Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

Mike, already spotted on this forum by me i think first over 12 hours ago, i have only added to this case how this officer didnt see first time the 8 shells and later count again

Expertise - FFT : Not sure what you are looking for here. I used to work with FFT about 10 years ago. The audio recordings you have are in the time domain you need to transform them into the frequency domain. WE used a commercial FEA ( Finite Element Analysis ) program called ANSYS to perform the Transform.
Also, is it possible to analyze the individual vibrations of each gun? FBI should be able to do that.
You need a college level Professor in Mathematics.


Another circumstantial evidence is “did you notice during the gathering of Trump by SS/DHS/Charley’s Angels that nobody tried to stop the press photographers from running around”? They could have been a threat, i.e. plastic guns, smuggled guns etc. Fail again. Everyone was a threat at that point even the crowd all around. Follow on shots. The only people there that had free access was the press photographers. I would interview the press photographer and ask him why he had his camera set at 1/8000 30 fps, who told him what was coming?


Both Beaver and Butler ESU teams were there. I live in western Pennsylvania and know these two counties are adjacent to each other. The incident occurred in Butler County.


Awesome! Wow thank you for your service and what you do. Your input here is invaluable. I would really love to hear more about what your impressions are of Crooks and if you see anything more in the pictures of him deceased. I know I will have some questions for you, do you mind if I pick your brain?


To explain why the rifle is where it is in the body cam footage it is standard practice for police to approach the shooter and move the weapon out of reach.


Just some connections to Crooks


are you talking about the photographer who did a bullet shot or trump after he stand up? If the first one - its also interesting for me why he was already prepared for quick shutter speed and frame rate 30fps, usually nobody is setting this in camera unless it’s prepared for the fast moving object in the front of him


The Secret Service sniper team on the barn behind trump could not have shot the last shot into crooks if crooks was already dead from a shot from the Beaver County sniper team on the 2nd floor because it seems to me they would have to shoot through the top ridge of metal roof.


I have been following this case closely as an interested German. I have found Chris’ videos are a good example of asking and answering questions on a factual basis without being absurdly speculative or too political. So thank you for that.

Having a closer look at the helmet cam footage, you can clearly come up to the conclusion, that there were actually 8 casings when the officer counted 5.

5 shells are right next to the officer. 3 more shells are on the other side of the roof (behind the ridge). He likely hasn’t seen them at this moment. In the footage you can already see them when he is counting “2, 3, 4, 5”.
As the recording continues, you can get a better view on the other side of the roof and clearly tell that those are casings.

This also supports the assumption, that Crooks took 3 precise shots and then re-positioned for the other 5 rapid shots, making their sound signature differ.

I have attached 3 screenshots including the cams timestamp and marked visible shells. Numbering is consistent across images and should align with the counting/pointing of the officer (at least the first 5).


I’m talking about how the SS team surrounded Trump covering him, but the surrounding protection team, guys in black and the Beaver County Assault teams. They didn’t move the photographers that were swarming shooting pictures at 30 fps.

This would speak to training or the lack of it in the close in protection team. They let these guys have complete access to get pictures, Odd but this is another problem with the SS that’s what I’m saying. Not the premeditated knew it was coming motive, however; I think something is wrong based on the very very high speed setting to capture a speech. They usually set to lower speeds for better quality not an action shot.


Chris, many years ago, I was in a position to establish the ground floor Department of Defense response to emergencies. In that position, I worked with local and state Emergency Service organizations in several states. I must urge you take a cautious approach to accepting local comments as being true. So many of those organizations are composed of local good ol’ boys and they stick together knowing full well nothing will happen to them because everyone would go down with them.
Just watching the video of the “gray suit” instructing the locals, I can see what the instructed are thinking. The idea that the Feds can come to a community and not just take over but also treat the local police and emergency services like they are subordinates is evidence of amazing arrogance and stupidity by the “gray suit”. Watching the body language of the locals tells me they were taking very strong exception. And the locals are in a position to give the Feds a middle finger because all that can happen to them will be done by the disciplinary system made up of “good ol’ boys”.
I urge you to think of the scene as a proverbial “goat rope”. The FEDs were/are not the boss, but rather responsible for a thin slice of law enforcement that will be here today and gone tomorrow. These locals do not write or develop plans for review by the FEDs. If the FEDs did not have a written overlay plan with the duties and responsibilities of the locals clearly in it, then there was NO PLAN. If there is no plan, there is no operational responsibilities. I am shocked that nobody seems to be looking into the FED plan overlay of the situation and written designation of responsibilities.
I would be prepared to believe the whole situation was nothing but FUBAR, from top to bottom.


Higher resolution

Thanks. If what she reports is true (unfortunately, Greg Smith is not in this video, it is just Candace alleging a convo she had with him) then this is a totally different window than the one from which a picture of Crooks had been taken and shared.

The apparent holes/wounds in Crooks’ head (just behind and below his right ear, and just above his left eye) are consistent with a shot from the window in this diagram. A shot #9 from this window also would sound different, and have less echo, if recorded from the grounds to the other side of the roof.

