Man, Covid-19 Just Keeps Getting Worse...

@westcoastjan I could add so many more links to fabulous, highly credible investigative articles I have read since Covid-19 arrived. I have in fact tried to post comments in the past few weeks links as I come across them. I am continuously stymied by those comments failing to post, for reasons which I am still not clear on. I will be surprised if this comment makes it onto the thread...
There's a secret blacklist which will filter/eliminate any post you make, even if you're editing a post or even a thread (also eliminating anyone else's posts), if it contains a blacklisted string. This is very much what some of the Big Tech companies like FB are doing. The PeakProsperity team has yet to address the problem, every day that passes turning more and more into PeakCensorship.

I did find a followup, reading correctly, the 100% reporting labs were actually only publishing the positive cases (aka 100% positive). Seems the labs had been instructed to report positive, negative and total.

@Mohammed Mast Personal anecdote; Recent blood work revealed my Vit D level is 95 ng/ml. I avoid the sun due to skin cancer and supplement everyday.
Wow, that's huge! Are you sure it's 95 ng/ml and not mmol/L? What doses were you supplementing with? What's your melanin level / skin tone?  

Tbp…my level has stayed around 90 for the last 10 years… i do a hydroxy-25 blood test every 3 months to check levels ( My doctor put me on D3 for prostate cancer)… i take about 15,000 iu per day…but everyone is different.

None of this is a secret and hasn’t been for decades. Carroll Quigley wrote a book called Tragedy and Hope. You can find it on Amazon for around $30.He was Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown. Btw Clinton was a Rhodes scholar. That should ring a bell. In the book he talks about the elites and their plans. David Rockefeller was quite open about it.
All of this is not conspiracy theory it is conspiracy fact. At the end of the day however, what are you going to do? They have recruited the best and brightest from the best universities. They have super computers that have run millions of different scenarios. They are 100’s of moves ahead on the chessboard. They are out in the open now. They have their bugout “estates” secured. They have their own private security forces, think Eric Prince.
You know you are here on a site started by one very smart person, Phd, and Mba. Workd for SAIC, VP at Pfizer. In all the years he has been posting has he once ever suggested anything to unseat the elites? That would be a NO. His advice is simply secure your personal assets, buy gold, guns and grow a garden. If he has reached the conclusion that there is no solution only coping mechanisms where does that leave us?
You are right but as they say in India “kaikaroo”. What to do?

I am sure, I am a White wealthy male with a huge portfolio like most everyone here.

At least we have race in common…

The administration may be asking that hospitals report Covid-19 data to HHS rather than the CDC because the CDC has screwed up so often and so badly in their response to this pandemic that the CDC has lost the confidence of senior officials in the White House.
They certainly have lost my confidence. Here is a relevant summary of the CDC screwups.
I note that this summary omits two other major screw ups:

  1. Their failure to have adequate masks, etc. on hand to meet national needs. This is part of the CDC’s core assigned mission and I don’t accept their excuses.
  2. Multiple failures to get a reliable virus test kit produced and distributed in quantity–rendering contact tracing impossible. This is also part of the CDC’s core mission. They screwed the pooch on the test kits also–in spite of Fauci’s saying, essentially “well, these things happen–nobody was at fault”.
    So–I don’t trust the CDC to do much of anything correctly–including count cases properly.

I get mine from tractor supply

Mary – I understand your pessimism. However my impression is that this project was initiated by, and funded by, the Medistar Corporation, a Real Estate Development company which has a specialty in Medical real estate projects, but also engages in development and financing of non-medical real estate. The founder and CEO of Medicare has already applied for a patent for this air filter. Given that there is a pressing need for solutions to the Coronavirus, and presumably there is substantial money to be made by quickly manufacturing these filters for both public and private settings, I see no reason to expect that it won’t happen. Hopefully, Finance Officers and Facilities managers in charge of buildings where many people must congregate, as well as private individuals (in the case of the personal air filter model) are likely to see a positive in the cost/benefit analysis. I could be wrong, but I’m not sure the federal government would need to be involved in these decisions, except in the case of government buildings. Given that the collaborators came up with a successful model within 3 months, let’s hope Medistar makes it happen!

