Mainstream Media's Coverage of Covid-19 Is Still Badly Failing Us

I am in full agreement with you Tonya. I too want a "beautiful, bright, free, and wonderful world for my children and grandchildren". I don't purport to have all the answers but I'll try to answer as best as I can. Obviously, from a physical and material perspective, the overall blueprint for action brilliantly laid out by Chris, Adam, and many fine PP contributors is a great place to start. The more we can do to disengage from the debt and death paradigm and not feed the monster with our money, our time, our attention, and our efforts, the better. And the more we can do to educate others, the more we contribute to a groundswell that can effect whatever change is possible from human effort..
Unfortunately, as I stated previously, the changes that are coming are like a tsunami and just as unstoppable in the short term. Putting up our hands and saying stop or trying to stand in place will be fruitless. Instead, one tries to get to high ground or surfs the wave. But that one leads to a self preservation that is likely temporary, not a salvation of the nation..
As has been said by others and myself, the problem is bigger than a material or physical one. It is a spiritual one and so is the solution. Let's look at one contemporary example, that of black lives matter. Black lives matter (written in small letters) is something I am in full agreement with as long as it is recognized that all lives matter and black lives should matter equal to all others, not more and not less. It was black spiritual leaders, Christian clergymen primarily, who led the civil rights movement in the 60s and God was in the forefront of their movement. Black Lives Matter (written in capital letters), however, is a totally different animal. Its founders are Marxist, it is Marxist at its core, it is godless (and, in fact, anti-God), and its goal is to tear apart the fabric of our present society and rebuild it in a Marxist model, a model which, by the way, has NEVER been successful and has always brought pain, suffering, and death in its wake. BLM in caps is a model I am not in agreement with. In my mind, the old movement was moral while this one pretends to be but is not.
I know you're probably wondering where this is all going but please be patient with my roundabout style. You'll see the point I wish to make in just a bit. Proceeding onward, the code that I hold to (which is embraced by many but not necessarily all) is that in a life-or-death situation, men will sacrifice themselves to save women and children. We value them more than ourselves because we are their protectors, they are more vulnerable than us, and most importantly, they are the future of our species. Hence, women and children first in the lifeboats on the Titanic. Taking that a step further, we tend to value the young more than the old. As a grandfather, I would willingly sacrifice my life to save my grandchildren as would my daughter and son-in-law. So the hierarchy of preservation seems to be, the younger the human, the more we do to protect them. With that, I am in full agreement.
So the question which arises in my mind, is why do black lives matter, but the youngest, the most vulnerable of black lives, seem to matter not at all? Why is it that blacks comprise only 15% of our population but fully one third of the millions of babies that have been aborted are black? So black lives matter but black fetal lives are worthless? That doesn't make any sense at all to me. In fact, it's a sin, a terrible sin to have killed millions of these babies. As a nation, we are guilty of this sin and we deserve punishment. As such, our only hope is to confess this sin and repent and ask for forgiveness. This is but one of many sins that America has committed and deserves punishment for. Punishment would be just and deserved. But God is not only righteous but also shows grace and grants forgiveness it we are repentant and pray for forgiveness with a humble and sincere heart and truly seek to change our ways. To me, this is our only hope. The power of prayer is enormous. I have witnessed it in my own life and the lives of friends and acquaintances again and again. With man, at this late stage, I don't think change is possible but with God, all things are possible. As Solomon, said, everything else is vanity.
For me, the lyrics of this song say it all. YMMV

Heal Our Land

Forgive oh Lord and heal our land And give us eyes to seek Your face and hearts to understand That You alone make all things new And the blessings of the land we love are really gifts from You
If My people will humbly pray and seek My face and turn away From all their wicked ways Then I will hear them and move My hand And freely then will I forgive and I will heal their land
Unite our hearts in one accord And make us hungry for Your peace and burdened for the poor And grant us hope that we might see A future for the land we love our life our liberty
If My people will humbly pray and seek My face and turn away From all their wicked ways Then I will hear them and move My hand
And freely then will I forgive and I will heal their land
And I will heal their land Heal their land Heal their land Heal their land Heal their land
Heal their land
I think this pandemic can actually be a blessing in disguise, a crisis that wakes us up to a rare spiritual opportunity. Do we help the poor, the hungry, the out of work, the downtrodden, and the oppressed and work together and help one another or do we let the trials, the challenges, and the stress of this crisis divide us and cause us to fight among ourselves and tear one another apart. The choice is ours.

