LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt... What happened, What's Next?

I have seen this post from 14.07., which might be pretty well also disinformation / falsehood / psychological operation = no solid source mentioned. But maybe it would be worth double-checking from other sources … Please take with a big pinch of salt.

I am sorry if it is duplicity / already mentioned.

EDIT : it is already a duplicity to this post from yesterday :


A re-enforcing commentary from one of the best:


Could it be the “captured” generations of gamer-mindset?
You will obey the clock.
You will obey the operating system.
You will obey the smart phone.
You will obey the bankers.
You will destroy the enemy.
“The Palestinians are Amalek! We will destroy them. We won’t kill them all. But we will destroy their ability to think as a nation. We will destroy Palestinian nationalism.”–Benzi Lieberman, the chairman of the Council of Settlements.
Breath, imagine Love as the weapon of peace. As difficult as when Q confronted Jean Luc Picard with anti-time.


That last sentence…pow! Truth.
But what scares the bejeebus out of me is they Believe it.
They believe they can destroy the world and survive with no problems.


This is a screenshot from the latest Judge Napolitano Youtube. I certainly can’t speak to the veracity of this imageand quote, but I find it fascinating.


Why were both those snipers positioned to be aiming directly at the assassin? Why not facing any of the other 180’ that a threat could have come from? I saw a similar posting from “Jonathan Willis” that mentioned he watched the assassin “fiddling with his scope”. The photo evidence I’ve seen doesn’t look like there is a scope on the perps weapon.


WOW!!! I understand preliminary…but I am speechless…

If true, may be the trigger.

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Well, seriously, purple unicorns that poop delicious Skittles are really good fake assassination contractors where an innocent bystander is murdered, two others are critically injured, and a bullet grazes the neck of a Texas congressman’s nephew. Trump must have paid them extra to make it seem so real.


My tin foil hat guess from the Narrative Makers in the blob will be something like:

The Butler County Police failed. They’re mostly MAGA Republicans who love guns in a MAGA Republican county. We tried to coordinate with them but you all know MAGA people are uneducated hicks. They were supposed to guard that building but didn’t go on the roof due to the heat. We’re holding investigations and improving training. It’s very troubling and concerning. We have the greatest security organization in the Secret Service. And my all time fave, the phone app videos showing the alleged gunman are out of context cheap fakes from MAGA extremists.

The former Dorito’s guard will be rewarded after Senator Kennedy does his stand-up comedy wannabe dickhead schtick in a senate hearing.

I hope I’m wrong.


Oh yeah… “interesting”. Like the Warren Commission report was “interesting”?

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I’m just one in thousands/tens of thousands here, so I’m sure this will go unnoticed.

I’m disappointed in this coverage. I know things are raw for Americans right now. I know it’s a painful time. But contrary to the crowd, I’m finding this content mostly conjecture and poorly-researched “facts”.

Dr. Chris: I came here because the Covid coverage was excellent, the economic coverage was excellent, and so was the coverage of were many other topics.

However, IMO this doesn’t live up to your “Bring the Data” slogan. You’re both too angry, and too quick to jump to conclusions because “the other tribe” did or said X/Y.

You say you are up/down and not left-right, but once again, your videos show and mention dozens of “sins” on the part of lefties, and none which righties have committed. When Trump says something bad, you gloss over it, quickly. (Note: I am not insinuating in any way that anyone deserves to be assassinated).

I feel the coverage is getting so biased here, that it’s starting to sound like you believe that all leftists are evil. That’s tribal thinking, pure and simple. You say that’s not what you believe, but that’s not what I’m seeing conveyed.

I’ll add one more thing: One of my concerns about the possibility of someone trying to kill Trump (aside from his well-being) was that people would erroneously decide that if someone tried to kill him, his ideas must be correct. That is backwards logic, and has no place in intelligent circles. If that were true, suicide bombers would be heros.

I’m seriously considering cancelling my membership. I would like more facts, and a lot less conjecture.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, shplad.

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I would say that after observing how the left celebrates degeneracy and mutilation of children, and many other things that it simply IS EVIL. It’s not more complicated. Took me a few years to get to that point, coming from the left, at least more left than I am now.

It simply is evil. Nothing more to that.

We are now in a battle of good versus evil.


Recently read that part of the regular SS team for Trump had been pulled and sent to beef up the protection of Jill Biden elsewhere. Then the pulled officers from Trump were replaced with temporary personnel.


Just curious, which Trump ideas do you view as incorrect?

I will freely admit I spend a fair amount of time in the conservative echo chamber so I’m just trying to figure out which ideas are of concern. All I stumble across is Trump is a meanie.


One of my favorite lefties is a guy named Glenn Greenwald. To me, he exemplifies everything that is great about the left. Free speech, speaking truth to power, disclosure of government secrets - he’s a hero.

The modern lefties hate Greenwald now.

These days the “modern left” says: “my body my choice” for abortion, but, “your body MY CHOICE” for forced death-vaccination. And they don’t even blink about it. And force-vaxxing of college students, even though its utterly pointless - and deadly for the kids. Modern lefties love it. (So do the Pharma Cartel Oligarchs, of course).

Lefties used to be for workers, and specifically, limiting immigration due to keeping wages high for little people. This made sense to me. Lefties were pro labor. You need pro labor lefties to offset Monopoly capitalism which otherwise will turn workers into slaves. But that’s gone now. Modern lefties are for mass immigration - invasion - which destroys the lives of the working class.

So what is “left” to you? Do you see any useful traces of “actual leftie” in the “modern left”?


I hate the following:

  • blm riots
  • antifa riots
  • mutilating children
  • drag queen story time
  • illegal immigration (just use the system, don’t cheat)
  • forced masking
  • forced vaccines
  • carbon tax
  • george Floyd protests
  • woke/DEI policies

They are all left policies. This is why agnostic political people are moving to the right. The left has gone plum crazy.


Here is the link:


The post by our friend Shplad got me to thinking. Why did the antiwar pro-labor vietnam protesters turn into forced-vax-save-grandma types who destroy the working class with mass migration while funding the Ukraine forever war?

The Oligarchy figured out, the left was easier to hijack. That’s because the lefties have this “common good” vulnerability. It is actually a feature - the goal is to get everyone to have a reasonably happy life. But the Oligarchy uses this - they convince the lefties that whatever Oligarchy fascist policy happens to be - is actually “for the common good.” And they use this mind-virus to infect the lefties because they have this special “vulnerability”, which in many settings is actually a virtue, but the Oligarchy is using it to their advantage.

Killing cows/eat-ze-bugz because “climate change” = save the planet.
Destroy small business via lockdowns and kill millions with forced vaxes to Save Grandma.
Mass migration because - “save the asylum seekers” - “climate migration.”
Forever war in Ukraine because - “Save Ukraine from Evil Putin.”

Righties aren’t as easily convinced by the “common good” framing. That’s why the lefties are the Oligarchy’s Chosen Draft Horse for the moment.

Just my sense.


That’s my biggest reason for supporting Trump with the border a close second. The U.S. hasn’t won a war since WW2 and I’m not confident we’d win WW3. Even if we did and even if it didn’t go nuclear (which I doubt) the destruction would not be worth it.