LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt... What happened, What's Next?

The right is more prone to porn and violence on tv is evil, therefore no one can swear and have violent video games. I prefer that idiocy.


Apparently his vp pick is anti-forever-wars. That is good. Otherwise i don’t know if i like him.


Yeah, but in general in the U.S. the right fell for 9/11 and Iraq. And initially was for the Patriot Act (effective naming BTW) and the Security State. Also initially against Assange and taking everything Federal law enforcement said as truth. Those were big blunders.


Yes that is also a bad feature of the right.


The more i think about it is there seems to be a feature of politics.

It goes back and forth between liberal and conservative governments but gradually heading more and more in one direction. Right now the governments have been going back and forth but heading toward the left. But in the 1800s, it was heading toward the right and prohibition. Then it seems like it switched.

So my hypothesis is we head from one sides wacked out government to the other sides wacked out version of government. With many steps in between.

Any historians here, how far off am i?


personally seen it while the person was hypnotized. The hypnotizer, is a good amateur. I know it’s not what you asked, but it may just be a short step to doing while not hypnnotized… But, if we are really at that point, we are absolutely F’d


Actually we all saw it during covid, didn’t we? “Get your shot” was repeated ad nauseum and people just did it.


One of the aspects of training at gunsite, is a short course of crawling, running, kneeling, etc. I was shooting at 100-150yds with a Carbine - 223. Hit every single plate, and I’m not a spring chicken, and worse, I “had” a terrible issue with blurred and double vision when I took that course. When I did the pistol class, I took it with my 3.8" barrel 9mm carry pistol, I hit the plate at 100 yds. Head shot, probably not, but I was impressed that I could actually hit the plate at 100 yds.
The young man should be in much better shape than I, should have much better eyesight than I. Climbed up, what, a 10’ ladder and settled on the roof? Anybody with any amount of good practice or especially any training, this would be an easy shot.


21 posts were split to a new topic: Pedophilia of the Left and Right

As someone who wrote two very long papers on hypnosis in graduate school, I can give you an opinion on this. I will also mention that a member of my family has a PhD. in psych, and was a practicing psychologist for over 40 years. She used hypnosis whenever appropriate. She was also a member of the board of her college of psychologists who collectively approved/disapproved members for allowance of use of hypnosis. She also taught hypnosis in some uni courses.

All traditional psychological theory relating to hypnosis suggests that you cannot make anyone do anything they consider highly unethical, cruel or offensive to them through traditional hypnosis.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you couldn’t lie to them about certain facts while they were under a hypnotic trance. I don’t deny that governments and the three-letter agencies have fiddled with this stuff for years.

But everything you see in shows is just bullshit.


Absolutely saw this hypnotist have people doing something they would never ever do without the suggestion. Several of us were appalled. This was done in a close knit campground, and the owner was so disturbed by what happened, the hypnotist was told that he was not permitted to ever play this game again, or he would be expelled from the campground. He was nothing more than an amateur.


Trump has really shifted that for me. I used to think the hoodlum railroaded by some DA looking to make a name for himself was rare. After the last two years of J6 and Trump lawfare I have to wonder how many others have found themselves on the wrong side of some ambiguous lawyer.


They’d both been using binoculars and standing around looking etc. for the preceding 5 minutes or so (there’s a long video). 42 seconds before the first shot they went onto scopes looking in the direction of Crooks.

To me, that indicates they had spotted him at that time, i.e. they weren’t using the scope as a sight glass - they’d already spotted him.


His Starlink satellite constellation definitely has military and surveillance applications. His Space-X definitely has military applications. His Boring Company most likely contributes to the construction of Deep Underground Military Bunkers (DUMBs). His fleet of Tesla electric vehicle is a networked drone-swarm that can navigate autonomously, and in a pinch, act as swarms of ground-born kinetic weapons or VBIEDs, not to mention doing things like surreptitiously locking their occupants in and backing off of a bridge into a lake.
He’s had an awful lot of government subsidies and funding to get to where he is today… I don’t trust him in the slightest, not even after what he’s done for Twitter/X.

The reason I think people like Gates, Soros, and the like are nowhere near the top of the totem pole is because these guys still “work”; they are public figures that must travel, do speaking engagements, and otherwise have to engage in “business” in order to realize their goals. If you had real power, would you really want to travel around to do speaking engagements at colleges, be interviewed, and be expected at various NGO events? I wouldn’t. I would have other people do it for me while I did something I enjoyed and be in the company I enjoyed. My belief is that the real movers and shakers are families/dynasties/societies that have been around for centuries if not millennia; descendants of people you may have heard of through history. Like luxury brands; the real high-end brands are the ones unknown to the average person. They don’t want to be known, because they are so apart from you that you aren’t fit to know them and thus be able to judge them.

The bunkers you’re thinking of are likely vanity items to the rich somewhat like yachts; just another conspicuous consumption dick-waving contest between the ultra-rich that may also have some utility in a pinch. IMO, should SHTF these people will be heading to government DUMBs. I still remember about 2 years ago a major freeze dry food company was selling freeze dried “hand-carved prime ribeye steaks” from “government contract overrun”.
IMO, the upper-middle class may have things like Atlas bunkers. The lower-upper class may have those luxury bunkers. The real movers and shakers will have luxury bunkers in exotic locations for themed parties/vacations to showoff to their friends. Betting that you can get yourself and your family to your luxury bunker off in New Zealand or Hawaii if/when SHTF is not a very good plan even if you know beforehand it was coming, because shit happens. Something local or near-local and constantly staffed and maintained by tax dollars would be more ideal.

Speaking of which, I’m now wondering if there was any official or unofficial to the “Biosphere” series of experiments on closed ecological systems.


I concur. It’s really as simple as that. Ephesian 6:10


Having watched the videos of the ‘assassination’ attempt numerous times, the thing that drew my attention the most was the Secret Service’s actions. Immediately after the shooting they could not have know how many shooters there were or where they were located. Yet when they hustled Trump off the stage there were several seconds when there was a clear shot at his head (from the front anyway). If there had been more than one shooter that would have been a perfect time to finish him off. Seems to me they should have ignored him and carried him off the stage prone.
The second thing that bugged me was Trump’s reaction. I’ve never been shot but I have been held up at gunpoint. I would expect that someone who was just shot would not be in his/her normal frame of mind. They might not even know what just happened. Yet Trump immediately pivoted to shouting “fight, fight, fight” and pumping his fist. That seemed weird to me. And then there’s the now iconic picture of Trump with blood on his face, his fist raised high and the American flag above him. Another time when his head and torso were exposed to a potential shooter.
I feel like the American public is being played. By whom, I don’t know.


Everyone is different. I think that is Trump’s default. He hasn’t bent to anything thrown at him, he has been tried in every way imaginable but he still fights. It is who he is.


What has been bothering me, in addition to the bystanders lack of reaction, is the photo of the bullet approaching Trumps head. Given that there were rapid successions of photos taken, there was no time to make the adjustments required to capture the speeding bullet without completely blurring the rest of the photo. Can anyone explain this to me?

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the bullet is blurred. It was pure and simple, a one in a billion photo. knowing the shutter speed, the speed of the bullet would be a simple exercise to calculate.



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