Mass Psychosis & You

Thanks for providing the link to the survey. (Yes, it probably showed up in my search results, but it’s rather old and the title doesn’t suggest that it’s about a survey or poll.) I have some quick thoughts on the material – and Chris’s presentation of it – but I’ll save that for a later comment once I’ve had time to more fully review it.
I do want to respond to your other comments.
You asked if I had responded regarding VAERS undercounting in the previous thread. I did respond to one such post on that topic in #204, in which I looked at two different estimates for the rate of anaphylaxis. You can go there and see if you agree with what I wrote; of course, that was just one study.
Alas, by then multiple people had accused me of hijacking the thread, and though I disagree with that charge it didn’t seem that I could usefully respond to it without seemingly strengthening it. Thus, after writing the above I wasn’t really inclined to return to that thread, and now (after looking up the number for the above) that I see some other charges that have been leveled I’m not too upset with that decision. Had I been notified of comments directed at me then maybe I would have responded, but that doesn’t seem to be how this site operates.
My personal risk from COVID never seemed that high. However, that wasn’t my only concern, as I’d also prefer not to be a link in a chain to someone who is at risk. The question we all have to ask ourselves – both individually and as a society – is what steps we’re willing to take to reduce those risks. I always figured that masks were cheap while required distancing was more expensive, so I was happy when we were able to give up on much of the latter. I was also happy to get vaccinated back in March-April (and at the time it really looked like vaccination was knocking this out), but my personal risk calculations didn’t lead me to “fight” for appointments (as was common before then).

This whole “pandemic” thing has been a hypochondriacs dream. Perfectly normal people who have been exposing the lies of the elites for a decade or more are fully onboard with all the worst of the fear mongering and rediculous responses to the “pandemic”.
This situation has also increased the number of hypochondriacs amongst us ten fold. So many previously sane people can imagine being in public without a mask and are disinfecting everything and themselves on a regular basis.
All of this only serves to make us all less healthy and more prone to sickness.


Trump had no idea he was being used – his promoting hydroxychloroquine threw a big wrench in the deep state plot.
I’ve come to accept that our elections are mostly political theater. Trump was very good at making libs/Dems angry. And MSM bent over backward to make sure we all new every divisive thing he ever did or said; they used him to push people’s buttons. The plan was to divide and conquer, force people to pick a team, then keep each side fighting a constant battle. Hillary would have split the country differently – GOP aligning with independents. Forcing independents to ally with Dems created a more cohesive suicide pact. If they get to 70% they can exclude the remaining 30% (as we’re seeing in LA, SF, NYC).
I didn’t vote for Trump, but I’ve become good friends with many people who did. We’re ALL tired of being looked down upon, by the sociopaths in DC, who use our tax dollars to poison us.


Thanks for providing the link and excerpt. As I admitted above, it was probably somewhere in my search results, but its age and title prevented me from following that particular link. I’ve already glanced at it and have some opinions, but I’ll give it a good read.

I also don’t understand how geopolitics overlays/interacts with the elite’s plans. Although governments are anything but democratic, there appear to be competitions among geopolitical players (e.g., Russia/China, India/?? and the western factions). Is that just an illusion?


I doubt the hoi polloi will have access to the enhancements. It will only be for the elites at huge costs.
I can’t believe this is coming out in line with the lack of early treatment for covid.

I am an Australian, and finding it hard to find blogs, podcasts etc in the vein of Peak Prosperity. Does anyone know of good truth sites. Truth is what i am interested in.
Speaking of mass psychosis. A friend yesterday, in her attempt to convince me to fall in line with her and her vaccinated cohorts, told me her two single sons, in their 30’s, who are vaccinated, will, in the future, be only dating and having sex with vaccinated women.
Knowing them as I do, I found this hilarious. And called her on it. Can’t you imagine it at the heat of the moment, pants down…show me your vaccine passport. Maybe Tinder will be requiring vaccine status. So time for an alternative dating site for the unvaccinated.