I actually made a note of exactly what you said in a place I gather such things so I should have done better. Thanks for the correction.

You can easily buy ivermectin for your horse, in America. Dont need to buy from India. Just be darn sure to adjust for your smaller body weight. There are lots of people on the internet who can give advice on this. Even tho in Japan, I actually found it best to buy mine from America.
I bought a spectrum of antibiotics from a doctor in Washington State. Over the last 5 years, taking the ampicillina has saved my butt (more precisely, my skin, and my lungs) a few times. I recommend ampicillin at the top of my list.
good luck buddy

A good critique of the fake news, but the video about the long haulers is useless, as we don’t even know that they don’t have vitamin D deficiency. What % of the problem is clueless doctors giving terrible, clownworld treatments and lack thereof?
Think about this analogy: For how many of those 15% (100 out of 700) of Covid patients that experience long-term symptoms is it like getting stabbed, and then not taking the knife out, and wondering why symptoms last long? The knife could be vitamin D deficiency, lack of zinc+HCQ, vitamin C depletion, glutathione depletion, B vitamins depletion, lack of ivermectin use, high stress/cortisol attenuating the immune system (can be addressed with benzos/cannabis/theanine/taurine/vitamin C/etc), recent vaccine adjuvants injections where heavy metals may still be wrecking havoc (purified zeolites could be used), vitamin A deficiency, magnesium deficiency, etc. If clownworld doctors were competent rather than clueless order-followers and the nutrient deficiencies were corrected and the known treatments/cures were administered, would they be long-haulers?
NO USEFUL DATA is provided by any of these articles, because the role of nutrients and non-pharma-cartel-approved cures do not figure in their narrative, and that’s a big part of the problem.
Yes, long-haulers are a real thing, BUT WHY??? Without even knowing their vitamin D level, without pulling out at least THAT knife, it’s not useful data.
The video is from Bloomberg, which you criticized in the same video for fake news/lies from Bill Gates. You then stated as the first conclusion that “The US mainsteam press continues to do a horrible job of providing context and appropriate guidance.” - Well yeah exactly, and in the long-haulers article just as much as any other. You point out in the 3rd conclusion they don’t mention vitamin D and other “terrain boosting efforts”. In reality we need data on recently vaccinated (i.e. recently injected themselves with a high dose of aluminum and other toxins) vs. not recently vaccinated (i.e. not recently injected themselves with a high dose of aluminum and other toxins), but that’s asking far too much, but vitamin D? Everybody should know by now that if you have <19 ng/ml 25(OH)D you have a near 100% chance of dying, yet if it’s >34 ng/ml you have a near 100% chance of not dying of Covid. But that means even 34 ng/ml is insufficiency, or the lower range of sufficiency, far from the optimal 60-80 ng/ml which grants you optimal health including shocking immunity effects, which we’re not supposed to know about.

Saw this and had to share:
you can watch free just subscribe to London Real if you wish

Thank you for working so hard. It deserves a thoughtful response. What happened to the good old days when we could work together and get things done as a country? My party gets pushed out? We try to get compromises to get us by until its our turn to set the direction. People could be happier. We could all work together to make things better. The president wanted to be president for all Americans.
Is this one possible answer to what’s going on today: Do we Really know what brain washing is? Sure everyone knows the general term. But have we lived through it? My best example so far would be Eckhart Tolle’s philosophy book ‘A New Earth’, a New York Times bestseller and one of Oprah Winfrey’s favorites. My impression in the first 200 pages was that the book was devoted to tearing down the ‘ego’ each one of us has, essentially blowing up our image of ourselves, our religion, and our personality and becoming open to the waves of intelligence the earth is providing us. So to me brainwashing is wiping your mind clean of everything you ever believed before its can be reintroduced to the so-called ‘truth’. I mean really washing it out completely.
So what is the value of the constant stream of negativity we see all around us? The negativity we see on TV? Do we need to have a clean slate before we can be enlightened with ‘the truth’ they want us to have?
I’m afraid we’re going to be bombarded with negativity as long as they are convinced it works.

