Market Update: Comforting Lies

If someone is strongly convinced the market is headed drastically lower in the near future, and has the ability to make advanced, sophisticated plays, what would be the big play?
It doesn’t take much sophistication to step away from stocks and bonds and into hard assets.
What about shorting the market or using leverage on a short play?

Thank you Chris and Adam for setting up this site with all the free information and offering a place where others with knowledge in many subjects can contribute. I think most here are givers, not users, and provide survival information useable by all. I never understood about money until I was in my forties, my parents didn’t know, and for sure, school doesn’t teach it. Already behind the eight ball. Studied a lot of history to try to catch up.
I have been homeless several times in my life. I am just very lucky right now. I was able to finally understand, twenty years ago, things were going bad and have slowly been able to build up to some independence. It takes study, focus and a plan and it is a marathon not a sprint. Thank goodness for the internet and the public library. And luck and prayer.
That being said, it must be frightening and frustrating for many many people now, to say nothing of the virus fear. I read the stories of the hoards of hungry rats roaming the cities of closed restaurants and wonder how I would have fought them off sleeping in that abandoned garage.
Speaking of gardening, it is still the bottom of the sunspot cycle and the temperature here is going from below freezing last night to over 90 F by Thursday. Weeds, weeds, weeds … Good luck to all.

Hi AKGrannyWGrit,
Please do take Dave’s challenge. Although I understand Adam’s sentiment, I also understand yours. I for one, like many others considering the ongoing discussion, would like to read your contributions. Actually I do agree with many things you state (not perse about PP, but definitely about the “silent, vulnerable majority”), and in all honesty, many times you make me chuckle.
I think that PP is a reasonable small, mixed and in general well behaved community with a reasonable reach. If you think PP is unbalanced, here you have a tremendous platform to share your view, your thoughts, actions, but formost your advice!
As Adam and Chris provide us this service (for free), it is fair to accept their terms and conditions I think.
And finally I have the opportunity to ask question you something that I was dying to ask: are you really a Granny with grit and an AK??

“You are right, I will.
Chris talks about and teaches belief. I believe the motto of this site “Create a world worth inheriting” is the only way our world will survive! My definition of that statement means caring about people in general. Many, I think want to create a world worth inheriting that includes me and mine. And to hell with you and yours. My incorrect assumption is that the majority would believe as I do that only by caring for our brethren will we truly create a world worth inheriting. Evidence is provided in ever so many ways that the predominate thinking, including here, is creating a world worth inheriting focuses on me and mine. It’s disappointing that I do not perceive this site as being directed by this motto and treating it as a guiding principal but a tag line. Certainly, my expectations are the problem.
Challenge taken Dave!”
I agree with some of that, and I also suspect a lot of people feel that way, but are scared to admit that to themselves and to others, if they do, what then?
None of us have lived through anything like what we’ll be living through, and the cultural narrative we have been indoctrinated with makes it very difficult for us to imagine the how do we get from here to there… Charles Einstein and others talk about it, and write about it, but that’s a far cry from the actual doing of it. I’ve read, and think it’s a good analogy, that the current paradigm we live in (of competition and greed) is dying, and in its death throes another paradigm (cooperation and sharing) is being born. It’s like moving from one ecological succession to another one, which was, for me, was an important analogy I learned from John Michael Greer’s “The Long Descent”.