Usually try to be restrained, but had enough of the sanctimonious, entitled vaxxed sh*ts demanding I comply with whatever they decide. Where does it end?
Imposing an untried, no control group, no Phase III trial, never animal tested concoction on the public is perfectly OK just so you feel better? Do you or your vaxxed buddies currently take any supplements/medications to prevent contracting the disease? Why not? It’s not a choice of jab or nothing; it’s about PREVENTION.
Group of friends 60yo> who like to travel took the jab. Out of 5 couples, two of the women suddenly developed heart arrthymias. Never had it before. So that’s 20% already have issues within 6 months of jab.
I have the right to protect myself from the possibility of PERMANENT disability from this witches’ brew despite the fact you’re uncomfortable. If you’re so confident in the vaccine, and have had your two doses and possible booster, and wear the muzzle then YOU SHOULD BE PROTECTED according to CNN. If half-way truthful, you should only have a mild case and not be hospitalized, then what I or anyone else does is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!!!
BTW, you do understand that animals contract C-v including dogs and cats. (Documented in animals- San Diego and Atlanta zoos’ gorillas caught it from vaxxed keepers. Look it up.) Scared enough to euthanize Fluffy to protect yourself? Remember Dr. F and the like pedaled “the wet market; it’s from bats” narrative a while. Since even wild animals are reservoirs, you can’t fix it with treating humans.
“It’s about a nasty virus.” Yes it is “nasty,” the lies being told. Now it’s about genocide through hospitals to thin the herd. Between blocking surgeries for unvaxxed, turning away traumas/ heart attacks that are treatable, and shutting down hospitals with firing staff…the Nazis would be proud.
Feb '21 they murdered my sibling through the current hospital protocols when they failed to recognize a pneumothorax with pnuemonia and delayed treatment. Wound up putting them on a vent and it magically became C-v. (This person already had lung issues due to autoimmune disease.) Left them in ER for 14> hours, then left them alone in the room to “limit our staff’s exposure.” Didn’t discover the lung hole until person’s sats crashed on post intubation x-ray… guess they don’t know how to use a stethoscope or they were “limiting their contact.”
At exactly 30 days, declared sibling braindead - without a single test. Protested and got the medical folks to stop sedation, run tests (all normal), and a miracle occurred- woke up! Then had to fight to start dialysis even though in renal failure. Pulled off gallon of fluids every other day. Finally dragged on long enough sib died of secondary infections. These are the people you trust?
If the young medical people are such sniveling cowards as they “don’t want to be exposed,” then quit. I spent 27 years in medicine and waded into TB, whooping cough, flesh eating bacteria, anthrax, etc. Treated AIDS patients from 1982 without gloves, gowns, or masks because “we don’t want to stigmatize them.” I survived.
If you’re terrified of those ignorant unvaxxed, unwashed masses then by all means, YOU CAN STAY HOME!
Oh, and your retarded comments about no mask people or those silly face shields… spent a lot of time working in ICUs and surgery. The purpose of both is to keep chunks of tissue, pus, etc. from flying into the nose/mouth of the wearer. It doesn’t protect anyone else. If you get splatted, you immediately wash and change it to lower load exposure. Cotton, nylon, or paper masks are not Star-trek technology or enchanted talismen that magically block airborne virus particles. The only things that do what you require is Level IV biohazard lab suits with air lines. You and me ain’t got one.
I’ve been recently battling this same BS with family over Thanksgiving with demands everyone take a C-v test for the pregnant already vaccinated person. She is not hosting the event. So the vaxxed parents with unvaxxed small kids attending daycare demand compliance. Here’s the irony- Of the vaxxed in the family, three have caught C-v.
If it’s your house, you set the rules. If it’s someone else’s house, you’re uncomfortable- STAY HOME. Otherwise just piss off!