Mohammed: Not everyone is as aware, or as expert as you purport to be… I am well aware of Chris’s credentials and what he has and has/has not said/done here at PP.
While this is Chris and Adam’s site, it is also about information sharing. One of the common refrains/complaints here is that trying to get family, friends and others to buy into the 3Es concepts and resilience is met with A LOT of frustration and resistance to anything outside of the status quo. This is largely related to lack of awareness of how the world really works e.g. not knowing it is the Kasharians not the Kardashians who are running the world.
In my mind, awareness and understanding are a precedent to taking action. In my experience, awareness among the sheeple of what is really going on behind the scenes is slim to none. So is it any wonder that things are as screwed up as they are, the elites are miles ahead of us, and so few are clued in that moving towards resilience is no longer an option, but rather a survival necessity.
If I were to buy into what I perceive you are saying in your response, then we should all cease and desist posting any articles or videos that would serve to create greater awareness for all the people who are lagging behind in their awareness of all the esoteric crap that is under the radar. Why should any of us bother to help anyone else understand how to manage this major predicament? Why should Chris & Adam keep producing videos to enlighten and create awareness?
The cake may be baked but there are still a lot of mitigation strategies to be used & discovered. Few will benefit & get on board if there is no information sharing to help them understand WHY they need to get on board.
It truly did not have to be this way…

You are absolutely correct everything you post is spot on. You can make billions aware of the fact that they are being ruled (fatmed) by psychopaths . Then what? Do you not think Chris knows all of this? Do you ever wonder why he never posts solutions and only coping mechanisms?
My point is there is nothing you can do about it. There is nothing billions can do about it. These people have been doing this for centuries. They own all the resources, they own the military etc. What is your proposal? That is my point. Also my point is yes it had to be this way, it is a plan.
You can share all you wish. And yes I do know a lot about them.

it had to be this way
Although Mohammed messed it up by adding "it is a plan", I think he is spot on. Chris keeps saying it didn't have to be this way (at one point he said "it doesn't have to be this way") but I doubt it could have been any other way. There are variations according to whether a country is lucky enough to have some leadership or an iron fist, but this is how humans were always likely to handle such a situation in current circumstances. So, hypothetically, it could have been handled differently (and even with minimal disruption to economies) but there was zero chance of that happening, since we're talking about human societies.

In 2013, Zheng-Li Shi, the “bat woman,” and her team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were asked to investigate the virus profile of a mine shaft in Yunnan Province after six miners contracted pneumonia with symptoms similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
After sampling the mine shaft for a year, the researchers identified a diverse group of bat coronaviruses, one of which was designated RaBtCoV/4991 (GenBank KP876546) and partially sequenced as a 440-base pair fragment targeting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene (RdRp).
Despite being unique enough to be considered a new strain and associated with a human SARS-like outbreak as a Potential Pandemic Pathogen, thereafter, RaBtCoV/4991 disappeared from the scientific literature.
That is, until 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an intensive search for the origin of the coronavirus responsible, SARS-CoV-2.
In the February 3, 2020 Nature article, scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, led by Zheng-Li Shi, stated that the coronavirus RaTG13, isolated from bats in Yunnan Province, China, showed a 96.2% sequence identity with SARS-CoV-2 and, therefore, “RaTG13 is the closest relative” forming a distinct lineage from other coronaviruses and supporting China’s claim that SARS-CoV-2 is naturally-occurring.
A month later, on March 17, 2020, the article “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” widely-cited by scientists and the media, supported the conclusion that RaTG13 is SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative, which likely “jumped” from animals to humans in the Wuhan Seafood Market.
It is important to note that, Ian Lipkin, one of the authors of “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” the article supporting China’s claim that SARS-CoV-2 is naturally occurring, received a medal from the Chinese government in January, 2020.
It did not take long for doubts to appear about the validity of the RaTG13 argument or even its existence . We have now learned that RaTG13 existed only on paper. RaTG13 and RaBtCoV/4991 are the same virus.
The entire RaTG13 genome was first uploaded to the National Institutes of Health GenBank on January 27, 2020 and updated on March 24, 2020. In those filings, there is no mention of RaBtCoV/4991.
Yet, in a Chinese virus database, dated March 7, 2020 in the source code, RaTG13 and RaBtCoV/4991 are listed as being the same virus. It means that China knew early on that RaTG13 was not a unique coronavirus, but merely a duplicate of RaBtCoV/4991 and kept that important fact secret.
China has long implied that RaTG13 was only discovered in 2020 after the onset of the pandemic via a search of its coronavirus database.
That claim was echoed by Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance and long-time collaborator of the Wuhan Institute of Virology:
“We found the closest relative to the current SARS-CoV-2 in a bat in China in 2013. We sequenced a bit of the genome, and then it went in the freezer; because it didn’t look like SARS.”
Now comes yet another stunning revelation. It was not in the freezer.
According to new information, Chinese scientists experimented with RaTG13 during 2017 and 2018.
The evidence clearly shows that, not only did China lie in a major way about the origin of COVID-19, but that it is, without question, due to a man-made virus.
China lied, people died.

