LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt... What happened, What's Next?

People are mortal, organizations/dynasties less so.
While wealthy and wielding (to us) exceptional power, the named individuals are still public figures, which means they are nowhere near the top of the totem pole. These individuals are definitely not more powerful than the CIA/Mossad, which means at most they are high level assets to either them or other organizations.

George Soros for example is a known CIA asset, and his collaboration with the CIA got him to where he is today:

The whole interview is very insightful, but if you are looking specifically for the parts about George Soros it is around 4:08 - 5:48, 8:49-13:37.


Exactly. Epic failure was a feature.

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Having worked with and around USSS for a number of dignitary protection details, I can confidently tell you the following (from personal observation and USSS agents speaking to me).

  1. Working on any dignitary protection detail is highly sought after by agents. Protecting POTUS is the highest status job in the USSS.
  2. USSS is chronically short of manpower such that POTUS advance teams and close in personal protection teams are harshly overworked. 80 hour weeks are the norm. 100 hours is not unheard of.
  3. When the USSS comes to town to protect POTUS or VPOTUS, they take charge rudely with an attitude of superiority. The USSS assesses the situation and what help they will need from local and state law enforcement to achieve the level of protection they must provide. They get whatever they demand. Me and my officers have been commandeered by the USSS to stand on a highway overpass where the motorcade will drive under. Block access by cars and pedestrians to an alley near the event site. Provide mounted officers and K-9 officers wherever USSS wants them. Etc. And of course local SWAT and bomb techs are placed anywhere USSS says they need them.
  4. Therefore, in spite of whatever manpower shortage USSS had to deal with in Butler, PA they should simply have listed all the personnel they needed from local and state law enforcement and where they needed them. I can’t see why County SWAT units were not on the roof the shooter used. Even two rookie deputies/officers armed only with pistols on the roof would’ve been enough to deter the shooter. Now after the incident fault and responsibility can be readily determined. Did the USSS request officers on or near the roof in question? Did local and state departments provide the requested assistance?
  5. I’m torn between incompetence and deliberate malice in the USSS failure. But this much I’m 100% sure of: the USSS is a hollow organization living on reputation and propaganda, just like a lot of institutions in our crumbling society.

You are right Chris an eternity! So much time. Very fishy.


Tried to listen last night on you tube. Volume terrible…definitely Evie was right you tube did it deliberately…inaudible. so now im listening…


Yes. Because i think he is realizing there is something much darker going on…this has been for all of Trumps presidency and up to today a huge psychological (and imho a deep state dod/nsa/cia and AI) operationon the people of this country and it has been really successful. Part of it is the Mainstream Media Monopoly…but i do hope Chris takes a deep dive into social media manipulations from the huge scraping of all our data…down to the cell phone )evel taking pictures and the algorithms we are up against…and the web…
I have watched the hatred and rhetoric since Trump was elected…which is why the tv has been off in my house for years…and all i have to do 8s look at my sister who has tv on 24/7…her mind 8s now totally shut to even looking at anything contrary to her beliefs…about ANYTHING…food…medicine,you name it she leaves the room.
Which is why i know Chris is right…because of whats been done to peoples brains ( agree dont know why vaccines food 5G) it is truly evil.

And yes i agree i dont knowhow it was done but we have turned most people into raging Cluster B personalities…im guessing at least 40 percent of the population if not more


Has anyone seen a Facebook post of the assassination attempt, looks to be video from someone’s phone, just to the lower right of the podium.
I’m wondering if it’s a deep fake, and I’m not sure how I can share it from FB Messenger which is where it was sent to me.
Anyway, this video appears to capture a dark haired, white skinned female, wearing a white tank top and a black ball cap. She is seated on the bleachers just behind the president. Just prior to the shots ringing out, she lifts up a sign behind him on which you can see the name Biden written. As the shots begin she just picks up her phone and starts taking photos or video as if she’s not stunned or fearful. It’s very provocative, but I have no way to tell if it is real.
Can someone search for this and look at it with professional techy eyes?


Remember when his son Alex showed a scope and 47 dollars in a tweet? Anyone save a screenshot? Now hes engaged to Huma Abedin

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It’s a great video - thanks for sharing - he would be a good person for Chris to interview.

I remain unconvinced Gates and Soros are “nowhere near the top of the totem pole”. We may not know who really runs the CIA or Mossad, but we could have a guess at it. Whether Gates and Soros are underlings to the intelligence services or it is the other way around I have no idea. Perhaps Soros did use CIA information to direct investments, but it appears to be a symbiosis where both he and the CIA benefitted. I am being a devil’s advocate with my stance but suspect the number in control is few and that it’s obscene amounts of money that ultimately incentivises and controls the media. It’s reasonable that Soros’ money pays for media control exerted by the CIA. This perspective is certainly more empowering because the more concentrated power is, the more vulnerable they are. From the uniformity of media releases it appears there is one source of information. Many of the announcements are poorly thought through and easily criticised which makes me think the media control committee is small.

Although I don’t fully trust Musk, it is possible he could democratise access to the internet (and social media) through his satellites. Of course he is vulnerable to the three letter agencies, but this goes both ways. There are many more of us than them and Musk is aware of this.

I am not convinced the elite are that smart. It’s like the bunkers many of them have built. It’s so easy to dump a pile of burning tires over an air intake for a few days. They just seem detached from reality to believe they can control the destruction of society in a predictable way and have them and their families live to tell the tale.


Not sure if this will work…


Hey there Chris and Evie. Quick question here. How did law enforcement get on the top of the building where the dead perp was? Was there a ladder in place? Was it the perps ladder? Did law enforcement enter through a rooftop door? Maybe this is pointless but it hasn’t been discussed I don’t think. Thanks


It worked. I don’t know why she is acting weird.

I think we are going to find out that Crooks was a confused young man.


That has been discussed a bit here and you can see the video on the Twitter link.

Her sign says:
Joe Biden
You’re Fired!

This sign was held by many people in the crowd and was probably provided to those behind President Trump for “marketing” purposes.

She might have smiled at that moment but I don’t believe she is involved. She took out her phone after the shots were fired, probably she knew that it was something historic and perhaps capturing the event would be useful. There is phone camera footage from hundreds of other people before, during and especially after - I personally don’t find her actions suspicious when I analyze it this way.


Oh, thank you Allan!


As an old combat veteran, I’ll be the first to admit that an adrenaline rush has a tendency to bend windage and elevation!


Awesome coverage, thank you.


I had no problem watching on Youtube. Embedded videos I had to turn the volume up.

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Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast. A favorite and often repeated phrase from a very accomplished long range instructor. A few lunchtime discussions with him indicated that a big part of his instruction was figuring how to get a students head in the zone to filter distractions.


Musk: Having a small person as body cover for a large man is like an undersized Speedo at the beach – doesn’t cover the subject