Thanks for the pointer to reply #204.
There’s a specific reason I asked you to quantify your own risk assessment for COVID. I wanted you to be part of an experiment to see if “liberals” come up with numbers that are wildly off base, vs “conservatives” that (presumably) come up with numerical risk assessments that are less wildly off base.
I still hope I can convince you to play along, and come up with a numerical assessment. (“Not that high” isn’t numerical). As an engineer, I like numbers far more than these weasely subjective measures, so I can compare one set of numbers with another set of numbers to come up with “risk assessment in context.” Comparing my annual cancer mortality risk with my COVID mortality risk is one example.
I am still hoping that you’ll do me the favor of coming up with a numerical risk assessment for yourself. Just to humor me maybe?
As for “taking the shot to save grandma” - it doesn’t do that. Even Old Doc Fauci last year was very clear: “the vaccine prevents severe disease.” The shot is non-sterilizing. Heck. It doesn’t even provide an all-cause mortality benefit, as we saw from the Pfizer trial. See page 12 in the trial supplement, below:
So while its very nice you “don’t want to be part of the chain”, the shot wasn’t designed to do this. It was designed to protect against severe disease.
One good way to avoid being “part of the chain” is to use substances that reduce your chances of coming up positive. Like all those healthcare workers that took ivermectin as prophylaxis. In addition, the nasal irrigation, and the gargles too. Those things really work - if your goal is to “save grandma” these are your best bets. High vitamin D levels help. Apparently, so does melatonin. One particular HIV PREP medicine does this too. Who knows why.
Of course, the best way to avoid being “part of the chain” (and save grandma) is to self-isolate when you have symptoms. The vast majority of transmission happens from symptomatic people. So if you want to “save grandma”, don’t be running around when symptomatic. Just practicing self-isolation (according to the study below) will reduce transmission by 97%. That’s better than any claimed vaccine efficacy. “Stay home when symptomatic.”
As for undercounting - you didn’t address the fact that the CDC has what appears to be some pretty egregious vaccine misinformation (in favor of the shots, of course) pasted all over its front page, which they have yet to update, some 10 months later.
How many other lies have they kept on their front page? I don’t have time to track them all down. But this lie is a smoking gun. We can both agree, I hope, that the anaphylaxis rate isn’t what the CDC says it is on the front page of its COVID19 vaccination website.
Why do you think they haven’t corrected this horrific bit of misinformation?
As for my specific claim that this applies more generally - I stand by this assessment. The cohort getting early vaccination was a mix of healthcare workers (which demographically match the people in the study I referenced) and old people. So if 50% of the early vaccinees were healthcare workers, that’s still a 30x undercount rate.
VAERS undercounts far more than a survey that asks everyone what happened to them. That bit of common sense (soliciting a response, vs placing a series of barriers between the person, and them describing their experience) is quantified by that study.
60x undercount rate. Or maybe only 30. That’s still … monstrous. With - what - 16k deaths reported, multiplied by 30x undercount, that’s almost 500k deaths.
Then if we add in risk reduction from early treatment - the shots would seem to be a terrible risk/benefit trade off for most people.
“Stay home when sick” = save grandma.
“early treatment” + reasonable BMI + activity + supplements = avoid death yourself.


You’ll probably not see this but you said

Who else looked for subliminal messages in that set? I didn't find any even after turning my laptop on it's side but tbh I've never been great at it anyway.
I have a thing about subliminal messages... I realized a while back that they actually kinda work, and so I learned how to make my own subliminals to listen to while I'm sleeping (just things like productivity, health, etc). And it occurred to me a few weeks back that there's a very strong likelihood that there's a lot of subliminal messaging out there around Covid that might be responsible for part of the hysteria. So I made another subliminal to basically counteract the effect of any subliminal message that I didn't consciously consent to... let's hope it works! But all that to say... I suspect that there is subliminal messaging around a LOT of this stuff.

In one of Kevin’s emails from around a decade ago, he discussed research that showed an inverse relationship with subconcious information. Said another way, the less we notice something, the more we are influenced by it.
Derren Brown uses this a lot… psychological magic!
Something to think about when faced with what seems insurmountable obstacles to change a worrying course in history. How hard would it be to get a group of protestors for example to participate in this, thus carrying a subliminal message out to the public without appearing to do anything at all?
I love how you make your own subliminals. I used to play with Audacity but all the other stuff you have to download with it means I haven’t bothered lately. Instead I cheat and use Subliminal Shenobi via youtube or one of my collection of Paraliminals from time to time.

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So that thing from Kevin makes a lot of sense, because if we’re consciously aware of something, there’s potentially some inherent skepticism that our brains will go through. A self defense mechanism, if you will. But if it’s all subconscious and we aren’t aware, it’s as if we don’t have any natural defense against that and it will just slip right past. Which is why this can be so concerning, the thought that potentially the masses are being manipulated via subliminals.
I’ve used some other people’s subliminals but I am very un-trusting, for one, but the way I do them is I set them all to a rainfall track so that I can just create playlists for specific areas. Like if I have a big day at work the next day, I’ll listen to my work & productivity playlist. If I’m wanting to focus on more motivation to get moving and eating right, I’ll listen more to those ones, or if I’m going to fast the next day I listen to my fasting subliminal and have next to no hunger the next day. I can add and remove them and just sleep through it all night long because it’s the same white noise track for each one, and I play them on a loop, so it’s REAL convenient to have my own custom ones.
I kinda like your idea! Not sure about how it would be pulled off. Ethically of course, it would feel weird to me to be intentionally trying to subliminal message someone without their knowledge. Even though I’d really love to just wake people up.


Look up Reverse Speech by David Oates. It fits in with the idea of using subliminal messaging.
Highly advise listening to some reversals before blowing it off as nonsense. Since this occurs in day to day life, it makes sense the elite would know of it and use it. Then there is Voice of god technology, etc.
Fauci lying
Bottom line is that in normal conversations, there are fragments of the true intent of the speaker sent directly to the unconscious of the listener. When either lying or highly emotional, these blurts tend to occur more often. This is why women, who as newborns are already more clued in to auditory sense, often pick up subtle verbal bits and will mention they distrust or dislike someone they just met.
If the receiver is in traumatized state, they are more persuadable. It is a principle of Monarch Programming. It is also the core plot of the Manchurian Candidate.
Frightening people for a long time, caging their movements, and then manipulating their money and jobs certainly qualifies as trauma.