Since our current cultural narrative doesn’t and won’t allow for much room to start birthing our new paradigm, our new narrative (which in a weird way helps us during the transition). The old narrative is currently dying and a lot of the 1% are freaking out, trying their darnest to maintain power and control. This particular aspect has been written about by many authors for several decades, and is being written about more and more, both online and in print. The new narrative/jigsaw puzzle has a lot of pieces missing, and we (here as well as out there in the physical world) need time to start talking and imaging it, then taking steps and doing things. How do we create it? What do we want it to look like? And feel like? Just as a house, or a piece of art, a new garden, etc. it starts in our imagination. What do I want? What do I need? How can I do that? How can I share what I have? What do I have that I can share? What skills do I have (which is a big one)? What can I do to help others? How can I ask others to help me? etc. Which can all change, as we use, hopefully, more critical thinking, asking questions, give ourselves and others time, precautionary principles, accepting feedback from Nature and others, adapting and modifying plans…
“Now you have the chance to do so too. You can make a difference. Like all things worthwhile, it will require a fair amount of effort. Alternatively, you might just be content to only complain, trying to prod someone else into doing the heavy lifting. This is put up or shut up time, Granny. You have a unique perspective. How can you expect rich white men to understand the situation you see so clearly? Doesn’t that just sound crazy on its face?”
Yes, it does. Just as crazy as a white person trying to understand what a black person sees, etc. etc.
“So the question is, do you have what it takes? I suggest: take all the energy you spend complaining - that’s a fair amount of energy - and direct it towards providing us the bi-weekly commentary. As someone who provides daily commentary - let me tell you, a bi-weekly commentary feels like a vacation. Just saying.
I for one am very interested in seeing what you might come up with. I know something is wrong, but I’d love to hear chapter and verse. I hope you take action, and will not be content to just sit back and complain and hope some rich white man will do it for you.]”
When I first learned of peak oil, after my initial 6 weeks of major funk, shock, anger, and disillusionment realizing the future wasn’t going to be what “they” promised and I had been expecting. I discovered Kathy McMahon’s Peak Oil Blues website which helped a lot and I even posted my “story” which was quite empowering, for lack of a better word. Also, Carolyn Baker and Sharon Astyk. In the meantime, I kept reading and researching the various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and learning about the interdependencies, like an ecosystem. Taking classes (basket weaving was one), asset-stripping and buying hand tools, sewing, gardening, candlemaking and cheese making supplies, and books, etc, reading some of them and thumbing through others… A few were fiction, and I’m not the only one trying to imagine what the steps might look like for us as we continue our falling off the cliff and end up in a world similar to the one in which Kunstler portrayed in his “World Made By Hand” series. Starhawk also wrote one, “The Fifth Sacred Thing”. Even as I continue to accumulate books, I wonder and imagine… We are the ones that need to come up with the questions and answers to fuel our collective imagination. We can’t expect ourselves (myself included) to have all the answers when we are starting from a place of “I don’t know”, to expect ourselves to know everything about everything is impossible, a disservice and a lie.
Thank you for your last post. I do agree the Fed is the biggest villain but would also like to add a few others to the list, Big Pharma, Big Ag, AMA, the Deep State, Gates, and Fauci (and there are others).
I hope you don’t go. I don’t think Adam was attacking you, I think he was trying to help you understand and see more of what they are doing behind the scenes (which they haven’t done for others that I’ve seen), why so much attention on the Fed and the markets (which is so heartbreaking for me to think of the impact on the millions and millions of lives), and more of their backgrounds, and I appreciated the information.

