Making The World A More Dangerous Place

If I ever meet you in person Wildlife, I will give you a big hug and a kiss kiss.
The Rothschilds * Political Zionism * The Federal Reserve * The US Dollar  Ashkenazi  State of Israel

Comment #280

I enjoy looking at things and situations and figuring out how they work and come together, and I'm willing to muse over stuff that appears outlandish (because every so often there is some element of truth therein or it leads to entirely new ideas and/or ways of looking at things).  But when it really comes down to it, most of this stuff are things that either 1) don't really affect me, or 2) I have no means to control or change.  I might muse on such things during idle hours or during work hours (but then I repeat myself cheeky), but I generally avoid spending too much time doing so and becoming personally invested in things beyond my control.  ESPECIALLY if it's a subject or issue that is an emotionally-charged one.  In Stephen Covey's book he presents the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence:


In summary, there's nothing wrong with having your opinion (even if it is an unpopular one), but if that opinion is on something you have no control or real influence over, it's pointless to spending a lot of energy on it and let that opinion run or dominate your life.  It seemed that's what Dogs in a Pile was hinting at in post 198 when (responding to the Zionist/Congress infographic).he said "So What" and "Now what?".  I think that TBTB (no matter whoever they might ultimately be) would be panicking and shitting bricks if the population as a whole spent more of their time on their respective Circles of Influence, because a large amount of their power seems to be in deception, distraction, and the manipulation of people.

I think that TBTB (no matter whoever they might ultimately be) would be panicking and shitting bricks if the population as a whole spent more of their time on their respective Circles of Influence, because a large amount of their power seems to be in deception, distraction, and the manipulation of people.
A good point NB.

But it is completely unreasonable to expect us to just shrug and walk away from these crimes. Cockroaches live in the dark.  They hate the light. 

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Niemöller's critique of intellectuals.
We are all Intellectuals on this site.  No matter how poorly we do at it. 

That's a quote worthy of framing :wink:  God knows I could use a copy.

There's a difference between focusing one's energies on things in one's circle of influence versus giving everything outside that circle a complete pass.  For example, I may not be able to really influence the stranglehold the big banks have on the US and the world, or kick out of office the power-mad fascists in the US government that are so eager to go to war.  But I'm certainly not going to trust them or forget their transgressions, and I can still withhold support to said entities or persons.  It's not about forgetting or ignoring, it's just about choosing to focus one's energies where they have maximum effect and utility.


They have a to-scale model of the shafts of the Comstock Lode in one of the museums. I have never seen anything like it. The shafts went as far as 3,000ft in the 1800s  and it was structured like an ant or termite colony with dozens of shafts going in every direction.
Very Very cool. Makes me appreciate my Morgan silver dollars more.

10 mins of research.
This Austrian art group. Not Israeli. These goof balls pictured here…

These artists that made this giant bunny doll

planted bombs on ONE floor in ONE building, and successfully knocked down three trade center buildlings.

THIS deserves a big LOL 

Here is the NY Times article about their project

I hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding:

  1. The events of September 11, 2001 - specifically the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. I believe there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.
  2. The possible involvement of the State of Israel, members of the Israeli government and Mossad in the events surrounding the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
  3. Possible ongoing war crimes by the State of Israel upon the Sovereign People of the State of Palestine.
  4. The true ownership structure of the United States Federal Reserve Bank.
In the interim, I personally withdraw any and all support, explicit or implied, for the State of Israel. I recommend that the United States cease all financial, diplomatic and military assistance to the same.

As far as this American is concerned, until the questions raised above are answered…the State of Israel is on her own.

I mean no ill will towards those of the Jewish faith, but I do believe it would be prudent for them to perform their own research and reach an objective understanding of the above events given the geopolitical stakes involved.

Hard copies sent to congressional representatives in parallel with this posting.

Don't you mean stop financial aid to Austria?
Oh wait, we don't give Austria financial aid! How do we stop the madness!

Dude I had such a good laugh when I found those pictures. "Beyond a reasonable doubt" hahaha. I am going to tease you about this ENDLESSLY. You will probably have to quit Peak Prosperity.
So you probably should have taken up my offer of a duel. Going back to the east coast on Monday.

What about those Christians?

What if it were your kid? Your home? Your land? How would you feel in their shoes?

Not as clear cut as it would seem.

Definitely some disconnect here:

Does anyone seriously believe that these three steel framed buildings collapsed to dust near or at free-fall speed, due to office fires and jet fuel?
This is WAR. Being waged against you to this day. A war against your freedom. Your children's future. Hell, humanities future.

I don't understand why keep insisting on Israel being the hand of all evil. That is why I keep responding because I don't get it. 
Think about where you got the information about Israeli artists in the trade center building. That information could not have been more wrong. It was not mis-interpreted information, but rather it was sold with the full intention of being a lie. It was an info trap for gullible people who listen to infowars and other for profit scare media who devote themselves to their information resources and think everything that comes out of those resources are a reality. You think the Israeli artist group was the only lie they sold you? There is so much bad information about 9/11 put out there. So much false information that it actually pushes people away from the truthful aspects of it. I remember watching Zeitgeist in college, then realizing how many bad selling points there was. It was loaded with lies similar to the Israeli artist group. I separated myself from the 9/11 truth movement because I could not tell which tidbits were lies and which were not. It's exhausting and most people come to the conclusion to believe the government. I did for a while.

This is all on purpose I believe.

All media has a bias or a propaganda goal. Zerohedge, like RT, has a pro-Russian bias. It's obvious, but I still love Zerohedge because they have some amazing articles, but if you do not think they have Russian backing than you are hopeless.

Fact check everything before you sell it yourself.

And we went there because of what? 



You just guilted Israel for killing Palestinians. How is that different from American killing Iraqis? That is the exact point I was making.
And you know EXACTLY why we went there