Making The World A More Dangerous Place

The Rothschilds * Political Zionism * The Federal Reserve * The US Dollar  Ashkenazi  State of Israel

Why does everyone mention the Rothschilds before the Rockefellers?

I will tell you why

The Rothschilds supports your theory, and the Rockefellers don't. How many buildings have the Rothschilds donated to the US government to run into military bases or national parks?

Everything that goes on in the world today is business. That's all it is. Nothing personal, just business.

Go review the top 10 lobbyists in the US and tell me who runs this country.

If that's a Rothschild mansion I'm disappointed. It's HIDEOUS.

9/11 was never going to stay a secret forever. 
Could a Team of “Artists” Really Been the Ones Who Rigged the World Trade Centers with Explosives? (Rundown Live)

World Trade Center's Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project (Winter Watch)

Israeli Art Students Inside WTC ~ The B-Thing (Methodical Deception)

BB18 Fuseholder by Littlefuse

hahaha It a Rockefeller mansion in Winter Harbor, Maine. It was developed into a submarine monitoring station during the cold war. Apparently there is a rumor that there is a crazy underground facility below the building, but now its just the regional headquarters for Acadia National Park.
A lot of history in that building.

Here is another Rockefeller mansion turned National Park. Marsh Billings Rockefeller in Vermont.

Why do you care so much about this Wildlife?

And please explain - the theory to which you are referring?  Just asking a question:

How Do These Puzzle Pieces Fit Together?

The Rothschilds * Political Zionism * The Federal Reserve * The US Dollar  Ashkenazi  State of Israel

Agreed in principle, as long as this isn't used by guilty parties as a deflection to mask objective truth.

Completely agree. And individuals that commit, or are responsible for the commission, of atrocities should be held accountable, whether Jews, Muslims, Syrians, Australians, Americans, etc.

Agreed. But being abused/oppressed doesn't give one a license to do the same to others. That's akin to saying that because a child is abused by it's parents it is justified in abusing it's future offspring.

What Israel is doing to the Palestinian people is wrong. And it colors the entire viewpoint that Israel has a morally superior position in the matter. 

The growing body of evidence that elements of the State of Israel may have played a key role in 9/11 further colors this perspective.

Is that rope posted because you want me to hang myself? haha

I'm going to visit Silver City/Virginia City Nevada today because I am in the area. A lot of great silver history in those towns. It should be a good time.

The theory that is there is a Jewish banking cartel started by the Rothschilds that runs everything about the US government and as a result the US government is nothing but a submissive puppet to Israel.
I don't buy it.

I also don't believe that Israeli art students took down 3 buildings by setting up bombs on 1 floor of 1 building.

Call me a misinformation agent, but I think that theory is flawed and dangerous and I am motivated to disprove it. 


Who are the primary shareholders of the United States Federal Reserve?

Why are there stacks of BB18 fuseholders next to Israeli art students on the 91st floor of one of the twin towers, two months before 9/11?

With respect to 9/11 - "Cui bono"?

By all means, go ahead.  We've been here before. I'll hold off on posting the "Gambits for Deception" graph this time around, everyone has seen it.

With respect to the rope, I was just giving you some additional. You are already doing a great job of taking care of yourself.



You posted this article…


91st floor art project. 91st FLOOR..... not FLOORS

The fact that you insist that I should hang myself makes is very clear to me that you are not worth the discussion. Carry on spreading bad information.

I won't confuse you or anybody else here with government propaganda. Good thing I did not go to Rowe the year you went.

The rope is representative of an idiom.

  1. 1.
    a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogssee the light ).
In this case, "to give (someone) enough rope to hang himself".  

Meaning: To allow (someone) to accomplish his own downfall by his own acts.

The Rothschilds * Political Zionism * The Federal Reserve * The US Dollar * Ashkenazi * State of Israel

How do these puzzle pieces fit together
Rockefellers * Oil * the US dollar * Iraq * banking * gold * The united states of america

Oh look…a squirrel.

I think one of my favorite and under appreciated posts here was when Hugh posted a diagram of "how to tell if it's a witch" in response to your misinformation agent chart.
That was hilarious and genius.

He's a very smart guy and you also accused him of being a misinformation agent.I think that if I am categorized with Hugh, that might actually be a kind of complement. Thank you for that.

I'll tell you what, I will be in Virginia City in an hour. You can challenge me to a duel. My self-defense gun is on the other side of the country and all I have is a three-inch pocket knife. The odds are in your favor and it sounds like you would be doing yourself and peak prosperity a favor.