Wow! Well, this conversation certainly went quickly off-kilter! I read, and responded to, what I believe was a simple request to provide more balanced PP content for those (~“48%”) with more modest resources. I’m surprised and a bit disappointed as to how this simple request was received. I don’t feel it was an unreasonable request.
I think Granny and others acknowledged, with appreciation, the great value of the existing content and service Chris, Adam and others within the PP team and tribe (such as DaveF’s excellent daily PM briefings) provide. Much of the PP content is provided for “free”, underwritten in part by the paying PP members and purchasers of Prosper! and other PP products and services.
I’m a PP Premium subscriber and I bought the book Prosper! I’m glad that my purchases help in some small part to “pay the bills” for unique free and subscriber-only PP content, as well as for the enormous amount of work that makes this site function. I also contribute articles for possible posting to the PP Daily Digest section, which often times provides additional perspective, information and insights into current topics that may/may not covered extensively elsewhere on the PP site.
Adam is correct in that the “Market Mayhem” videos and articles are well-received, racking-up about 278K views combined for the past four weekly videos (per YT counts). Still, this represents a smaller viewership than the Covid YT video series, which garner anywhere from 100K-450K views per video. Not counting the viewer/share stats from other PP social media or PP website, PP is obviously reaching a very large, diverse audience. Chris, Adam and the entire PP team have worked tirelessly to bring this outstanding, valuable content to a broader public, for which I and many others are very, very grateful.
As I noted in my comment above, this represents a great opportunity to expand the PP tribe, segueing from the current pandemic/economic crisis into greater awareness and broader content about the “Three E’s” (energy, economy and environment).
The subgroup of the curious, knowledgeable and/or with financial resources to invest in the ““markets”” is obviously smaller than those interested in understanding and taking informed action concerning the coronavirus. Are we all affected by these fiscal and economic gyrations? Yes, to varying degrees directly or indirectly of course, so at least some of the information is helpful regardless of whether one has an investment “portfolio”.
I recall the PP/Azurite survey results, if representative of the PP membership, suggest that the PP membership (or at least the survey respondents) is predominantly American, white, male, middle/retirement aged, and above average/higher income. If this is the target audience for PP, then they’ve apparently met this business objective. I felt that a few of the survey questions were embedded specifically to identify possible “leads” for NH. (This is fine considering that survey participation was voluntary, PP paid for the survey and is transparent about its business relationship with NH.) Virtually all of the PP podcasts and articles feature contributions from those fitting the above profile. Many current members (myself included) and visitors do not fit this profile and may have other interests and needs different from those of the PP membership majority.
Whether or not others here appreciate/tolerate AKGrannyWithGrit’s “tone”, or view her comments as “complaining”, “judgmental”, or overly critical of Chris or Adam and their work; I believe that she voices concerns and a perspective that gets little attention here on the PP site. Specifically, those of lower/low-income, working class individuals and families, or younger people with modest or few resources trying to manage through this current crisis, which is deteriorating into what appears to be a long emergency.
Regarding PP content, IMO this is not a binary choice of focusing content to either the “~51%” majority or the “~48%” minority. Some content, such as gardening (e.g., from sprouts to container gardening to Hügelkultur raised beds) is adaptable or within the means of most people regardless of socioeconomic status and so would be relevant and perhaps of interest to a broader audience of PP guests/members.
Many PP members within the “~51%” majority are reaping the rewards of a lifetime of hard work, and a longer journey and affiliation with PP of over a decade or more. Your success and resilience are commendable and inspirational. I didn’t perceive the request for content for the less well-off as disparaging others’ hard-earned success.
But others are elsewhere in their journeys, some caught on very shaky ground as the this pandemic/economic seismic shift upends all aspects of life already on the precipice. They are looking for information and solutions to help them survive this mess, emerge intact and just maybe in a better state if possible.
Some longer term PP members may find these conversations tedious, redundant or off-putting as they have already addressed and incorporated actions to live resilient lifestyles long ago, perhaps jolted into awareness from the GFC of 2007-10 or by ongoing Fukushima nuclear crisis begun in 2011.
The PP website now has more than a decade of great discussions, information and insights from long-term members, but it is very difficult if not impossible to locate in any organized manner due to the site search function limitations. This is no small matter and it seriously impedes information sharing, learning and discussion among PP guests/members. (For example, I searched the site unsuccessfully for a recent post about a Walipini greenhouse.)
Thus the voices and rich lessons learned from past and current PP members is buried on the site due to functional limitations. (These were to be fixed some months ago with by a new PP IT vendor, I believe.) Additional content and voices addressing a broader audience may be helpful, but it may already exist elsewhere on the site. Similarly, more current and focused discussions on the “Forum” side of the PP site tend to be “tangental” (as another commenter noted), receive less traffic, and are soon buried chronologically with the advent of newer Forum topics. Again, a more robust search function might help with this limitation.
It seems counterproductive to me to reinvent what already exists, or fail to address the interests and needs of a substantial but current minority of the PP audience. Indeed, if people do not find what they are looking for here at PP, they will go elsewhere. That would be an avoidable and unfortunate loss on many levels.
Lastly, I’d be upset if AKGrannyWithGrit were moderated into oblivion from the PP site. I believe that Adam and Granny are reasonable people and should be able to come to some understanding through a PM private conversations, even by phone if necessary. Obviously they are not communicating their respective concerns very well, but Adam holds the last word via his role as Moderator. While some may applaud this action, I believe this will have a chilling effect on PP participation.
We are entering a very long, dark and dangerous period. As a community, I hope we can each try harder to be more understanding, tolerant and helpful to each other and guests as we navigate through this long, multifaceted emergency.

