Making Sense Of An Increasingly Insensible World

Interesting how certain neighborhoods and/or metros at large have seen widespread violence, but others have been relatively quiet. From a pure personal safety perspective, here are some lessons learned:

  • Avoid high crime areas (obviously)
  • Avoid symbolic protest sites (big city downtowns)
  • Avoid high profile wealthy areas (looter targets)
  • Avoid politically charged neighborhoods (Capitol Hill, Seattle)
    In short, there are areas that “stick out”, for one reason or another. On the metro level, “boring” cities have fared better. San Diego vs LA is one striking example.

Thank you for illuminating the objective reality. It is so unfortunate society has not kept up with it, for having done so along the way, life could be so different. So much has been perpetrated on the body politic in secret that it made ordinary citizens use their emotions above critical thinking.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a family member who lives in Seattle. She lives not far from the “Autonomous Zone.”
This is what she told me.
The “Autonomous Zone” is less like a “Paris Commune” than it’s like an unusually large flea market. Still, the area is not as large as being reported on the news - about half that size. It is peaceful as far as she can tell. She lives a few blocks away and does not feel threatened. She fears it will not be peaceful when the “authorities” try to retake it.
The rest of Seattle is doing fine. Lots of protests, but they are mainly peaceful.

I was surprised how the article thc linked to portrayed the event as a battle to bring down a an oppressive system. The 3-minute video included in the article suggests that many in the crowd saw it this way too.
Based on this, I have to hypothesize that the rioters (seemingly mostly young and white from the video), do not buy into the current order even a little bit. I further hypothesize that this is how economic and social inequality manifest their threat to democratic governments - or - to take it even farther - that many of the young even those not from marginalized groups or backgrounds of poverty - have come to see the current order as a destructive plague that does not provide real human needs of fairness, connection, relationship, and healthy ecosystems that provide our physical necessities.
Of course, once I consider sand puppy’s post and I can’t help but wonder to what extent behind the scenes instigators are manipulating the genuine angst and directing it for their own benefit.
This puts us in quite a predicament. We have a society fraying at the seams due to many contributing factors. It’s worth looking at how the young see it as unfair, oppressive and misdirected (wealth and playthings over healthy ecosystems). This motivates them to want to bring it down. (And it’s probably going down anyway as resource limits bite harder every year.) I can understand their anger - but this brings us to the other side that makes this a predicament and not a problem. Where does that lead us? Obviously to the same chaos and destruction that threatens us already - but sooner. This is true whether the motivation comes totally from the people involved in the riots or from behind the scenes instigators.
And the poor police - put in the position of fighting a battle that is not theirs, but that of the established elite.
Now more than ever, we need to find ways to help young people direct their energy into building something new, something that puts real human needs and the needs of the larger community of life first, something that is more fair, that prioritizes connection and relationship and healthy ecosystems over wealth and gadgets, something that will cause the old system to fall apart as it loses more and more people to a new order that has an organizing story that resounds with beauty and connection and respect and a healthy dose of humility.
Because if we don’t, the world quite literally burns.

“After the Economy Collapses: How to Barter” (6/14/20 video)
When a nation’s economy collapses, knowing how to barter will become a critical skillset. In this 15:55 minute video, Chris of City Prepping vlog discusses the practical aspects and skills necessary to barter in a post-collapse environment.
He reviews the five critical components of bartering:

  1. Understand the value of what you have and what you need (at 1:13 minute mark)
  2. Barter with those you know (at 4:10)
  3. The day of the exchange (6:09)
  4. The negotiation (8:18)
  5. Set up Tradelines (11:44)

Cliff of TheUrbanPrepper vlog demonstrates the steps he followed for pre-cutting plywood to fortify his doors and window for his home (phase one, first floor street facing) in case of extreme weather or civil unrest. (Cliff is based in the Seattle, WA area, site of recent protests, looting and property damage.)
In this brief (6:27 minutes) video, he takes the viewer along as he selects and lists specific materials purchased, and demonstrates the processes for measuring, cutting, drilling, labeling and storing the plywood. He explains his rationale for his approach, noting a few other viable alternative approaches and methods to home fortification and security.
“Pre-Cutting Plywood for your Doors and Windows/Home Preps” (6/14/20)
Addendum: If interested, see the link below to TheUrbanPrepper Cliff’s 6/13/20 one hour, 21 minute livestream interview with author and vlogger, FerFAL.
“Urban Survival with Fernando “FerFAL” Aquirre (The Modern Survivalist)” (Source)

