Man, Covid-19 Just Keeps Getting Worse...
Great discussion on the role T-Cells play in immunity or lack-there-of. My question to Chris is…”does this mean that if we are NOT vaccinated against the common cold and we get it…and fight it off naturally, that we are more likely to have T-cells that cross over and recognize Covid19?”

Hi Chis…great information. I read the Detroit Study on Hydroxychloroquine. If you look at the drug table you will see that the groups that had the best benefit from the drug were also the 2 groups that had much much higher numbers who also got the steroid skewing the results. So was it the steroid or the Hydroxychloroquine that led to the positive benefits observed? More studies are needed to flush that out for sure. H only-- 948 given steroid, H+ azithromycin 582 given steroid, azithromycin alone 57 given steroid and neither drug given steroid 146. Many physicians wonder if the steroid was the reason for the benefit and not the H. Please clarify. Jennie RN-BC, PhD

Yes, there was a large difference is steroid use between groups. It seems they attempted to control for this confounding factor with their statistical methods.
Please look at the statistical analysis section - it seems two analyses were done. Read the section regarding the one-to-one patient match-ups according to a propensity score (page 8 of preprint).
Then take a look at Table 3 before and after propensity score matching for all the different factors. Looks like they matched 84 patients on steroids in the with and without HCQ.
Then look at table 4 showing the difference remains significant.
Caveat: I’m not a statistician, but I have posted on this before asking anyone with expertise to assess whether the statistical analysis employed was adequate to adjust for steroid use.
If I can find the previous post I shall PM you and give the link. I hope Dr. Martenson is aware of this aspect of the analysis.

Not looking good.

I know that looks suspicious. It is a garbage study. Why? because I have seen how it works and spoken to drs using it… AND none say it works like this. One thing is for sure; this dose is way too high. It is probably gamed too be high to fail … The study was funded by private donors… ( big pharma ) I know for fact there is actually an action that happens in the body with HCQ. The sicker you are the less the dose needs to be. Your body actually needs less the sicker you are. So, I am sure the dose is too high - in fact its twice all other doses used in studies claiming to be effective… I know it would not seem counter intuitive to use more than needed - and have a poor out-come - but my understanding tells me the more you body is sick the less it needs - the way this drug functions… AND if I am the powers that be and wanted to make it look bad and I knew this ( which i do ) I would over dose it too. just saying… its garbage… dose is wrong… throw it out…

I see no reason to move it at this point other than to control and manipulate the numbers and its very stupid political suicide to do this now ( because its blatantly obvious to the whole world ) More of the same corruption… we worried about china numbers - well worry about US numbers just the same now.

With placebo, 10 hospitalizations occurred (2 non–COVID-19–related), including 1 hospitalized death. With hydroxychloroquine, 4 hospitalizations occurred plus 1 nonhospitalized death (P = 0.29).
I'd pick the "avoid hospitalization" outcome, myself. What about you? [Its ironic that the study makes a point of saying that 2 hospitalizations are "not COVID related", and yet anyone who dies while testing positive for COVID is counted as a "COVID death". "Protests are encouraged, but lying on the beach = you want to kill grandma."]  

The move is to free up the CDC to do medical stuff.
You have to realize most of DC and the federal workers are working from home. And with the schools not opening up they won’t be going back in to work anytime soon. There are probably lots of HHS employees that have finished all their sexual harassment training and have nothing to do. They could easily input data and make graphs in their pajamas.
The last thing we want are the few CDC employees that are going into work to be inputing data. We need them working on solutions.

What’s even scarier is the economic impact of COVID-19 going forward. How are people supposed to pay their bills when their jobs are gone forever. 2021 Might see the full impact of coronavirus and I don’t think it’s going to be pretty. I came across an estimate of up $2.7 trillion on the global economy (Source). Scary stuff.

I’m not sure I would. I’m not convinced the safety would have been adequately studied…

Dr. Seheult of Medcram said he would not be first in line.

Here is my take after reviewing this study.
The guys who carried out this study expected to have a 4x larger incidence of hospitalization and death. They expected to test for differences in hospitalization and death but had to change the valuation parameters to “self reported” improvements in how the subjects felt. even so the raw data shows that HCQ takers had improved condition compared to placebo, BUT the number of subjects were too low to call that significant. Dave Fairtex points out that the HCQ takers had less than half the hospital admissions. Perhaps if the number of subjects were 6000 instead of about 200 per group we might see a significant difference.
Of most interest is that only less than 25% of the subjects were over 50 years old. But in that over 50 group the self reported improvement in symptoms was 25% better for the HCQ takers than in the placebo takers. These data (greatest improvement in the most vulnerable) indicate that virtually everyone in the study did NOT need medical intervention but that for the ones with the weakest immune systems, HCQ seems to have been a real help. Again, if there had been 10 times as many subjects or if they had all been over 50 or had co-morbidities, it seems reasonable that HCQ could have had a significant measurable effect.
To me this study does not definitively determine HCQ is not helpful, but hints at the need for greater numbers of people for a proper test and also hints that the HCQ effect is mostly seen in older people who are having a difficult time getting rid of the virus on their own. The people in this study were young and although many of them were found to have the virus, only about 3% bothered to check into a hospital… Come on, there was about one researcher for every 20 subjects and only 220 subjects per group in a continent spanning study, where most subjects are young and virtually no one has to go to the hospital… Why not limit it further and just include 10 college students in each group who are not sure whether they are really sick? And then use the altered protocol to base conclusions on self reported comments on how everyone is feeling?
If you want to see an effect from a putative drug, maybe you need to:
A. test enough people so that you can see statistical differences and
B. test people who are vulnerable and need medical assistance.