Finally, the red oval indicated by Greg Smith is more or less where Crooks’ rifle lies in the subsequent videos of LEOs on the roof. Crooks’ body was about 10 “roof channels” to the other side (it was three “roof channels” on the other side of the corridor connecting the two roofs shown).

So between this oval where Candace alleges Smith saw Crooks, and Crooks getting shot at his final spot on the roof, he would have moved? And he already would have moved from the edge of the roof all the way on the other side to the oval, as documented by multiple videos from the ground below?

The tweet

Note that this was also covered by Joe Rogan

Seems like extremely weak opsec by the feds if this stuff actually holds up. There are protocols that are well-established and need to be followed.


Thank you, @lt2!

Thanks for the quality image. Comments:

  • His hair does look lighter in color, less oily, and thick than the hair of the guy on same roof appearing in other videos from the ground (“Ross video”)
  • The yellowish hue on his neck appears to be the sun, and appears also on the roof’s surface in front of his face
  • The positions of the two holes in his head seem consistent with a shot (perhaps #9?) from a different 2nd floor AGR window (the one Candace Owens alleges Greg Smith told her he witnessed the armed man with a sleeve tattoo to have peered from)

Email address doesnt exist anymore, which means agent Crooks doesnt work anymore in FBI :slight_smile:

There is one problem… bullet casings fly to the side and not forward.

To me the first 3 shots are slow because of the recoil, and it takes a bit of time for him to get the sight back on target.
The 5 shots feels like the gun is more stable, like he is using a bipod or resting it on something.
That’s why I believed they came from the window, but for the window shooter theory to be true, the bullet casings can’t be more than 3.

I believe that when he started shooting, he was hiding from the sniper teams. Not using a scope and barely peaking over the ridge of the roof etc.
Then switching tactics by moving forward and resting the gun on the roof ridge and did the faster and more controlled shots.

I still believe he is a patsy, they let it happened and was using media propaganda to incite the shooting.

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I totally agree with you, Chris. The evidence was definitely tampered with. Here is my take on it - based on what I observed from the “second release” of video webcam footage (the footage that starred the ESU medic, Michelle). This footage has to be compared to the helicopter video footage taken by the Sky News 4 helicopter that overflew the scene directly after the would-be assassin was killed.

The Trump assassination attempt occurred at approximately 6:11pm EST. It took the Beaver County ESU team 20 minutes to access the roof (which they did at approximately 6:31pm EST - based on the clock shown in the webcam footage). On their way to access the roof, they stopped to converse with other officers who were inside the AGR office building, where they were told “ladders are on the way” (how Hollywood). When they (immediately) left the building and headed north to the spot where the shorter ladder was already positioned on the loading dock - they stopped directly in front of the location where the larger ladder is shown in the helicopter video. They actually (sort of) pointed in that direction and called out “can we use this ladder?” But then their arm gestures pointed to the shorter ladder on the loading dock - and they went there.

When Michelle, the medic of the team and the first of that “first responder” group to access the roof, exited the ladder, she discovered that there were already two other officers up there - one being the federal agent with the black suit and red tie that is shown in the first webcam video that was released. The webcam video then continues for about 30 minutes - and towards the end of it you see a tall black officer, who conducted himself as a supervisor, approach the spot where the shooter was lying, from the direction of the shorter ladder location that led up to the roof of the adjacent building (he came across the breezeway from the other building).

To me, this confirms there was only one ladder for use at that time. And, even though the webcam video doesn’t focus on the exact spot where the larger ladder was placed against the breezeway - there is some footage of that area - and the top of a larger ladder, as shown in the helicopter video, is not visible in that footage!

So here is my point, we know that the time period for which there was nobody else on the roof except for the deceased shooter is less than twenty minutes. How much less is an unkown, as we don’t know when the Federal agent(s) made it to the roof. We also know that after the agents accessed the roof, the deceased shooter was surrounded by officers (who “secured” the scene). Since the video taken by the Sky News helicopter doesn’t show anyone else on the roof except for the deceased shooter, this video had to have been taken shortly after the would-be assassin was killed (within 10 to 15 minutes) and before any agents arrived on scene. AND THIS HELICOPTER VIDEO SHOWS A LARGE STEP LADDER LEANED UP AGAINST THE EAST SIDE OF THE BREEZEWAY. Why did that ladder magically disappear? And why is it that, that is the ladder anyone with half a brain would use to access the shooter location if they didn’t want to be seen crawling across the roof (it provided the most direct access from the ground to the shooter’s location).

And there’s more to my story: The helicopter video shows a black SUV parked in front of the ACR office building (right in front of the location of the larger ladder) that isn’t in the webcam video from the first responders. I assume this SUV was used for transportation by the federal secret service. Why did this SUV leave the scene of the crime when all other agencies were responding to the scene of the crime? Could it be this SUV was tasked with removing the larger ladder from the crime scene? Just sayin’!

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