@Chris Martenson Take for example, the W.H.O. which as recently as two weeks ago recommended that only sick people should wear masks. What? We’ve known for months that people can spread Covid-19 when they are asymptomatic.
Yeah, but the question is WHICH PEOPLE? All people? Evidently not, as now even the WHO are admitting after studies tracking asymptomatic carriers causing zero infections. Why would you stick to this initial assumption, that even healthy people with competent immune systems can spread it asymptomatically? What reasons do you have to believe the virus would be able to replicate sufficiently (reach sufficient viral load) in people who never develop symptoms to be able to spread asymptomatically? In other words, PRE-symptomatic spread YES, clearly, but A-symptomatic spread? I don't think the evidence is clear, and it's very convenient for the weaponized false narrative to avoid making this distinction because it keeps the most important questions at bay (difference between developing symptoms vs not / immune incompetence vs competence / nutrient deficiency vs sufficiency states).
How can a ‘sick person’ wear a mask if they are sick but even they don’t know that? It just makes no sense. What is even going on?
You're also confusing the definition of "sick" with the idea of asymptomatic carriers, falling right into the trap where the kakistrocracy wants us. There is no such thing as being asymptomatically sick -- that's a very dangerous idea, one that could enable insanities like concentration camps for asymptomatics and forced testing (no joke as this was threatened by the crime gang than runs the government in my country, as did some WHO official). Great economic analysis BTW!
@brushhog Next up the media, literally caught in lie after lie after lie. Disseminating obvious, poorly constructed, and very transparent propaganda that even a child can see through. They have effectively lost their credibility completely at this point. No, we cannot believe anything they say...literally nothing.
Which is something that has been going on for a very long time, but it's now reached the point where only the NPCs who are choosing / chose as souls to delve even deeper into the darkness (into catastrophist-transhumanist versions of Earth) are still and will remain under their crude trauma-based mind-control spell... How many, what percentage of the population, is the interesting question.
So what I see happening is people are turning to the natural world. The sun still rises, the rain still waters the ground. My cow never heard of inflation, she gives the same amount of milk no matter what. A 50lb sack of seed potatoes still nets the same yield as it did last year assuming you have properly cultivated your soil. This is the kind of thing that people feel they can depend on when so much of the 'human world' [ what I call the artificial world ] is no longer dependable.
You got it!
"If you believe this virus is spread human to human, the antidote is building the immune system with eating plants & natural medicines and sitting in nature alone or with your immediate family, soaking up vitamin d & sunshine. If you believe that this virus is symptoms of 5G exposure, then the antidote is sitting in nature, connecting to Mother Earth, building your immunity with eating plants and natural medicines - submerge yourself in water & dirt. If you believe that this is all a hoax and you just need to sit back while Q saves us all, then the answer is sitting in nature, build a garden for the new earth, commune with God, eat plants & natural medicines that strengthen your connection and open your channel to the new earth frequency ~ ascend with her. If you believe the economy is collapsing, and authoritarian dictatorship is imminent, the most radical thing you can do in protest is build a garden, releasing dependency on the system If you believe that Mother Earth is mad at us and purging the human race, the answer is go outside and listen, build a garden, align with her. The answer is always nature. Always. We do not have to argue about the why. The antidote is obvious. Alignment with the mother, with our source of nurturance. Remembering everything we use and need comes from her. Give thanks. Humble. Slow down. Observe. Listen." -- Katie LaMonte
It does suck a bit for those living far away from natural areas though.  
@suziegruber Which is why I want to add a shameless plug to this post. Both Chris and I have talked here about Dr. Lawrence Heller’s groundbreaking healing modality called the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM). Training in this work has been largely limited to licensed mental health professionals across the world. Until now. Beginning later in June the NARM Training Institute is offering an online NARM Basics Training for the first time so that anyone can become a NARM informed professional. In my opinion anyone who works with people in any context whether it be clients, employees or customers, can benefit from learning the signs and behaviors of complex trauma. My understanding of these elements help me consider what may be driving peoples’ behavior in this crazy time and that allows me to be far, far more relationally resilient and also compassionate. In addition to helping me build social capital more easily, I am also more professionally resilient at a time when professional precariousness is spiking. Check it out if you’re curious. End of shameless plug. Thanks for listening.
Very interesting! For softer traumas and mini-traumas, something called the "Emotional Freedom Technique" can be useful. For harsher traumas (like those inducing severe anxiety by just thinking about what happened), NARM seems interesting. Another one that works extremely well is MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, where we see like 70% healing rate after a single session. But of course finding an appropriate therapist may be difficult because they outlawed MDMA in the 1970s. All the various psychotherapy techniques, old and new, such as parallel reconstruction (creating and then embracing alternate more-desirable versions of events), work ridiculously more effectively with increased monoaminergic (serotonergic, dopaminergic, noradrenergic) neurotransmission. This is another example of a wonder drug being suppressed for political reasons, just like is happening with HCQ now.
@Mohammed Mast There is an old Sufi story about blind men encountering an elephant. One grabs ahold of the leg and says an elephant is like a tree trunk. Another grabs the tail and says an elephant is like a rope.The one who touched the ear said an elephant was like a fan. The one who grabbed the trunk said an elephant was like a thick snake. On and on. The moral is we all have our own subjective views of reality. Reality is objective but we bring our emotions, imprinting, political biases etc to make judgements about objective facts.
It makes sense to believe that; it's a belief we've been handed down for a great many generations... But is it really? Have you looked into the research and TOE of pioneering physicist Tom Campbell? (Start e.g. here: Thomas Campbell - My Big TOE (Theory of Everything): Awakening.) That'll make you question that idea for sure. He demonstrates how a subjective reality model should've been adopted back in the 1920s as QM and GR both invalidate the fundamental assumption of the other of an objective reality... and so much more, check him out! From a cosmic or exopolitical perspective, this illusion of separation, of self and not-self, of the measurer and measured, the objective reality delusion, is the biggest lie of all, even bigger than all those lies you pointed out. Peace out!