my understanding is that african geometry is fractual based, like nature.

Another article on Hydroxychloroquine.
I was just at my doctor’s office (non-covid related) and I asked him about what treatments were being administered here in New Jersey for Covid. He said that right now it is anti-coagulents, steroids and remdesivir. He said that the anti-coags and steroids both helped but remdesivir doesn’t do much at all.
This is really sad, there are treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin that show real promise but the word is not getting out.
He also told me that if it is true that the anti-bodies don’t last more than a few months, we are all in deep trouble.


Thank you for this information. With all the creative minds on the planet, the answers are already here. This is a working answer right here to helping to open up but in lieu of funding these science inventions and good ideas, the money is being spent to prop up the elite in the market and PPP etc.
Answers are already here. I am 100% convinced that the powers that be behind the powers that be… have no interest at all in helping the peons. Us.

No way. I can’t believe they are going ahead with this. If its such a good idea why don’t they gather up some pancreatic cancer antigens and see if that works first?

…the global elites are actively working to eradicate us via population control and, for those who survive, to assert control over every aspect of our lives. Of this I am 100% certain.
An excerpt from the last link:

Why do all of these powerful entities want war?

Because there’s really no other way out of their unsustainable predicaments. Only by triggering a full-blown World War III scenario can they continue to exist, and even flourish. Truly, the New World Order globalist cabal now finds itself in an untenable situation as it grows more desperate by the day. The single most unsustainable aspect of their house of cards is the ever-collapsing Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS). Who does not recognize this multi-decade racket as a global gambling casino where the house always wins? When all major institutional investors are forced to play the game to maintain the appearance of a fair marketplace, it was only a matter of time before this massive Pyramid-Ponzi scheme was exposed. What is not well known is that the creators of the current Global Economic & Financial System knew that it would come to this. That the cracks in the pyramid would become too large to hide. Most importantly, the crushing amount of management necessary to maintain the GE&FS mirage has simply become overwhelming. The banksters can’t do it anymore and everybody knows it. Then there is the rapidly deteriorating state of international affairs (manufactured via incessant false flag operations) that stands as a testament to the ongoing and engineered clash of civilizations. The domestic affairs of many nations are also in the state of permanent disarray by purposeful design (e.g. Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, etc.). All of these apocalyptic events point to the inevitable demise of the present world empire. Each one represents a colossal convulsion that reflects an empire in its death throes. The current Zio-Anglo-American Axis that administers this empire is being exposed mostly by exposing itself. The whole world is now witness to the outrageous crimes constantly committed by politicos and power-brokers in Washington, D.C., London and Tel Aviv (Paris, too). Their unrelenting warmongering throughout the Mideast has been especially calamitous.
I could add so many more links to fabulous, highly credible investigative articles I have read since Covid-19 arrived. I have in fact tried to post comments in the past few weeks links as I come across them. I am continuously stymied by those comments failing to post, for reasons which I am still not clear on. I will be surprised if this comment makes it onto the thread... It is a lot of reading but well worth it for those who are trying to pull the bigger picture all together. Jan

Just looks under powered to me. 4 days is probably too long to wait for truly infected. The treatment effect size was overestimated relative to the sample. So when you have an under powered study you have to give less credence to the null hypothesis, especially when your sample is diluted by people who don’t have the condition being tested. Eyeballing the charted data shows an obvious treatment effect. Randomness, i.e. assertion of the null hypothesis would have shown up in the error bars and inconsistency of the difference between the 2 groups over time. Still if there was a big treatment effect like with antibiotics on pneumonia it would have shown up so I call it disappointing. The high doses are being chosen based on antiviral activity in cell culture. It may not take as much to achieve the immune modulatory effects. And high doses might be counter productive but I doubt it. That would show up in a trial like this.

Chris - Love your analysis of various studies. This is one I thought looked promising. Can you please research this and break it down for us? Does this sound legit?
Thanks and keep up the great work. We are listening! Susannah & Patrick Howard

Google will “ban publishers from using its ad platform next to content that promotes conspiracy theories about Covid-19.”