They can monitor social media in real time with volunteers to expose the manipulation. They want to do this in real time but need money. Here is how you can support the work
If you type it should also get you to this site.

The “trust the science” (i.e., don’t question it) message is already being pushed.
See this article from Forbes - apparently what Dr. Martenson does here - (evaluates research) - is a no-no:
Other similar messages specifically aimed at vaccines - too many to list.
The messaging being tested includes:

Personal freedom message — A message about how COVID-19 is limiting people's personal freedom, and how society, by working together to get enough people vaccinated, can preserve its personal freedom.
Economic freedom message — A message about how COVID-19 is limiting people's economic freedom, and how society, by working together to get enough people vaccinated, can preserve its economic freedom.
Self-interest message — A message that COVID-19 presents a real danger to one's health, even if one is young and healthy, and how getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to prevent oneself from getting sick.
Community interest message — A message about the dangers of COVID-19 to the health of loved ones: The more people who get vaccinated against COVID-19, the lower the risk that one's loved ones will get sick. Society must work together and all get vaccinated.
Economic benefit message — A message about how COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy and the only way to strengthen the economy is to work together to get enough people vaccinated.
Guilt message — A message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community. Therefore, the best way to protect them is not only by getting vaccinated, but to get society to work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then a test question asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and then spread the disease.
Embarrassment message — A message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community: The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure that enough people get vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the embarrassment they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and spread the disease.
Anger message — The message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure that enough people get vaccinated. It then asks the participant to imagine the anger they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and spread the disease.
Trust in science message — A message about how getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most effective way of protecting one's community, that vaccination is backed by science: If one doesn't get vaccinated that means that one doesn't understand how infections are spread or you are one who ignores science.
Not brave message — A message which describes how firefighters, doctors and front line medical workers are brave: Those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.

Maybe its for those who want to cling to what they hear from their family doctors (or physicians assistants) and what is constantly on TV (or what’s on YouTube news if you don’t have cable). The Forbes article just supports those people and reinforces that their beliefs are winning.

If Fauci had actually done real science on - say - hydroxychloroqine, I’d be much more willing to believe what he says about vaccines.
But no. No rapid trial on HCQ + AZ + Zinc, used early. Rapid trial for remdesivir, but not for HCQ. He’s a totally inauthentic, corrupt scientist, so I don’t believe a thing he says. Why would I? Why would any thinking person with any common sense?
He’s just a salesman for Pharma. And that’s putting the best possible spin on the situation.

So who’s responsible, directly and indirectly, for more human deaths this year? Police Officer Derek Chauvin or Dr. Anthony Fauci? (Show your work.)

Cuomo and Oxiris Barbot
But Tony the Rat is probably the winner

Is .ikely the same stuff as for horses, just packaged specifically for horse people and sheep people. Makes it easier for dosing. We use it for nose bots in our sheep, horrible thing where the larva climb up their noses and grow in their sinuses until they snort them out. Very uncomfortable for them, and some can have trouble breathing through their noses. So…we use the anti-parasite stuff, ivermectin, those that need it. Works well. Kind of comforting to know we have some on hand for whatever comes up.

