upper half of his body and nearly all of his head. This view is of the shooter’s right side, in that view he might be 10-15 feet from the edge of the building’s roof.

This building is not small, I would guess maybe a 50x100 building. The helicopter video shows the shooter lying a little less than a fourth of the length of the roof, on a 100’ long building, he would be at least 20’ from the edge of the building. I don’t see anyway a cell phone camera man standing at ground level as close as they are to the building could see this guy lying on the roof.

You might be able to argue that point, but here is the real curious thing. Either the guy is lying on the wrong side of the roof in this helicopter’s view, or he is at the wrong end of the building. The cell phone video doesn’t show the entrance to the building, it was taken with the people standing on grass, not on the parking lot of the building. If you could see him lying on the roof in the position they are claiming is the dead shooter, you would be taking a picture of his left side, not his right. And the guy is at the wrong end of the building.

Maybe I am missing something, but this is one more thing that doesn’t add up.


I looked at another photo showing the shooters angle off fire as well as the counter snipers. The building Chris is showing in the latest video is not the roof the shooter was on, if that is the building they claim the counter assault team was inside, the story is all screwed up. That building has a white roof, the shooter was on a darker colored roof.

I still argue that the cell phone pic would have a hard time seeing that much of the shooter lying there as far from the edge of the building as supposedly was. I’m not done listening to Chris’s latest video, maybe he noticed this as well.

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Real Keystone Cops-butler PD driving vehicle through fence

(I didn’t mean to delete this)



I’m a long-time follower, pre-covid, but I want to bring something up that I feel is disturbing to me. Take another look at the angles of the shooter and the position of my President’s head when the supposed round that hit Trump’s ear. Unless the shooter can curve bullets I don’t believe the shot came from the roof of the grassy building you’re also stating could have been a 2nd spot. Run your lines again and the line you have from the building don’t align either. Add to that, given the tilt of President Trumps head and the magic bullet picture doesn’t align with a bullet that passed through the top part of his ear. There’s something wrong here. Where were the SS counter snipers positioned?


I just watched your YouTube video "Beyond Incompetence. Speculation here. Wonder if Home Land Security/NSA had a phone/computer tap that this dude was planning on doing something, so they (deep state, etc.) made it wide open incompetence to just allow a lone wolf to do the job for them? Just a thought. Thanks!

Thank you,


Occam’s Razor

Too many perfect outcomes for Trump would suggest that yes, this was in inside job… An inside job by team Trump …

  • And voter fraud attempts are surely out of the question now
  • Any court issues will be dismissed now
  • Team Trump’s stand down orders against so-called shooter
  • Perfect hollywood style photo-ops
  • Religious motifs abound … “An Act of God”, “Trump had a religious experience” as he was swooped under the podium … I wonder if that was while they were slicing his ear out of view.

I can go on and on and on and on but you “normies” will chalk it up to “coincidence” just as you did on 911… You fools never cease to amaze me … THERE IS NO SPOON … VACCINES ARE NOT SAFE AND EFFECTIVE … TRUMP IS NOT ON OUR TEAM

You have been Psy-Oped and it’s time you wake the hell up before Team Trump moves on to the next phase of this script – the destruction of Al Aqsa and war with Iran to further the end times script of the Messianic cult that controls Trump…

For those who know what I am talking about, this is obvious … the rest of the normies need to unplug from the matrix…

Ah, is this our tax dollars at work?

Collectivist, Jerryr, and Dan Allen. Are you guys FBI, Secret Service, or something else?


Lemme guess. An agency-sponsored QAnon guy is showing up to tell us the “truth”. Smells a lot like desperation to me. You guys really are running low on tricks if this is the best you have left.


:thinking: seems similar for some posters here…


Just like when Trump beat Hillary, the deep state is caught completely unprepared. With their failed assassination operation, all they have available now, is to push out the stupid and the insane.


I don’t want to go too far into the “conspiracy zone” but I wanted to test the feasibility of a second shooter. So I did an analysis on some of the audio clips from the shooting. I tried to find different clips from various positions(why is it so hard to find different clips with the original audio?). Ultimately I settled on three. One was the famous one with the lectern audio. Another was from a trump supporter in front of the southern bleachers. And the third was from people in the park right next to the shooter.

I did my best to estimate the approximate position of everyone on google earth and measured distances. Then I plugged in the weather data from that day into a speed of sound calculator to get the speed of sound at about 6PM on that day. I ran the numbers and estimated what the delay time would be between shots heard emanating from the rooftop and shots heard emanating from the water tower for each position. Based on this I approximated the time delay between when the first shot of each of the two groupings should have been heard from each position. I did this for four different scenarios(all shots from the rooftop, all shots from the water tower, 1st group from roof 2nd from water tower, and 1st group from water tower and 2nd from roof). My theory was that if there was a second shooter the 1st group came from a “pro” on the water tower and 2nd came from the roof. However, the time delays in the audio from the three positions shows the least amount of error with the 1st group coming from the rooftop and the 2nd group coming from the water tower.

My biggest concerns with my analysis are:

  • That in the video from the people in the park the 2nd grouping of shots sounds louder than the first.
  • Additionally, the audio from these sources are not consistent in shot counts. The audio from the supporter in front of the bleachers only has four shots in the second grouping in a different cadence, while the other two have five. It is also missing the final “sniper shot.”

I’m not an expert by any means so don’t take this as truth. It would be interesting to see more analysis.