Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

What are you saying LT2? Our shooter was an FIB agent 4 years ago when he was 16? He has a relative with the same name who is an FIB agent? Someone created a fake profile 4 years ago?

As I mentioned before - this email is no longer valid and only God knows why Mr Crooks doesn’t work anymore in FBI , I have checked and got respond that email is no longer available

Good analysis - and thanks for the pic. However, to me, it looks like the wound above the left eye is an exit wound. That means there are two exit wounds shown in this pic.

Awesome evaluation of real evidence - better than law enforcement!

I’m not making any claims at all. Generally I regard random screenshots as often fake (since the time/cost to do so is extremely low).

But someone had previously posted an image that was very low resolution and pretty useless. I just found and posted the higher resolution version.

It’s the same narrative manipulation we saw 23 years ago at 911. Oh, you didn’t really see Building 7 collapse - announced by the BBC 20 minutes before it actually went down - in a manner that looks exactly like a building demolition. Since the deep state has now perfected their Psyops operations - I think we’re ripe for the taking. Hope everyone is fully prepared to live without power for at least two years!

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For me also , from the way how the skin around the hole is pushed out, if he would get shot from the front, the wound would be completelly different , with a recess into the center of the head so when you look on the angle between the entrance and exit holes, it looks like he was shot by a sniper from a window on the edge of the building, but the one closest to Crooks, otherwise we would have seen a hole on both sides of the head (assuming he didn’t turn his head to the left while lying down.

Hey shit birds, I live 30 miles North of the Butler Farm Market. I’ve driven past the place 100+ times. I have been a non paying member of Peak Prosperity for 14 years. I will not pay any website to publish my content. I have been WAY ahead of the curve of the Crash Course. Why should i pay a dime rather than be paid for any content that I might provide? This message is directed to Mr Martinson, if you want to have boots on the ground, I have the balls, not stupidity, to be your boots on the ground information provider.

Well daniel, you certainly seem to have the proper attitude to be hired…somewhere. Have you tried the FBI? :laughing:


Suicide bombers need not apply. :slight_smile:

Hey shit bird, I live over 4300 miles aways from Butler Farm market and I don’t have to pay any website to publish my content so take your question maybe back to FBI, they will be able to answer you :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen that interview from Candace, I’m going to look for it. If you know where to find it I’d appreciate it if you would point me in that direction.
There is definitely an unaccounted for shot and bullet out there, #9 seems to be the most likely. But that’s based on if Crooks was the only threat. I’m thinking if #9 hit Crooks and immediately incapacitated him #10 wouldn’t be necessary, unless one extra nail in the coffin wasn’t going to hurt anyone. Just speculation though.

Also is consistent with a shot above his left eye and the bullet exited below his right ear. This has been discussed by a dr here that has seen a bunch of these wounds.

According picture of wound above his eye - this is the exit hole

Taken from the linked video. At 40 sec in.


This is a really good point Binkey. If you were running an OP and didn’t want to leave any traces that could make it seem planned… then the answer is to leave NO PLAN. Or course, there are signs of “planning” if you look around enough, such as the SS turning down local offers of drone support.


Witness said that he saw the shooter on the roof moving from one building to another. See video interview of the day of rally July 13, 2024.

Listen at 30 sec in.

Zoom in & see that window is opened. This is the Sky News screenshot aerial video after the shooting. Taken with the dead body still on the roof.

Scroll down & look for the 36 sec aerial video of the dead shooter still on the roof.

My wild theory now based on the various factions throwing each other under the bus. So some truths may lie in between falsehood.

My belief is leaning heavily towards an inside job/assistance to the attempted assassination.

If it holds true that one of the 2 snipers in the 2 storey buildings took leave of his post, then he may have let the shooter on the roof through that window highlighted. See Blue arrow.

Meaning shooter has gained entry into the 2 storey building already beforehand.

He then went across via that adjoining. See green arrow below.

This is the moment that the above witness saw the shooter moving from roof to roof.

For now I call him the shooter.

That fancy hair of his still bothers me.Haha. It does not add up.

Not the same hair to the pic of Crooks that the sniper in 2 storey building took.

Initially 5 casings! Still no explanation of rifle being so far from body though.

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Time to remove the rifle = time to plant the casings


To me, the location of where he accesed the roof is where he left his bag. The first thing he did when he accessed the roof was take stuff out of the bag and then ditch the bag. This is next to the walkway where the ladder is


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