Hello AO! I feel soooooo fortunate to have spiritual insight during hard times. For one, I know I’m not this body, it has an expiration date, and it’s the only body on planet earth that can contemplate the incomprehensible. So, I know from the get go that my body is temporary and we’re all gonna suffer that one really bad day when this body is finished. That’s a huge advantage psychologically as it greatly reduces the fear factor.
The fundamental root of all knowledge which leads to being able to determine ‘what is what’ is the knowledge that we are not these bodies. These bodies are temporary vehicles for the true, actual self. All living entities are eternal spiritual conscience beings entrapped/embodied in a lump of ignorance: bags filled with variations of blood, puss, mucous, stool and urine.
Speaking of knowledge, according to the Vedas there are four pillars of spiritual life: Mercy, Austerity, Cleanliness and Truthfulness. The last leg standing in this Kaliyuga Age of Quarrel and Hypocrisy is Truthfulness. The other three pillars of spirituality are missing in action during Kaliyuga. Only the pillar of Truth is left standing during these times, you just have to find it and pray you recognize Truth when you see it… and visa versa.
Actual spiritual practices are similarly very grounding and stabilizing. My spiritual practices have enriched my life, allowed me to practice restraint while under tremendous pressure, and has acted like a sedative calming down my emotions when contemplating the domino effects of the Piss Poor Public Policies that are disintegrating the economy, killing people directly and indirectly, and creating a food shortage of epic proportions, globally.
How do you counteract such Dark forces? Only by communion with the Divine.
Acting within the framework of the three modes of material nature: goodness, passion and ignorance, all three modes bind the soul in the material world. The goal is to act on the Transcendental platform to avoid this bondage and that is accomplished only by a change of consciousness. The first step to such a change of consciousness is the understanding that the living entity is NOT the body.
The root cause of all ignorance is mis-identification with the body, just like the root cause of inflation is fiat currency. It has to go!
Imagine a world where the human population understood that all living beings, no matter what form they embodied, were eternal spiritual beings trapped in ignorant matter. How would our values change?
Would we have a fight with other groups based on race? Religion? Skin color? Would we willy nilly kill other living beings on an industrial scale un-necessarily? If humanity upheld the Pillar of Austerity, certainly not. We would not value economic development over life itself.
We literally destroy entire ecosystems in South America to graze cattle so we can slaughter them for food that we don’t really need to eat to survive.
That trickle down theory is in full swing here. It appears the salacious, ever expanding rapaciousness of the elites has trickled down to MainStreeters.
I highly recommend reading AC Bhaktivedanta’s Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. But, you have to make sure you get the original. Since His Divine Grace’s departure in 1977, his disciples have taken it upon themselves to heavily edit the Gita, including replacing much of the original art work personally overseen by this Spiritual Master - a true expert and topmost practitioner of Bhakti-Yoga (communion with the Divine Person through Devotional Service).
OK guys, last plug.
Bhakti-Yoga is a perfect combination of philosophy and faith; philosophy without faith is mental speculation and faith without philosophy is fanaticism. Without the spiritual anchor of foundational spiritual knowledge and a modicum of faith, we are like tiny pieces of cork tossing about in the North Pacific Ocean during a mighty northern gale.

I am a practitioner of Bhakti-yoga and can talk all about it! Bhakti-yoga is a spiritual method to re-establish our relationship with the Supreme Person/Lord by devotional service, and it’s very easy.
It has to be.
Kaliyugites are a sorry lot. We have diminished life spans, memories, patience, intellect, no ability to practice austerities, wanton sex life, wanton drug use, rapacious out of control senses, four built in defects, an insatiable lust for profit, adoration and distinction, and most of us are under the misguided belief we are these bodies.
We are not equipped to deliver ourselves from the clutches of the material world without a huge spot. The essence of the philosophy goes like this: by directly associating with the Supreme Being/Lord, we become purified and thus become qualified to re-enter the spiritual world. The Supreme Lord/Person is omniscient and omnipresent. He is non different from his Name, Form, Past-Times, Paraphernalia, etc. So, when you say the Lord’s name, you are directly associating with the Lord and His presence is absolutely purifying.
There are three primary manifestations of the Supreme Lord/Person/Being: The Universal Form, the Lord in the heart of every living entity, and then, the topmost form The Supreme Personality of Godhead: Krsnas tu Bhagavan Svayama (sic?). Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the top most and original form of the Lord.
Krsna means “He who is all attractive” and also “He who stops the repetition of birth and death.”
That’s why Hare Krsna’s are supposed to chant the Maha Mantra: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare 1728 times a day, not including singing the Maha Mantra.
BTW, “Maha Mantra” means the Great Prayer for Deliverance.
Easier said than done. I can attest it is not easy to follow the prescription to chant 16 rounds a day. I have not done so in many, many years, however, I had a recent 2.5 years of steady daily chanting first 8 then 12 rounds per day. Unfortunately, since June 2020, I have not been steady and have missed more than I’ve actually chanted. It appears part of my spiritual practice has collapsed with everything else! I still practice Sadhana by way of reciting/singing other prayers on a daily basis, but I miss chanting my rounds.
Finally, we could all use a little philosophy in our lives in such trying times. Here is a link to the original Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, side by side with the edited version - edited after His Divine Grace’s departure - and done against his specific instructions not to edit his books: ( if your interest takes you to the site, make sure you’re reading the original and just ignore the edited version).

