Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

Hang on, did the other Crooks images show him in shorts or trousers?

Thank you for your continuing and developing analysis.
In your counting of Federal Agencies at the “event” I did not hear “F.B.I.”; in one video there was a female (supervisor?) behind and to the left of Mr. Trump taking videos and i.d.ed as FBI;???
In your analysis please discuss the possibility of “The Shooter” trying for a event “mass shoot-up” vs. “targeted assassination”. Thanks. J>D>

Isn’t this supposed to be Crook’s bag

it doesn’t match the one on the roof

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Here’s a better image

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzepkf9iUTk 4:34

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Toward the end of the latest “The Benny Show”, he has a photo of Crooks/Yearick on the roof and looking through his scope. It’s blurred out. This would clear up everything but it’s purposely been blurred out. We have to find that photo.

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The very important question, the that video from helicopter was made? After or before the first team came into the roof to see Crooks and move his gun away ( we saw the picture from the ground there was 4 guys with him) and they went down as the guy who was on that picture was the guy with tatoo which we could see later on the video inside building 6 and then new video released when other group with paramadec climbed on other ladder. This question is important from that reason that we would know how quick they organise that long ladder behind the tree and how is that possible that this ladder were organised so quick - unless it was stated there from the begining ,before all shooting started


I noticed that also…

And if he didn’t prestage the gun, he likely brought in on the bike wrappped up in the towel like blanket on the handle bars.

I have also transported my guns in the field like this. Simple and unseen.

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All I can do is rewind and play on the tv, please look into the movements, I believe it was the second shot that hit the ear. I see everyone flinching from hearing the first report, then he grabs his ear and you hear the second report. I was always told, if you hear the shot, then you weren’t hit. Keep up the great work, and thank you.

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Exactly, you are right, that only confirm my assumption from the begining that this ladder was standing all the time, otherwise, why he would leave the bag on that position if he would walk from the other building and not leaving it little bit further?

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And a couple points, since this forum is a place for critical thinking, so I am going to be Critical.

The only video that matters in reference to the shell casings on the roof is where the 2 in Tactical gear clearly state as well as point that there are shell casings on both sides of the roof. Thats it. Someone screwed up in releasing that Body cam video, because I can promise you with almost though my experience says 100 percent certainty that if you renacted this shooting thousands of times, NOT ONE shell casing would be found on the South side roof of Building 6. NOT ONE… Unless a howling North wind was blowing, but clearly the only wind that day was from the West and intermittent.

The plausible “Conspiracist” lol explanation would be that the LE on the scene were so BAD that they kicked the casings. First, you can hear LE saying watch out for the casings (even they know) and Second, good luck kicking any shell casing past the tall ridge cap. Would take a field goal like kick…

The challenge is to prove the casings are staged, if multiple shooters, which the FBI is well aware of. They aren’t completely incompetent just evil.

Plus if a coordinated shooting, those coordinating obviously have a jump on regular LE by at least several minutes. One needs a few seconds to drop casings.

Plus you notice that Wray waited as long as possible to tesify letting as much disinformation circulate as the FBI tailored its response to everything being said.

Logically, the agency overseeing the Investigation should be First to comment, because they have access to the majority of the information, but not if you are complicit.

And the last thing that is meant to really infuriate those with critical thinking skills is Wray’s testimony. “We recovered 8 cartridges.” First, the we is his corrupt team. Second, recovered is like writing a blanket check. Wray’s crackpot team can go out today with that wording and “recover” more casings. Intentionally wage. And finally calling casings cartridges is again trying to insult our intelligence. He knows that we know.

Also those in and before Congress can/will bring photo evidence. Wray doesn’t even bother to fake a crime scene photo. Just wants us to take him and his useful idiots at their word.

ALL the other body cam videos out there is what they want you to see.


And whether it was Crooks or not maybe fascinating, but rather immaterial. Whoever the patsy was played their part, acted overly suspicious and was the shining object to draw attention.

I can’t give all my background, but who in their right mind on the day of trying to assassinate a President is going to be doing surveillance?

First off without being an Inside job, the chance of pulling off a “Lone Wolf” operation like this is highly improbable (normally obviously). But then you are walking around with a rangefinder, supposedly flying a drone a few hours before, walking around the closest " unsecured" building within chip shot range of your target and then miraculously find this perfect location that just happens to have blindspots to the closest Counter sniper locations.

You would have a better chance winning the Lottery.

Crooks knew that the powers behind the curtain had created a protected zone for him, so he could draw attention without risk. I have been to several Trump rallies and LE presence is everywhere.

Crooks or whoever played their part as useful idiot including being killed on the roof.

And as a sidenote those attending the rally ever really know, when Trump will take the stage. So the patsy has no idea on when to lay on top of a hot roof in shorts unless coordinated. And I know most kids carry their phones most everywhere but why is Crooks carrying his? To call home? Call a buddy?

Crooks had already turned off one of his phones the day before likely due to tracking. If he didn’t have a phone, the Lone Wolf would have been much more plausible.

Nice that the FBI got his phone, so we will see who was contacting him that day…

We know better.


I thought the same thing. cameras can look like a firearm. They let them right up close to trump

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AR’s break down in two sections in literally a couple of seconds


Sure if you know what you are doing. And if you broke it down to still have to transport both pieces. And the backoack on the roof doesn’t appear even close to being large enough.

Plus Wray told us that the stock essentially hinged, which some do. But clearly this AR has an adjustable 6 position stock.

Whether Crooks carried in a blanket or backpack likely doesn’t matter in this scenario, but I don’t think Crooks was that artful in deception by placing what appears and what I have used before towel/blanket tied to his handle bars. I could be Wrong, but with the lack of LE and those there mostly looking the other way, it doesn’t really matter in unraveling this operation.


Where are these stills from? Do you have the video link?

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Could you please redo your screenshots using a darker color circling the casings. I can just barely see that light green color you used. Thanks.

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I can’t seem to find the Sky 4 helicopter video. Can you link it, please?

On the video I posted, I don’t think it’s Grassley’s. On my video from Daniel Davis Deep Dive, between 4:50 through 4:55, someone says, "look out for shell casings. Someone else say, “two, three, four, five” and makes the declaration there are five shell casings, NOT eight. I didn’t notice pants or shorts of Crooks. Also, as the team headed towards Crooks, they passed a man on the roof, and you could see other law enforcement personnel next to the Crooks. The blurring makes it impossible to figure out pants or shorts. The FIVE shell casings count and clear declaration that the guy counted five and NOT eight is clear. I saw the Grassley video and someone said eight casings. This ain’t that. But you have a good point I never thought of and I hope it can get resolved.

The youtube video I posted from Daniel Davis Deep Dive, between 4:50 and 4:55, “look out for shell casings.” Then the guy wearing the body cam says, “two, three, four, five,” and then makes the declaration, “five shelk casings.”
The Grassley video says there’s eight casings.
Davis’ says five.

ABC footage audio has been edited, and SS director is full of crap.
The actual rooftop cam footage and audio state 5 shells found on roof.
View Mrgunsngear YouTube channel for breakdown of new body cam footage. Clearly states to officer be careful of the shells, to which he counts 1 2 3 4 5. Never stating 8 rounds or counting to 8.

Check it out before they pull the video.
There are other content providers that have the same footage.

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