Mainstream Media's Coverage of Covid-19 Is Still Badly Failing Us

To control a person or a population, the Communist Chinese and North Koreans during the Korean War (and probably many others before them) learned you create three conditions:

  1. Dependency
  2. Debility
  3. Dread
    All these conditions are being produced in our society, country, and world.
    Regarding dependency, the population is becoming increasingly dependent upon the government. We have just passed the threshold where now, more than 50% of the population is being supported by the government, either through being government employees, receiving Social Security retirement and disability income, or through other entitlement and assistance programs. We are also seeing increasing dependencies upon charities. I have participated in four Feeding America programs at our church as well as our annual backpack and school supply giveaways. The number of people relying upon these programs is steadily increasing as the population slips deeper into impoverishment.
    Regarding debility, the assumption throughout this plandemic is that we are all sick or about to become so. Rather than quarantining the ill or highly vulnerable, however, we’ve quarantined the entire population. Plus, we’ve created a weak, stiff, overweight, sick, impoverished, dumbed down, wounded, vulnerable population through our food and agricultural and agrichemical systems, our medical and pharmaceutical systems, our banking and insurance systems, our military-industrial systems, our educational systems, etc. that has become increasing reliant upon the various institutions (from medical to political) and increasingly unable and/or unwilling to be self responsible and self reliant.
    Regarding dread, who here, from the young to the old, thinks things are improving? No one with a functioning cerebral cortex. When you add in the ongoing psy-ops of lies, deception, corruption, hypocrisies, inconsistencies, and contradictions coming from the MSM and government, who here feels increasing secure about their future? No one. Even if you’ve taken all manner of steps to build resilience (as many of us here, including myself, have), there is a tsunami of sequential changes sweeping the world which will affect every last one of us. If you think your preps make you immune to these changes, you are self delusional. You will not be able to stop this wave. The best you can do is learn how to surf it.
    So to answer your question as to why health authorities aren’t promoting what you mentioned, a question I have been asking for months and even years, it is because the agenda is NOT to make us healthy and self reliant. It is to extract wealth from us and gain wealth for themselves through a vaccine and other means. It is to alter our DNA through a vaccine with enormous permanent physical and psychological consequences. It is to gain power and keep us under their control. It is to make us dependent. It is to debilitate us. It is to create dread in us.
    The more chaos and trouble we experience, the more many of us will cry out for someone to “Do something!”. Thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis. Problem, reaction, solution. And they will answer our cry. The dirty money that supposedly can infect you will be replaced by a “clean” digital currency, for your supposed safety, your convenience, and, of course, “the children”. No more coin shortages as well, by the way. Every aspect of your life will be under their control with this currency system. Even the little cash you could make from a garage sale will no longer be available to you. And if you run afoul of the system in any way, be it unrighteous or righteous, your access to it will be denied. They will (politely of course) starve you out until you bend to their will and comply or until you are dead and gone. We will cede more and more control to our controllers in the hopes that this will make the situation better but it won’t. Exactly the opposite will occur.
    Social credit systems will be implemented, at first, to encourage compliance with mask wearing, social distancing, receiving your vaccination, etc. But then it will spread to influence and direct and eventually dictate every aspect of your behavior. You will be controlled by social pressures, backed by government power which in turn ultimately comes from the barrel of a gun. You will not dare to question the narrative, not if you don’t want your life to turn into a living hell on earth. It is “soft” population behavioral control through operant conditioning and far more effective than any “hard” controls, controls which would likely be rebelled against by the more independent portion of the population.
    These measures will also lead to population reduction, a desired outcome by the elite for the New World Order. How do you reduce a population? By the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Plague is one means. Lest you believe otherwise, more plandemics are on the way. Famine is another means. We know from the handwriting on the wall that food shortages will be coming also. Conquest, both internal and external, is another way. Internally, the minds of our population have already been largely conquered. External conquest will follow as a house divided against itself cannot stand. Thus comes war, the last horseman. We know from a long history of human cycles, described by everyone from the Romans to Strauss and Howe to Martin Armstrong, that war is an inevitable cyclical eventuality. And it, unfortunately, is ruthlessly efficient in reducing population.
    I left out a few things but the above at least gives you some explanation for why.
    By the way, there are sources, very accurate sources, that say this virus is NEVER going away. And it was engineered and planned. In fact, it was engineered to “seek out” whatever the most vulnerable system is in an individual and act upon that system in particular. Hence, the wide variety of effects we have seen from this disease in different individuals.

We don’t know if it’s going to be used in the Covid19 vaccines, but the technology exists:
“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, ‘Hey, we have a real problem — knowing who’s vaccinated,’” said McHugh, who was recruited to join Rice with funding from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. “They said, ‘We go on vaccination campaigns where people get into Hummers, drive to a rural village, set up a tent and start immunizing people, but they don’t always know who’s been immunized before and what vaccines are still needed.”
Parents often don’t know their children’s vaccination histories, McHugh said. “So our idea was to put the record on the person,” he said. “This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still needed."

I sent a few questions to the lead author as I noticed they had made a solution of the HCQ with DMSO and some other stuff. Both of which are not neutral products and can influence the results. Also I understood that the HCQ dosage was 5x that of Professor Raoult’s protocol…

today I stumbled on this:
The Russian flu pandemic could have been a corona virus pandemic Belgian researchers found.
Main takeaways: 1) similar symptoms to Covid-19, 2) virus weakend severely over time, 3) there was a more severe “second” wave, and 4) society reacted in a similar way. Source.
To me this illustrates that not all bews is corrupted, fortunately.