I am in agreement that we are first and foremost spiritual beings and we need to reconnect fully with our God if there is any hope for deliverance. These facts have become even more crystal clear to me as of late as I face a medical problem that does not have a favorable long term prognosis. By the way, a public shout out to Oliveoilguy for his support in this area. He has been a tremendous help.
Hladini, I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself for letting your chanting practice slide. As you know, we communicate with God in prayer and prayer can assume various forms, one of which would include repetitive prayer like chanting. But if I may, I’d like to share what is perhaps a different perspective on the matter that I recently heard and was of value to me and may be to you. The most intimate relationship we have in the universe is with our God. He created us and knows us better than we know ourselves … every cell, every hair on our head (or not, as in my case), every thought, every feeling, every emotion, every experience we have ever had or will have. So He is, in essence, our very best friend.
Now, think of how we would communicate with our best friend. Let’s call him Bob. Imagine if we said, “Hey Bob, hey Bob, hey Bob, hey Bob, hey Bob, hey Bob, her Bob, etc., etc.”. Certainly Bob, the human, would probably begin seriously wondering about us, lol. Conversely, if our conversation with Bob would become more spontaneous, more authentic, more intimate, more personal, we would likely form a much deeper and lasting relationship with Bob than just saying “Hey Bob” over and over again.
And so it is in our communication with God. I know, for myself, shifting my communication from tending to be more formal and/or tending to be repetitive at times to being more personal and intimate has made a significant difference in deepening my relationship with Him. I say this not to denigrate chanting, if that’s what helps you to communicate, but simply to offer another perspective on the matter that might be of value.

I would agree with you AO, when the chanting is mechanical and inattentive, but if the chanting is meditative, genuine and sincere… aaahhhhh the rewards! It’s very personal and some of my stories would sound outlandish, but I have had brief shadow experiences of transcendental ecstasies.
Additionally the chanting works like a scrubber, scrubbing away all the Karma accumulated since time immemorial. We Kaliyugites have a lot of karmic “dirt” accumulated.
Finally, His Divine Grace said this about the attentive repetitious chanting of the Holy Name: “The chanting is just like the genuine cry of a child for its mother.”
And is it not a proven fact that when we hear the same thing over and over and over again, it starts to sink in?
It’s all in preparation for death to elevate the soul by way of elevating the consciousness so at the time of death your consciousness carries your soul to a more elevated destination rather than a degraded destination and preferably out of the cycle of birth and death altogether.
The Maha Mantra also protects you from the most dangerous fear: taking your next birth in a less than human form. Imagine the conditioning for that? The human form of life is such a boon, that alone is worth a lifetime of chanting.
You’ll never know the taste of honey by licking the outside of the jar. You’ve got to do it to experience it, and you have to do it right. No one can do it for you.
Remember, Death is a solo flight.

Heartfelt prayer done with sincerity and concentration as you describe, whether repetitive or otherwise, is indeed powerful. I agree that death may well be a solo flight but the landing, from my understanding, is a joyous re-union. Thanks for sharing your experiences and insights.

I’m from Europe and to be honest, Covid brings a lot of problems not only in the tech industry but also in the entertainment industry. I have seen a lot of movies that are being postponed. With the current event in Japan right now, the Olympics 2020, it seems that the host is doing great organizing the event. However, Japan’s entertainment industry is also being impacted such as the delayed release of some popular manga out there like The Hunters Guild: Red Hood.