I just finished reading your latest post and thoroughly enjoyed it and agreed with it.
I can actually help you with the Walipini greenhouse post since it was mine. I just need to find the proper Word document with it, and I’ll repost it as a new topic thread.
Found it…
Added: I don’t remember how to create a new topic thread, so I’ll add it below:
For over 10 years, I have wondered about the history of greenhouses and what was used before all these huge panes of glass and Polyethylene sheeting were the in-thing. I have tried getting a book on the history of early greenhouses and could only find one book, but it didn’t answer any of my big questions.
I happened upon an article a couple of days ago about fruit trenches! In Northern Russia of all places!!! In very cold temperatures too…
In case you’ve also been curious and been wondering about having access to citrus and other tropical fruits that travel great distances, as supply chains continue to break down even more and we’re living instead of just reading Kunstler’s “World Made by Hand” books. (I know a lot of fruits, vegetables, and berries have varying amounts of Vitamin C, but some of the articles I’ve been reading about anti-virals include lemons, ljmes, and other tropical fruits as good sources.) If that’s the case, I’m including some links which also have some cool pictures (most are black and white, but there was one website that had color pictures which was a nice contrast) which I found fascinating.

Now I have a better idea of what to search for, I’ve been looking for information on fruit trenches and fruit walls (but so far not a lot of information on the how-to-do-it), and I found these:

“Fruit Trenches: Cultivating Subtropical Plants in Freezing Temperatures” I also found this one, it had the same pictures, but with some green color instead of black and white.

And, I found a source for plants and they have several types of fruit that survive temperatures into the low teens. I was also excited this came up during my search. So, rather than starting a new topic, I thought I would post my comment here.

Linda, thanks so much for digging-up your earlier post and adding some additional resources on fruit trenching and fruit walls/Walipini greenhouses. I’ve researched this in the past as it may be a viable solution to my empty and in-need-of-repair in-ground swimming pool. The other option I’ve research is a “natural swimming pond” with the potential for aquaponics. If I pursue this, it may be an ongoing project for which I may call upon you and others within the PP tribe for advice. :wink:
Thanks a million!! :slight_smile:

I would like PP to do more articles and discussion on gardening, canning, livestock, personal protection, and general homesteading stuff. I sincerely believe the new wealth is a flock of chickens, a garden, and a gun (sorry to have to say that). Whether you are on 1/10 th of an acre or a large ranch survival skills are what matter. I have chickens now for the first time and I have fallen in love…(kinda…)They seem to like me.

You’re welcome, my pleasure, happy to share my excitement about the topic. Wow, some cool options you have there. I initially was very interested in aquaponics, but couldn’t find some way that didn’t involve a lot of resources… Filters, motors to run the filters, parts involved, etc. One of the reasons I have been interested in history, how did we do things before the glut of fossil fuels and the emphasis on high tech methods? Same dynamic with greywater harvesting… lots of money involved in designing high tech, fragile systems. In one of Art Ludwig’s books on greywater, I found the valid point, why spend a lot of money on a system that is bound to fail and possibly no longer used, use low-tech and simple, which is what I did in Santa Barbara. We used a system of 2, 5, and 19 gallon buckets, and kept track every month. Only 2 people in the house and the homeowner was able to unhook the washer so the wash and rinse water could be collected in the 19 gallon buckets. 700+ gallons without fail each month. BUT very important to use 100% biodegradable dish soaps, shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent. We then used the 5 gallon buckets to water what needed watering…

Great photo!
Amidst everything else, we have been working very hard in the background over the past several months investing in partnerships to give PP the resources and infrastructure to produce/curate much more of the kind of resilient living “how to” content you’re talking about.
This is a big undertaking, as the subject matter spectrum is vast. But we anticipate that, in addition to today’s PP readers, there are a lot more people (millions?) who will soon be waking up to the need for living less-dependently on the system. Being able to offer them a practical, easy-to-follow curriculum is one of the best ways we can think of for to make a real positive difference to the future.
We’ll share more on this in the coming months as we move from the strategy/planning phase into development.

OOG, When it comes down to it, none of us really “fits” snuggly into any specific category. But you are indeed special, so you can occupy the missing 1% “Other” category not identified in the lively discussions regarding the ~51% vs. the ~48% above. :wink:
Congratulations on your new flock of chickens! I increased my flock on my urban permaculture 1/13 acre “homestead” to 15, now including six fryers (X Cornish/Red Rock?) for the first time. I can’t legally “process” them at home, nor do I want to having done that only once and…yuk! Thankfully, I found a local processor before buying the fryers. The others are prolific egg layers. Tip: if you’re going to “harvest” your chickens sometime in the future, don’t name them.
I would also be interested in/would contribute to some of the additional topics you’ve suggested. Thanks!!

Believing in reincarnation, I have to hope there is some, tho unconscious, choice involved. In my youth in the 1950s, 60s and early 70s, life in the US for a white person, straight male, especially, was not too hard. Even kids often could find ways to make money, I picked a lot of strawberries and beans, others babysat or had paper routs or worked with their parents. Money was worth something. College in California, esp. junior college was basically free. In the 60s, if you didn’t like your boss, you could quit, walk down the street and get another job that afternoon. Now people are scrambling to pile up worthless fed notes, using every underhanded way they can and/ or going into debt just to survive. I think sound money, being paid an honest wage in inflation proof currency, is the only solution. I am interested to see what the youth vote will chose, honesty, integrity, hard choices or socialism and more worthless fiat. The seven deadly sins are still deadly.

