Losing Hope? Focus On Gaining Life Instead.

Hello there AKGranny! Long time, no hear. The creepiest thing to me is the term: “essential worker.” That term is taken right out of the Nazi system of slave labor from the ghettos, labor camps, concentration camps, and death camps. If you were an “essential worker” you did not get rounded up out of the ghetto and onto the trains, until you did.
It’s how Schindler classified his factory working Jews: they are “essential workers.”
I think it’s creepy we are using the same language today… and in NZ and Australia the “essential workers” have to have their papers, too. Interesting how history rhymes.

Chris does it again. Knocks it out of the ball park. Today’s report is all about how Vit. D significantly lowers death rates, ICU rates, with no long lasting symptoms. Now, with this solid proof of solid treatment, Chris is ready to shut down the shut downs!!
It’s nice to know my readiness to shut down the shut downs is seconded by Chris.
Loved the quote at the beginning of his presentation tonight. It’s very true, morality and philosophy were required classes at universities for centuries and now not at all. In fact just read a headline claiming a 3 hour credit is being offered on “How to Overthrow the State.” Segregation is coming back in vogue in at least one college, where some black students have requested their own segregated dorm. Seems recent trends on campus are a far cry from morality, philosophy, or ethics. Really liked the quote.
Chris signaled he’s taking a new direction with his reporting and I’m glad to see it. I hope Chris shares more about preparing in the food department. When I see all those young people rioting and protesting, all I can think is those poor fools, if they only knew what was coming they would be planting food like their lives depended on it.

Liked the photo of cinnamon and the lovely lady with the horse tail clouds above (harbinger of impending storm/hurricane), somewhat prophetic cloudscape.

https://www.bit chute.com/video/F4ZAPNoXXoWh/
Take space out of the link above - delete space between bit and chute

https://www.bit chute.com/video/F4ZAPNoXXoWh/
in this two hour plus UN official video - first link -you see the same performers as the next video shown on bit chute but not on google
Take space out of the link above - delete space between bit and chute
THIS is shocking
IS ANYONE out there Press?
I shall repost this in the morning perhaps as not many people up now

Well that was creepy! We really need to wake up.

THANK YOU EEK for also noting this. UN NWO IS real - There is a 27 May report from Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General and he denies but he uses the word sanctioned which has two meanings…This is how they operate I was trained in the same tricks…so do not let that put you off your research. You will find as I did that YES it is real,but they are now denying it.
I posted about this song from the Pacific a few days ago also. V V Important. I am so glad EEK also did. EEK when the song starts check it out, the young girl in glasses sings…
Truly DUMB and broken hearted, not Truly DOWN and broken hearted,I had a linguist friend AND an elocution teacher watch it and both said yes she says DUMB not DOWN. If any one in PP has lip reading skills please PM me if you wish…
We are truly DUMB as in no way of expressing ourselves,
To me this is IMPORTANT as hell as proof of UN in NWO, although no surprize to many, this KIND of proof and catching the UN lying point blank does not happen every day.
I have been digging for three days now and have found out alot screen shots and saved alot yesterday. There are MANY debunking saying not true.
The Secretary General himself denies it but there are many facts which proves otherwise.
I am fixin to put this article together but my big question is???
Who can I send this to?
Please fine minds of PP help me think of who I can send this to? Who is there in power right now that can use this information.
Thank you
I dont want to reveal my evidence here because I am not 100% sure trolls are not also on this site, and before when I announced some evidence in the Daily Mail comments, the evidence was scrubbed the next day…I know DM must be deep establishment also but I cannot think of where I can reveal -
Thank you. Really appreciate any ideas on who/how to send my report once it is done.
Very tough as we dont know who to trust.
PLEASE PM me any contacts/ideas as I dont want trolls seeing the ideas in advance.

A future New World Order? The world was moving towards multi-polarity before the orange clown came along. The goal, initiated by the U.S. is to isolate itself economically from China and control through intimidation rather than shared economic interests.
Super happy there are so many enlightened truth seekers from the alt right on the forum now. You’re making such a difference here…as in…Chris is losing most of his members and I am about to quit. So right on!