MM. You say “In all the years he (Chris) has been posting has he once ever suggested anything to unseat the elites? That would be a NO. His advice is simply secure your personal assets, buy gold, guns and grow a garden. If he has reached the conclusion that there is no solution only coping mechanisms where does that leave us?”
That leaves us with a fantastic opportunity to get back to nature and cut ties with the failing system, and create a new viable system. That is the revolution. We have abundant resources at our disposal today…the only question is how do we use those precious resources in the short time we have left.
In a societal collapse the elites may have bunkers and piles of money and hired staff, but they won’t survive. The humble prepper might be the only demographic to come out the other side…hopefully with a few like minded neighbors.

@Mohammed Mast You are absolutely correct everything you post is spot on. You can make billions aware of the fact that they are being ruled (fatmed) by psychopaths . Then what? Do you not think Chris knows all of this? Do you ever wonder why he never posts solutions and only coping mechanisms? My point is there is nothing you can do about it. There is nothing billions can do about it. These people have been doing this for centuries. They own all the resources, they own the military etc. What is your proposal? That is my point. Also my point is yes it had to be this way, it is a plan. You can share all you wish. And yes I do know a lot about them.
It's really more the other way around: there is nothing they can do about it. What is "it"? The ascension and anchoring of the Earth's energies into the 5th density, and of those humans who join her into a 4th density Earth experience. The darkness is within you. We wanted to be challenged so we invited the best ones around. They've been around for many thousands (not just hundreds) of years, posing as our gods and even claiming descendance from Atlantis some 12,000 years ago way before the period they tell us is our "history" (but represents more the idea of an alien invasion or pulling of a great yet thin veil over our senses that prevented us from remaining in contact with our ET neighbors as we always had been). Their plans are massively failing, like never before, making them desperate to the point of attempting a timeline hijack via a medical police state. There is nothing they can ultimately do because their service-to-self negatively-polarized frequencies don't resonate (aren't vibrationally compatible) with our ever-increasingly service-to-others positively-polarized 4th density frequencies. There isn't just one planet. There are infinite parallel versions of Earth, which you are shifting through every instant (every planck length of time) based on your choices/beliefs/definitions. It's always been, and now more than ever it is, all about YOU. Research metaphysics. Check out Peter Russell, Tom Campbell, Bashar, ... and DMT or otherwise softer 5-HT2A agonists, to open your senses/perception to more of what you are and what's within you (whole densities of experience/reality far beyond physicality). Dr. Tom Murasso explains in the simplest of terms what ascension means: BTW, just curious, do you know if your vit.D level is 95 ng/ml or mmol/L?