George Friedman had a recent podcast putting into perspective of how we, the USA, rebuilds itself periodically and helps give us a long term perspective of what we are going through. Hope you can hear this podcast:

1967. Boy we haven’t gotten very far in 53 years.

Thanks for clearing that up

sand puppy,
I have read posts like this at other places on the ‘net.
Now, I would not put it past shadowy intelligence agencies or shadowy NGO’s or quasi state actors or the like to do this. But here is the problem.
How does a person like myself figure this out?
I don’t trust the media.
I have not been to any of these demonstrations so I have not seen it with my own eyes.
So that doesn’t help.
The few people that I know who are close to these events are not involved directly in them.
So that does not help.
I still have a few contacts in government and law enforcement. But I doubt that I could get solid answers or even that the people that I do know, would themselves know the answers.
I am simply left to apply logic to what I do know and come up with my best evaluation.
But that evaluation may be completely wrong.
I feel like the character, “Mr. Jones,” in Bob Dylan’s song “Ballad of a Thin Man.”
“Well, you know that something is happening, but you don’t know what it is. Do you, Mr. Jones?”

Hello Good People,
Twice now…in the past week…I have been told to take off my mask. Each time I get told to take it off, I immediately think to myself…:“Say what? Do you know how masks work?”
I wear a N95 mask, because I have a couple of co-morbidity issues. When I wear it, it is in line with manufacturers recommended practices using known good protocols for donning and doffing of PPE…which means it’s not as easy as just taking it off and back on. However, I am finding that most people don’t have a clue about it…
The first time I was asked to take off my mask was at a casino re-opening here in town. The wife really wanted to go, and I figured going on the first part of the first day would be the cleanest the casino would ever be…EVER. So we que up in the line outside waiting to go in, and when we get to the entrance, the casino has a thermal scanning station set up to take the temp of customers going in (all of the casinos are running them now as part of standard practice). As we get closer to the scanner, I hear the security people tell each of the customers before us to “take off your mask, so you can be scanned for temperature”…and 100% of them do…in the exact same place inside the building.
When we get up to the station, the guard told me to remove my mask for scanning, and I said that I could not do that. He asked what did I mean, and I replied that they did not need for me to remove my mask to scan my temperature. The guards reply was that he did need for me to, and it would only be for a few seconds…
A few seconds…that’s all.
At this point one of the supervisors came over to the station and started listening what was going on. I told the guard that I also worked at a casino, and they use that scanner on each employee reporting for work, and that they could do with with a person wearing a mask. I asked the guard if he knew what happens when you break the seal on a mask, and when what happens when you take it on and off. The supervisor took over and scanned us, and waved us in. I watched behind us as we went into the casino and the customers were happily taking off masks again, some coughing in the same spot.
All I can do is shake my head.
Today, I went back into my old second job ( I’m a Range Safety Officer/Range Master for the County shooting complex) to fill out paperwork to start working again. All of the employees have to do all of the paperwork again after the shutdown, and the last step is completing the I9 form. As part of the process, the employee is told to sit in a chair across the desk from a supervisor and take off their mask so that the HR lady (who is teleconferenced in ) can see your face. Once again, I declined to remove my mask. Once again, the reply was “it’s only for a few seconds”. I declined to do so and had to fill out additional paperwork to try and work around the issue of me not removing my mask. However, all of the other employees( before and after me) sat in the same spot…in the same office…and took off whatever mask they had on. I did see only one of them cough while doing it…
All I can do is shake my head…
Maybe I am overreacting, but I really don’t want to get CV19…Not until we have good treatment protocols or a vaccine. Sometimes I find myself doubting if all the extra safety measures are really worth it? At the shooting range, we have layers upon layers of safety rules to prevent accidents. A person has to violate about 4 or more firearm related rules for something bad to happen. I kind of try and set this system up for CV personal protocols. I find myself shaking my head a lot now…