First off I would like to say there certainly is a lot of misplaced anger, resentment, and blame.
I first became aware of Chris Martenson sometime in 2007. A friend from OZ who was good friends with Damnthematrix who some will remember, sent me the article Chris had written called “The End of Money” .The title alone was enough to spark my interest. I watched the Crash Course as Chris released them one at a time. I never joined or posted I just followed the info. To be clear I already had the Environment and Energy part of the three E’s down. (I was using a ram pump in 1975). My environmental heroes were Edward Abbey and Dave Foreman. Some might know of them and so know what my approach to the environment is.
I already knew economically there were 2 classes, the screwheads and the doomed. I did not really have much interest in knowing the mechanics until I read Chris’s article. Disclosure in my 55 years of work I have been below poverty line most of it. If I was a foreign country I would qualify for foreign aid. That said thanks to the info Chris was putting out I was able to accumulate gold and silver and advise my daughter to do likewise. I took my entire life savings as did my daughter out of the bank. It was some of the best financial advice we ever got. I have a friend who is invested with Berkshire/Hathaway. I told him to get out of the market when it was around 14k. He had 21 million. I told him to buy gold ($870) He blew me off. 2 years later when the Dow had gotten just above 5k he told me I was right. He had lost 14 million. I wasn’t right Chris Martenson was right.
I have gone years w/o reading anything here then a few years ago popped in and it seemed like a good time to become a member and join in the discussions. I did so mainly because of Cryptocurrency. There was starting to be more discussion here so it was a logical step. I was gifted my first BTC when it was $10. It is now around $9,000. Clearly it is a volatile speculative asset. It is not for everyone. Well it could be if you are not too attached to a rock solid safe paradigm. It happens to be a day traders dream. It can move hundreds in the blink of an eye. You do not need a lot of money to buy some and it is easier to open an account on an exchange than opening a bank acct. I posted a tip on Tezos when it was .30. it is now $2.70. I doubt there is one person here who bought any.
The point is there are opportunities to improve your financial situation. I was in real estes for a brief time and my broker told me (1985 when interest rates were double digits) “you can make tons of money in a falling market” He was right, but I didn’t grasp it or know how at the time.
Chris and Adam owe no one here anything besides what subscribers pay for. They run this site as well as any site I have ever visited. The breadth of the content is absolutely off the charts. i have never seen another site that can compare. It is as everyone knows based on the three E’s . Well economy is one of those. They are not responsible for anyone’s personal micro financial situation. They provide , for free, a ton of macro information and provide resources which many can take advantage of.
People would like to see more gardening or this or that. Everyone here has a computer. There are numerous places to find anything you want to know. It does not all have to be here. One can go to the forums and there are tons of topics posted. There is entirely too much reliance on Chris and Adam to be all things to all people. This site is about resilience. Everyone has to look at their own situation and figure out for themselves based on lots of factors micro and macro how best to do that.
I remember when some friends and me would go to a music festival we would put a tarp down and hang. Invariably people would wander on and want to hang. we would ask them “what are you bringing to the party? You got something to drink? eat? smoke?” If they didn’t have anything to share they were invited to go find another place to hang. I have seen a number of people here complaining about this or that and some ofthem just don’t bring anything to eat, drink or smoke. It is pretty easy to complain and criticize but what actionable info are you bringing to the party. This site is for more than just discussion. This is an online tribe where we share what we know to help the rest of the tribe. No one and I mean NO ONE shares more than Chris and Adam in exchange for NOTHING. That to me is one helluva a deal.
Disclaimer; I have never owned a stock in my life, but my wife said to me last night “Damn we should have bought some Moderna a few weeks ago” LOL
So yeah the motto is “Create a world worth inheriting”, it is not come here and we will create a world worth inheriting for you. Waking up is also realizing as Chris has said “You are on your own”
I apologize for being so long winded.
Thank you Chris and Adam.I could have done it without you but you guys sure made it a lot easier. And a big thanks to all have made real contributions with your information.

Nate of CanadianPrepper vlog provides a concise, plausible albeit dire scenario of possible outcomes during 2020. How have/will you prepare for aspects of this scenario that you think are likely to happen?