China has long implied that RaTG13 was only discovered in 2020 after the onset of the pandemic via a search of its coronavirus database. That claim was echoed by Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance and long-time collaborator of the Wuhan Institute of Virology: “We found the closest relative to the current SARS-CoV-2 in a bat in China in 2013. We sequenced a bit of the genome, and then it went in the freezer; because it didn’t look like SARS.”
To believe these weak-as-wet-tissue-paper lies, you'd have to believe the following string.
  1. The Batlady, Daszak, Lipkin, et al were hot on the trail of SARS-like coronaviruses. Their entire professional careers were organized around finding SARS.
  2. They struck paydirt! 6 miners were stricken by a virus and they sampled one from the very mine shaft they miners worked in that had enormous sequence homology to SARS itself. This would be 4991.
  3. So, naturally, as the liars would have us believe, they simply stopped looking into this any further, and forgot about it in some lonely freezer.
  4. Instead they fruitlessly explored elsewhere sampling furiously because, you know, that's how motivated, intelligent people go about things.
  5. Later, once SARS2 exploded onto the scene, they then magically uploaded the entire sequence of RaTG13 to the virus database. Presto! Unfortunately, the rate of non-synonymous mutations, while matching at the macro level, did not track naturally (at all!) at the micro level. Oops! Like a building coming down at freefall, it's not always possible to get all the pesky details of an operation right.
The main difficulty I have is in believing that the very people who were scouring furiously for SARS somehow overlooked the best sample they had, even forgetting to store it in a freezer, and then spent the next 7 years scouring elsewhere. But then magically had the entire thing sequenced . Yeah, right. I have to confess; I no longer trust anything coming from any of the virologists, including that paper by Holmes allegedly showing an insert in a (not very) closely related betaC. Could that be entirely made-up too? Quite possibly given the desperation of the GOF crew. At the very least, I'd want to see original samples handed to a second lab for verification.

Right on, Olive Oil Man.
Propaganda Posters: They’re Back! | Propaganda Review
Every major revolution has come from a new way of using (unlocking) energy. From the invention of fire, to settlement agriculture, to coal/steam engine-industrial revolution to the oil age our language and relationships have drastically altered due to how we get and use energy. We are embarking on a new paradigm shift, now. Preppers are leading the way. This has always been the case, if you look at development of new technology that changed things. The history of development in automobiles, the steam engine, radio technology, computers, chemicals etc. the early guys were all do-it-yourselfers. The do-it-yourselfers in the present context are the preppers. This is because an entire lifestyle is at stake. The preppers are the only ones facing the problem and doing something about it by taking matters into their own hands in the grand tradition of adopting basic new technologies/new modalities for living.
The present “crisis” is an energy crisis. Those of use who prep well and get energy right will pave the way. The Elite with their Tokyo’s, New Yorks, Londons etc. need us. We do not need them. (see the cartoon- I want to modify this to show the guys stepping off the board and walking TOWARDS a DIY work bench and use for a topic page). This is a crucial point to me because I am writing a book on this topic. I am looking for someone who might read and comment on my short chapters (I have 7 one-page chapters so far) and also am looking for someone to draft simple pictures for each short chapter, as a partner in making the book happen. My wife is starting a group to translate into Japanese and wants me to publish here.
This point (your comment) is the most important thing in the world right now. Thanks for mentioning it.

Assuming that these initial indications of limited immunity are true and that any vaccine will be affective at approximately the same level and timeframe we can still work to make best use of their affectedness within the time frame allowed. If whatever effective vaccines can be produced and scale enough to manage a large percentage of the worlds population eventually we should try to propose agreements for a time structured application to make herd immunity a conceivable achievement.
When general vaccinations are possible, even when they’re prophylactic viability is limited to a few weeks, coordination of their application to discretionary populations on say, the first of each month could perhaps help minimize transmission within the effective time frames more effectively than if only randomly administered.
Any epidemiologists know if this has any mathematical truth to it as a strategy? Because given what we know it seems that total worldwide eradication has immense value over the long term.