You may wish to switch to face shields

This is a total outrage! There can be no doubt that the fix is in to eliminate HCQ as a competitor for big pharma’s soon-to-be-announced expensive wonder drug.
Except for a very small number of people with specific heart problems, HCQ is one of the safest drugs in the pharmacopeia. There is no risk in allowing doctors to prescribe HCQ for Covid-19.
On the contrary, lives which otherwise would almost certainly be saved, will now be lost. This is not incompetence on the part of the FDA. Somebody, somewhere has an ulterior motive.

I was just about to post same - its an outrage - there is no evidence it causes cardiac issues. and certainly , there is no evidence it doesnt work. FDA for profit , nothing unusual here. 4th turning… This will kill and maim people. for the ol mighty dollar… They are criminals. IF the US is not destroyed by the time this is over - the FDA criminals will go to jail… if I can help it.
I really didnt have much hope to get HCQ if I got covid, but if at least someone was getting it, maybe they would have figured it out before things really get ugly. The ugliness now really begins. WHO will pay the 30k for worthless meds ( for 20% ) going to hospitalized patients? Oh yeah, you and me… 20% x 330M= 70M treatments x 30k = $ 1,980,000,000,000 Is that a real number even? Is that really 2 trillion dollars in pharma billing? for a 15% less stay (3days ) in the hospital? not worth it to me… of course 3 days of care is about 10k each… but the point is we are going to put many more people in the hospital , that didnt need to go. It wasnt good enough for them to just pull for hospitalized… That I get… it wont help there. Use the FDA crap. But now they are doing this to make sure the full 20% gets to the hospital… But dont worry, this will blow up in their face when nocan treatment because the hospitals are full, dont worry - it will be freely dispensed by every dr with phone call at first scratchy throat. Like the HCQ should have. That is what happens when you have for profit health care. But all those people tried to tell you , the US has the best healthcare - We will be at the bottom of the world on this one folks.
Announcement , why today? why now? they have wanted to do this for a long time… Oh yeah market sell off… lts bolster up the Big pharma And other tech giants that can make a boat load off new crap for covid.

Just had my yearly today and cornered my pcp. I point blank asked him what are the treatment options . He said if you test positive we tell you to go home. If you get worse come in and you go to ER then get hospitalized. So I say how long is the turn around for the test? 24 hours he says. So I say I want Plaquenil immediately. He knows I am serious so he says he will prescribe it, but it is hard to get.
Well I get home and the screwheads jerk it out from under us.
This is one bad fucking dark movie we find ourselves in.
I do have cinchona to fall back on and plenty of zinc and quercitin and an order for Chloroquine so we shall see.
Bill Gates is thanking his lucky fucking stars he will never meet me. A pie in his face would be the least of his worries.

Regarding the FDA’s revoking HCQ: When a lot of people die because of the nefarious acts of a government agency, the heads of that agency should be held accountable in capital cases. I hope these will be.
I have had to find treatments that actually work for several conditions I have had because the medical establishment didn’t recognize and even spoke against cures and treatments that absolutely work but are not patentable.
When people lose loved ones because of such practices, they should feel the ire of the public that they fleece at every opportunity. They do not care for the people they are paid to serve. They are content for them to suffer and even die.

Daddy O people have been dying for ages because of the nefarious acts of governments. Nobody ever pays for it except the victims.
I am reminded of a line from Eddie and the Cruisers. “Wordman they discover oil under our garden all we get is dead tomatoes”
The people who they are paid to serve are the people that get them elected. The Koch brothers of the world.

yes in dictatorships and other governing systems. But in our government by the people, those in power are elected and dutifully required to perform on our behalf - Other governments as you speak about, had no such requirement… Our laws are clear - these people are jailable. and I will do my best to make it happen. When its all done. AND they and their families will be broke as can be as well.

That’s a good one. Pass it over you been hangin on to it and I sure would like a hit