Probably just the opposite. But speaking to truth will often alienate certain individuals. And when an individual starts lobbing ad hominems, that individual loses credibility. It’s good for us to remember that unjust criticism is often a disguised, unintentional compliment. As has been stated here before, you only get flak when you’re over the target.
Furthermore, there were plenty of problems before Trump and there will be plenty of problems when he is gone. He is far from ideal but he is also not the source of all evil on earth, nor is the white man, nor is capitalism, although that is part of the narrative being proffered by those who seem to be much more adept at destroying rather than creating, building, and sustaining.

eek, mary59 and properly agitating
No need for anyone to panic or point fingers and call names etc.
eek and mary59 provide information relating to how the world is changing now that America stopped producing wealth and China is taking its place by using its influence to shape the future the direction that their sociopaths desire. Eek and mary59 point out that the UN has changed, before it was mostly under the influence of the US, now it is highly influenced by China’s money and strategic influence as seen by China’s man running the WHO and doing China’s bidding etc). The video is from last year, produced by Chinese and the audio is post-covid recent, presumably paid for by Chinese.
The UN has always been corrupt and lying and promoting the wishes of selfish people and organizations. It was created for the purpose of preventing wars via an international government, which many call a “new world order.” This is not new. Of course the people in the UN hope and expect to create a new world with a government that supercedes national governments. With THEM in charge. Of course. This is extremely natural. Again, that is their reason for existence (for more than 50 years). The desire to create one international ruler is nothing new. Some people would argue that despotic rule by Chinese led puppets (again the WHO comes to mind here) is better than experiencing a world war I or world war II over again. I have no opinion since I believe in an alternative anyway…
And, properly agitating correctly points out that “[t]he goal, initiated by the U.S. is to isolate itself economically from China and control through intimidation rather than shared economic interests.” Actions by the US probably are facilitating the new push towards Chinese control it seems. No one is talking about this, are they?
I thank both sides of this unnecessarily passionate dispute for pointing out some truth here.

I can speak my mind freely now, AO. This site like so many social media forums has been overwhelmed by people, on the right, who have been duped into believing that all ideas that are alternative to mainstream are true. It is the perfect petrie dish for the military dark state to operate within.
We owe it to ourselves to question everything, and that includes the hard right propaganda, Q, and all of the other nonsense. Mainstream media is easy, it is so obviously biased and has been since its creation. But alternative media is leveraging suspicion of the mainstream to push its own agenda to the detriment of everyone in the U.S.
Some alternative media is fairly objective, or is trying to be, but it is an uphill battle. If your goal as an alternative source is ‘freedom of speech,’ that can and will be manipulated.

Here is a perfect explanation of the U.S position within the UN right from the horse’s mouth, Former ambassador Bolton. Tell me what could possibly be worse for the world than this? And…if the US chooses to maintain it’s global hegemony through aggression, rather than shared economic interests, it will get worse.
Currently it is rallying Middle Eastern countries to align with Israel against Iran. Attacking Iran, in Trump’s second term, is numero uno on the agenda. Not only does this please Israel, it further hurts China --as Iran is their source of oil.
Please do a source search of Epoch Times and Falun Gong to see who they are allied and their source of funding. Here you have both the alternative and mainstream media allied in going after China, demonizing its leaders, etc…As far as the Uighurs go, how on earth can we even know what is going on there, in the current atmosphere. That the Chinese are demonic, evil etc…is stated as a given. My position is the fog of proxy war, cold war and hot war makes it impossible to know what is going on. Doesn’t mean I am pro-China, it means I am agnostic on the subject.
Jon Bolton:

Mary - the UN initiative for a New World Order has been in the works for some time, and my sense is that various NGO’s are partnering with them to push this forward. A major goal is the movement of people from poorer nations to richer nations, with the UN self-appointed to manage this process. The request for all nations to sign The Global Compact for Orderly Migration was a step in this direction. Most countries (> 150) signed the pact, including Russia (after insisting on the addition of a clause that they retain the right to administer their own immigration decisions). A small number of countries refused to sign, and a few declined to attend the meeting (and therefore did not sign). Wikipedia has a summary, which includes a note at the bottom referring to negotiations taking place behind closed doors. The logo for this initiative (top right) is also symbolic of their diversity agenda:
Stefan Molyneux did an analysis of the wording in the final UN Migration Pact in late 2018, shortly before the signing.