What is “SV”?


Well, it’s not only the mainstream media that have been affected. Even the entertainment industry in Japan has also been hit by the pandemic.
Sources: 1 2

Sorry ao etal. I actually hate to type so I use abbreviations as much as possible.
SV is Silicon Valley. The point being it is naive to think that some of the richest people in the country are not political players on a huge scale. After all Bezos does own the WAPO.
Not only are these people wealthy, they are in control of tech. Who is the largest censorship organism in the US? SV. They are controlling the narrative. One example ; Yesterday I was searching for the Norwegian virologist who said the virus looks like it was created in a lab. Searched google. " norwegian scientist says coronavirus created in a lab. " What I got was 2 solid pages of scientists saying it was impossible for the virus to be created in a lab. Page three there he was Birger Sorensen. So I went to Duck Duck Go and lo and behold there he was at the top of page one.
These people are working on AI at a furious pace. I posted months ago how Cuomo was partnering with tech giant Eric Schmidt (a big democrat donor) on surveillance the like of which we have never seen.
It is good to remember that these people came out of Stanford which is spelled CIA. The technology they give us gives them access to everything about us. I shudder to think about the technology they actually have.
So when you go to the polls remember it is just a manipulation.
Orwell was a fucking optimist

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

— George W. Bush


I am sorry if this is a double post but this is important and should be stickied here somewhere. Chris was a VP at Pfizer. Pfizer is in Ct. Yale is leading the propaganda charge. Yale is in Ct. Yale is also home to Skull and Bones, where Geronimo’s skull resides. The elites have plans for us. You will submit either by persuasion or by force.

Wow AO!!! I feel like you are from the future and I don’t mean that sarcastically. Thank you for that response…I learned so much and sadly agree with all of it. What do you feel we can do to not allow these predictions to take place? I want a beautiful, bright, free and wonderful world for my children and grandchildren. And I want to try to change the course of events about to take place.

There are lots of Native American prophecies. The 7 Fires has been pretty accurate up till now.
In Hinduism there are 4 Yugas or Ages. The current age is the Kali Yuga. It is the darkest of the 4. Ironically it is also the Age where it is possible to make the greatest spiritual progress in the shortest amount of time.
Things will get worse, much worse before they get better. Finding that which is sacred and our spiritual center is our most beneficial goal at this time. It is the Heroes Journey

What I said was “there are no political solutions to the human condition”

Above in another post I mentioned Cuomo and Eric Schmidt partnering to bring us a Brave New World. Bill Gates is also very much involved. As Gomer would say Sooprise Sooprise.

Yes there are some journalists out there who are telling the truth. There are also whistleblowers like Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Look at what is happening to Julian Assange. He has committed no crime and is being held w/o access to decent medical care and decent access to his attorneys. There are people like Chris Hedges and Robert Sheer but look at the price they have paid.
Yes there are some journalists telling the truth but you will not find them on corporate media. Corporate media is where 95% of the ahem "news " is disseminated .
Here is Matt Taibbi on journalism.
It is about as dangerous being a real journalist as it is being in the service.
I suggest you scroll through RT tv and Chris Hedges.
Amy Goodman on Democracy now is pretty good.

Its hard to get objective evidence based information today. Thankfully there are sites like PP. There are people who are enlightened. There are some really good youtubers … There are plenty of bad. Many smart people know what is going on. But that is not enough to change anything at the moment What really disappoints me is that I am unable to get through to my own family. How can you get the right message to people when people are stubborn and set on their brainwashed ways?
As I say, It will have to get much worse before people wake up. It will be far too late then. I have little hope for humanity. All the prophecies are currently being fulfilled. No crystal ball needed to know what is coming and what is happening.

@nordicjack The book “How to have impossible conversations” might be useful. Chris interviewed the author a while back:
What I liked about this book is that its really offering you two things: 1 is how to deal with ideologues and the other is think about your own thinking in case you are the ideologue.
tldr; You may not be able to “convince” your family members of any particular thing but you can instill doubt in their minds about what they think they know and open them up to updating their ideas.

Capitalist dictators are generally interested in enriching themselves and once done, lose interest in you; socialist dictators enrich themselves and their cronies and know how you should think, so never lose interest in you and what you might be thinking: given the choice I would prefer capitalist ones.
A mangled quote from George Jonas who fled communist eastern Europe (and now departed)

This is one of those things Ive dragged my feet on thinking, “Well, I’ll only need this when they’ve dropped the bomb so Ill focus on more cheerful forms of resilience for now…”
But the official response to HCQ as a treatment for Covid has made me consider the possibility that I could be subject to infection by an easily treatable condition that my government will simply shrug and not treat me for.
I recently ordered HCQ from India. I didn’t order Ivermectin because I assumed it was a more exotic drug and I only wanted to mess around with stuff that was well understood.
Now Im wishing I had ordered Ivermectin too since its just another commodity medication but Im really wondering what else a chap should have around the home?
Is it just a matter of stocking up some pain killers, anti-virals and anti-bacterials? What else would be useful?

I poked around the site, but couldn’t find anything to point you to, wotthecurtains. Maybe someone else will have better luck. It seems like that would be a good addition to the wikis linked to in the “Prepare” section. It would be nice if there was some way of extending that store of community knowledge to additional topics like this (granted that’s easier said than done if one is to keep the wikis from becoming a mess).