@Chris Martenson
Take for example, the W.H.O. which as recently as two weeks ago recommended that only sick people should wear masks. What? We’ve known for months that people can spread Covid-19 when they are asymptomatic.
Yeah, but the question is WHICH PEOPLE? All people? Evidently not, as now even the WHO are admitting after studies tracking asymptomatic carriers causing zero infections. Why would you stick to this initial assumption, that even healthy people with competent immune systems can spread it asymptomatically? What reasons do you have to believe the virus would be able to replicate sufficiently (reach sufficient viral load) in people who never develop symptoms to be able to spread asymptomatically?
In other words, PRE-symptomatic spread YES, clearly, but A-symptomatic spread? I don't think the evidence is clear, and it's very convenient for the weaponized false narrative to avoid making this distinction because it keeps the most important questions at bay (difference between developing symptoms vs not / immune incompetence vs competence / nutrient deficiency vs sufficiency states).
How can a ‘sick person’ wear a mask if they are sick but even they don’t know that? It just makes no sense. What is even going on?
You're also confusing the definition of "sick" with the idea of asymptomatic carriers, falling right into the trap where the kakistrocracy wants us. There is no such thing as being asymptomatically sick -- that's a very dangerous idea, one that could enable insanities like concentration camps for asymptomatics and forced testing (no joke as this was threatened by the crime gang than runs the government in my country, as did some WHO official).
Great economic analysis BTW!
Next up the media, literally caught in lie after lie after lie. Disseminating obvious, poorly constructed, and very transparent propaganda that even a child can see through. They have effectively lost their credibility completely at this point. No, we cannot believe anything they say...literally nothing.
Which is something that has been going on for a very long time, but it's now reached the point where only the NPCs who are choosing / chose as souls to delve even deeper into the darkness (into catastrophist-transhumanist versions of Earth) are still and will remain under their crude trauma-based mind-control spell... How many, what percentage of the population, is the interesting question.
So what I see happening is people are turning to the natural world. The sun still rises, the rain still waters the ground. My cow never heard of inflation, she gives the same amount of milk no matter what. A 50lb sack of seed potatoes still nets the same yield as it did last year assuming you have properly cultivated your soil. This is the kind of thing that people feel they can depend on when so much of the 'human world' [ what I call the artificial world ] is no longer dependable.
You got it!
"If you believe this virus is spread human to human, the antidote is building the immune system with eating plants & natural medicines and sitting in nature alone or with your immediate family, soaking up vitamin d & sunshine.
If you believe that this virus is symptoms of 5G exposure, then the antidote is sitting in nature, connecting to Mother Earth, building your immunity with eating plants and natural medicines - submerge yourself in water & dirt.
If you believe that this is all a hoax and you just need to sit back while Q saves us all, then the answer is sitting in nature, build a garden for the new earth, commune with God, eat plants & natural medicines that strengthen your connection and open your channel to the new earth frequency ~ ascend with her.
If you believe the economy is collapsing, and authoritarian dictatorship is imminent, the most radical thing you can do in protest is build a garden, releasing dependency on the system
If you believe that Mother Earth is mad at us and purging the human race, the answer is go outside and listen, build a garden, align with her.
The answer is always nature. Always.
We do not have to argue about the why. The antidote is obvious. Alignment with the mother, with our source of nurturance. Remembering everything we use and need comes from her. Give thanks. Humble. Slow down. Observe. Listen."
-- Katie LaMonte
It does suck a bit for those living far away from natural areas though.
Which is why I want to add a shameless plug to this post. Both Chris and I have talked here about Dr. Lawrence Heller’s groundbreaking healing modality called the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM). Training in this work has been largely limited to licensed mental health professionals across the world. Until now. Beginning later in June the NARM Training Institute is offering an online NARM Basics Training for the first time so that anyone can become a NARM informed professional. In my opinion anyone who works with people in any context whether it be clients, employees or customers, can benefit from learning the signs and behaviors of complex trauma. My understanding of these elements help me consider what may be driving peoples’ behavior in this crazy time and that allows me to be far, far more relationally resilient and also compassionate. In addition to helping me build social capital more easily, I am also more professionally resilient at a time when professional precariousness is spiking. Check it out if you’re curious. End of shameless plug. Thanks for listening.
Very interesting! For softer traumas and mini-traumas, something called the "Emotional Freedom Technique" can be useful. For harsher traumas (like those inducing severe anxiety by just thinking about what happened), NARM seems interesting. Another one that works extremely well is MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, where we see like 70% healing rate after a single session. But of course finding an appropriate therapist may be difficult because they outlawed
MDMA in the 1970s. All the various psychotherapy techniques, old and new, such as parallel reconstruction (creating and then embracing alternate more-desirable versions of events), work ridiculously more effectively with increased monoaminergic (serotonergic, dopaminergic, noradrenergic) neurotransmission. This is another example of a wonder drug being suppressed for political reasons, just like is happening with HCQ now.
@Mohammed Mast
There is an old Sufi story about blind men encountering an elephant. One grabs ahold of the leg and says an elephant is like a tree trunk. Another grabs the tail and says an elephant is like a rope.The one who touched the ear said an elephant was like a fan. The one who grabbed the trunk said an elephant was like a thick snake. On and on. The moral is we all have our own subjective views of reality. Reality is objective but we bring our emotions, imprinting, political biases etc to make judgements about objective facts.
It makes sense to believe that; it's a belief we've been handed down for a great many generations... But is it really? Have you looked into the research and TOE of pioneering physicist Tom Campbell? (Start e.g. here:
Thomas Campbell - My Big TOE (Theory of Everything): Awakening.) That'll make you question that idea for sure. He demonstrates how a subjective reality model should've been adopted back in the 1920s as QM and GR both invalidate the fundamental assumption of the other of an objective reality... and so much more, check him out! From a cosmic or exopolitical perspective, this illusion of separation, of self and not-self, of the measurer and measured, the objective reality delusion, is the biggest lie of all, even bigger than all those lies you pointed out.
Peace out!