There is information (some dated) on the PP Wikis section on this PP website that new and longer-term members may find useful:
Wiki topics include: Food Storage; Growing Your Own Fruits and Vegetables; Personal Safety and Home Defense; Selecting a Firearm; Emotional Resiliency; and Home Energy.
This is apparently the collective work of PP members, and includes the following suggestion, “And if you have the expertise to offer, please edit or add to these wikis accordingly.” Some of Wiki content and links could be refreshed and additional, newer content could be posted. However, I didn’t see how to accomplish those edits and additions, or a description of the process of vetting of content for appropriateness and accuracy prior to posting. Is there a place on the PP site where comments concerning these topics are housed? If buried within the “Forums”, is there a way in which these are organized to facilitate access? Lastly, is there a place on the PP site where content and comments regarding major events (e.g., the Great Financial Crisis, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and (currently and in the future) the novel coronavirus/Covid-19) are/will be archived?
Could Adam or someone more familiar with this process provide assistance? Thanks!

How have/will I prepare? Well PM’s, and crypto for finances. I was quite happy to hear him say they will go up.
Extremely deep pantry. We have greatly expanded the garden. BTW for those in apartments you don’t need a garden. Buy as much as you can and dry and can ro create a deep pantry. I think food shortages are definitely coming.
We have cut our expenses. We are doing home improvements. We are buying as much necessities as we can, such as tools and gardening supplies.
I have posted this before but I saw this coming in 68. I was part of the "back to the land movement " of the 70’s. There were tons of us getting set up. A lot of us for one reason or another have moved on but have kept that ethic. Truthfully I thought maybe I would get out before the big one happened but here I am. lol. So most of my preps have been ongoing for 45 years.
I bought (with some partners) 142 acres for $38 k in 74. Creeks, springs, ponds, barn, log cabin, about 45 acres of sandy loam pasture. By no means was it easy or paradise but it was the smartest thing I ever did. Even a blind raccoon finds a dumpster every once in awhile.
Bottom line start from where you are, show up. pay attention, do the best you can and leave the results to god

Chris from CityPrepping vlog on “Top 10 Immediate Threats We Currently Face” (part 1 of 2, video, 5/17/20). This content is applicable regardless of whether you live in a city, urban or suburban environment.
Have you completed your threat assessments for the immediate, near term and longer term? Which of these events do you think are more likely to pose the greatest threats and how are you preparing to mitigate these potential threats?

Chris from CityPrepping vlog on “Top 10 Immediate Threats We Currently Face” (part 2 of 2, video, 5/24/20). This content is applicable regardless of whether you live in a city, urban or suburban environment.
Have you completed your threat assessments for the immediate, near term and longer term? Which of these events do you think are more likely to pose the greatest threats and how are you preparing to mitigate these potential threats? Are there any potential threats that have been overlooked in this video? Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

Wow, in Ron Burgundy’s words: that escalated quickly.
I have been a member of many online forums, and seen “moderation” in many forms and flavors. Rarely have I seen as much thoughtful and considerate moderating than here. Hats off to Adam and the PP team.
Secondly, it’s very clear that Granny has an axe to grind. Not sure why. But accusing Adam of “publicly shaming” her - I’m dumbfounded. Was there something deleted in this thread that I missed ?
After repeated encouragement to “be the change you want to see”, all I can see is Granny continuing to complain. About FREE content. Jeepers.
As with everything in life, nothing will ever be perfect for everyone. PP won’t. I’m running out of charitable explanations why someone like Granny would stick around complaining, without showing any constructive effort to DO something about it
At any rate, I’m very thankful to PP and the Tribe. The information and knowledge presented here is unlike anything else I have found on ‘da webs’.
And for those this doesn’t fit the bill - more power to you. Go an create something for the tribe that represents your view and issues.

I’m running out of charitable explanations why someone like Granny would stick around complaining, without showing any constructive effort to DO something about it
I must have missed your charitable explanation! All I heard was Oh boy I want to kick Granny too!! Let me throw a little more criticism and condescension on the pile.
Secondly, it’s very clear that Granny has an axe to grind. Not sure why. But accusing Adam of “publicly shaming” her - I’m dumbfounded
Yep, from where I sit that’s my perception. And it’s not okay to tell people they are wrong if they don’t see the world as you do. One of the great things about getting older is your hide gets a little thicker still, I think your post was intentionally hurtful, unnecessary and not appreciated. AKGrannyWGrit