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My friend/teacher Leonard Orr had a collection of spiritual practices designed to clear out what he called The Death Urge. One thing he would do was to donate blood regularly. He thought that women were more intuitive because of the regular blood loss that cleansed the body spiritually.
I looked into backwards speech years ago and didn’t think much of it. Of course that doesn’t mean there is nothing there…plenty of language patterns do work, NLP + the metamodel for example.
Back to my friend Leonard… he used to describe confusion as the state between two realities. I think that’s a good definition.
The example of the White House set being designed deliberately to confuse is worrying… in a state of confusion you are highly susceptible to influence.
Leonard would say that if you were confused to choose which reality you want to believe. This has worked for me to cut through confusion while under high stress so I could make effective decisions.
Most people don’t think this way so I’m not optimistic of the results of this mass mind experiment especially given the issues caused by it.
I can see a point maybe as soon as mid December where the masses turn and no amount of fake sets or clever psychological tricks will quell the anger.


I believe things can go and end up just like how they are without some masterplan or conspiracy. Information distorts (Selfish Gene/Meme theory, Richard Dawkings), and more so in the digital age. MSM automatically promotes polarization and misinformation (Manufacturing consent, Noam Chomsky). Corporations rule the world, not men, corporations have no conscience they are on a higher level of emergence hierarchy than men, and money is the perfect tool to change the world. And it is changing; for optimizing corporate profits.


That reverse speech video of Fauci seems to really be grasping at straws trying to find meaningful content in his reversed speech. I also can’t for the life of me come up with a mechanism for humans to develop the capability to unconsciously speak in ways that their true message comes out when the wave pattern of their speech is reversed in time. The ability to record speech and play it back reversed is a blip in the history of language. Of course, we would also need the capability to hear speech and unconsciously reverse it in our mind and derive meaning from it.
On the other hand, there are real techniques to manipulate people that are fairly well understood.
I would argue that it is very important for us to develop our ability to be present in the moment and to understand the inner workings of our psyche, particularly our patterns of unconsciously re-enacting the actions we took as children to protect ourselves from the challenging and sometimes traumatic situations we found ourselves in. By doing this, we are much more capable of seeing the manipulation in progress. Once we see it, it has little if any power over us.
Internal Family Systems therapy is one framework for understanding this. In this framework, there are “parts” in our psyches including exiles, wounded children who found themselves in scary, sometimes overwhelmingly scary situations they could not handle. The other important parts are protectors, those inner parts who stepped in to protect the child at the time, often with a brilliant method that got important needs met. However, those methods tend to get frozen in place - used over and over again for decades even though they are dysfunctional in our current adult lives.
As an example, in my life, as a small child, reaching out, making friends, participating in groups, even sharing challenges with my parents were very scary for me. I eventually developed a huge case of social anxiety and often isolated myself, making things worse of course. This triggered that existential fear of being without a tribe to look out for me. This was my exile.
My protectors developed over a number of years including the people pleaser (if I do what you want, you’ll love and protect me) in early childhood; the fake rebel (“They’re all a bunch of no good party animals with no morals or sense of what’s really important”) - as a young teen, and the addict (“This is too scary, I’ll just escape into my books, my thoughts, my hobbies, etc.”) probably in middle childhood.").
A huge part of my coming to this place where I can see the world for what it is (or at least more of what it is) and am more and more able to act with courage from my inner knowing, has been coming to know these parts viscerally and to be aware of them more and more often as soon as they awaken and try to run my inner show.


I would suspect he’s referring to this report from the Brookings Institute: The actual research in that white paper was done by Franklin Templeton-Gallup.

yes, trump was used to fear monger those on the left. and he did do a number of horrible things. and biden is used to fear monger those on the right. and he is no saint either. The important thing to remember is that as long as we the people perceive each other as dems or repubs or liberals and conservatives the rich win because we are too busy pointing fingers at each other, when the rich are the ones causing us the trouble.


"In response, the state Teacher Standards and Practices Commission filed a temporary order to establish emergency substitute teacher licenses.
“Under this order, the only requirements are for candidates to be 18 years of age and older and undergo a background check.”


I just went to a supermarket and an Italian food specialty store. Both had signs up offering employment. The supermarket not only had a sign up but was also advertising open positions on the audio feed.
At the check out counter in the Supermarket, the line was going very slowly since the cashier was obviously very old and could only move slowly. I got the impression that he was hired since they could not find anyone else to do the job.