I don’t hang around here much anymore but stumbled on this post and thought I would add my .02.
Yes China is demonic evil. It is naive to believe otherwise. Not only naive but dangerous. I work with Tibetan refugees. I have heard first hand their stories. In the last 11 years there have been around 150 self immolations in Tibet in protest of Chinese occupation.
I have been to the Tibetan Museum in Dharamshala (home of the Tibetan government in exile and residence of the dalai Lama). There are over 15,000 photographs depicting the history of Tibet and the Chinese occupation. Almost everyday I remember a B&W photo of a young Tibetan woman lying face down in the snow in a Himalayan pass. She had just been shot by a Chinese soldier. Her crime? She was walking across the highest Mtn’s in the world to leave the land of her birth to escape the repressive Chinese regime. She was leaving. I met a woman at the museum who had been in Lhasa in 1989. She told me about the Chinese soldiers mowing down monks and nuns who were protesting. She also had been taken to areas where foreigners were not permitted and saw the devastation of monasteries that had been turned into warehouses. The scrolls and artifacts destroyed.
The Chinese have systematically destroyed Tibet and its people. So you can save your bullshit about “shared economic interests”. China has has one objective and that is world domination, and woe to anyone with the temerity to get in its way. Tibet is an example and a warning. I have no shared economic interest with China. I don’t own Walmart stock and refuse to buy anything made in China unless I need it and can’t source it elsewhere. As ridiculous as it sounds you cannot buy a ceiling fan made in the US. Even more ridiculous our PPE, drugs, medical equipment , etc. comes from China.
As for the UN , it is a criminal organization being run by the NWO elites. The latest travesty with the WHO should be all you need to know. The UN headquarters is built on land donated by the Rockefellers. They are avowed globalists. The US should never have gotten into the UN and should get out ASAP. It does not in anyway shape or form benefit the Amerkaan people.
Trump may not be right about a lot of things but he is right about China and the UN.
Adios, I am now going back to more productive activities.

“Sexual abuse in monasteries and oppressive feudalism in traditional Tibetan society has been factored out of the argument against China's occupation, oversimplifying it.”

Mohammed, I agree with you for the most part. I think economic ties based on any kind of oppression is not the way to go. It’s why they are being broken at this time that is key though. I don’t think that China is looking to dominate globally. It is trying to manage a ginormous population with tremendous demand for food, for starters. And I believe what you say about the people you have met and their stories of their lives in Tibet. It’s tragic
What I don’t take for granted as truth is the Dalai Llama’s museum in exile. Some of it is true, no doubt, but the info is not from an unbiased source, so there will be spin placed on it. The Chinese are not ‘demonic’ It’s that kind of emotional fundamentalism that clouds analysis of a situation.
You need more distance from the subject. I had a terrible experience with Somali and Egyptian Muslims in Minneapolis, around the death of my brother in law, a few years ago. They pretty much took over his life, at the end of his life and tried to lock his family out…which was weird because he was living with his mother.
Then, while he was on his death bed, they tried to get him to cut his girlfriend out of the will and have the beneficiary changed to the local mosque. The hospice had to bar them from the facility they were so disruptive.
I disliked all Muslims for about a year, particularly due to the fact that the stress of the ordeal on my husband contributed to his death of a heart attack 5 months later.
I realized after a year, that I couldn’t generalize from my own experience and my view had narrowed too much and I had been understandably demonizing all Muslims, so I took a broader view, which was difficult but necessary.
Too much information, perhaps, but I feel its important that, if we can distance ourselves emotionally, we can think about things more clearly.

Thank you very much for your post and this key information. I continue my research on this topic. You helped my morale also and I really appreciate that. Kindest -

Thank you for this information. My objective is to write a piece/video re this topic UN NWO as I am thinking that a large percentage of people (tax payers) do not realize this. The details I have discovered-(thanks to other investigators mostly) and people like yourself, provide a story with factual evidence difficult to turn away from for anyone with even basic critical thinking skills. The issue is what do I do with this piece once it is put together? Any ideas you may have are appreciated and thank you again for coming into this discussion.

Well first you go West till you smell it. Then you go South till you step in it.
Bullshit is pretty much the same.
If ignorance is bliss you must be one happy camper.
I am out of this conversation.

"Well first you go West till you smell it. Then you go South till you step in it. Bullshit is pretty much the same. If ignorance is bliss you must be one happy camper. I am out of this conversation." It's probably best to remove yourself from discussion when you are demonizing entire nations while you insult someone who works double, triple hard to be rational. A wise choice.